Moon landings.....real or conspiracy?
2008-07-03 09:34:29 UTC
Of all the conspiracies,this is my favourite.Many people believe we never went to the moon.The technology wasn't around in'69.Some say the technology still isn't.
Some things don't add up.Why was there no stars in the photos.....why is the flag out straight,despite there being no wind on the moon....why does Buzz Aldrin's moon walk look as though he's running normally when speeded up?
What about the moon rock with the letter "c" marked on it.Some say this was borrowed from a props department at a film studio!
What are your views?.......did it happen or was it just a game of "one-up-manship"in the battle against communism?
33 answers:
2008-07-03 10:16:55 UTC
the crew of Apollo 11 and subsequent astronauts had faked their orbit around the Moon and their walk on its surface by trick photography, and they never got more than halfway to the Moon. the radiation belts prevented humans from reaching the moon.

Lack of stars in the pictures and collins saying he didnt remember seeing any stars is quite telling.

The quality of the photographs is implausibly high.

The color and angle of shadows and light are inconsistent. often showing a second or third light source was used.

Identical backgrounds in photos are listed as taken miles apart.

Cold-War prestige

Money — NASA raised approximately $30 billion to go to the Moon. in the 60's that a lot of tax payer money.

Problems early in the space program were insurmountable

To fulfill President Kennedy's 1961 promise "to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth."

still some think it was real and maybe the video and photography was faked to show the world.

only Nasa and the astronauts know the truth.

maybe china will find out for us soon. if they don't see anything on our landing sights ,

nasa will be exposed.


i am a self taught scientist and engineer
Jason T
2008-07-03 11:25:41 UTC
>>The technology wasn't around in'69.<<

Oh yes it was. The technology of rockets was around since the 20s. The technology of the 60s gave us supersonic bomber aircraft, nuclear weapons, submarines, and so on. By the time of the first moon landing there had been many unmanned lunar probes, and even probes to Mars and Veuns. So what made the manned landing so much harder that it was impossible to actually achieve?

>>Why was there no stars in the photos....<<

Because stars don’t show up on film when the camera is set to expose a sunlit scene. The lunar surface was in *daylight*.

>>why is the flag out straight,despite there being no wind on the moon...<<

Why don’t you actually try looking at the film, video and photographs. There is a rod across the top of the flag holding it out, and it was put there precisely because the flag would not stand out from the pole without it.

>>why does Buzz Aldrin's moon walk look as though he's running normally when speeded up?<<

It doesn’t. And check out the hours of film and video from the other missions for further examples of movement that looks utterly unnatural when sped up.

>>What about the moon rock with the letter "c" marked on it.Some say this was borrowed from a props department at a film studio!<<

Do you know of any example of a film studio using such blatantly marked props in the middle of a scene? The C is a flaw in the picture, not on the rock itself. There are two photos of that rock, and there is no published version of the second that shows that mark.

>>What are your views?.......did it happen or was it just a game of "one-up-manship"in the battle against communism?<<

It happened, and it achieved the one-upmanship against communism by actually beating them to the Moon.

>>also, they never managed a successful landing in practice,but on the moon...perfect first time!<<

Never managed a successful landing in practice? Where do you get that notion? For one thing the LM could not be flown on Earth: Apollo 11 *was* the test flight. Secondly, the training vehicle that Armstrong crashed (which is the usual source of this claim) worked very well until it broke, and made hundreds of successful landings.
2008-07-03 11:07:11 UTC
It has nothing to do with belief. It was real, and any logical person can see that.

There are several hundred pounds of rocks, verified independently by labs around the world as not coming from earth.

If you watch any of the videos, especially the ones with the rovers driving around, it's undeniable. The dust particulates does not suspend in the air (meaning it was filmed in a vacuum.) To film that on earth would have required a vacuum chamber at least 1000 feet across to give the rover room to drive around without the background changing. The biggest vacuum chambers on earth are only about 20 or 30 feet.

In addition, if you work out the equation of motion for constant acceleration, you can determine the force of gravity in the clips. It matches lunar gravity. The only way they could have filmed it on earth is if they filmed it inside an aircraft flying a parabolic arc to simulate lunar gravity.

