What is "Planet X" Just curious?
2008-12-30 16:46:47 UTC
I have heard non-logical myths about the destruction of the earth on doomsday (supposedly 12/21/12?). I have heard rumors of the earth exploding, the sun exploding, greenhouse gases destroying the equator and frying us all, UFOs terminating the human race, trees cut down and humans losing oxygen, pollution on earths atmosphere in which we cannot breath air anymore, the world going at war and killing each other, but there is one theory of doomsday that i am yet to understand. The theory is "Planet X". I need a few facts about this "Planet X"

1. How will this cause doomsday?
2. What will it do to destroy earth or at least humans?
3. Where is this planet right now
4. Is this really a planet, or just a big obstacle in space?
5. What is you're input on "Planet X"?
6. Any other facts about this planet i should know?

I do not believe in doomsday 12.21.12. I am very curious on doomsday theories.

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Ten answers:
Wendell Linda
2009-01-01 03:36:38 UTC
What little I know:

1. Planet-X is a red dwarf star w/planet bodies.

2. It is coming from behind the sun on the southern side of earth.

3. We are now feeling the effects as it effects our sun.

4. Expect major problems 2009-2012.

5. Earthquakes, major tides(water to the Blue Ridge Parkway on the east coast), watch for Yellowstone to become active; NOW.

6. Pole shift causing large areas of US (the whole of landmass of the world to be covered by the sloshing effect) to be covered by water.

7. Why are the GOV's of the world relocating to underground cities 12-2008/12-2009. Google "CIA Denver".

8. Are the GOV's of the world trying to cover this up? Damn right.

They don't want us "peeons" to panic.If you know anything about the Bible you can read of these coming events....................
2008-12-31 01:12:55 UTC
1. How will this cause doomsday?

It won't. Since "Planet X" doesn't exist, it can't have any effect.

2. What will it do to destroy earth or at least humans?

Absolutely nothing.

3. Where is this planet right now

I have been asking this question for a year now, and not one person has been able to give me its coordinates. If it were following the orbit ascribed to it, it would be a bright naked eye object in our sky by now.

4. Is this really a planet, or just a big obstacle in space?

Neither -- it doesn't exist.

5. What is you're input on "Planet X"?

It is a myth put together by crackpots to sell books and TV shows.

6. Any other facts about this planet i should know?

It doesn't exist -- what more do you need to know than this?

Scientists don't expect anything out of the ordinary to happen in the year 2012, or specifically on the date December 21, other than the solstice, which happens every year.

None of the "predicted" happenings for 2012 hold up under close scrutiny. "Planet X" and "Nibiru" simply don't exist. The Mayan calendar ends a cycle, but there were no predictions of the end of the world. The Sun doesn't line up with the galactic centre; it's 6 degrees off. No asteroids or comets are actually predicted to hit Earth.

All of this stuff was put together by crackpots in order to promote their books and TV shows, and shamelessly promoted by the History Channel. Don't take any of it seriously!
2008-12-31 01:14:25 UTC
1. The 2012 "Planet X does not exist" So it will not cause doomsday. It was a ficticius creation of Nancy Lieder and Mark Hazelton, and was suppossed to come around in 2003. When it didn't, they rewrote their books and started selling them all over again as a 2012 planet. It still does not exist. Zechariah Sitchin's planet "Niburu" is tied in to his misinterpretation of Sumerian artifacts, any archaelogist, physicist, astronomer, and astrophysicist can explain to you in great detail why he is also wrong.

2. Nothing. Like I stated, it doesn't exist.

3. In the realm of fiction.

4. It still doesn't exist, other than in the ficticious workings of the "chicken little" types that are trying to make a buck off of people's unfounded fears

5. Planet X is traditionally a generic term, for any undiscovered planet. Uranus was the first one. Neptune was the second one. Pluto (though not classified as a planet) was the third one. All of these were discovered through gravitational perturbations in the orbits of planets that are inferior (closer to the sun than them). [Pluto was a little trickier than just perturbations, for the masses of Uranus and Neptune were not calculated correctly until Voyager 2 surveyed them). Is it possible there is another planet in our solar system, that would be deemed a Planet X? Possible, although conditions of how the solar system formed, lack of gravitational perturbances, and the amount of coaescing matter out at the regions of our solar system beyond the Kuiper Belt suggest it is exceedingly imporbable. No doubt, a great deal of dwarf planets lie within the Kuiper Belt, and I look foreward to the days when the New Horizons probe gets out there to survey that region of space, but none of these will swing by earth, the Planet X you describe is non-factual in its very nature.

