Why have we never made contact with aliens? #ExplainThis?
Yahoo Answers Team
2014-11-21 10:13:30 UTC
Recently, the Yamster got to thinking as he lay back in his wheel looking up at the stars in the night sky - the earth is a relatively young planet and the human race who live here are even younger.

359 answers:
2014-11-21 14:09:04 UTC
The greatest obstacle to detecting and possibly interacting with Alien civilizations is the immense distances involved. The Milky Way galaxy is 100,000 light years across. Humans have only been transmitting radio signals for a little over a 100 years, and sending viable signals into space for a few decades. The Solar System itself is billions of years old but has only had a technological civilization for perhaps the past century; space exploration began only in the 1950's. Keep in mind that it would take a modern space probe 4,000 years to reach the nearest star, Alpha Centauri.

Considering these factors, if the Milky Way was replete with hundreds of human-like civilizations we statistically would still not have made contact. Are we sending signals in a time-frame compatible with theirs, or vice versa? And with a compatible technology?

There could be Alien civilizations that are long extinct. There may be others in the making. We may miss them by 1000 years, 10,000 or even millions of years.

Since astronomers have been discovering planets around other stars, it is safe to say that planets are common in the Universe. The Sun is a very common star in a very ordinary galaxy, and comparable Solar Systems must be replicated billions or trillions of times throughout the Universe. The Universe itself may be 156 billion light years across if one recent calculation based on WMAP results are accurate. That is simply incomprehensible. Even if Earth was one in a billion, or one in trillions, it is replicated elsewhere in the Universe. The same size, the same chemical composition, with identical or nearly identical conditions. The incredible tenacity of life on Earth is amazing. The variety is also amazing. Life is an incredible force. The conditions for its existence are abundant in the Universe.

PS: This should be posted under the Astronomy & Space category.
Feral Shade
2014-11-21 13:25:47 UTC
Humans have a very limited capacity for space observation (relative to potential size and variation out there). So it's not likely we'd see evidence of intelligence life now, or even several hundreds from now

Further, we have an extremely narrow standard for defining both life and we'd likely dismiss any new lifeform if it was encountered.

Lastly, the universe is as eternal as it is infinite. and it's quite possible than the lifespan of any lifeform would blink out within relative moments...and evidence of it ever existing, shortly thereafter-humans included.

So if there was an another species out could have died out millions of years before we evolved...or come about long after we're exinct

The problem is, humans are very, very self-centered...we think we're the center of the universe, when actually we're but a speck of sand on a beach...we think we'll be here forever, but our relative existence as only been a fraction of a moment on the cosmic calendar...we think we know most of everything, when nearly all of what we do know is trivial, wrong or guesswork...and there's so much more to learn that we can't even begin to imagine.

Expecting to find extraterrestrial life is like dropping a pebble from 50,000 in the air, and expecting to land exactly upon a specific, equally-tiny pebble.
Brigalow Bloke
2014-11-25 18:04:51 UTC
Because if there are any in this Galaxy, they are too far away. You may as well stand on the beach in Sydney, Australia and shout, then expect to be heard in San Francisco.

Most radio and TV transmissions on Earth are directed horizontally because there is no audience in space. Yes I know about the ISS crew, who probably are not tuned in anyway. Even a powerful transmitter driving a high gain antenna directed into space will produce a signal that will fade below the interstellar noise in 50 to 100 light years. Therefore our friendly aliens, unless they happen to be within that distance and have their own high gain antenna pointed at where the Earth was when the signal left here, will never hear anything from us.

Most of the life on other planets that might be suitable for life is probably no more than the local equivalent of bacteria, as it was on Earth for the best part of three billion years. Or just animals and plants. I would not have expected a tree, a trilobite or a tiger to have constructed a radio receiver. If they were slow developers, by the time we get there, if we do, they might have entered their Bronze Age. Or they may never develop a civilisation at all.

So you are going to tell me about distant galaxies studied by radio astronomers. Fine, there are anything from 10 thousand to 100 billion stars all hammering out radio noise, but our astronomers have to listen long and hard to get a signal from these galaxies. It's not like they are watching the local TV news from a 40 or 100 kilowatt transmitter 10 kilometres away.
2014-11-21 10:20:17 UTC
There are two likely reasons why we haven't a clear contact with advanced alien intelligence.


A) The speed of light (which is a well proven limit) really is a strong limit and cannot be broken -- that is the speculations about wormholes and such are just wrong (easy to imagine). This would mean that it is difficult to travel far between stars. So if an advanced intelligent race lived 1500 light years away, we might not have a clue about them.....ever. For instance, such a race might consider it too risky to even send out robots for 5,000 year journeys, because it would reveal their own location to unknown other advanced aliens.....


B) Such barriers to rapid travel between the stars can be overcome, and then the best explanation for our isolation is that we are evidently, by our endless wars and even nuclear weapons, *still* far too aggressive species to safely allow into the advanced technology they have. We are isolated for everyone else's protection! If this is the case, perhaps we could eventually evolve to be less aggressive and warlike, and join in the galactic a few centuries.
2014-11-21 14:28:05 UTC
It depends on a few things.Lets say that UFO phenomenon for sure exist,and that there are other beings visiting us.

Universe looks like its a place for life and life and evolution are a standard thing in the Universe.Life should happen anywhere in a habitable zone.,and with evolution,civilizations can happen.

Considering that,logic tells us that there are definitely a decent number of interstellar civilizations in our galaxy.Its even possible that there is some kind of intergalactic federation that dont interfere with civilizations below type 1.Even if that isnt true,we can be sure that we have been visited,because of many proofs through the history and sightnings in Apollo missions,like with Buzz Aldrin,when there was filmed a ship that was around 42kg big,because it was 6000 miles away.

There should be a few options.

1.Earth is a controlled planet by aliens who dont want visitation from other aliens.Earth is a sort of an experiment under control.Other aliens can only observe us,without interfering with us.

2.Very advanced civilizations think that its the best way not to make contact and they are only observing us.

3.Earth is in a matrix Universe where Earth is the only planet with life,or the Universe is made in that way,that intelligent civilizations are very rare.UFOs are beings that created this matrix,and they are visiting us.

So,in the most cases,we dont see aliens,because they want to be hidden.Thats the most logical explanation.
2014-11-21 11:04:12 UTC
The universe is infinitely large and we haven't been here that long and if the theory that it is it is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light than the closest possible habitable planet is still thousands of years away.

Maybe we are just the smartest things so far even if other planets got a head start on us. Take this into consideration. The earth is about 4.6 billion years old and the universe is around 14.9 byo so there are planets out there 3 times as old as ours. Dinosaurs roamed the earth for 200 million years and humans have only been here for less than a million and we are already way smarter than they ever were and they had 200 times more time to evolve than we did.

Maybe our knowledge is actually more rare than we want to believe it is.
2014-11-22 00:51:05 UTC
I think people are confusing the wide-spectrum term "alien life" with an intelligent species landing on the White House lawn and holding a press conference. THAT'S not going to happen. What if these beings haven't even developed radio, much less space travel? Even if they did have radio, there's no reason to assume they have radio dishes pointed at Earth, or can interpret what we're saying anyway. There's also every reason to assume THEIR signals are being gobbled up and stomped all over by the background radiation of the rest of the Universe.