Now, if you can tell me what kind of plane can carry a 1000 foot vacuum chamber, I'll start to take this idea seriously.

I don't know why you think the technology wasn't around in 1969. The hard part was getting out of earths atmosphere. Surely you don't doubt that we could make it into orbit? After that it's all simple newtonian mechanics. A palm-pilot sized device could manage nearly everything you'd need today. And the lander was basically made of metal foil, you don't exactly need a high tech structure when you're in a vacuum.

The lunar lander test module made many successful flights. The actual landing on the moon wasn't even close to the first success.
2008-07-04 01:53:04 UTC
Yes they did land on the moon, only people who

- hate the government

- know less science than a Highschool student

- want to make money with their books and videos

- simply are trolling

claim otherwise.

NASA has i.e.

- eyewitnesses

- a whole load of documentation (including the tracking data from foreign countries)

- thousands of pictures

- hours of film

- the laser reflectors

- >300kg of moonrocks

- a congratulation from the russians

Most of the landingdeniers counterclaims don't even need an expert to be shown wrong, they are just stupid. .

i.e. Hoaxers claim that the flag was waving in some wind

Now everyone who bothers to do some research (instead of relying on the fraudulent Snippets the Hoaxers show) will find out, that the flag was held up by a wire, and appeared only to be waving while (and shortly after) being handled by one of the astronauts.

You also have to ask yourself if it is really believeable that NASA would miss a waving flag if they wanted to fake it?

Now certain answerers may claim otherwise but if you read their stuff, and all the answers in the questions there he participated you will notice that all his "evidence" has been debunked numerous times.

Do they acknowledge it? Are they even try to explain why the explantions given are incorrect? No, they just repeats the same bunch of lies over and over again. That should give you an idea about their honesty...

If you want to discuss this further may I recommend
A Guy
2008-07-03 09:45:57 UTC
Stars might be an exposure problem. Foreground too bright, so stars do not show.

The flag is straight because they had a beam to hold it up.

I saw the walk, and it looked like hopping. Provide video of the speed-up if you can find it.

Ditto rock. Provide video or pictures, and try to prove they are those released by NASA to go with the landing.

I think it *was* possible and within the technology available. Why fake something like that? Did NASA contractors fake it so they could take the money without doing as much work? What about "Apollo 13" (movie). Was it based on a fake too, or did someone actually get that far and have problems.
2008-07-03 09:48:36 UTC
No stars - In photography it is impossible to have both the bright lunar surface and the very dim stars show in the same frame - this is because we need a large exposure time to capture the stars but this would mean the lunar surface would be overexposed

Flag Straight - It is attached to the pole with a hinged metal rod through the top of the flag this holds it against the lunar gravity.

Moon Walk - Have a look at some of the videos from the journal in the link below - they are pretty convincing!

Letter c - Could it be even remotely possible that a c shaped indentation might happen naturally? I think so

I certainly think mankind has been to the moon several times - follow the link below and spend a bit of time looking over the documented evidence. I makes it easier to have an informed opinion :-)
2008-07-03 15:59:34 UTC
The greatest respect to any informed persons whom has answered.

I' am still not convinced the technology may have been available but not in the relatively short time from the president's announcement to lift off.

Once heard that the cosmic rays once you have escaped the earth's atmosphere incidently the s shuttle doesn't enter space at all it site's just on the edge of our atmosphere if it did completely leave earth and enter space the cosmic rays would penetrate the ships and cause radiation sickness to astronauts-I think-same for moon landings.

The moon rocks any one heard of asteroids crashing to earth? leaving debris of rock "not of this planet" It's easy to fool some ppl.

II have read a lot about UFOs and believe the Americans in area51 have crashed evidence of other life forms -and there technology where do you think computers in there electronic sense and lasers come from.

If they can keep the evidence about alien contact with earth a secret. The moon landing hardly poses a problem does it.
2008-07-04 18:13:17 UTC
OK, the Government has covered up the moon landing hoax for nearly 40 years. They have sealed all the leaks, and kept everyone involved from talking about it or producing solid evidence. They have done a great job of this.

