is it really possible Planet X will end us all in 2012?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
is it really possible Planet X will end us all in 2012?
Sixteen answers:
2009-03-26 23:49:36 UTC
The 2012 doomsday prophecy is a hoax, and there is plenty of scientific evidence that the world will *not* end in 2012.

Planet X, alias Nibiru, is a fictitious member of the solar system, supposedly five times the size of earth and due to pass close enough to cause catastrophic damage on 12/21/2012. We know it's fictitious for several reasons:

1. An object five times the size of earth would be visible in backyard telescopes decades before it could approach the earth. No such object has been seen despite decades of observation by millions of professional and amateur astronomers.

2. Such an object would also have a large gravitational effect on nearby objects, including the rest of the outer planets, and they would not follow their predicted orbits. In fact, the planet Neptune was discovered based on errors in the predicted orbits of known planets. Since the planets are where we calculate they're supposed to be, there is no large unseen object pulling them off course.

3. The Nibiru publicists change their prediction every time an old prediction proves false. Nibiru was originally predicted to appear in 2003; now it's supposed to be in 2012, so who knows what they'll be predicting in 2013?

You may have heard about a few other things that are "supposed to happen" on or around 12/21/2012. They're false as well. The Maya didn't predict the end of the world (their calendar simply reaches the end of a cycle, and the Mayan civilization disappeared before they needed a calendar for the next cycle). Earth is not going to get hit by a giant planet (if it were, we would have seen it by now, and its gravity would be affecting the orbits of everything else in the solar system). The sun will not line up with the center of the Milky Way (it can't; the center of the galaxy is in the wrong part of the sky). The planets are not going to align (it's physically impossible; and even if they could, their combined gravity wouldn't be enough to disrupt anything on earth). The earth's poles will not abruptly reverse (the geographic poles can't; the magnetic poles can, but it takes thousands of years). The sun will not flare up and poison the earth (it goes through regular 11-year cycles of solar flare activity, and 2012 is just another peak). Nostradamus didn't give any specific dates for anything (he was too smart to make that mistake in his "predictions", which the 2012 doomsayers aren't).

Do you remember the Y2K doomsday predictions? The 2012 doomsday predictions are just as accurate. The people behind the 2012 hysteria are in it for the money. They sell lots of books and videos to people who don't know any better. A lot of them were saying the same thing about 2003, and when the earth survived they picked 2012 because of the supposed significance of the Mayan calendar. When 2012 comes and goes and we're all still here, they'll just pick another date and sell more books and videos.
2009-03-26 19:39:36 UTC
No. There is no possibility whatsoever.

This is a myth based on the irresponsible, (and repeated) airing of a ridiculous pseudo-documentary on the History Channel. That network, and the Discovery Channel and Fox, will air anything they feel will get a bigger audience. Sometimes, their shows are good and worth watching. Other times, they are foolish, sensationalist, tabloid-style hype. It is often difficult to tell which is which, unless you know about a subject. I know about the history of doomsday predictions, pseudoscience, and astronomy.

The Mayan calendar does not predict the end of the world. They did keep an accurate calendar, but contrary to popular opinion, never predicted any world event accurately. They couldn't predict their own demise; why should they be able to predict ours?

The alignment with the galactic center is not going to happen. It comes fairly close to happening EVERY year on Dec 21, and will be exactly the same as it always is, in 2012. Even if some perfect alignment did occur, there is nothing about it that could affect the earth. It's like saying, "When these three parking spaces are occupied by three red cars, the world will come to an end."

Doomsday prophets have always been around and they are always wrong. Every 5 to 10 years, some prediction catches the public's attention and scares a lot of kids...usually thanks to irresponsible media decisions. Dozens of different doomsday scenarios have been piggy-backed on to this date since the show aired. Go to this site to see how many predicted apocalypses we have already missed.

