I believe it was caused by God; here's how: =========
It is clear that something cannot possibly come from nothing because nothing is insubstantial. And so essentially there is nothing for the big bang to grab hold of in nothing, in order to pull out the primitive universe from that magic hat of nothing.
In fact what you are left with is an irreducible quantum field which is effectively a conserved property, just like the pre-quantum conservation laws. Creationist love conservation laws so that does not hurt our position at all. For it is clear that either two things can always exist: either God or the quantum field. You see a conserved object (i.e. the quantum field) as a beginning, no matter how complex it may be. Yet if it were truly a natural beginning, it would be simple rather than complex; in keeping with the trend of physical reality. As the saying goes, the theory of everything would fit on o T-shirt.
In the creation of the quantum field, God has opened a door that no one can close therefore it is conserved. I have given no tricks, no sleight of hand game to my words with you yet for all my cogent remarks you are pleased to be reduced to mere word play & games for your rebuttal, but all your games will end on the judgment day.
And just like those conservation laws it is impossible to break them and so creation does not exist (according to atheists). And likewise because of the conservation of the quantum field; nothing is impossible and does not exist (and we believers agree since God always existed).
Atheists play the same old game; it used to be that matter always existed because of the conservation laws but now it’s that the quantum field always existed. Yup the same old, same old; nothing’s changed but the names to protect the guilty.
But the quantum field like matter itself can be created by God. And since God knows everything, and can do everything therefore all the quantum randomness would unfold just as God had intended.
And so God created the universe by creating the quantum field therefore atheists have merely moved the question from: who created matter, to who created the quantum field?
And so just like the bible says: God spoke and bang it happened.
SPACE IS NOT NOTHING; both PAIR PRODUCTION & QUANTUM VACUUM FLUCTUATIONS happen within space (IN FACT YOU WOULD BE HARD-PRESSED TO SHOW THE ONES THAT OCCUR IN THE ABSENCE OF SPACE). So in reality it is quite beyond Empirical Science (i.e. observable by the scientific method) to claim that they can happen without space or time; you cannot show that to be so, reference the quantum foam as a medium of the fluctuations. The scientific method may seem to you as a caprice & merely human barrier compared to austere refinement of pure mathematics. Yet how else can we say that another mathematical model does not exist, unless we demand tangible evidence by some agree upon human standard like the scientific method. So yes when you can SUCK OUT ALL THE SPACE AND TIME IN THE ROOM TO DO THE EXPERIMENT FOR WHAT YOU CLAIM then you can make that claim; So until then:
Checkmate, game over, and you lose atheists: you lost the argument as well as your very souls.
So do you think am I right or what?
And Then Bang Game Over & I Win ====================================
The Reason Why It Will Always boil down to God as the WINNER in ANY Fair Debate is because of Finite Exhaustion & Elimination; the fact is that there are a Finite Number of Conclusions you can come up with AND ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THEIR ANSWERS CAN AROUND THESE TWO ANSWERS !!! Once you realize this, there is no question that God must exist since it is not a matter of being merely bias but simply a matter of a Process of Finite Exhaustion & Elimination !!!
How I see it is that The Agnostic Position is merely an interim learning period for a final conclusion !!!
It is clear what the bible says that God always existed but when think about something has to always exist; atheist like say "Well Who Created God Then But They Always Turn Around & Say The Same Thing About Something In Their Theories, Just Look M Theory, The Brane World Always Existed, Or Look at Eternal Inflation Theory (The Inflation Always Existed), Or Simply Look At The Quantum Field (Hell Yeah It Always Existed Fot Atheists). BUT AH NOW; POOR GOD HE CAN'T EXIST EVEN IF THE BIBLE CLAIMS THAT HE DOES, HOW SIMPLY UNFAIR & UNTRUE !!! How Can Something Be Illogical Based On A Bias & Unfair Argument ?