How did the universe and everything come from "nothing"?
2012-08-31 21:01:25 UTC
I am very interested in more about the creation of the universe. I know a lot of people will just say "God made it" but I want a scientific answer. I know about The Big Bang and such, but how was there just a vast expanse of nothing, and then all of a sudden things went crazy and over millions of years, the universe was formed? This is a very basic question but even in school all they said was "Well the Big Bang happened" and that's all they said, no detail was ever given to how or why it happened.

Thank you!
21 answers:
John W
2012-08-31 21:56:06 UTC
The Big Bang Theory was from a Catholic priest asking the question: What if, never mind how, but what if everything had a single creation, space, time, mass, energy, everything?

Consequently, the big bang theory never said there was nothing, that's undefined, it's only a question of what happened after a single creation, it isn't about the bang itself just about what would happen if there was a single creation and the predictions it's made has been consistent with observations. The moment of creation and before is merely undefined according to the theory, you can't say that nothing existed before and you can't say that something existed before because the theory doesn't describe what came before. You can't answer the question of how or why it happened because the presumption of the theory is that it did happen, never mind how.

If you want to imagine the moment of creation and before, look to M-theory which says that the big bang was a collision of two membranes in an 11 dimensional bulk or hyperspace and that such collisions happen all the time.

As to how something can come from nothing, if you shake a bowl of still water, you have waves in that water with peaks and valleys. In M-theory everything are just vibrations of the membrane. When you have energy, you have negative energy, etc. You get everything from nothing because everything is nothing and nothing is everything.
2012-08-31 21:26:38 UTC
"Well the Big Bang happened" is about the best and most honest answer that you will currently receive, because we have no data from before the big band and hence have no idea of why it happened. You should applaud such honesty, as it is becoming rare these days.

Of course the total lack of data does not stop folks from speculating. Their speculations are either of a religious nature or full of technobabble depending on their persuasion, and each is equally likely to be the correct answer, assuming that there even is an answer.

So when people start preaching that "this" is the cause, or start randomly assembling sciencey jargon to convince you that "that" was the cause, you can safely ignore them, one and all, because in every case their words are as empty as the state of existence before the big bang.

So you want the scientific answer? Well you got it: We don't know how the universe came from nothing.

2012-08-31 23:20:20 UTC
So we have three main options. Either (i) a powerful god, who has always existed and therefore doesn't have or need a cause, created the universe for some purpose, or (ii) there has been an eternal succession of universes giving birth to later universes, or (iii) there is no god, matter is all there is, and for reasons we are unable to explain, and probably never will, the universe appeared at the big bang. All three may seem unlikely, but the universe is here, so one of them must be true.

Each view has its supporters, but none can be proven or disproven. Each of us can decide. I believe that creation by God is more reasonable than either of the other options.
2012-08-31 22:28:52 UTC
Are you really looking for answers or simply seeking validation for religious beliefs? I hope you not wasting my time.

Let me start by saying that the universe did not come from "nothing." It came from a primordial singularity made up of everything. In fact, even more than everything because the singularity contained space itself. No one knows what caused the big bang or whether there was a cause at all. A cause implies that there was time before the big bang, and this is thought to be incorrect.

For time to exist there needs to be movement of matter or energy through space, but since the entire universe including space was contained within the singularity, there couldn't have been any motion or time. In other words there was no time before the big bang, and thus no cause so to speak.
2016-12-10 12:32:55 UTC
Many anti-Mormons have study pamphlets or tracts with regard to the LdS Church and do reproduction and paste rants. human beings nonetheless think of we've self belief Adam to be the literal organic and organic father of Jesus. human beings nonetheless pester us approximately polygamy - some thing we've disavowed for over a hundred years. We pay attention with regard to the 4000+ variations interior the e book of Mormon because of the fact the 1st printing, yet they in no way look to understand what those variations are. right here is a few clues. We extra the subtitle "yet another Testiment of Jesus Christ." We broke the passages into verses (initially they have been paragraphs). We extra financial disaster headings and footnotes. We chop up the pages into columns. We fastened spelling and grammar blunders presented with the aid of the printer (the unique manuscript did not contain any punctuation). some passages have been clarified with the aid of Joseph Smith Jr so the traditional person can distinguish between the daddy and the Son (the two normally referred to as God interior the early 1800s). We additionally print new variants while the copyright holder variations.
2012-09-02 16:06:29 UTC
The universe did not exist from 'nothing', the 1st law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be either created or destroyed thus all the energy in our universe today has AWAYS been there in some form or another and always will. That also puts a big hole in the concept of creationism. The fact is we dont yet know what happened before the big bang but it wasnt beardy bloke in the sky who got bored and 'created' everything.
2012-09-03 23:27:36 UTC
It used to be that science couldn't answer the question about the origin of the universe or of the Big Bang, but that didn't mean we should make up an answer (such as a god) and say that it was the cause. Within the last few decades scientists have discovered some good answers. Of course, a scientific explanation is more complex than simply saying, "God did it."