We also rationalize that given time, any species can conquer the physical laws of the Universe and magically show up on our doorstep in their alien versions of a BMW 5-series, with a Planet Earth or Bust bumper sticker slapped on the bumper. Physical Laws are just that; Constant, Everywhere and Unforgiving. We really should reserve ourselves to believing that they will bump into the same hurdles we have, they realize the futility of trying to step over, around or through them, and finally continue their march through time, happy in the notion that once upon a time, they gave it their best shot.
2014-11-21 13:21:52 UTC
The Drake Equation meets Fermi's Paradox!

There's no reason to assume that life only evolved on this tiny bluish-green speck in a vast cosmic ocean full of stars and planets.

But... whether or not that life is a) capable of interstellar travel and b) even remotely concerned about making contact with a civilization that's only managed to step foot on its planet's moon is another matter entirely. Also, does the benefit of contacting us outweigh the costs associated with traveling enormous distances?

The thing is, high intelligence is not the goal of evolution. There may be billions of planets harboring life that does not have the means to establish contact with us.

It does seem like an awfully lonely universe from our perspective though :-(
2014-11-21 10:20:49 UTC
A/ The odds of another planet containing intelligent life are astronomically low due to the criteria that needs to be fulfilled. However, there is a statistical probability that a planet, somewhere does exist.

b/ The likelihood of such life being able to construct a mechanism to cross such a vast distance is also astronomically low. It would have to have advanced to a certain stage and have the relevant resources to do so.

c/ So face facts. Based on this it's extremely, extremely unlikely we're ever going to meet anyone/thing. Once we've wrecked the solar system. That's it.
2014-11-22 19:32:38 UTC
Of course there is the chance we are not speaking the right way.

What if the pan-galactic civilization does not communicate in sound waves? What if the radio signals we are sending them would be like them sending x-ray Morse code to us?

The other problem is that we imagine INTELLIGENT life out there and that may not be the case. There could be tons of life in the form of moss and lichen, but nothing more advanced than a jellyfish.

Look at earth. There are more species of bats than any other mammal, yes none of them are "intelligent." Only WE possess the self awareness needed to create a civilization. That level of intelligence may be extremely rare. Even on this planet the importance of ET life is only recognized by a few peoples. It is not in the social interest of most of humanity.
2014-11-21 18:58:22 UTC
Well actually contrary to popular belief and what you read on the main news, humans actually HAVE been in contact for many years and still are, there are numerous, numerous accounts of regular, sane people who have had some sort of contact whether through abductions, or an unfortunate incredibly creepy encounter w/ the men in black. There are also numerous classified documents leaked from nasa and the gov. proving aliens are HERE, right now, there is also a good amount of ex-nasa, fbi, cia officials and even lockhead martin people spilling the beans on what happens in area 51, but of course, you'll never find it on the regular news as the gov. controls that (which is why many people unfortunately and ignorantly, don't believe it).

The true information is out there, just google it, or head to websites that are under cia watch as they release info the gov. doesn't want them to release (warning: not recommended if you don't want the cia thinking you're a trouble maker). If you don't believe this and think we are alone, you're ignorant or in denial, you should probably properly educate yourself. I do admit there are crazies out there spreading lies, but there is good information to be found if you do choose to find it. Ignorance is bliss.
Rifat Ara
2014-11-22 05:09:03 UTC
Well actually contrary to popular belief and what you read on the main news, humans actually HAVE been in contact for many years and still are, there are numerous, numerous accounts of regular, sane people who have had some sort of contact whether through abductions, or an unfortunate incredibly creepy encounter w/ the men in black. There are also numerous classified documents leaked from nasa and the gov. proving aliens are HERE, right now, there is also a good amount of ex-nasa, fbi, cia officials and even lockhead martin people spilling the beans on what happens in area 51, but of course, you'll never find it on the regular news as the gov. controls that (which is why many people unfortunately and ignorantly, don't believe it).

The true information is out there, just google it, or head to websites that are under cia watch as they release info the gov. doesn't want them to release (warning: not recommended if you don't want the cia thinking you're a trouble maker). If you don't believe this and think we are alone, you're ignorant or in denial, you should probably properly educate yourself. I do admit there are crazies out there spreading lies, but there is good information to be found if you do choose to find it. Ignorance is bliss.
2014-11-22 06:57:42 UTC
Some people believe we have, but the aliens are called "grays" or they are what I call "fallen angels" or demonic spirits. The Book of Enoch explains about the 200 Watchers that God sent down. These angels disobeyed God and lusted after and mated with human women. Their children became the men of renown and giants as the Bible calls them. Plato and Socrates called them Zeus, Apollo, Hercules, etc. Their offspring was the Cyclops as mentioned in mythology. Giant skeletons are found throughout the world. This took place during the preflood era and after the flood of Noah some were still found on the earth because angels are eternal. In the Bible David fought and killed one called Goliath. These ancient aliens are nothing but fallen angels and their products. When their children died which were part human, their spirits became the demonic spirits or familiar spirits of today.

These spirits are looking for human bodies to possess and sin invites them into our lives. They work overtime influences mankind to kind. We make daily contact with aliens, we just do not see them. There is more to the unseen world than there is to the world that we can see.
2014-11-25 10:12:35 UTC
We haven't made contact with aliens for one of 3 reasons:

1. We have, but they are not capable of communicating back

2. There are no aliens to contact

3. They don't want to talk to us
anton t
2014-11-25 06:18:23 UTC
How can we be sure we have not contacted them. People call my phone, I do not always answer. Assuming that at least some of the cases of "sightings" are even partially true we can say that there area extra-terrestrials and that they are close. It could be that we do not hear back from them because they have not fully examined the possible outcome of contacting us. That is to say, they aren't sure they want to yet. It could be that they know enough about us that they refuse to return the call. It is even possible that though the scientific world has sent out many messages in many different ways they just don't understand that we are saying hello. We can communicate with dolphins, we can communicate with our pets, biologists have even learned what it takes to get plants and bacteria to respond. This is because we can examine the result, we have those things around us in abundance in which to study. We have no alien under a microscope to study what it comprehends or how it reacts
2014-11-21 14:40:00 UTC

1. Simply we are alone, and they dont exist (main reason to get thumbs down here ).

2. We are not ready yet ! Our contact technologies wich are the extention of our own biological senses are either not sensible enough to decrypt their signal, Or too much oriented and designed to receive what is countable, collectible and tangible. In other words, our technology is based on what it is logically conceivable, so our rational logic becomes our main obstacle, barring the way to spiritual horizons.

3. Most people and even lot of scientists, think if there is a possibility of life, it should had followed the same process that have been happen here in our planet allong eras, so they sustain the theory "if environmental conditions are not favorable, the life could not exist." They miss imagine that extra terrestrial life could take other forms more or less developed, but more developed according to what ?! Only to our exclusif and personal judgment and statue of success. Denying the possibility of the existence of form of life that has had been obliged to shose another path of evolution, life that could survived even if its "own earth" has been put in other different circumstances maybe the worse unimaginables one.

