Are there any updates on Nibiru (Planet X)?
2010-03-23 18:09:48 UTC
This questions is for the ones (scientists, historians, hobbyists, etc) who are interested in the Summerian civilization and their prophecies of Nibiru / Planet X. Obviously I would get a lot of negative answers from the people who think this is a hoax or just another ancient myth. Hence I am specifically asking the crowd that is really interested in this topic.

Are there any updates on the whereabouts of Nibiru? I have read somewhere that its return should coincide with the end of the Mayan calendar, December 21st 2012. No one will know its impact on Earth until it actually happens if it does. But if it is on its way, as it is supposedly every 3600 years, where is it today? Is it visible in the night sky?

Any info would be great. And links to websites with new articles would be appreciated ;)
Fifteen answers:
2010-03-26 15:13:28 UTC
Didnt you people read.. For people that are interested in the summerian civilization and Nibiru.. Ofcoures itll be easy to dismiss something that you dont believe in.. im tired of people jus dismissing the Summerians and Nibiru and joking about it like they know what theyre talkin about.. Nibiru will pass near earth BUT not *** you think.. The whole nibiru clashing into earth is not going to happen.. That happend already.. and Nibiru does pass through our solar system about every 3600 years.. according to the summerians.. and not everytime nibiru passes it causes distruction.. Granted the gravitational pull of nibiru on earth may.. i mean MAY cause a polar shift.. And people keep using the same excusesbout nibiru... "If its real I should be able to see it... Or if its real NASA wouldve told us".. Nibiru will show.. its def not visible from your average telescope and if anything NASA would cover it up.. due to mass panic.. People seen the 2012 movie and theyre talking about killing themselves.. Imagine if people knew Nibiru is already in our solar system.. there would be Serious panic.. because people who dont know what they are talking about will scream and run around saying its the end of the world... Nibiru Does exsist.. Scientist have said there is a planet beyond Pluto and it travels in a orbit.. similar to the way summerians said Thousands of years ago.. AND for the skepticks the dontt believe.. Instead of lookin for ways to debunk Nibiru how about you do research on it before you just say Nibiru is a hoax...
Doom Shepherd
2010-03-23 18:25:51 UTC
Nibiru not only does not exist, it CAN NOT exist. Therefore it can not be seen by the naked eye or any other method of observation. Therefore there can be no updates on it.

If Nibiru existed, it would have been orbiting the sun on an elongated orbit for billions of years. This orbit would, (according to the Nibirunuts' own statements) intersect the orbits of the other inner planets.

The problem with this is that planets have gravity, and they pull on each other even from very great distances away. If a planet with as much mass as Nibiru is claimed to have was passing the Earth and the other inner planets, even only on the order of every hundred thousand years, the cumulative gravitational tugs of all those trips over all those years would have pulled all the OTHER planets in the inner solar system out of their nearly circular orbits a long long long time ago.

You can actually prove this with any simple gravity simulator, like this one:

Go here, click "stop" then "new" then "data." Change the "radius" (mass equivalent) of the first three "planets" to "1" and the white "planet" to some high number (Nibiru is supposed to be huge, isn't it?) like 14 or 15, then click "view" "lines" and "go" and watch for a while to see what happens to the planets.

Pretty soon they start smashing into each other.
2010-03-23 18:48:12 UTC
Nibiru is the mythical home of the Sumerian God Marmaduke, and was also used for both Jupiter and Mercury (hey, anyone can have a summer home).

A completely bat#$% crazy man (no, not Glenn Beck, a DIFFERENT bat#$% crazy man) decided that he could con some really dumb people into believing that the Ancient Sumerians knew about a race of aliens called the Anunaki who came to Earth every 3600 years to steal our gold and would be back in 2075. Oops. Make that 2012, because we will all be dead in 2075 so its academic, besides, he can make more $$$ if there is an immediate threat.