Quantum mechanics shows that "nothing," as a philosophical concept, does not exist. There is always a quantum field with random fluctuations.

There are many well-respected physicists, such as Stephen Hawking, Lawrence Krauss, Sean M. Carroll, Victor Stenger, Michio Kaku, Alan Guth, Alex Vilenkin, Robert A.J. Matthews, and Nobel laureate Frank Wilczek, who have created scientific models where the Big Bang and thus the entire universe could arise from nothing but a quantum vacuum fluctuation in the quantum field -- via natural processes.

In relativity, gravity is negative energy, and matter and photons are positive energy. Because negative and positive energy seem to be equal in absolute total value, our observable universe appears balanced to the sum of zero. Our universe could thus have come into existence without violating conservation of mass and energy — with the matter of the universe condensing out of the positive energy as the universe cooled, and gravity created from the negative energy. When energy condenses into matter, equal parts of matter and antimatter are created — which annihilate each other to form energy. However there is a slight imbalance to the process, which results in matter dominating over antimatter.

I know that this doesn't make sense in our Newtonian experience, but it does in the realm of quantum mechanics and relativity. As Nobel laureate physicist Richard Feynman wrote, "The theory of quantum electrodynamics describes nature as absurd from the point of view of common sense. And it agrees fully with experiment. So I hope you can accept nature as she is — absurd."

For more, watch the video at the 1st link - "A Universe From Nothing" by theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss, read an interview with him (at the 2nd link), get his new book (at the 3rd link), or read an excerpt from his book (at the 4th link).

2012-08-31 22:24:12 UTC
Welcome to what I call The Mother of All Mysteries. Why is the something rather than nothing?

I happen to believe the universe is infinite in both space and time, and that is is homogeneous on a Grand Scale much larger than out local universe.

Our local universe did arise in the Big Bang, but it is only one of infinitely many at every stage of expansion that exist throughout the universe.
2012-09-03 22:10:44 UTC
I don't see how there's much difference between "God made it" and the "Big Bang made it". The Big Bang theory is one that I can understand better, but I'm aware that no one is certain what happened. I respect to the Bible, no detail was really given to how or why mosquitoes were made.
2012-08-31 23:56:39 UTC


While it's not yet known exactly how the Big Bang originated, a number of testable theories have been proposed. None of which require supernatural intervention. Our universe appears to be a natural and inevitable result of the nature of reality itself. No God required.
2012-08-31 22:04:33 UTC
I think a previous universe existed and over time it was eaten up by a black hole which eventually became so hot that it exploded producing the big bang. It's kind of like wondering if time existed before this big bang.
John In Japan
2012-08-31 21:20:09 UTC

Einstein was never fond of the Big Bang theory. He said that the idea that the universe started with a big bang and the galaxies forever flying apart made no sense. ”

To admit such a possibility seems senseless,” he wrote. Although astronomers use the Einstein theory of relativity as a scientific basics. Einstein rejected the Big Bang and Black hole theory throughout his lifetime.

When scientists insist they are following Einsteins theory, they are actually going against the scientific principles he believed in.
2012-08-31 22:03:34 UTC
The universe was initially a primary nebulae (hot gas) and due to its mass and heat it became a big bang. Naturally the big bang can't occur without purpose and meaning.
2012-09-01 05:31:43 UTC
You are oversimplifying the theory. It does NOT state that nothing existed first. Something CLEARLY EXISTED.

They are not covering the details of the theory because low-level science education does not require it.
2012-08-31 22:00:27 UTC
Either it has always existed or came from nothing. You can say it came from a multiverse or God but then the question is repeated.
2012-09-03 06:57:51 UTC
I believe it was caused by God; here's how: =========

It is clear that something cannot possibly come from nothing because nothing is insubstantial. And so essentially there is nothing for the big bang to grab hold of in nothing, in order to pull out the primitive universe from that magic hat of nothing.