4.Humanity has chosed the meterial path of the evolution aspects, the primitif instects like intuition or other sensorial abilities, are left behind, We are modern but deaf and blind . We become more and more selfish we tend to be more dump and lazy, Who would contact us when we don't communicate with our own species, we often ignore our own people whom belong to our very closest circle ?.Grudge , conflicts, barriers, oriented opinions, humanity is too inattentive and loudly.

Us the inhabitants onboard the vessel we call Earth, that ship which is orbiting and continue his traject smoothly and surely through time and space. And which its regular cyclic movements are wobbling waves to whoever is able to treat and diagnosticate them.

We as human beeing should be quite and more disposed so we could hear what the "others" may say to us.
2014-11-23 15:43:11 UTC
Actually Aliens have known about Us for quite a while. Every day They monitor Us on Their receiving devices and watch Us doing what We do. They see Our Movies and other Entertainment and have seen Our Porn and know about Our mating habits and know all about Our various religions and probably even know about This site. They also know about Our Wars and the atrocities We do to each other along with the rapes and murders and other violent acts Humans do to each other. They also know about Our Drug problems and the many deadly diseases We humans can have. Taking all these various things into account They have come to the conclusion that They would be NUT's to ever let Us know They exist. Contact with Humans would mean the end of Their species and Civilization within a few short years. Humans would enslave Them or use Them for a food source. We would remove from Their planet anything of value and probably rape Their Daughters and murder Their Son's. They know about what We did to each other in previous centuries and have no desire to have it done to Them . And knowing what We do know about the way Humans have taken advantage of those less capable of defending Themselves over the centuries Can You really blame Them?
2014-11-21 13:39:30 UTC
the Bible states that people on earth are aliens. it says aliens are a strange people in a strange land and as people were created for Heaven and put on earth (a strange land) then people are the aliens.

so you have not only contacted them but speak to them daily.

the following I do know where tio find the quotes. Read Deuteronomy 11 v 12 and note God says every day. next turn to Genesis 1 v 16. notice how the last 5 words seem to have been added. read again without those 5 then re read Deuteronomy.

you have been looking at God and wondering why you never contacted people.
2014-12-17 23:41:11 UTC
The universe is infinitely large and we haven't been here that long and if the theory that it is it is impossible to travel faster than the speed of light than the closest possible habitable planet is still thousands of years away.

Maybe we are just the smartest things so far even if other planets got a head start on us. Take this into consideration. The earth is about 4.6 billion years old and the universe is around 14.9 byo so there are planets out there 3 times as old as ours. Dinosaurs roamed the earth for 200 million years and humans have only been here for less than a million and we are already way smarter than they ever were and they had 200 times more time to evolve than we did.

Maybe our knowledge is actually more rare than we want to believe it is.
2014-11-21 12:04:09 UTC
To the best of our knowledge, the speed of light is the limit of how fast we can travel. Direct contact with beings from another planet would seem unlikely considering the distance between stars. That leaves the possibility of contact with aliens through radio waves.

The SETI project has been around for more than 50 years. Scientists have been searching the heavens trying to detect radio signals containing non random noise that emanates from civilizations on planets orbiting stars other than our sun. It seems reasonable to assume that any civilization would eventually discover the use of radio waves and would use them to communicate among each other and that the signals would eventually reach Earth. While they would be very weak and attenuated, powerful radio telescopes would be able to detect the signals and provide proof of the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence.

Since no such signals have been discovered, can we assume that there are not extraterrestrials and that intelligent life in our universe has only existed on Earth?

The numbers would suggest that intelligent life must exist someplace in the universe. In our galaxy alone there are about 300 billion stars. Recent discoveries indicate that about one star in six has an earth size planet in it's system. So, there must be about 50 billion earth size planets in our galaxy. If we consider all the stars in the universe, then this number would be multiplied by 100 billion or so the number of earth size planets would be of the order of 10^18 or 10^19 or so.

Experiments have been run which show that, under the conditions that occur during the early development of planets, (presence of ammonia, methane and water, high temperature, electric discharge) amino acids quickly form. Nucleic acids bases have been show to form under similar conditions. So, the starting materials for life would be found at some time in the galaxy on 50 billion worlds. If life developed on only one in a million of these, there would be 50,000 worlds in the Milky Way Galaxy with things living on them. You'd think that some of these living organisms would evolve to intelligent beings and discover radio. So, why haven't we heard from them?

One issue is the age of the universe which is about 13 billion years. If there were 50,000 intelligent races in the history of our galaxy, what are the chances that several of them would be around at the same time, after having discovered radio. The answer depends on how long each of those races stayed around after radio was discovered. If the average intelligent race existed for a million years, than at any given time there would be about 4 intelligent race in the galaxy which would using radio waves, if the chance of the existence of an intelligent life form didn't change throughout the life of the galaxy. Lets assume that the chance of intelligence developing in the galaxy was very small in the first six or seven billion years, then there might be about 8 intelligent races at any given time in our galaxy broadcasting radio signals.

But, if we look an our Earth, the chance of an intelligent life form lasting for a million years doesn't seem so good. Less than one hundred years after the discovery of radio, we had the ability of destroying our civilization. We managed to avoid nuclear destruction so far, although the possibility is still present. But we have added global warming and climate change a another way of bringing our civilization to an end. So, what if all the other intelligent races that have existed in our galaxy only were around for a thousand years. Then, the chances of two races being around at the same time are pretty slim.

So, maybe there have been many thousands of intelligent races throughout the galaxy in its thirteen billion years of existence, but they all destroyed themselves so that no two races existed at the same time.
2014-11-21 11:49:54 UTC
Flip two coins and have them both land on their edge at the same time, that’s the odds we are facing.

Life on earth has risen several times and been wiped out. This is the first time (that we know) that the earth has produced sentient life that has had the will to create technology for communication and / or travel. We could be wiped out by an astronomical event any second.

Although the universe is very big, the odds of another technological life form existing in the same window of time in the same vicinity are very small.

There could be really intelligent life every where, but we can’t assume they have the same desires as us. If we were really, really smart, we wouldn’t be doing most of the stuff we do.
Jonathan C.
2014-11-25 16:30:12 UTC
There are insanely vast distances between our planet and other planets. Light takes a very long time to travel to other stars, let alone galaxies. We also might not be looking for the right signals. Given technology here is in it's infancy compared to civilizations that may have been around for hundreds of thousands of years we may just not have the ability to detect their messages. However, there was a radio telescope in Ohio that picked up the "WOW" signal. This means we may have detected evidence of it already. But it's still a vast sky to scan and like tuning radio stations we can only see so much. SETI is our best chance at finding a signal at this point, but again it's still not a guaranteed option. We have to be looking at the right spot, on the right frequency, at the right time to see.
2014-11-24 00:41:31 UTC
You ask the wrong question, my good friend. And you ask it, to the wrong people.

Omnec Onec. Many of you will not recognise this name. In actual fact, it is the name of Ambassador Alien of Venus. Having arrived in Nevada in 1955, her first act on our planet was to take the place of a seven year old girl named Sheila, who had just died in an accident involving a bus.

