Is there a BIG change already happening on Earth and set to complete by Dec. 21, 2012?
2009-07-09 09:47:06 UTC
I got this answer when I asked if the earth is due to go through the galactic plane on December 21, 2012 and cause a BIG change to the earth (not a doomsday event). This big change like I said is not a doomsday nor will the human race will go extinct that day, but I was told there's evidence of it now. My dad is a scientist (physicist) and he has proof of no doomsday on December 21, 2012 and proves the Gregorian Calendar is more accurate than the Mayan calendar because of the leap second and that our calendar was updated so many times, even though the Mayans were good at astronomical predictions such as Venus and the eclipses.
Fourteen answers:
Randy P
2009-07-09 10:00:29 UTC
Short answer? No. There's no big change on Dec. 21, 2012, and nothing underway.

There is no transition of the galactic plane in 2012. We are six degrees and several million years away from the galactic plane.

If you are "told there's evidence of it now" I would ask you to examine critically the nature of that "evidence" and the source. All of this stuff is made up, most of it recycled from older doomsday predictions.

The Mayans made no such prediction. It is true that their "Long Count" calendar ends a cycle on that date, but then it begins the next cycle. There is no doomsday prediction. That was made up by some crackpot author with a book to peddle.

There is no scientific or ancient prediction of any kind about Dec. 21, 2012. None. Zero. Nada. It is all made up by a handful of authors within recent years, and they have changed their story this time to coincide with the date one of them picked based on the Mayan calendar.
2009-07-09 21:50:07 UTC
One thing that will happen at the end of December 2012 is that some people will realise that scientists and people of commonsense like most actual Christians were right all along, and that the fake scientists, astrologers, drug users, new-age gurus, end-times “Christian” preachers, paranoiacs and other loonies were wrong.

According to their various lies, in December 2012 Nibiru will finally reach the neighbourhood of Earth and the Annunaki will invade again, hoping to enslave humans again to mine gold for them. Imagine their disappointment when planet X also appears out of nowhere and causes a pole shift, thereby making a really big mess of Earth (and probably Nibiru too).

Simultaneously, all the planets in our solar system will align as the Earth enters the photon belt around the Seven Sisters, creating a spiritual paradigm shift among humans, passes through the galactic central plane and the Earth, Sun and the galactic centre all line up. This will of course send the Earth spiralling into the Sun, or maybe away from it, or into the galactic centre or maybe not, just as a solar storm rages up and causes another pole shift on Earth.

Meanwhile, the Earth is being pounded by asteroids, killing everyone and everything on the planet and all the bees in North America will drop dead of some undefined disease.

Notice anything about these 2012 prophecies? They are all inconsistent with each other. If there was any scientific basis for this at all, they would all be saying the same thing.

If they have any other reports of obscure and contradictory prophecies from the likes of Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, the Chinese, the Egyptians, the Hopi, the Aztecs, the Bible, the Mayans, the Pitjantjatjara or the outer Mongolians, it is best if they are not written in any modern language but in some obscure half forgotten one so they can be lied about at will. It is best for them to claim a lot but ignore any demand that they show where they got the prophecy from. It also helps if they lie a lot about non-existent Mayan prophecies and the invisible and mass-less planets X. and Nibiru.

If there are any other global disaster scenarios, they are all just as true too and will happen just as simultaneously.

Head for the hills, but be sure to buy a few books and videos first. We would not want any of these vicious liars and ratbags to be without an income now would we? And keep watching the History Channel for more fake documentaries. TV executives have pockets to line too.

Whether some calendar is accurate or not is not the question. The Mayan long count of days is not a calendar, it is a count of days which ignores the seasons or the year.
2009-07-09 18:44:38 UTC
It would be a BIG change if Yahoo would let us delete all 2012 questions as "chat" or "speculation".

Not very likely, I feel.

Any speculation on Doomsday is silly. Ask an astronomer about fictitious planets, not an Art History major.

The Gregorian Calendar may be a lot more USEFUL than the Mayan, but more accurate? Remember... accuracy to US means, every year is about the same number of days and always starts at the same place. The Mayans cared squat about that. They just said every year had 360 or 365 days and ran with it. Wouldn't that mean there would be a NEW New Years Day every year? Sure... did they care? No.

After enough time goes past, New Years would eventually be back where it was and WOOOO! Party Time!

THAT is how the Mayans told time.
2009-07-09 22:21:07 UTC
Don't be Scammed!

There are some things you need to know about the rumors of the "end of the world" or "Planet X" or "Nibiru" in 2012.

The "2012 doomsday" is a hoax, a fraud, and a con job. It is a cruel and cynical lie being promoted by scam artists after money: First they scare people to death that something terrible is going to happen, then they publish books and videos on "how to survive". See the scam? You're not going to fall for something like that, right?

The problem is that some people will fall for the scam. Some people will believe it. Some people will spend their money buying books and videos on "how to survive". They will buy worthless survival kits or spaces in shelters that will never be built.

Some people will die because of these rumors.

If you think we are being overly dramatic, then think about this: In September, 2008, Chayya, young woman in India became distraught and depressed after watching poorly done and over-hyped reports about the Large Hadron Collider. She believed these shows when they said that the LHC would cause a 'miniature big bang' or a create a black hole, and destroy the world. She drank insecticide. She was 16.

A visit to Yahoo! Answers disclosed that A) There were a lot of people asking 2012 questions and B) there were a lot of people giving incorrect information about 2012. He began writing his "2012 hoax" page in January of 2009, and immediately began getting feedback from many different people who were scared and confused by all of the 2012 doomsday talk. Each time a new issue was raised, the article grew.

