2013-01-15 01:59:57 UTC
Ive ask before but im going to give it a shot again to understand.
Just because all galaxys are moving away including us all same sorrounding directions.. Does NOT mean the universe is expanding.
What if the actual whole universe AND the galaxys are moving together at the same time? Which makes it as if the galaxys are only moving away and that teh unvierse is not expanding by trying to understand that.
What if the universe is just a giant bubble and that the bubble (universe) is moving in one direction like a floating bubble which makes it look like as if all the galaxys in that buble are moving away OR that everything is moving away INSIDE the universe and rotates back around. But the bubble universe is huge but does not mean its expanding but more likely floating on something. That something is something we cant see.
Because the universe is far too big.. you wont be able to see no edge.
And by the way just because you think the unvierse is expanding.. can you virtually see it expanding? if so show prove the universe material is expanding. No because you cant see it nor have 100% evidence of it. You can see galaxys moving away but you cant see the material of the universe itself... otherwise show me how you can see the universe expanding.
Plus remember we dfont have technology to see that far YET of the inture universe. We can only see distance but virtually regardless how big the telescope is out there... it wont help searching deeper into space because the universe is MASSIVE and your only looking a portion of it which is quite small but for us it looks far on telescope but virtually its not.
So i beleive the universe is a bubble and its floatinga way its a giant bubble and its not expanding its allready expanded.. and all your seing is that the inside of the bubble is moving away because the presure of the bubble is moving ONE direction in a straight line of the unknown where its going.
What do you think ?
One would think.... if the universe is indeed expanding... then what is on the outerlayer of the universe that the universe has not touch yet? its of something.
Its hard to think that space is huge and that the outerlayer of the universe is a empty thing.... and that i dont believe its goes forever.. there has to be some unusual stops
Imagine 4 wallas until that small dust hits that wall oneday. Your virtually in the centre of a giant 4 wall dark room.