Cynthia Crawford, another example of a woman; alas, this self proclaimed alien, is in fact only 34% human, possibly being descended form the Zuma Zeta, or Blue Archturian.

The majority of our human race, however, remains tragically empty handed as they attempt to access information. With government authorities rejecting these ideas and branding these people insane or impaired, the many within the general public are unwilling to ask the questions which would allow full knowledge to the public. Unfortunately, government conspiracies prevent this from happening, and the human race continues to perceive only a clouded and twisted mutation of reality.

My brethren, join the revolution; let us unite, and liberate from the people from the tyranny that enslaves them, clouding their minds with horrors such as politics or economics. Today, we fight not for the man, but for mankind.
2014-11-22 09:41:58 UTC
There are many factors to consider. First, we have to understand that how we evolved into an intelligent species are heavily factored by how we view time, morals/values, our concept and understanding of the environment that surrounds us. There are many planets out there. Yes, but all of them are currently out of reach and we do not have the technology to reach those planets. How they evolved, developed on their home planet would have been completely different from how we developed here. Consider those factors they face while evolving on their planet: How strong or weak their sun, what kind of natural resources they have on their planet, what kind of sense they have (hear, smell, visual, touch, taste). We cannot expect them to have the same sensory abilities we humans have. Maybe they doesn't have the same sensory abilities. Maybe they use echolocation like bats or dolphins do as a means of communications. Maybe they don't have vocal chords and rely on sign language or body language. Telepathy, I don't know if that's possible, but hey everything's possible. If this is, it is highly improbable that they have developed written languages. Also, keep in mind, we humans have developed fingers and thumbs, which is a huge evolutionary trait that gives us a huge advantage over most of the species on the Earth. The thumbs helps us create, build, develop communication, manipulating things, and so many other amazing things that most of the animals on the Earth doesn't have the ability to do so. Also, Humans have always been a very curious species, because our species evolved as a scavenger, we work in groups in order to survive and we developed the cognitive skills to question one's actions and other actions and if it would help the group survive better. We questioned about the Universe. This is a huge leap. How ET on other planets approach this, I have no idea. Maybe they see the universe from their point of view, of course is completely different from that of our own. Maybe they have a different perceptive of time. The moons and the stars have made a huge impact on varying human cultures including legends, myths, taboos, gods, you name it. How they see the universe and how they interpret greatly depends on how advanced or lengthily their evolutionary process are. Remember, it took Human Civilization more than 6,000 years to finally make a breakthrough in technological advances in order to become a technologically advanced species. In the 240,000 years since we spilt lines with the Neanderthals, We only have achieved successful flight 112 years ago. The process is painfully slow. How fast they speed up their process is unknown. There are so many factors that you have to consider. Their knowledge of the universe, communication, how they travel, their understanding of the physics. You can't just expect them to come over here and start looking for apples and oranges. Trying to communicate with them is probably like trying to tell ants on the side of the sidewalk to move over. Also in mind, we Humans treat our own species so bad, how the hell do we expect to achieve a harmonious relationship with Extraterrestrials if we cannot even make peace with our own neighbors? Think about it.
2014-11-24 07:51:52 UTC
Distance and Timing

Distance. The Universe is just too big and spread out. While faster-than-light travel is popular in science fiction, we just haven't figured out a real, practical way to accompish it. Even if others have, with billions of galaxies, stars, and planets to choose from, the odds of discovering our big blue marble are pretty slim.

Timing. We've only just begun space exploration, high powered telescopes and the ability to receive and send radio signals. Perhaps others are out there with the same or more advance technology, but their civilization peaked a million years ago, and now they died out. Or perhaps other civilizations are still figuring out how to create iron tools. Or they are in the middle of a zombie apocolypse and don't have time for space exploration.
2014-11-23 05:36:04 UTC
Maybe there aren't any to make contact with. But if that's the case we'll probably never know for sure. So we can only keep looking.

Must say though, it's always been a puzzle to me why it's thought to be so important. We can't even get on properly with members of our own species, so why look for even more trouble?
2014-11-24 04:59:41 UTC
There are those who would dispute the contention "we never made contact". Many of the discoveries of ancient times are leaps and bounds ahead of the understood tech level of the time (Nazca lines for example). There are vast and almost unimaginable distances between us and our closest neighbor (slightly more than 4 light years away) and our existing forms of propulsion would make any attempt to journey there a one way trip for the most part. That is not to say that there could not be "shortcuts" that would allow a sufficiently advanced civilization to travel between stars the same way we travel between cities or countries.

From "lights in the sky" to alien abductions to cattle mutilations to ancient civilizations, there are enough hints that could prove our galaxy to be just another island in the larger ocean of space and some civilization with the means to build boats and go exploring. (End of MIB posits one such occurance)
2014-11-23 05:45:14 UTC
Briefly, who is to say we have not? Watching interviews of former astronauts who relate experiences that pose more questions than answers, knowing of the existence of high security governmental workers who speak of flying vehicles capable of seemingly impossible maneuvers and given our own government's penchant for secrecy and disinformation on this and other related subjects, I'd say it's possible that somewhere we possess amazing technology not of our own design and production. Add to this ancient structures and civilizations that to this day cannot be replicated with our current technologies and I am fascinated by the proposition that not only might we already have made contact with extraterrestrials but that they may have assisted us almost throughout mankind's residency on this planet.
2014-11-21 19:29:45 UTC
Who says we haven't? We aren't the only ones in the Universe, even if we lie to ourselves we are. Its not how it is. Life can be out there in the Milky WAy and yea they could be watching us right now. If they have come and gone like the ancients tell us, then we should accept the fact that we aren't the only ones. I won't argue against the Bible and I do believe in God, but sometimes you can't explain things and so what are we to think?
2015-08-19 02:55:45 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


Why have we never made contact with aliens? #ExplainThis?

Recently, the Yamster got to thinking as he lay back in his wheel looking up at the stars in the night sky - the earth is a relatively young planet and the human race who live here are even younger.

2014-11-22 08:17:37 UTC
For the fact we never will and for the fact we are the only life form that has any sense of intelligence.Mankind is bored and wants to prove how superior they they sit around fantasizing.

Than they spent trillions searching for rocks,ice,dust etc.

with the hallucination of finding human-like beings elsewhere.

The reason being so we can control them,use them as guinea pigs for drugs,slice their brains apart.etc.WHY?

So the wealthy can try living forever on another planet.

and it's laughable.
2014-11-26 01:04:20 UTC
What you're asking is exactly the Fermi Paradox. Wikipedia has a great article on it explaining nearly everything:

The crux is that, even if it's very unlikely to find life in the same region in space and the same region in time, evidence of there past existence should be readily apparent.

My favorite explanation is that intelligent life has existed (and maybe does now, somewhere else in our own galaxy) but most life kills itself before it has the chance to explore the galaxy in the "only 10's of millions of years" it's estimated to take for even a low speed civilization to spread.