By April 2009 the article had swelled to several thousand words, and it became apparent that it needed to be broken up into several smaller topical articles. In conjunction with other authors, amateur astronomers, astrophysicists, chemists, and school teachers, this site was born.

In May 2009, a teacher left a comment on Astrogeek's blog, commenting on his 2012 hoax article.

…[I] am a teacher and my 3rd graders are hearing about this, and a little child is talking about how if its ending, that she should just end it now. This isnt even close to funny anymore

and same thing, the mother of a 7 year old says:

I have a 7 year old that happened to see something on the history channel that scared him so bad , he became depressed and often question the meaning of life, like I said above he is 7!!! This nonsense is scaring our children. I found this website and tried the best I can to explain to him it was all a hoax.

A 3rd grader would be about 8 years old. So, in order to make some money, several authors, video producers, and producers for the History channel have whipped up an international hoax, which is scaring 7 and 8 year olds, to the point where they are talking about suicide, or questioning the meaning of life.

Fear and ignorance can kill.

This has gone far enough.
2009-07-10 01:23:48 UTC
Sorry, but your physicist dad is wrong, the Mayan calendar is the most accurate calendar ever created on Earth. Gregorian calendar follows synthetic time that is meant to disrupt the natural harmony on Earth and human mind for the purpose of driving social economies toward negative energy.By 2012, billions of people will have died from fake wars started for the very purpose of depopulating the world, from biological weapons such as swine flue(vaccine coming out this year, expect this to wipe out at least 100 million people), natural catastrophes that are being intensified by HAARP, and above all by poisoning the air we breathe with chemtrails, the water we drink with fluoride and arsenic, the food we eat with plastic leeching and "e.coli" and other contaminants being blamed on agricultural workers. Depopulation plan involves killing 95% of the worlds population by 2012 in an atttempt to cleanse the Earth, end pollution before the air we breathe is so contaminated that humans can no longer live on this planet, and above all to pave way for the NWO and the almiighty government purpose of total control as a utopia like society, this will trigger the Golden Age.
2009-07-13 05:20:21 UTC
No, the 2012 doomsday is a cruel hoax concocted by a bunch of wackos and scam artists. Listen to your dad. He is a scientist and knows a lot more than a crazy woman who hears aliens in her head.

Scientists have NOT predicted any catastrophic events for 2012. The doomsday “prediction” nonsense is all the work of hoaxers with something to sell.

The Mayans didn’t predict it and their calendar doesn’t end. It is just the end of this cycle and the start of a new one.

Nostradamus didn’t predict it. He never mentioned 2012.

Mother Shipton didn’t predict it.

The Bible never mentions 2012 or any specific time.

Nibiru was reinvented by Zecharia Sitchen from old Sumerian references to Jupiter. He didn’t say it would return in 2012. He said it would return in 2085. The supposed Nibiru collision was dreamed up in 1995 by Nancy Lieder, who claims to channel messages from extra-terrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system.

Mark Hazlewood, who has no scientific background, wrote "Blindsided, Planet X Passes in 2003, Earth Changes!" His claims about Planet X based are based on his interpretations of Sitchin’s nonsense. Sitchen’s degree is in Literature. He has no science credentials.

Then we have Jose Arguelles, who has a degree in Art and Aesthetics. He thinks he is the reincarnation of a Mayan priest and announced to the UN and the Vatican that the world was required to convert to the Mayan calendar or be declared “Enemies of the Biosphere.” Hmmm.

I believe his catastrophe was originally to take place in 1995. Do we really want to take the word of people like this instead of scientists?

Planet X was a name that was used by astronomers when looking for an unknown planet. The doomsday hoaxers decided to use it as a real planet and predicted that it was to hit Earth in 2003. When it didn't show up, they moved it out to 2012 to tie it in with the end of this cycle of the Mayan calendar.

The Sun isn’t going to be aligned with the center of the galaxy.

The “planetary alignment” is only the way they appear in our view of the sky, not a real alignment.

Polar reversals don't happen suddenly. They take around 5,000 years, with estimates ranging from 1,000 years to 8,000 years.

The next Solar maximum (which happens in an 11 year cycle) is now expected to occur in 2013. It isn’t expected to be any worse than the many previous ones. The effects of solar flares are mainly on communications and radio transmissions.

As for web bots predicting it, Web bots crawl the web to catch new and existing web sites and detect relevant keywords. With all the garbage about 2012 on the internet, what else would you expect it to say? Remember the old computer adage: garbage in, garbage out.

Check out this video of famous Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson discussing the 2012 myths.
2009-07-09 16:56:18 UTC
To answer your question

Is there a BIG change already happening on Earth and set to complete by Dec. 21, 2012?

Yes there is a big change, we have our first bi-racial president and next election will take place in 2012 to determine if he will continue to be our president...

I agree I don't buy into any doomsday stuff, all a hoax...
2009-07-09 16:55:04 UTC
No. Not at all.

And if your father did a few seconds more research on the definition of the galactic equator, he would have told you that this passage happens twice per year, without any special effects.
Black cat
2009-07-09 20:33:33 UTC
you are talking about two unbelievable and intangibly proven theories

although the big bang was proven by Edwin Hubble, lots of scientists don't agree with it.

and as for the 2012 theory, you will know its a lie if you pay attention to other answers
2009-07-09 16:52:42 UTC

2009-07-09 17:01:04 UTC
yes, there is no doomsday. And the big change shall happen here on YA in this category
Doom Shepherd
2009-07-09 18:30:01 UTC
Nope, there's no "big change" except in the minds of a bunch of loony hippie types. You know, the kind who believe that ordinary quartz crystals can cure cancer.
2009-07-09 16:53:08 UTC
as a white sox fan, you should know the only big change on earth occurred in october of 2005.
2009-07-09 17:05:14 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.