Congrats on your decision. You'll appreciate a good quality barlow, and you will prefer it with a 9mm over using the 4mm alone as the 4mm eyepiece will have uncomfortably tight eye-relief if it is a standard Plossl.
My recommended barlows would be either an Antares or Celestron Ultima 2x barlow which are around $60-$80. Don't go cheap with barlows (and there are a lot out there much cheaper), you do get what you pay for and you will be using them for years with all types of eyepieces.
For 12mm and shorter I much prefer Orthoscopic eyepieces to Plossls as they are noticeably sharper in their views. And eye-relief while tight is not as tight as Plossls.
Speaking of sharpness, learn how to collimate your telescope. It's not difficult, but may take a little patience at first. The manual should give basic instructions, and there are others online. If you have a little money left over you could purchase a "Cheshire" style collimator (though the scope may come with a more or less adequate collimation "cap"). If the scope came with a laser collimator or you are thinking of getting one, you should shelve it, because the lasers themselves are frequently misaligned and will not give you as accurate a result as you will by your own eye.
When you tire of just the solar system you might consider buying 2" eyepieces in the 26-34mm range for those extra-wide "rich-field" views of the Milky Way and extended objects like the Andromeda galaxy. Or nebulae like the Veil.
If you are mostly viewing from the city (or other light-polluted environment) you will want to keep your low power eyepiece no longer than 30mm or even a little shorter. Under light polluted skies a nebula filter such as an "Ultra___" (usually "high contrast") type filter or Oxygen3 line filter can help with nebular objects.
ADDED: I'll have to STRONGLY disagree with Andrew_S's recommendation of a 2" in the 40-48mm range for this particular telescope (focal length 1250mm). This will result in an exit pupil of 8.2mm with a 40mm and an exit pupil of 9.8mm with a 48mm. Under the darkest skies, your own eye's pupils will not expand beyond 7mm or so, and even less under light polluted skies or if you are middle aged. Any exit pupil larger than your own eye will be light lost and wasted. Plus at below practical magnifications the telescope's secondary casts a shadow at the eyepiece that results in "blackouts".
I noticed on the site describing the telescope that it doesn't come with dust covers. Go buy a pair of inexpensive shower caps with the elastic around the edge from the drug store so you can cover the ends of the telescope when not in use.