One Minor Problem. No astronomer has ever seen Nibiru. If you ask any astronomer, he will tell you that it is simply impossible that a planet with a 3600 year orbit could be due in 2012 and NOT visible now.

So, here's your update on Nibiru: Still imaginary.
2010-03-23 18:35:52 UTC

Nibiru continues to have been a name used by the Sumerian civilization for the planet we call Jupiter.

Nibiru is still the name of a fictitious planet used in Zechariah's book (written in the 1960s) where Z invents a story about a people living on a planet that has a strange orbit bringing it close to Earth every 3700 years. In his original story, the planet he calls Nibiru (not the same as the one called Nibiru by the Sumerian) cannot harm Earth when it comes back. A few years ago, Z published a letter where he confirms that HIS planet Nibiru cannot return before the year 2085.

Z's story is "based" on Sumerian myths the same way that Stargate (the original TV series) is based on Egyptian myths: it is just a ploy to pick names of heroes and villains, and a convenient way to make up an old common language used on the different planets of the series (otherwise, it might be difficult to explain why the Earth scientist can decipher the ancient scripts so easily). Similarly, Z's story is loosely based on some information that he found in ancient documents and on twisting (a lot) some of his own interpretations of texts in the Bible.


Update on a totally separate hoax that was not connected at all to the Sumerians when it was invented:

Planet X was the planet that was to wipe us out in May-June 2003. It was invented from Nancy's dreams (she claimed that her dreams were secret messages from aliens). Charlatans used Nancy's dreams to construct a hoax and make money from it: they sold books on how to survive and some even sold seats on alien spacecrafts sent to save a few of us (back in Spring 2003). [The spacecrafts became the Arks in Roland's movie "2012" which, despite its title, is really based in part on the 2003 hoax).

After June 2003, the charlatans needed a new hoax, so they created the Big 212 Hoax. They used their own Planet X hoax. They used other hoaxes, lies and stories, modifying them to fit their own hoax.

That is how, for example, Nibiru was stolen from Z and forced to participate in the Big 2012 Hoax (for that, the charlatans had to modify its orbital period, otherwise it could not come back in time for 2012 -- that is why some people use 3600 years instead of the original 3700). It is in response to this obvious copyright infringement that Z wrote the letter confirming the year 2085 as the earliest possible return of Nibiru.

The date of the Big 2012 Hoax comes from yet another lie, invented by a different charlatan (claiming to be a reincarnated Mayan priest) in the late 1980s: the end of an old calendar used in Central America. The calendar is really the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. It does not end, but it merely passes a round figure, as it does every 394 years and a quarter.

Update on the update:

When Planet X failed to show up in 2003, Nancy said that aliens apologized for making a mistake about the date, and they announced a new date in 2011 (not 2012). But the charlatans had already made up the Big 2012 Hoax, so they did not want her to be too "public" with her new date. They figured that their hoax date was far more popular than hers.

In any event, her date would conflict with two end-of-the-world dates already announced for 2011 by some obscure Bible-cults in the USA (check out May 21, 2011).

Next update will be published on January 2, 2013.

By that time, the "new" date for Planet X will have been announced by the charlatans who will have taken over from the present charlatans.

Personally, I am rooting for September 20, 2020. In addition to its numerological appeal, it also happens to be an important date in yet another ancient calendar.

After that, you can pick your own "end-of-the-word" dates (yes, with an "s" -- you should pick more than one to increase your chances in the pool).
2010-03-23 18:18:07 UTC
I guess the fact that the Mayan calendar doesn't actually end in 2012 is irrelevant.

And it must also be irrelevant that if Nibiru did exist and was going to hit the Earth in just over 2 years it would be very visible in our night skies by at least one of the thousands of astronomers that search the sky for comets, planets, asteroids, and supernova every night.

The idea was first proposed in 1995 by Nancy Lieder who claimed she had the ability to receive messages from extra-terrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system through an implant in her brain.

She states she was chosen to warn mankind that Nibiru would sweep through the inner solar system in May 2003 (didn't happen) and later revised it to around 2010.

