How old is the Universe?
2011-09-16 17:28:59 UTC
Correct me if I'm wrong but don't scientists measure the ever expanding universe based on the age of the furthest stars? My question is, why are stars being studied to measure the universe instead of the empty space? Aren't stars just objects in space? I see it like this. We have a cake (the empty space) we baked yesterday. Today we add the sprinkles (stars). You wouldn't measure the age of the sprinkles to get the correct age of the cake. The universe and empty space will exist with or without stars. Darkness is the absence of light. Darkness is n and light is n+1. Am I completely wrong? Haha.
Nine answers:
2011-09-16 17:33:15 UTC
No, that's not how we measure the age of the universe. The age is measured based on the expansion that we can see from the furthest galaxies but mostly from the cosmic microwave background. The wikipedia article does a good job of explaining how that works.
2011-09-17 00:38:58 UTC
Since empty space has no end, it's an infitinte value. However, with redshift we can calculate how fast something is moving away from us and in what direction. If things are expanding at a certain rate (and over time determined whether or not everything is expanding slower or faster than when the Big Bang occured, which it's odd but everything's moving out faster and faster and everything's speeding up rather than slowing down as once predicted) then it helps us to analyze the motion of the universe and where it's all going. I'm having a hard time explaining this... Okay, think of a tree trunk, I suppose. If you're on a random ring, being inside the trunk, you wouldn't be able to tell where the center is and where all the rings are coming from. However, by observing the curves of the rings around you and by seeing how far away they are (how many rings are between you and that other ring you're observing) then it can help you estimate how far you may be from the center. We don't just observe starts, but we also look at galaxies. Supernova remnants (SNRs) are also extremely valuable in finding clues or hints on how our universe works and finding more details about it- specifically with how the universe behaves as such with lives of stars and what could happen to it all in "the end" if it ends- or if the universe behaves like a supernova, it'll produce star dust and it'll be an endless cycle.

I'm ranting... Damn. lol I apologize.

To answer your question on its age, the Big Bang is estimated to have occured at 13.7 billion years ago with little uncertainty (I hate saying that though because the thing about science is that it always seems to change :D).

You're not completely wrong. :) I hope I could explain it at least a little... I'm terrible at explaining things. :I
2011-09-17 00:36:48 UTC
The universe can be traced back to a point in time about 13.75 billion years ago. If there is a beyond that, we have no way to know, because the physics reaches a singularity.

The age of the universe is not measured by the age of the oldest stars, but based on the rate of expansion (run backwards) and the percentages of certain elements, along with the temperature of intergalactic space, and measurements of the CMBR. These all arrive at roughly the same age. The first stars wouldn't have formed until well after the universe had already existed, and the early universe was opaque to light, so any of the first stars of the universe to form, would never provide us light anyway, because it would never reach us (it is permenently beyond our observable horizon).
2011-09-17 00:42:28 UTC
this "method" of measuring the age of the universe is called the red shift theory. this theory takes a lot of assuming and a bit of religious fervor to actually believe. The assumption is that the universe began with the big bang, after that magic event of nothing exploding into everything, electrons, protons, and neutrons blasted off on all directions. Then these formed the simpler elements like hydrogen. these simple atoms then formed "simple stars", which created heavier elements, which formed more complex stars(look the star part up, this theory is not provable beyond the 7th class of star) and planets. so, now supposing that everything is still in motion from the big bang, the universe should be expanding in all directions, so by measuring our velocity in comparison to the velocity and direction of other objects, we should be able to use these to find the place where we and the other object intercepted (a.k.a. the point of origin). So the idea is based off your basic velocity formula, if you know the distance, and speed, you can find the time it took to get there.

but once again, it is a theory, and at that a very inconclusive one with big holes in it. so based on the former stated is how Big Bang believing scientists "calculate" the age of the universe.
2011-09-17 03:38:13 UTC
Noah's ark. Isn't it fun?

In my opinion, Noah's ark was dinosaur. Not a ship.

Ark of Noah is a medium through which data of the gene is transferred.

Genesis 6:19 You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you.

Evolution of species doesn't have a linear time till mankind open eyes.

Genesis 9:13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.

Pitch / Bitumen / Crude oil / Where could we find them, today? It's fun, too.

Genesis 6:14 So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.

Today's annual rhythms begins "From Genesis 9:13". (This is my assumption.)

Today's light speed begins from Genesis 9:13, too. (I mean, distance.) <-- afrothundero, look at here!