All that Nibiru stuff is bunk, too. No such planet has ever been discovered. The claim that it was discovered some 25 years ago is not true.
2009-03-27 03:07:00 UTC
Harrington died in January 1993, without having found Planet X. That same year, Myles Standish used data from Voyager 2's 1989 flyby of Neptune, which had revised the planet's total mass downward by 0.5%—an amount comparable to the mass of Mars[38]—to recalculate its gravitational effect on Uranus.[39] When Neptune's newly determined mass was used in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Developmental Ephemeris (JPL DE), the supposed discrepancies in the Uranian orbit vanished. Moreover, there are no discrepancies in the trajectories of any space probes such as Pioneer 10, Pioneer 11, Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 that can be attributed to the gravitational pull of a large undiscovered object in the outer Solar System. As of 2009, the overwhelming consensus among astronomers is that Planet X, as Lowell defined it, does not exist.
2009-03-26 21:44:05 UTC
This is an excellent response from a girl called V 'yaard Spanish-speaking:

There is no such planet, there is no single proof of its existence, not a single news of astronomical observatories, not a single news of amateur astronomers who have so far contributed greatly to astronomy is simply a lie .... the size of a planet ....

call Hercolubus, Ajenjo, Nibiru or Planet X, and each who invents his own history on the origin and its effects when passing close to the ground ....

I assure you with 100% confidence that NASA HAVE NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT IT! Why? simply because it is a humbug, and the media are careful to publish serious tales .

.. then wonder why so much noise around this planet ..

. very simple, this is another pathetic attempt to create the crazy lighting to scare the unwary ..

... first tried to get the blessings of god and the professedend of the world by a date to which they feared to him soon… dealt with the astrology… predicting the end of the world because the planets were aligned now in a constellation… and, since no longer it has as much ignorant but more information than is not bothered in verifying, because they use pseudoscience to do of his… clearly, as people understand little or nothing of astronomy, speak to them of giant planets that orbit a dead star that as well orbit around the sun, and common people do not take the annoyance to verify it, already is… another end of the prophesied world…. personally I have found sources that affirm that the end of the world has professed almenos 50 times…. I believe that with this of Nibiru, Hercolubus or Ajenjo it will be number 51 while encounter more historical dates: P… and now it gives the chance that is making agree the arrival of the fictitious planet with the purpose of the Mayan calendar…. that chance no? here you can read something on the matter….
Cody B
2009-03-26 20:41:07 UTC
First off the guy above me clearly has no idea what he is talking about, and is the kind of person who represents the 2012 doomsday theorists.

Anyway it cannot and will not happen. Said Object needs to exist for it to do anything in the first place. Look up the 2012 planet X Otherwise known as Nibiru, check out who Zecharia Stichen; A self taught Sumerian scholar, who knows not even the difference between Sumerian text and Zulu Tongue clicks.
2009-03-26 19:35:30 UTC
The only evidence is that there is no evidence or proof or data OF ANY KIND to support the existence of Planet X.

If a planet was going to hit us in a little over 3 years, we would see it very clearly in our skies by now.

Scientists around the world would have found it, and amateur astronomers would have as well.

If they can find asteroids smaller than our moon out that far, they can find a planet (especially since they have been looking for other planets in our solar system for decades).
2009-03-26 19:45:52 UTC
There is no hard evidence for the idea of "Planet X". Planet X is part of the big "2012 doomsday" hoax these days, having been recycled when it failed to show up as predicted by Nancy Leider, et. al. in 2003.

There is plenty of evidence that nothing particularly important will happen in 2012, despite what you may see on youtube, or various sites promoting the 2012 hoax.

Read the link below (long) for my opinion of the claims of the 2012 hoax promoters
2009-03-26 19:34:24 UTC
No Planet X was later renamed "Eris", which is the distance from the sun to pluto X2 from Earth. Whoever posted that has 0 support from the science community. Also Eris is only the size of Mercury and is speculated to be a big ball of Ice and Rock just like Pluto.
2009-03-27 02:22:19 UTC
There is plenty of evidence. It is all the other way. Planet X, Nibiru, galactic alignments, Mayan prophecies and planetary alignments are all false. These have been invented to sell disaster books and videos to the unwary and to poorly informed kids who generally believe almost anything if two of their friends tell them, even if the versions are slightly different.. They are also useful as a basis for fake, cheap documentaries to sell to cable TV.
2009-03-26 20:19:36 UTC
No, it isn't. There are literally thousands of amateur and professional astronomers watching the sky. It is not even remotely possible that none of them would have seen a planet the size of Jupiter that would be hitting us in 2012.