In fact what you are left with is an irreducible quantum field which is effectively a conserved property, just like the pre-quantum conservation laws. Creationist love conservation laws so that does not hurt our position at all. For it is clear that either two things can always exist: either God or the quantum field. You see a conserved object (i.e. the quantum field) as a beginning, no matter how complex it may be. Yet if it were truly a natural beginning, it would be simple rather than complex; in keeping with the trend of physical reality. As the saying goes, the theory of everything would fit on o T-shirt.

In the creation of the quantum field, God has opened a door that no one can close therefore it is conserved. I have given no tricks, no sleight of hand game to my words with you yet for all my cogent remarks you are pleased to be reduced to mere word play & games for your rebuttal, but all your games will end on the judgment day.

And just like those conservation laws it is impossible to break them and so creation does not exist (according to atheists). And likewise because of the conservation of the quantum field; nothing is impossible and does not exist (and we believers agree since God always existed).

Atheists play the same old game; it used to be that matter always existed because of the conservation laws but now it’s that the quantum field always existed. Yup the same old, same old; nothing’s changed but the names to protect the guilty.

But the quantum field like matter itself can be created by God. And since God knows everything, and can do everything therefore all the quantum randomness would unfold just as God had intended.

And so God created the universe by creating the quantum field therefore atheists have merely moved the question from: who created matter, to who created the quantum field?

And so just like the bible says: God spoke and bang it happened.

SPACE IS NOT NOTHING; both PAIR PRODUCTION & QUANTUM VACUUM FLUCTUATIONS happen within space (IN FACT YOU WOULD BE HARD-PRESSED TO SHOW THE ONES THAT OCCUR IN THE ABSENCE OF SPACE). So in reality it is quite beyond Empirical Science (i.e. observable by the scientific method) to claim that they can happen without space or time; you cannot show that to be so, reference the quantum foam as a medium of the fluctuations. The scientific method may seem to you as a caprice & merely human barrier compared to austere refinement of pure mathematics. Yet how else can we say that another mathematical model does not exist, unless we demand tangible evidence by some agree upon human standard like the scientific method. So yes when you can SUCK OUT ALL THE SPACE AND TIME IN THE ROOM TO DO THE EXPERIMENT FOR WHAT YOU CLAIM then you can make that claim; So until then:

Checkmate, game over, and you lose atheists: you lost the argument as well as your very souls.

So do you think am I right or what?

And Then Bang Game Over & I Win ====================================

The Reason Why It Will Always boil down to God as the WINNER in ANY Fair Debate is because of Finite Exhaustion & Elimination; the fact is that there are a Finite Number of Conclusions you can come up with AND ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THEIR ANSWERS CAN AROUND THESE TWO ANSWERS !!! Once you realize this, there is no question that God must exist since it is not a matter of being merely bias but simply a matter of a Process of Finite Exhaustion & Elimination !!!

How I see it is that The Agnostic Position is merely an interim learning period for a final conclusion !!!

It is clear what the bible says that God always existed but when think about something has to always exist; atheist like say "Well Who Created God Then But They Always Turn Around & Say The Same Thing About Something In Their Theories, Just Look M Theory, The Brane World Always Existed, Or Look at Eternal Inflation Theory (The Inflation Always Existed), Or Simply Look At The Quantum Field (Hell Yeah It Always Existed Fot Atheists). BUT AH NOW; POOR GOD HE CAN'T EXIST EVEN IF THE BIBLE CLAIMS THAT HE DOES, HOW SIMPLY UNFAIR & UNTRUE !!! How Can Something Be Illogical Based On A Bias & Unfair Argument ?
Leon: The Professional
2012-08-31 21:10:57 UTC
i don't know for sure but everything is made of atoms. so, it had to have started out as a single atom. the first law of thermodynamics also states that energy cannot be created nor destroyed. it can only be transferred. so things will grow and gather things and and grow some more, attracting pieces to it like magnets. i suspect. and then we lend our energies to things all the time. other people, animals, our pets, the environment. etc. as well as we take from it. it's a continual thing. covalent bonds. attachments based on needs from one another. 21 Jump Street, and covalent bonds. good movie right there.
2012-09-01 17:36:17 UTC
NUM 15

Hope it help.
2012-09-01 19:45:05 UTC
This documentary may enlighten you...
2012-08-31 21:06:03 UTC
This question and variations of it have been asked about 70,000times. You too stupid to do a little research on your own?
2012-08-31 21:04:06 UTC
Well, no one really knows yet but scientists think it had to do with the "God Particle." look it up.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.