So, basically, the fact that we haven't found evidence within our star system for extraterrestrial life pretty much tells us that were likely to kill ourselves before we make it very far.
2014-11-26 03:57:42 UTC
Maybe due to Humans being as similar to Ants, and aliens being like Whales. In total different elements, and not likely to exist in the same scope, or environments. Could it even be possible for a Whales to know of the existence of a Ant. and maybe both wonder of whats out there too.
2014-11-25 10:32:09 UTC
Because the aliens saw Star Wars 1-3 and decided to leave Earth out of their intergalactic trade.
2014-11-22 09:19:19 UTC
If Aliens find us, and for all we know they might have found us but haven't visited, then they are more advanced than us. If we find the Aliens, then we are more advanced than them.

But it is completely ridiculous to think that Aliens or any other type of life-forms do not exist. In a universe as big as ours (it is NOT infinite) there must be life somewhere else.
Kez Wingfield
2014-11-22 03:56:56 UTC
well think about it, would you come down to a planet with totalitarian societies, self slavery of the same race that occupies most of the planet, fake entities posing as corporations that will ahppily kill for gain, where the population is brainwashed into thinking these false entities are next to gods indirectly through ads that tell you this from the corporations and to top it all off we have an obsession with war
2014-11-21 12:20:19 UTC
No advanced species without an ulterior motive would come anywhere near us. I don't know if you've noticed this, but we're idiots. Real droolers. Phony windbag governments robbing their apathetic sheep, people murdered every day in the names of gods. Everyone passing each other by in favor of iphones in the search for connection. Not only are we boring; we are dangerously foolish.
2014-11-21 13:08:13 UTC
Distance has already been mentioned by several people, and it is the most likely explanation.

However, also consider the possibility that alien civilizations out there may be so far ahead of us in intelligence and technology, that they simply can't be bothered talking to us. When is the last time you went out of your way to say "Hello" to an ant-hill in the Namib Desert?
2014-11-21 14:22:15 UTC
Perhaps lifeforms from different stars may never be able to reach other in the way we Earth Humans can understand right now.

Aliens might already be in contact in ways that our species can't understand or are ready for, or they may not want to interfere.
Morty Smith C137
2014-11-21 17:12:40 UTC
We are the aliens. When the Earth was formed there was no life. There was no water. There was no atmosphere. The Earth was molten rock. All water on planet Earth came from comets. The building blocks of life came from exploding stars. The Earth itself is comprised of the dust of exploding stars. All life on the Earth is extraterritorial.
2014-11-23 10:51:16 UTC
I saw an alien once. A grey they call them.

I saw a ufo as well. Either someone is visiting or there are very advanced secret craft, very advanced, it nearly hovered in place with no noise and was extremely close.

There are others, and they know you are here. We may want to look though in other dimensions and not from other planets.
2014-11-24 23:01:09 UTC
I have been thinking on this for a long time now and in my sense there are more galaxies and more planets before earth-human generation starts. Aliens were there before human era surged, they(aliens) tried to travel through galaxies but the Time and Life is limited for them or may be they not concentrated on their future generations. Presently we(humans) are the species having the chance to travel galaxies and also to plan for our future generations to survive in any scenario. In near future we might contact to aliens.
2014-11-24 14:00:32 UTC
We already have. The government and NASA just cover it ups. There has been an alien presence since the beginning of man. They know. They just will not tell us.
2014-11-24 10:58:18 UTC
Dream Team
2014-11-24 04:11:05 UTC
The reason probably Why we never made contact with aliens? Is...

1.There will never ever EVER be contact because they don't exist and NEVER will!!!

2. ahem look down...
2014-11-24 01:11:47 UTC
Thousands of people insist that they have had direct contact with aliens. Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer insists that at least four are actively engaged in operations with the major world powers. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, sixth man to walk on the moon, asserts the presence of aliens. Ben Rich, the former head of the Lockheed Corporation's (now Lockheed Martin) Skunk Works program insists that they develop technology from alien visitors and that members of the military have visited other star systems. The majority of religions in the world speak of beings descending from the sky to bring civilization and knowledge to man, usually called angels or gods. Who says we have not made contact?
2014-11-23 19:50:32 UTC

You should not speak. You don't know anything about earth or the past civilizations that were here.
2014-11-23 17:46:45 UTC
#explain your #explainthis. I mean SERIOUSLY? A hashtag?
2014-11-23 16:33:10 UTC
Because all the Aliens are too far away. If we ever did meet the aliens, it would be the last thing we ever did.
2014-11-22 20:23:05 UTC
Well first I think it is very possible chance that there are other life forms, but the reason we haven't made contact it we want to so badly. Think we send are rockets and satellites into the sky, we are scaring them off. And two although it is likely their are other life forms their also is a chance there aren't. Like your teachers explain to you when you were little other planets can't have life because they are either to far from the sun or to close. This is true. Life forms most likely can't like in the extreme temeratures of the other planets. #explained
2014-11-24 20:26:47 UTC
Because, any "aliens" (and by that I mean beings something like us) have already gone extinct, as will humanity in under 100 years.

Our type of "intelligence" is not selected for by the Universe.

We are quickly cutting the limb of the tree of life that supports humanity.

The question is correct, even 1% of the time the universe has been around is enough for humans, with not much more tech than we have now, to populate the galaxy (if we knew how to do anything sustainably).

There are no aliens evident however, no contrails from rockets (whatever) no radio or laser or other communication, and, sorry, no probes.

We may be the only sentient beings in the Universe at the moment, but its a fleeting moment...

Unfortunately, in groups we cannot act with widsom.

Reasons it's now immoral to have children, the best means to have fewer people around when the end comes.

1. We outweigh all prey animals on the planet, quite an unnatural state for a top predator!

2. That's why we have to farm and raise livestock on 30% of the non-ice-covered land on the Planet!

3. By 2025 we're projected to be using 90% of the freshwater on the planet.

4. We've caught half of all the creatures in the sea, (since 1960!) with no fisheries having a future past 2050 if current projections hold (and no reason they will change soon). The idiocy of this is that during our evolution, very little protein came from the open ocean, yet, we decided we could take billions of pounds of fish as though they weren't already in an ecology, or weren't supposed to feed something else.

5. Google: Dead zones Humboldt squid JELLYFISH swarms shark declines in the Mediterranean

Please note, yes, tech has saved us at ever turn up until now, so many speak of tech that can help us climb out of the hole we've dug.

Unfortunately, while tech used to overcome nature's limits (igloos anyone?) it is now overwhelming.