6. I think your answerers have summed it up for you. You can research a lot of "non-facts" about it if you like. It very difficult to come up with facts for something that does not exist.
2008-12-31 01:17:52 UTC
There's a long list of ridiculous predictions for 21st December 2012, including pole shifts, galactic alignments, mystery planets, solar storms, all predicted by Nostradamus, the Bible, I Ching, web-bots and Uncle Tom Cobley. Somebody compiled a long list of these predictions and used to regularly post them here, but I haven't seen it lately.

To deal with your points, Planet X doesn't exist. Therefore:

1) It won't cause doomsday

2) It won't destroy Earth or humans.

3) If it were as described by various crank websites, it would now be 13 A.U. from the Sun and have a visual magnitude of 7.2, making it easily visible in binoculars. No such object has been observed.

4) The hoaxers tell us it'a a big planet, which would make it very easy to see if it existed. None of them will give us its current coordinates, however. Why do you think that might be?

5) My input on Planet X is that it's a hoax, dreamed up by the deluded who are still disappointed by its failure to arrive in 2003. Read what they said about it in 1999 and ask yourself whether any of this happened:

Oops. That site seems to have been taken down at last. But it still remains on the web archive:

6) Other facts you should know are the reference given in the answer by proextus55 is a typical crank website, telling us that it is only visible from the South Pole or that it occasionally peeks out from behind the Sun. Both these claims are physically impossible and in common with the rest of the website, total nonsense.
2008-12-31 01:07:54 UTC
I am just curious about the Easter Bunny.

I have heard the non-logical myths about the hiding of the eggs on Easter (supposedly the First Sunday after the Pascal Full Moon). I have heard the rumors of hopping down the bunny trail, hippity hopping and even something about chocolate. The theory is "Easter Bunny" and I need a few facts about this "Easter Bunny".

1. What is Easter?

2. Rabbits? Not just for breakfast, anymore?

3. Where does he live right now?

4. Is he really a 6 ft tall rabbit named Harvey?

5. You know what they say about rabbits, don't you?

6. Is the rumor of Easter Bunny's involvement with Duracell true?

I do not believe in the Easter Bunny, I am just very curious how many of you think I just mention this stuff to irritate you until you tear out all your hair.

PS. Planet X does not exist. There is ZERO evidence of it.

2008-12-31 19:49:39 UTC
1. How will this cause doomsday? It won't, because it doesn't exist.

2. What will it do to destroy earth or at least humans? Nothing, It doesn't exist.

3. Where is this planet right now? In peoples' imagination.

4. Is this really a planet, or just a big obstacle in space? Neither it doesn't exist, but I believe most of the people who rant on about it say it's a planet.

5. What is you're input on "Planet X"? That it is fake, and made up by crazy people.

6. Any other facts about this planet i should know? Another name for it is Nibiru. (I think I spelled that right)
2008-12-31 17:01:04 UTC
First off, keep in mind that since Planet X (at least in its 2012 mayan doomsday incarnation) is completely fictional, much of the 'information' on it will differ depending on what particular apocalypse doomsayer moron you consult about it. That said...

1. Presumably by crashing into the Earth, or by passing close to the Earth and affecting us with tides and/or radiation.

2. It will either crash into the Earth (in which case the Earth would be obliterated by the physical impact and a new asteroid belt would form around the Sun, possibly containing a planetary remnant of the collision), or bring enormous tides (which would swamp the Earth's coastal cities with ocean water, and possibly cause huge earthquakes), or spray us with radiation (usually of some unspecified type presumed to be harmful to human life).

3. Somewhere on a trajectory towards the Earth such that it will collide with or pass near the Earth on December 21, 2012, but where for some reason it can't be detected by telescopes, unless said telescopes are being operated by pseudoscientists and conspiracy buffs.

4. Apparently it is supposed to be an actual planet. According to some people it was the same planet that killed the dinosaurs and/or parted the Red Sea for Moses or some such thing.

5. As far as I'm concerned it's a load of baloney. You're about as likely to be killed by Planet X as you are to be eaten by a shark, struck by lightning and hit by a meteor simultaneously.

6. The only actual FACTS about the planet are that one, it doesn't exist, and two, a lot of scientifically illiterate morons are getting worked up over it anyway. Pretty much anything else you hear about it is fiction.
2008-12-31 15:16:11 UTC
All these people that have troubled themselves to answer you have actually been very kind. You may find answers more to your liking if you post in one of the psuedoscience categories.
2008-12-31 01:01:04 UTC
Planet X was the Original name of Zena or Charon. I can't remember which, but it was (what was called a planet) the planet discovered after Pluto. But now we know that there are hundreds of planet like objects after pluto in what is called the Kuyper belt. Yes, i know I more than likely spelled that wrong, I havent' had Astronomy in 3 semesters. Haha.
2008-12-31 00:55:27 UTC
Niburu explained - there is alot of speculation on this subject but the planet`s name is Niburu,some spell it Nibiru, and here is a place to start your research - cheers

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