Well, ..., the universe is finite.
1) The Universe is finite.
It started off with finite mass and energy. It neither creates new mass or destroys the old mass. Nor does it create or destroy energy. Even though it is currently expanding that expansion will one day stop and the universe will come to an end. The universe held no control over it's inception and creation, has no control over it's current state and cannot control it's future demise. In fact the Universe is running out of time.
I know it's an unpopular concept to grasp but the universe is finite in energy, mass, and life cycle and that's all there is to it. See the links below:
2) There is no evidence for the existence other universes.
No matter how many times it occurs in science fiction there is not one shred of evidence for the existence of other universes. We can only observe about 3% to 4% of our own universe so we still have about 96% left to explore of this universe alone. Again, I know it's an unpopular thought but this universe is all we have and certainly the only one that you or I will ever know and as I mentioned before even it is doomed.
3) Edge of the Universe
Now the edge of the current universe is difficult at best to describe. First none one has ever observed it and it's unlikely that we ever will. There is a 300,000 light year thick bow shock of big bag that we'll never be able to peer through blocking the edge of the universe in all directions. My friends who are cosmologists tell e that the edge is a 9th dimensional structure that, you as a 3 dimensional being could never traverse. Think of it like this, it would be like your shadow suddenly picking itself up off the curb, stand up vertically and walk away as you stood still and watched it. Of course that's impossible, it's a 2 dimensional ties to a 3 dimensional structure. In the same way you could never traverse the edge of the universe as you ar 3 dimensional structure defined by a 9 dimensional structure. Comparatively speaking your just part of the Universes shadow! I do agree with you though its not a wall. Rather, it is something much more complex.
4) Expansion of the Universe
The Universe is expanding at the rate of 74.2 ±3.6 kilometers/second/megaparsec. So what's a megaparsec? Well it's roughly 3,000,000 light years. So, for every 3,000,000 light years that you travel the universe is expanding at 74.2 ±3.6 kilometers/second ... and that's how it works.
Dark energy is the force that appears to be accelerating expansion of the universe. We don't understand what dark energy is (our understanding of it's properties is darkened) but we can see that objects near certain energy sources appear to be moving away from that source this indicates that the Universe is (on the whole) expanding.
Even though our Universe is expanding, our universe is finite. It has a finite mass, a finite amount of energy, and at this very second finite boundaries. Just because our universe is expanding doesn't mean that it is infinite; it simply means that it is expanding. However, when you look on in the whole, it's not gaining more mass or more energy rather it all just becomes more diffuse over a larger distance.
Think of pouring a glass of water onto a table. The puddle continues to expand yet it maintains the same about of mass and energy it had as when you dumped it onto the table. It just becomes more diffuse as it's area grows. The same holds true for the universe. So, as you can see, the universe though huge and expanding is quite finite.
5) Causality as proof against the infinite nature of the universe.
So if Big Bang initiated an unbroken chain of causal events that lead to the formation of the earth, life on this planet, and eventually you. Then that set of of events (though very large) must be a finite set of events. If it was an infinite set of events you would be as yet undefined. However, since you and are both here discussing the nature of the universe the set of all causal events is large but finite. Thus, the universe is finite.