Since we can't do anything sustainably, and, the Universe will have it's way.
2014-11-24 05:59:57 UTC
Has something to do with spanish. I do believe.
2014-11-24 00:27:38 UTC
Who said that nobody has ever made contact? The us airforce pilots have claimed 2 have chased after space ships. In old cave paintings they have paintings of what we would consider 2 be aliens. A theory is that aliens even built the great pyramids.Their is also the old roswell alien incident. I believe that humans have made contact with aliens in some point in history, i also believe that aliens exist. Out of all of the planets and galaxies that exist all over the universe, why would our planet be the only one with life? I believe that some are at our level of technology, some are far advance, some are a little behind and others are still in the caveman stage. I am a logical thinker.
2014-11-24 00:20:16 UTC
We've made contact with an unlimited amount of bacteria lifeforms on Uranus.
2014-11-23 21:14:00 UTC
Maybe we have? #conspiracy
2014-11-23 19:13:17 UTC
2014-11-23 18:50:52 UTC
"waits for a your momma joke"
2014-11-23 15:13:45 UTC
Put simply: Intelligent life would know to stay well away from us lunatic humans.
2014-11-23 14:13:40 UTC
i think we might have in the distant past and just have forgotten
2014-11-23 14:02:54 UTC
I guess there is no solid proof to believe that there are aliens. Scientists, without knowing that there are many spirits or invisible elements (all the time) around them and everyone, seem trying to catch something which don't exist. There are certain proverbs in India, (1) "Leaving what he had in his hands he is trying to catch the one that flies" (2) "The man who is incapable of climbing over the hut to catch a fowl had climbed the sky and reached the Vaikundam (abode of Hindu God Vishnu)".
2014-11-23 10:31:49 UTC
Ok so here is my theory, now bare with me since as of late my use of words has been discombobulated...we're simply not ready. We haven't evolved far enough yet mentally, physically, politically, ethically. There are still far too many people on this earth who believe in the idea of a deity-god. We are consumed by money in one way or another, all of us are. I feel like we have to become "better" humans, you know, show that we can hang in the big-boy world. They are watching us, believe that and I feel like for some reason we are being shielded from intergalactic truth until we resolve our petty indiferences, unite as a human this far off??
2014-11-23 08:19:15 UTC
they re fake
2014-11-23 05:47:38 UTC
Obviously, not all alien forms are driven by expansion.

If they are intelligent, they would want to stay as far away from humans as possible.
mike s
2014-11-23 03:09:26 UTC
Answer: Too goddamn far away. This universe is bigger than anyone can imagine. imagine a VAST distance or the farthest you can know of and multiply that with the vast distances of this gigantic universe you will not be able to come up with a solid number, This universe is BILLIONS of years old right? from one star to another it takes 7 trillion miles to even get near a star in our own universe. and there are millions of not billions of other galaxies, of course there is alien life. it is just too goddamn far away to reach them.
Mr. Wizard
2014-11-23 00:26:15 UTC
Strong evidence found over the past 46 years--along with some recent discoveries just made--suggest early mankind already HAS encountered humanoid-like ETs. And it's a given these ETs basically made a "last stop for gas" visit--where they may've added a few nifty genetic marker touches to human evolution and overall social history, before resuming their "vacation run".

Albeit I lean towards believing in the Ancient Astronaut theories, I don't think our friendly visitors will be coming back--and we might NOT want them to; they may NOT have been so friendly to begin with.

Stephen Hawking recently admitted he's run several mathematical equation strings that seem to support existent possibilities of humanoid like intelligent lifeforms. However, Hawking strongly feels with the advanced technology commanded by these ET life forms, they might view us humans as ants.

And what is the common most action we take upon sight of an ant?

But we can take solace in Carl Sagan's take on existence of ETs: We live way too far from them---and they live way too far from us.
2014-11-22 23:39:11 UTC
we are now so consumed with looking at our cellphones, we barely notice traffic lights
2014-11-22 22:36:58 UTC
either it's because of too wide distances, or the Bible is right, and we are indeed the centre of the universe. If aliens existed then Jesus would have to sacrifice himself thousands or even millions of times. Who would want to do that?
2014-11-22 22:30:34 UTC
They could be watching us and waiting for us to become civilized enough to get along with our own kind (other humans) before attempting to get along with some variation of intelligent life most likely extremely extremely different from us. I imagine that a life-form that intelligent will have acknowledged the existence of a Creator, whereas on earth, we are going through the tumult of "is there isn't there." etc. Also, I think that if a very distant planet could even get their "people" here, it will not be on the physical plane. And we don't know how to communicate on any other.
robert p
2014-11-22 21:14:50 UTC
No space yamsters or space people exist.
2014-11-22 13:48:12 UTC
All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream. We don't find aliens because in our dream they're fictional. But we might find them soon, because, to make them real, only takes a very small twist of our dream.
2014-11-25 06:09:44 UTC
This world can be infinitely huge as well as most of us haven't much already been right here in which lengthy if the idea that it is it's difficult to travel swifter than the speed involving gentle than the nearest possible habitable globe remains to be many decades out.

Probably i am simply this best issues thus far even though different exoplanets bought a brain begin all of us. Carry this particular into account. The environment is all about four. 6 thousand yrs . old and the world approximately age 14. 9 byo consequently you can find exoplanets available 3 times because previous because mine. Dinosaurs roamed our planet pertaining to 200 million decades as well as people have merely already been right here cheaper than a million as well as i am previously means wiser as compared to these people actually were and they also got 200 situations longer to advance as compared to most of us would.

Probably our own knowledge will be additional uncommon as compared to you want to believe that it is.
First name
2014-11-24 20:32:39 UTC
I eat aliens everyday
2014-11-24 16:37:38 UTC
The distance is probably why... we don't have the technology to even get out of our own galaxy..
2014-11-24 15:14:38 UTC
The equation of probability states that there IS life somewhere else in the universe, because the universe is infinite. There literally HAS to be. The only problem is, the chance that, 1( They have better technology than us) and 2(They exist in the same time period as us), is slim. I say number 2 because (1as we have seen) 2we could easily get wiped out any second by some astronomical event(1The dinosaurs) and (2As many people have said). This an extreme, but what we do if we found another race just starting out? Probably watch them, sometimes help them, try to stay hidden in order to not affect the variables of the experiment. Maybe that is what is happening to us. Maybe we are being prevented from contact, in order to control the variables.
E = Mc²
2014-11-24 14:03:23 UTC
#Distance #nomorehashtagsonthisforum #youarepollutingus
2014-11-24 09:13:45 UTC
forget about the logic explanation instead question on our intelligence progress on ET we haven't gone far and we are missing the clue to the mystery and may be one day we will ultimately realized there are higher intelligence than just being us.
2014-11-24 06:45:26 UTC
Because we can't breathe air in outer space. There also would not be such thing as aliens, just think about it. There are meteoroids but not any living creatures else. And if there were, they wouldn't exist as something we know about. But they will probably come around some time soon, just not sure when. We are waiting for to predict what the future looks like. Maybe in that time, the future would be diffrernt. It should be predicted that aliens will exist in 2049 or something, maybe but i'm not sure. It's a long ways from now and i'm a little scared, so lets just leave it at that or forget the topic, alright?
2014-11-23 23:47:19 UTC
Ignore those long answers

There aren't any nearby planets that contain alien life, or have the ability to sustain it. Plus, it would take a long while to get the aliens to understand us and vice versa
2014-11-23 20:26:49 UTC
Our Government has flooded our cities with aliens....and plans to allow another few Million to do the same !!!!

Those are the ONLY aliens there is !!!!
2014-11-23 19:43:29 UTC
Probably alien civilisations wipe themselves out before they get the technology to reach us. We will probably do the same to ourselves. The odds aren't good.
Anne Smith
2014-11-23 16:45:21 UTC
not that I know of
2014-11-23 16:15:16 UTC
There AREN'T any aliens. That simple. People make horror movies about aliens. Children are afraid of them. They don't exist,
2014-11-23 14:23:21 UTC
Look at the assholes that make up our population. Wars, dictatorships, police brutality, feminists, who would WANT to visit?
Uncle Al
2014-11-23 14:22:46 UTC
Who says we haven't? Many people believe our Government has indeed contacted the aliens who have visited here. They simply do not choose to tell us.

