There are many theories, models, and controversies about the physics of black holes, the 'internal' structure where the laws of physics break down. I've thought about this subject since I first learned of black holes in middle school, then, some time ago, I read an article on about 'quark' stars. Going by observational evidence of the properties possesed by suspected black holes, I came up with the following structure : Imagine if you will a star, let's say 10 solar masses, that has exploded as a supernova while the remains collapse inward. Since the mass is too great to form a white dwarf or even a neutron star, some other more radical transformation of the remaining matter must take place. Since we theorize that remains up to 3 solar masses form neutron stars due to the fact that neutrons could normally not be compressed any further, then perhaps these remains briefly pass through a stage of being a neutron star until the sheer mass overcomes the incompressibility of the neutrons and causes them to split into their component quarks. By this time, escape velocity exceeds the speed of light, and an 'event horizon' has formed around a seething mass of free quarks. As matter gets drawn into the gravitational well this has created, it too gets compressed into component quarks while still adding mass to the whole. Meanwhile, within this 'quark soup', some of the quarks recombine to form sub-atomic particles and are just as quickly broken down again, however, some of these newly forged particles manage to get trapped in the intense magnetic field lines and are able to escape through the magnetic poles. Such a mechnism of sub-atomic particle breakdown, combined with new particles being generated and shot out of the poles could also obey the Law of the Conservation of Energy, while avoiding the infinite density problem common to traditional models. Unfortunately, I'm not a knowledgeable enough mathmetician to calculate the details, but the outline makes for a worthwile idea.