Yet, people who question the weather moon landings are real are left to spew their accusations wildly around in a public forum without any repercussions? Not bloodly likely.
2008-07-03 09:49:07 UTC
It's real, the landings occurred anyone who thinks otherwise has an IQ below 80 or is just trying to get a reaction from someone.

Nonsense debunked:

Why can't you see the stars in the photographs on the moon?

There's really no different between the sky on the Moon and the sky during day time on Earth. The fact that the sky on Earth is blue because of the atmosphere and it is black on the Moon makes no difference. You cannot see stars during the day.

The lunar surface is very bright. Brighter than the brightest day in the hottest part of the world. This is obvious when you think about it. There are no atmosphere or clouds on the moon. In comparison to this bright surface, the stars are very dim.

It is very difficult to get a photograph of a very dim object and a very bright object at the same time. If you set the camera to take a photograph of the bright object (using a fast exposure) you won't capture the dim object at all. If you set the camera to take a picture of the dim objects, then the bright objects will appear as very fuzzy and over-exposed blobs.

The cameras and films the Apollo missions took with them were also designed to photograph activities on the moon's surface. They were not designed to take photographs of the stars. It doesn't mean the stars weren't there, just that the photographs did not capture them. The exposures were set to work with the brightly light surface and astronauts.
2008-07-03 12:51:38 UTC
Rise----- you must be joking with your question? This has been answered about 10,000 times already here in the Astronomy & Space topic--- why not just do a search for this on Answers? You will get 100s of replies.

EDIT-- Rise--- OK I will bite! I want you to consider ONE fact and ONE fact ONLY! The astronauts placed mirrors on the moons surface to be used to measure the moons distance. These mirrors are still used by astronomers by flashing a laser at them and timing the return light flash. Just HOW do you suppose those got on the moon? READ THIS-
2008-07-03 11:18:52 UTC
you seem like a reasonable person.

so, lets look at each of your points.

Have you ever attended a bon-fire at night? How many stars could you see with a big blaze burning brightly? Think a camera would pick up the stars? Do you know why we don't see stars during the day? Are you SURE?

if i asked you to design a flag they could plant on the Moon, would you drape a limp piece of cloth over a stick? (would you lose your job, for the 'limp flag stick'?) OR would you put a wire across the top of the flag so it wasn't limp? your decision... NBC is waiting to film your creation.

Buzz Aldrin walked on the Moon.... in 1/6 gee... and you want to speed it up (let me guess... 6x) and then say "Hey.. it looks just like he was on the Earth!" Let me get you another beer.

you saw a C on a rock? NOT Made In China? Just a C? You know... a STRAIGHT LINE THAT GOT CURVED? Yeah, I see your point. That could NEVER happen in the real world.

Besides, could you imagine the gofer at Paramount Studios asking for "100,000 styrofoam rocks, to be shipped to Houston, TX, care of NASA" Yeah, right.
Nicola A
2008-07-03 09:47:29 UTC
Real, there is no doubt about it...

The astronauts left mirrors in key locations that scientists around the world use regularly to accurately measure the distance between the Earth and the Moon. Also independant scientists around the world have been allowed to examine the moon rocks returned.

To fake the moon landings would have required a conspiracy far greater than NASA alone, and would have involved scientists around the world, many of which have no loyalty to the US to be coerced into keeping such a huge secret.

To believe that the moon landings were hoaxed requires that you suspend common sense, scientific evidence and sanity.

As for your specific questions about details, I refer you to the site where all of those 'claims' have been debunked many times over.

The very fact that the initial 'moon landings hoax' documentary was made by FOX should have been a clue as to how credible the claims were...
2008-07-03 10:37:23 UTC
Self taught Scientists and Engineers are the only people who know the truth. Take their word for the fact that we all live on a flat world, and are the centre of the solar system, and that there never were any moon landings.
2008-07-03 10:45:20 UTC

The six Apollo Moon landings are among the best documented events in human history: thousands of pictures, hours of video, nearly half a ton of Moon rocks, and millions of eye witnesses, including myself. There is not a single scientist in the world who doubts that they took place. To deny them is to discredit the magnificent achievement of the team which went to the Moon, and to reveal abysmal scientific ignorance.