And the Aliens? Well, if YOU went to another world, who would you contact? "Take me to your leader" is the old line. So the aliens came, made contact with out government. Our government asked them not to contact the general populace because it would cause panic & upheaval. The aliens are cooperating, as they are a friendly group.

Also, you must remember any civilization smart enough to travel the HUGE distances between the stars is so very much more advanced than we are. They probably look at us as we would look at an ant farm. They are watching us, and studying us. Personally I can only HOPE they realize our "leaders" are not chosen fairly and they are not in contact with the people they should be talking with. There are so many ways the aliens could make this a better world. I truly believe they have intervened in the past. Things have not worked out ideally, so they need to do so again.
2014-11-23 04:40:33 UTC
Sometime back I answered this Question.But when I want to edit my answer the answer is not to be found.Where it has vanished.Any Aliens picked the answer and flew away.I wany YA Team to answer
2014-11-22 21:36:22 UTC
The short answer is they are all too far away.
2014-11-22 15:56:03 UTC
Obviously there are so many superior advanced civilizations out there and closer to each other than to us, they consider a visit to us less rewarding than you or I consider visiting Nepal to make contact with the Yeti.
2014-11-22 15:12:39 UTC
Uh, because they don't exist.
2014-11-22 10:53:35 UTC
I would like to propose my humble opinion which although simplistic does answer most questions. There are and have been over the millennia many life forms which have developed 'their' form of intelligence. Many have been short lived and others longer but not 'intelligence' as defined by

ourselves. We are 'Renaissance'/Industrial Revolution' imbeciles. Perhaps 'radio' was a childish blank canyon to all others. The original theories as to the nature of gravity and all energies were proved trivial wasteful enterprises and 'their' home planet/s are so beautiful, bountiful and plentiful that any change would be unnecessary, wasteful and the start of a long road to self-destruction. All premises ignored (to our cost) by so-called geniuses many, many centuries ago. Imagine our planet today without the garbage we have invented and forced upon all the occupants of our planet. Do you really imagine that distant civilisations would 'aim' to visit or target our misbegotten stone. Be real folks - we (as a species) missed our chance centuries ago and can now look forward to a bleak, tortured future with quickly diminishing true art and beauty and regular and swift destruction of a God given pearl and all of the flora and fauna residing thereon
2014-11-22 10:13:22 UTC
Yes we have by definition Jesus was not of this world therefore He was an extr terrestrial being and an alien.
Jucahú Bagua Maorocotí
2014-11-25 06:20:00 UTC
Who said we didn't?
2014-11-24 12:51:26 UTC
yeah I call up my homie steve from Mars every weekend!
2014-11-24 06:56:34 UTC
They no like
2014-11-23 21:57:45 UTC
Because they are really good and sneaking into countries..........or did you mean space aliens?
2014-11-23 15:37:58 UTC
Because the doctor always saves us before the aliens can invade the world. have all you srsly forgotten about the daleks and the aliens every christmas
2014-11-23 13:56:30 UTC
Dang humans are a trifling more than parasites. Just look at the state of the World under their command! Endless wars, internal strife, corruption, intrigue; yeah, welcome to one insane soap opera, Alien dudes!
2014-11-23 12:29:36 UTC
thats a very good question
2014-11-23 10:53:51 UTC
The idea of aliens is not a natural assumption. It grows out of being indoctrinated to the notion of evolution as an arbitrary process. We therefore assume that because there is life on earth, there 'aught to be' life on other planets. The purpose of the continued existence of "part-evolved" species (which have not completed the process of evolving into humans) is to provide the universe with a ready supply of biological material for further evolution should the human race be somehow wiped out.

Why have they not continued to evolve in all the billions of years after humans appeared, you may ask? Because once humans, who are the biological end point of evolution appeared, there is no need for further evolution. This, as you can see points to a logical, or if you like, a designed creation process.

All the other galaxies exist not for their own sake, but as potential life supporting systems should the evolutionary need arise. "Evolutionary" here means according to the will of divine nature (for the benefit of you who cannot digest the word God!).
2014-11-23 10:45:08 UTC
We have. Not me personally but, some of us. The U.S. allows them to land to repair their ships and renew their resources. They have a place in Nevada, blocked off and monitored (for obvious reasons). But try and step beyond the barriers and you will immediately be shot. There are warnings. You would not do it unknowingly. Jesse Ventura investigated it but the people who came forward with all of the juicy details are those who spoke to them and who are responsible for interacting with them. They do not want much to do with us. We are primitive, crude, stinky, well - you get the idea. Probably half-wits in their minds. But the U.S. government did work out a deal with them where they could occupy a spot here and live from time to time. Do not get any crazy ideas in your head. Those aliens are powerful and can kill you in an instant if they wanted to. They are not human so do not be thinking that their powers and abilities are that of a human. Best to stay clear, leave them alone. If they want to meet you, they will make an effort. Force yourself on them and you will be sorry.
2014-11-23 07:40:44 UTC
It is obvious that creatures, not from this solar system, hence capable of interstellar travel, have looked in on us from time to time. Likely these aliens are responsible, humane monsters more tending to love the stranger (when met among these incredible galactic distances) than fear him (her, it) - quite in contradistinction to us earthlings with our rampant xenophobia. The entities who do check us out are probably some sort of zenopathologists, looking into aberrant and potentially danterous planets; and the civilization of these specialists is probably far more interested in, say, the Andromeda problem, than some diseased backwater orb that can't even learn from its mistakes. (I still like Earthlings, though.)
2014-11-23 04:07:58 UTC
you have to be sure that aliens exsist first off
2014-11-23 01:15:51 UTC
Very simple. They don't exist.
2014-11-23 00:31:18 UTC
Because they have never been hear. It has always been a hoax by those who know how to build the market. And as we seen in time it has worked. We even have skeptics and believers who will stop at nothing to sell a lie.

Keep on saying the same lie and somebody's going to believe it.
2014-11-22 21:57:58 UTC
Beginning with Start Trek's Original Series there was the concept of the "Prime Directive." This was to avoid interfering in the affairs of other species, and allow them to develop on their own, technologically and otherwise. Maybe the aliens have a Prime Directive of their own, and won't make contact until they see we have figured out faster than light travel.

If you do a search on the internet for such tings, you will find stories of their having already made contact. Maybe they are true, or maybe these are all hoaxes. Most intriguing is the story of a spaceship crash in Aurora Texas:,_Texas,_UFO_incident

Human wildlife specialists regularly sedate large wild animals such as bears to study them, take blood samples, and then release them back into the wild.

Maybe aliens are doing that to us, and that is what is behind the alien abduction stories.

Such aliens would be very advanced. They would look upon us as we would look upon a pack of chimpanzees.

There is also the theory that whenever intelligent life develops anywhere it will inevitably blow itself up in nuclear war. There is a scientist who believes that is what happened to Mars.

