Don't be Scammed!
There are some things you need to know about the rumors of the "end of the world" or "Planet X" or "Nibiru" in 2012.
The "2012 doomsday" is a hoax, a fraud, and a con job. It is a cruel and cynical lie being promoted by scam artists after money: First they scare people to death that something terrible is going to happen, then they publish books and videos on "how to survive". See the scam? You're not going to fall for something like that, right?
The problem is that some people will fall for the scam. Some people will believe it. Some people will spend their money buying books and videos on "how to survive". They will buy worthless survival kits or spaces in shelters that will never be built.
Some people will die because of these rumors.
If you think we are being overly dramatic, then think about this: In September, 2008, Chayya, young woman in India became distraught and depressed after watching poorly done and over-hyped reports about the Large Hadron Collider. She believed these shows when they said that the LHC would cause a 'miniature big bang' or a create a black hole, and destroy the world. She drank insecticide. She was 16.
A visit to Yahoo! Answers disclosed that A) There were a lot of people asking 2012 questions and B) there were a lot of people giving incorrect information about 2012. He began writing his "2012 hoax" page in January of 2009, and immediately began getting feedback from many different people who were scared and confused by all of the 2012 doomsday talk. Each time a new issue was raised, the article grew.
By April 2009 the article had swelled to several thousand words, and it became apparent that it needed to be broken up into several smaller topical articles. In conjunction with other authors, amateur astronomers, astrophysicists, chemists, and school teachers, this site was born.
In May 2009, a teacher left a comment on Astrogeek's blog, commenting on his 2012 hoax article.
…[I] am a teacher and my 3rd graders are hearing about this, and a little child is talking about how if its ending, that she should just end it now. This isnt even close to funny anymore
and same thing, the mother of a 7 year old says:
I have a 7 year old that happened to see something on the history channel that scared him so bad , he became depressed and often question the meaning of life, like I said above he is 7!!! This nonsense is scaring our children. I found this website and tried the best I can to explain to him it was all a hoax.
A 3rd grader would be about 8 years old. So, in order to make some money, several authors, video producers, and producers for the History channel have whipped up an international hoax, which is scaring 7 and 8 year olds, to the point where they are talking about suicide, or questioning the meaning of life.
Fear and ignorance can kill.
This has gone far enough.