You obviously haven't done any serious research on this topic, but are just repeating some lies you've heard on some cheap TV show or YouTube. All of your points have been refuted in detail on web sites like these:
2008-07-03 10:06:02 UTC
so why are you asking this? your question implicitly assumes there is a controversy, and there isn't. it happened. deal with it.

do you actually have anything to contribute, or just the same old garbage that merely demonstrates abysmal ignorance?

later: since you asked, the first apollo mission i remember in detail was apollo 8, though as a 7 year old my view was that it must really suck to be away from home for christmas. i have significant background in aerospace, computing and photography. i really do know this stuff, and have nothing but contempt for moon hoax idiots. i'm not american so it would be awkward to work for nasa, but i have talked to jpl.
2008-07-03 14:58:06 UTC
The rox thei brot bak arnt enithing like wee hav heer on Urth, so i thingk thei rilly went tu the Muun.
2008-07-03 09:42:50 UTC
Of course we landed on the moon! there are documents and records of it! for christ sake we even have rocks from there!

To doubt the moon landing is to discredit the the crew that risked [and some gave] their lives to get us there. What do u think, they just stayed in low earth orbit for a week with 2 million gallons of rocket fuel sitting under thair asses!
2008-07-03 10:01:38 UTC
If what you say is true,how on earth(please excuse the pun) could all those people keep that a secret, I mean, there was more than two involved for heavens sake (sorry again) I don,t even think the Masons could have kept that one a secret for 40 years !
2008-07-03 10:13:03 UTC
the flag is straight because there is a pole at a right angle with the main pole to hold the flag straight. Why would people fake it? what about all the astronauts? what about the many many workers supposedly "in" on the secret. at least one would sell that secret for mucho money...
2008-07-03 09:44:06 UTC
Dont quite know about the very first one but you can be certain that the other landings where for real.

Such a big lie cannot be repeated so often and involve so many people.
2008-07-03 12:21:43 UTC
Ye we landed on the Moon !
Loren S
2008-07-03 10:39:31 UTC
2008-07-03 12:22:12 UTC
Sigh, not this stupidity again.

Many have explained to you why your "issues" with the facts are just ignorant twaddle. Jason T, in particular, did a good job, and Dr MoonFaker needs serious mental health care.

Now, the technology was there. Who are these idiots that claim that it wasn't ? No stars, for the same reason you don't see stars in your daytime pictures. The flag was held by a horizontal bar.

Buzz's loping looks just fine. No rocks with Cs on them. Some idiots may say that, but they're idiots.

Next, you added:

"i'm un-decided,don't shoot the messenger."

If the messenger is a messenger of factless nuttiness, then the messenger deserves to be "shot".

"Keep in mind,all the experiments to prove it was real were carried out on earth!"

Wrong. The evidence came from the flights themselves, which were, of course, flown in space. Their rock samples were brought back to Earth, so what ? Where would you expect to find trained scientists and a working lab ?

"also, they never managed a successful landing in practice,but on the moon...perfect first time!"

How would you practice a landing, without DOING it ? Gads, that was extra stupid. And, aside from the actual last 50,000 feet of descent and landing, the mission WAS practiced. Apollo 7 tried out the Apollo Command/Service module system in Earth Orbit, Apollo 8 did the same in Lunar orbit, Apollo 9 tried out the CSM with the Lunar Module in Earth Orbit, and Apollo 10 did the same in Lunar orbit, taking their LM down to 50,000 *Feet* over the Moon.

And, if you are so clueless as to believe that Apollo 11's landing was "perfect", then you don't know about the two computer alarms that they had, or the fact that Armstrong had to manually fly the LM past a big field of house sized rocks, where the computer was aiming them for, and land past all that, with only 20 seconds of fuel remaining.

"no stoneygator...i didn't...anyway why the fu** are you even bothering to answer then?"

"tina l........what have you got to contribute toots?"

More than you... Thanks for showing that you are Ad Homineming those who refute your silliness.

"remember...armstrong has lived as a virtual recluse since."

I need "remember" no such thing, because its NOT true.

