I don't think they are like us, I think they are us, only more evolved, I think there is life teaming in space in different forms beyond our comprehension, it's only in our nature to doubt what we can't see or understand, but I believe there is sufficient proof of alien life and Identified flying object's, The disclosure project happended in 1997 under the direction of Dr. Steven greer in virginia, and at the National Press Club in 1997 in which a presentation was made to the media by first hand witnesses within high military ranking willing to give testemony before congress that we've been lied too since at least the 40's on extraterrestrial life, most likely due the military industrial complex that Dwight Eisenhour warned us of during his exit speech.
The Media was caught off guard at the press meeting, they were openly clapping their hand's at the testimony of these credible witnesses, then silence, no talk of this meeting ever made on the major networks, had it not been for the camera's rolling and youtube video, you would have never known this meeting happened, please watch it on youtube " Disclosure Project ".
After reading dolores cannon's material on this subject and hearing these testimonies, I believe the greatest story in human history has been locked away on purpose for reasons of enslavement and manipulation, and I think were living in a time in history where we are going to face this head on whether you believe it our not, and I would say non believer's will be shaken to the core on what's real and what's not.
BTW, I truely believe their existance is recorded all over history, especially ancient sumeria, and opposite sides of the earth, the fact the sumerians indicate that we are a seeded species who were manipulated to be worker's of the annunaki (Gods) 6,000 years ago should be taken seriously for the fact that it was this region of the world that gave us Base 60 Mathmatics ,courts and laws, farming and mining, medicine and science etc etc, all from those who from heaven to earth came, hmmmmm what are they not telling us ?