The predicted collision has since spread like a fungus and has been embraced by numerous internet doomsday groups, most of which link the event to the 2012 phenomenon. Although the name "Nibiru" is derived from the works of journalist and economist Zecharia Sitchin and his personal "reinterpretations" of Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, he denies any connection between his work and claims of a coming apocalypse.

The idea that a planet-sized object could possibly collide with Earth in the near future is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been roundly rejected as pseudoscience by astronomers and planetary scientists.

But I guess all that is irrelevant as well.

If you want information to support your beliefs, try here:

And if you want actual facts, try here:
Anthony E
2010-03-23 18:17:56 UTC
There is no update on Nibiru, nor will there ever be. Nibiru does not exist and was just a wrong hypothesis about the Solar System before Pluto was discovered.
2016-06-01 02:31:57 UTC
NEW UPDATE on Planet X! It still doesn't exist! Take a look at this video of well-known Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson talking about it and other 2012 myths.
2010-03-23 18:17:33 UTC
Nibiru is still imaginary, just like it was when crackpots predicted that it would destroy the Earth in 2003 and it never showed up. When Nibiru doesn't appear in 2012 either, the crackpots will just pick a new date and be wrong yet again.
2016-09-13 11:29:29 UTC
The people who doubt whats going to happen are the same people who screwed the pooch when Noah told them that god was going to destroy earth with the flood.The reason for Nibiru is to destroy the earth.Its gods plan for the people who refuse him and denies that he exist.If you dont read the bible then how will you ever learn what god has planed for all.God said the world will end in fire.Guess what Nibiru is dragging along with it.The bible even speaks of the government hiding in the mountains.Its not time yet but I will say this,when it is time that will be the time you will except that Jesus Died for all the sins of the world.God will give you that chance because he knows how you think.He even said that some will make it by the skin of there teeth.I myself dont have that worries for God has let me see Jesus Christ in the flesh and awake.Just take a look at the Shroud of Turin,that is the man I had seen and I have no Doubts that is the face of Jesus.God also let me see hell for all you nonbelievers that think there is no hell think again. And he let me see my home that he prepares for me.That's right, I got to fly over a section of what God is Building for me.My new home for when I die it will be waiting there for me.I have Huge Valleys and a beautiful view of the coast line and the waves coming in.It was spectacular.Like I said God will give you the chance to except him and you will cry out to him,I promise.Because non of us are prefect and God knows this so he is sure to let you have the chance to go to Heaven.But I will tell you this,dont wait till then,get a good relationship by talking to him now.He will talk to you if you come to him as a child.Be sorry for your sins.He will know if you are being sincere.Be sure to say I believe you sent Jesus to Die for your sins because that is what he did.Nibiru has a way to go and when you see it you will know its time.You can start then if you want to wait till then by asking God and Christ for forgiveness.But by that time that is what God is referring to,You will make it by the skin of your teeth.The Bible was Gods plan to teach all how to live and be happy in life but most dont follow Gods simple laws the 10 Commandments.The # 1 biggest Commandment that is broken everyday is # 7 You shall not commit adultery. The 10 Commandments List, Short Form

1 You shall have no other gods before Me.

2 You shall not make idols.

3 You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.

4 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

5 Honor your father and your mother.

6 You shall not murder.

7 You shall not commit adultery.

8 You shall not steal.

9 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

10 You shall not covet.
2010-03-23 18:13:49 UTC
Here is the latest update: Nibiru still doesn't exist.
2010-03-23 18:26:56 UTC
Why not just make up your own news and post it on the web?
2010-03-23 19:09:02 UTC

the latest hot news is that it still does not exist!

2010-03-23 18:12:23 UTC
There can not be any updates on something that does not exist.
2010-03-23 18:18:06 UTC
The only possible update on nothing is....

N O T H I N G ! ! ! ! !
2010-03-23 18:17:33 UTC
Go here:

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.