---Armstrong announced shortly after the Apollo 11 flight that he did not plan to fly in space again. He was appointed Deputy Associate Administrator for aeronautics for the Office of Advanced Research and Technology (DARPA). He served in this position for only 13 months, and resigned from it and NASA as a whole in August 1971. He accepted a teaching position in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Cincinnati.

He decided on Cincinnati over other universities, including his alma mater, Purdue University, because it had a small Aerospace department – he hoped that the faculty members would not be annoyed that he came straight into a professorship without a doctorate. His highest qualification was a Master's in aerospace engineering from the University of Southern California.[53] He began the work while stationed at Edwards years before, and he finally completed it after Apollo 11 by presenting a report on various aspects of Apollo, instead of a thesis on simulation of hypersonic flight. The official job title he received at Cincinnati was University Professor of Aerospace Engineering. After teaching for eight years, he resigned in 1979 due to other commitments and changes in the university structure from independent municipal school to state-school.[54]

NASA accident investigations

Armstrong served on two spaceflight accident investigations. The first was in 1970, after Apollo 13. As part of Edgar Cortwright's panel, he produced a detailed chronology of the flight. Armstrong personally opposed the report's recommendation to completely redesign the service module's oxygen tanks, the source of the explosion.[55] In 1986 President Ronald Reagan appointed him to the Rogers Commission, which investigated the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster of that year. As vice-chairman, Armstrong was in charge of the operational side of the commission.[56]

Business activities

After Armstrong retired from NASA in 1971, he avoided offers from businesses to act as a spokesman. The first company to successfully approach him was Chrysler, for whom he appeared in advertising starting in January 1979. Armstrong thought they had a strong engineering division, plus they were in financial difficulty. He acted as a spokesman for other companies, including General Time Corporation and the Bankers Association of America. He only acts as a spokesman for United States businesses.[57]

Along with spokesman duties, he also served on the board of directors of several companies, including Marathon Oil, Learjet, Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company, Taft Broadcasting, United Airlines, Eaton Corporation, AIL Systems, and Thiokol. He joined Thiokol's board after he served on the Rogers Commission; Challenger was destroyed due to a problem with the Thiokol-manufactured Solid Rocket Boosters. He retired as chairman of the board of EDO Corporation in 2002.[58]---

So, hes done a LOT more work than you, skippy. Stop telling ignorant LIES about people who are far greater than yourself.

"He has shunned the limelight...why?.....would you have?"

Irrelevant. His life choices not to do interviews are his to make. If you don't like them... TOUGH.

My informed view is that people who doubt the Moon landings, especially when they REFUSE to do their homework and see the evidence that it did happen, are lazy sots who no one with a working brain cell should listen to. They also should not be allowed to breed, vote or drive cars.
2008-07-03 10:00:37 UTC
• If you watch "Capricorn one" you will see the sort of thing that goes on around the world with governments lying about these types of events, yes I know it was only a fictional film but so was the Apollo moon landings, Filmed in a studio NO NO NO NO NO NO MAN HAS NEVER BEEN ANYWHERE NEAR THE MOON, and wont for a few years yet. the technology is still not there to return them safely
2008-07-03 09:38:18 UTC
Ive never really thought of this. But I think they did land on the moon. The stars though thats creepy.
Elizabeth H
2008-07-03 10:08:07 UTC



2008-07-03 10:04:27 UTC
This is the most OVER ASKED question on Yahoo Answers. Please see my other 27 answers to this question. Didn't you do a search?
2008-07-03 09:40:55 UTC
it's real, to many people would have to be lying for too many years, if it wasn't true someone would have told us by now.
stuart l
2008-07-03 09:39:27 UTC
Definately real, if you go to an astronimacal observatory you can still see the remnants of the eagle on the moons surface.
ஐ ^.O We have sheep in Wales ஐ
2008-07-03 09:38:08 UTC
Ooh! I love stuff like this, Maybe because, the flag being straigh, i dont know!

2008-07-03 09:56:44 UTC
its a conspiracy all right
2008-07-03 09:38:01 UTC
we landed on the moon???????
2008-07-03 09:38:02 UTC
as real as the tellytubbies

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.