So, they have breathed CO2 like trees.
2011-09-17 03:00:34 UTC
The best estimate is about 13.7 billion years based on observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation, the redshift of galaxies, and radiometric dating. It is as young as 13 billion years old to as old as 20 billion years old. Estimates may vary.
2011-09-17 00:31:02 UTC
Jesus walked on Earth over 2,000 years ago. So it's atleast that old. Dinosaurs have been extint for over millions. So its over millions. Read the Bible. It's a few hundred billion years old.
2011-09-17 00:30:41 UTC
I haven't got a clue what you're on about but it's estimated 13.7 billion years old.

And what the hell is CM Punk on about? :P
2011-09-17 01:06:29 UTC
I believe the Bible to be the true word of God. Therefor I believe the Universe is 6,000 or so years old. In Genesis chapter 1 God made the stars after He made the Earth. He also made dinosaurs along with man on day 6 of creation.

some scientists say that the universe is 13.6 billion years old but they used to say 14 billion. They also used to say 18-20 billion years old. Using measurements does not determine age in and of itself. Example: Distance light travels. "It's 10,000 light years away! That means the the length it takes the light to get here is 10,000 years!" this statement is false.

Here is WHY: When you look at the speed of light first off its possible that the speed of light has changed over time. No-one knows for sure that it's always been a constant.

SECONDLY: Since God created the Earth 1st then that means that although the Sun is the center of our Solar System its possible that the Solar System itself is the center of the universe. Evidence: As far as a telescope can see is 13-14 billion light years, however its basically the same on all sides of the universe. HERE IS HOW THIS MAKES SENSE: By being the center of the Universe:

Time speeds up: By being in the center of the Universe looking out, time will appear to speed up therefor making it look like it took billions of years for the star's light to reach you when in reality it took far less time, either instantly or in hundreds to a few thousand years. From the star's perspective, it would be taking a long time to reach Earth(the speed of light at 286,000 miles per second) and would be looking at the Earth moving very slowly.

In this way the light would take 14 billion years to reach Earth from the outside looking in, but only 6,000 from the inside(Earth) looking to the stars. this fits in with the the Biblical account with scripture which states that the Universe(All of God's Creation) is only 6,000 years old.

could I be wrong about how the light gets here so soon? Yes I could. But this is the best theory to explain how the universe is only 6,000 years old that i know about.

One thing I know to be fact is that God created everything and that 6,000 years ago God made man and the dinosaurs on the same day(read it, all land animals and the beasts of the field. Dinosaurs fit the word beast better than any other animal I think.).

Also God made the Stars on Day 4 after He made the Earth. God made the Earth on Day 2 of Creation and made the vegetation on the Earth on Day 3.

I believe that the Earth and Universe was made in 6 literal 24 hour days about 6,000 to 6,400 years ago. I believe that God is God and created right from the beginning, He didn't need "Time" or "Evolution" to make it right God made it right the first try.

I believe Jesus is God's Son and was both man and God and came to this world 2,000 years ago for the sole purpose of giving us life by His death. He died and on the 3rd day rose again because He was stronger than death. Jesus died for you me because He wanted me to be with Him but I cannot go to heaven because I am sinful and God is Holy. I needed a substitute and that's why Jesus came. He took your and my sins upon that cross and died, 3 days later raising from the dead, defeating sin and death, and giving us an opportunity have everlasting life.

But we have to do something to enter heaven. WE need to come before God and ask Him to forgive us of our sins.

Why do we need to do this? Because apart from God we will be cast down into the lake of fire where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. In other words, Hell.

But God does not want you to go there so He made a way for you to be with Him eternally. You must confess your sins to Almighty God and tell Him, "I admit I am a sinner and deserve Hell, but I know you sent your Son Jesus to die for me so that I might have everlasting life. Please forgive me of all of my sins. I want to receive Jesus into my heart, to be Lord of my life and I want to make you my Lord and savior. Thank you for what you have done for me on the cross, In Jesus' name we pray, AMEN."

That's all you have to do. Once you do that God will accept you as one of His children, You'll be accepted into His kingdom, He will give you a new heart with new desires and a willingness to serve Him. You'll understand that God, not you is most important in your life because it was He that kept you living in the first place.

And you'll be able to live a NEW LIFE!

And it is my prayer, that you honestly think about what has been revealed and shared with you tonight, and that you accept Jesus Christ to be your Savior, and I pray this in JESUS' name, AMEN.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.