None of the claims by the doomsday prophets are based on science, just wild speculation. Those who claim that scientists are saying it never name any actual scientists. That’s because scientists are not saying it.

There is no actual scientific theory or evidence that anything unusual is going to happen in 2012. It is a collection of myths and disproven theories being promulgated by doomsday hoaxers, who predict a new one every few years.

This particular timing is based on the end of the current cycle of the Mayan long count calendar. Their calendar was done in ages or cycles and their years ended at the winter solstice. The current cycle ends December 21, 2012. The Mayans didn’t predict the end of the world, only the end of that cycle.

Nostradamus didn’t predict it. He never mentioned 2012 and all the Nostradamus "quotes" being thrown around aren't what he actually wrote. They are what some people have decided that he meant. Even Nostradamus scholars don't agree on how the various centuries and quatrains should be interpreted.

The Bible never mentions 2012 or references it in any way. It talks about the end times, but there is no mention of when.

Nibiru (Planet X) doesn't exist. Zecharia Sitchin is not a scientist, but is an author of books promoting the ancient astronaut theory for human origins. He attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Annunaki (or Nephilim) from a hypothetical planet named Nibiru in the solar system. The Doomsayers predicted that it was to hit Earth in 2003. Undaunted when it didn't show up, they just moved it out to 2012 to coincide with the end of the current cycle of the Mayan calendar.

Alignment of Solar System with galactic plane – There is no galactic alignment occurring in 2012. It takes 36 years to precess through galactic equator, and we will be 6 degrees off in 2012. Even if we did have an alignment, it would have no effect on us. The vast distances involved outweigh the effects of gravity.

Planetary alignment – it is impossible for all the planets to form a straight line out from the Sun (or viewed superimposed on each other in the sky) because each planetary orbit is tilted slightly with respect to the Earth's orbit. John Gribbin in the late 1970's book The Jupiter Effect predicted the end of the world would occur in 1983 due a once in a millennium planetary alignment. The 1983 event was ALL the other planets lined up as seen in our view of the sky -- not in a straight line as most people would misinterpret with the term alignment. In 1999, The Survival Center had claimed the destruction of the Earth to occur in May 2000 due to the "planetary alignment."

Asteroid Apophis - the collision alert was for 2029, and was canceled after additional observations showed it would not hit us.

Geomagnetic reversal - These reversals of the magnetic field have occurred in the past, as shown by magnetic striping, but we can’t predict when they will occur again. However, the time between reversals is not constant, varying from less than 100,000 years, to tens of millions of years.

Although fast by geological standards, reversals are by no means quick on the human time scale. They take roughly 5,000 years, with estimates ranging from 1,000 years to 8,000 years.

Homo Erectus and their ancestors survived previous reversals. There is no evidence of any extinctions resulting from these reversals. Although the inspection of past reversals does not indicate biological extinctions, present society with its reliance on electricity and electromagnetic effects (e.g. radio, satellite communications) may be vulnerable to technological disruptions in the event of a full field reversal.

Photon belt - We are not heading for a photon belt in the Pleiades. The Earth isn't heading toward the Pleiades but away from them. In the 1850s it was conjectured that the Earth orbited the Pleiades, but this has long since been discredited. No photon belt or other such region of increased energy has been discovered. Photons in any case are merely particles of electromagnetic energy, which we commonly experience as light. Upon exposure to excess photons the most common transformation of your being is sunburn.

Solar flares – These do increase and decrease in an eleven year cycle. There will be an increase in solar flares in 2012 as there is every eleven years. They haven't caused any serious problems in the past. The direct effects of solar flares are mainly related to communications and radio transmissions. We had a major series of solar flares in 2005.
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2009-03-27 12:42:28 UTC
The Tribulation is at hand: summer 2009- summer 2016

Winter solstice 2012 is just the midpoint of this 7 year period called "the abomination that causes desolation" (subtract 1260 days to find the start and add 1260 days to find the end). Get saved and repent now and you will have nothing to fear. Now you can more easily decipher things like the Denver "airport" murals & the Georgia Guidestones.
2009-03-26 19:34:43 UTC
so where is it?

planets do not just swoop in out of nowhere. if it was going to be in our vicinity in 2012 it would already be visible. it would have been extensively observed, photographed, studied. it would be the astronomical event of the century.

please provide the declination and right ascension so i can see it for myself. i have asked for this many times. so have many others. nobody ever answers. could it be bcuz you are full of ****?
2009-03-26 19:33:53 UTC
Nope, there is zero evidence!

