2013-01-30 05:28:55 UTC
Look, I've seen all the YouTube videos and stuff online. Some of them can be quite convincing at first, but the more I look into a particular video or account of something that happened I always end up somewhere that can show that it's fake, a hoax, mind tricks, etc and generally do so quite convincingly. We all know there's CGI, models, camera tricks, etc so I understand most video is probably faked.
Then there is an issue with more credible sources like the Blue Book created by the USAF or the COMETA report. All of the accounts in these books either talk about a UFO (which by no means could be alien - many government the world over are always experimenting, testing, etc) or when they do mention actual beings they are ALWAYS very human like...two legs, two arms, eye, nose, mouth, ears, etc...
So this got me thinking about something I read that discussed the possibility that E.T.'s might actually be humans from the future. Now, if we consider for a moment that this is true, is it possible that humans, whether from the future or not really are the only intelligent life form outside of our current form? I mean look at the "grays" or you common alien. Very human like appearance and from what I've read a lot about their appearance makes sense if they are in fact humans from the future. They have big black eyes that actually act as a kind of sun glasses because the light on Earth is too bright due to the Sun or atmosphere having issues, skin is the color it is due to those same problems, etc. Not to mention as well, like I said, that they are humanoids. I mean, what are the chances that other life exists then comparing those chances that a civilization comes about that has all the same features we do? Again...this is all just speculation and I of course have no evidence for this...but aliens as we know them being future humans rings more plausible in my mind then them being aliens from a different planet that just happen to look like us.
Lets also look at Roswell for example. Supposedly something crashes and its from outer space. That right there alone makes me question Roswell. You mean to tell me a advanced civilization can travel from light years away, have technology WAY beyond what we could ever imagine let alone comprehend...but yet they can't make a ship that doesn't crash? All that technology, all that distance traveled just for the engine to give out and have them crash to the ground...hmmm...seems highly unlikely don't you think? Well, I guess if it was future humans that can time travel my point is hard to defend...anyways!
Either way, I've just been thinking about this. It seems every time I find something that makes me go "WOW!" it's soon crushed by being proven a hoax or scam (more often than not with the creators admitting it themselves).
So...what are your thoughts? The process for life coming about is very complex and some would so a 1 in infinity chance of happening...could it be true? I see arguments from both sides. Some say its impossible given the size of the universe for there not to be other intelligent life and some say its possible and probable that we are the only life in existence due to its complexity and chance of happening.
To me it really comes down to being 50/50...either they do or they don't exist...but do we have infallible proof for either side?
Thanks for reading! Hope we can get something intelligent from this! :-)
As a disclaimer I would like to say as well than I am a non-believer in gods and religion, so none of this has anything to do with a god(s), the Bible, or any other religious stuff. I say this only because I'm sure it could possibly come up at some point and don't say this because of any other reason.