There are, however, a bunch of hoaxers using pseudo-science and dishonest youtube videos to scare people, but absolutely no verifiable evidence.

So worry ye not!
2009-03-26 19:34:13 UTC
not a single Planet X believer will ever say where the damn planet is.

they believe it exists, but its location doesn't exist.

the whole thing stinks like Halliburton getting no-bid contracts in Iraq.

Show me where the damn planet is or be quiet!
2009-03-26 20:20:11 UTC
Yes there is lots of proof. it is only 7 billion miles away. it is very interesting. i hope it does happen so that i can be there to experience it. it only comes around every 3600 years because it orbits two suns
2009-03-27 12:40:19 UTC
Is it possible that a 8 or more clones will answer this?

Forget the planet x stuff.

Winter solstice- December 21, 2012 - is just the revealing of the 'antichrist' or the 'man of perdition' at the mid-point of what Christians call the 7 year Tribulation (just subtract 1260 days to get the start and add 1260 days to get the end). Satanists and many pagan cultures from every corner of the world all throughout history have celebrated this like the Sumerians, Babylonians, Cherokee, Hopi, Chinese I-Ching (confirmed by Terence McKenna), Mayans (Pacal Votan; Chilam Balam of Tizimin, Mani, Chumayel; Jaguar Prophet), Egyptians, Celts, etc. This evil event is called "the abomination that causes desolation" that will be set up in the Jewish Temple's Holy of Holies when the antichrist is imbued with the spirit of satan himself. When will Jesus come? Only God Himself knows exactly, but very soon in "the twinkling of an eye" and like "a thief in the night". If you believe or not, that is up to you; either way it still comes.

Things to look for to PROVE it to yourself soon:

>Fall of America as an economic power and other ways. The buying up and consolidation of powerful banks and corporations by the government in a pretend "bail out" power grab to kill the U.S. dollar and bring in a one world currency.

Crash of other American banks and the nation's financial underpinning: Operation Sitting Duck

>The Big One: Revelation 18. America goes down on the list of fabled societies nobody believes in any more like Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria, Hyperborea, etc..

>Martial law. (Google some of Bush's executive orders concerning it- Nightmarish!)

>The fallen 'alien' agenda: Implementation of Project Bluebeam (be ready to hear more and more 'alien talk' & watch your local skies for the show!)

Just in time for 2012! After decades of conditioning, billions will fall for it. Will you?

(2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)


>Revelation 13:16-18 Trying to make people first accept the REAL ID card (to get you in the system) and then right after forcibly implanting people with these RFID microchips- the coming 'answer' to the world economic crisis:

>The start of the North American Union and true globalization..

>Push to attack Iran which will start WW3-the atomic war to end all wars. (If you think China, Russia, and the Muslim world would just sit back, you are a mistaken fool!). Escalation of the Georgian/Russian; Israeli/Palestinian; & Indian/Pakistani conflicts.

>Final push to one world government: The New World Order- The 4th Reich! (The brutal final empire foreseen by the prophet Daniel and John the Revelator)

>Rise of a miraculous and awe inspiring world leader later to turn world dictator.

>Push to one world religion where there are "many ways to God".

>Toleration of everything but Jews and Christians.

>Temporary and unheard of "peace in the middle east".


>More world wide food shortages and famines.

>More earth quakes. More fires. Strange and severe weather.

>Major spiritual awakenings.

>Rise of Islamic fanaticism.

>Rise in wickedness and corruption.

>Take a few minutes to listen to what this young child uncovered:


Christians look forward to this as it means they will soon join their Saviour & Redeemer in the Millennial Kingdom of the next Age and their Heavenly Father later as "Children of Light". If you try to equate 2012 with Y2K or some other date that cried wolf, then you will be making the worst mistake of your lifetime. Research all these things FOR YOURSELF!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.