Contact in the Desert
2014-11-22 21:17:41 UTC
please keep this a secret,but I have.
2014-11-22 20:51:45 UTC
I was abducted by the Queen of an all female Planet while driving over the Brooklyn bridge back in 1984 . When I asked her why she chose to abduct me, she said it was because she liked the smell of my cologne.. We have had very, very close encounters over the years.. and she calls me every time she passes through the galaxy.. I never told anybody because I was afraid people would think I was crazy... Ha Ha
2014-11-22 18:11:52 UTC
2014-11-22 16:55:00 UTC
Under there intergalactic law. They are only allowed to make contact with inteligent life forms.
Sarah Biegger
2014-11-22 14:44:31 UTC
If you have ever heard about the 6 Dimensions of Creation theory, then you be wouldn't asking this question. The concept of aliens is intriguing more the less and the thought of being visited by one of these more educated civilizations might scare some. But in theory, dimensions are created when more than five solar systems are in the universe. Right now, in theory, there are only five dimensions. But wait! Didn't I say six dimensions! I did. But that's what I'm getting too. The sixth dimension is nothing, nothing has been made in this dimension. But somehow, its still a dimension. And most people believe that this dimension is were the educated civilizations are created or have established. Basically, aliens. But we, sadly, are only in the third dimension. Which leads me to my conclusion, we will probably never make contact with living aliens. You can only travel to another dimension when your only a dimension away from it. You can't probably even reach a dimension. And we, have a long way to go. I mean we can't even reach another solar system in our dimension! So no, the sheer distance between our dimension and their dimension it to large to even think about traveling.
For Fun
2014-11-22 12:58:59 UTC
Because there's no such thing as aliens.
2014-11-24 19:04:40 UTC
Because they're afraid of getting robbed by black people and muslims keep blowing up their UFO's...
2014-11-24 18:48:15 UTC
If there is a small chance there is intelligent life out there and they have been observing us, why would they make contact. We are war hungry monsters who don't care about anything other than ourselves and they'd probally get shot at just for being in the atmosphere by rashanl thinking from the majority of political leaders. We as a race won't make it. We'll destroy our planet or destroy eachother. If there smart enough for space travel, they'd stay away.
2014-11-24 04:25:54 UTC
Because there is no aliens!
2014-11-23 22:50:22 UTC
2014-11-23 14:39:03 UTC
they know we are here but dont give a **** cause were useless.

it known universally
2014-11-23 07:52:21 UTC
Because of simple straight forward reasons :-

1) They may not possess adequate technology/intelligence

2) We may not possess adequate technology

3)We use different forms of communication which do not interact (they may not use radio waves)

4)They are not bothered

5)It's covered up

6)The signs have been staring at us right in the face but we've been ignoring it.

7)The last and most important reason...they might not exist
2014-11-23 07:39:08 UTC
You are under the strange assumption that we HAVEN'T.
2014-11-23 01:28:57 UTC
1)they dont exist

2)created in the minds of people

3)no evidence of thier existence

4)anecdotal evidence.
2014-11-23 00:37:37 UTC
The Aliens are among us:

There are literally thousands of alien proofs on earth. Thousands of visual sightings. Eye witness accounts. Flying saucers, lights coming out of the sea seems to be prominent. Cow mutilations, Missing persons, crop circles, unexplained phenomena ; spontaneous combustion, people getting chords and strings removed from their skin that don't match any known earth like material, people getting balls of metal removed from under their skin that matches no known earth-like substance. Thousands upon thousands of stories of people that are abducted and probed or forced to gestate a hybrid baby; humans who tell of them being lifted from their bedrooms when they are sleeping and being experimented on against their will.

Where does all this come from? This occurrence is more common than we think. To whom are you listening? Yes people can make up stories to sell a book for money and to be famous however, many of these people don't want money and many have no inclination for fame. If you just listen to their stories, some are quite frightening.

On the other side of this an advanced alien race thousands if not millions of years more advanced than us can be compared to a 21st century piece of machinery or weapon or a computer being demonstrated to tribal goat herders 3,000 b.c. There would be no comparison. An alien race can come and go as they please with out our consent. We would have absolutely noting to say about it. They would be far superior both in power and intellect. Einstein proved ten dimensions mathematically. We can only move through 3 but an advanced species could move through those other dimensions they choose. We would be at their disposal as I propose we are; as I have stated above.

Finally, there is the point of the time and distance. Millions of light years keeps us from the rest of the intelligent life... this would be true only if the intelligent life was at the same level as we are on earth. ( unlikely) as earth life is in a very particular time of development-; its in a 100 year span of development with in a greater 100 thousand year period. Advanced civilizations would move back and forth through galaxies in a heartbeat and be able to observe remote planets they so choose as they may do with earth.

There you have it. We have more than enough proof than we need. We only have to open our eyes and look. Think about it, why would we need top secret files if they did not have something to hide? There are many countries that recognize alien intelligent life. I propose the USA will follow suit shortly.
2014-11-22 23:27:43 UTC
Because THEY do not want contact with US .
2014-11-22 23:11:24 UTC
Because they doesnot exist.
I dont but
2014-11-22 22:19:09 UTC
There are many theories about this. To name some:

1. They are too far away and there is no way to travel FTL.

2. All civilizations self-destruct (i.e. nuclear war, biological war, etc)

3. No alien civilizations have formed.

If the universe is really 13 billion years old there'd surely be civilizations BILLIONS of years ahead of us in technology. So these theories seem very plausible considering that. Read more here
2014-11-22 17:00:06 UTC
I tend to believe also that there are other civilizations that for quite a while now have been capable of visiting other planets including ours, and that they ARE being very cautious as well as responsible,perhaps adhering to some unwritten code that we all feel strongly inside about,making sure that we are ready to handle the technology necessary to travel like them without using it against ourselves foolishly.
2014-11-22 16:42:15 UTC
I believe we have in the past made contact with Aliens, but our young minds could not understand the universe. We are so obsessed in seeking knowledge that we do not rely on our intuitive nature.

How would a native or a child describe a plane controlled by a human like being ? Human's with wings or maybe an Angel. The proof exist in the bible in religious textes, in myths, hieroglyphs etc

I am not an expert on human history but there are a great deal amount of mysterious wonders on this planet which cannot be explained.

I love the beginning of Star Trek Into Darkness when the U.S.S Enterprises exposes its spaceship to an indigenous less advanced race. What did they start to do after the Volcano stops erupting and the spaceship disappears into the sky, they start to sketch as an unexplainable event has taken place. This is the creation of myth, religious doctrine , fairy tales you name it . But we have been in contact with Aliens , the question should be why have they not returned ?
2014-11-22 11:41:01 UTC
We, who are called people are God made for his enjoyment. Well where is God? in the heavens which is written. Scientifically, Mankind cannot figure out how to understand how we were Invented, God said for there to be people put here and it happened. Then God wanted people just for him to have an extreamly close relationship with and then he reached down to dirts of earth and make us. I say us because he breathed life into us which is why we are so very unique. We are Gods property not made for other planets or which ever. The what we call outerspace people are just that they are out way above our protected planet and God has sent and still sends his people for where he is at to help us and protect us. even these words are written in the Bible. The problem people are having is understanding that we are being treated and told that anything from outer space is unreal which is not true. we Americans even sing a national anthum that starts with GOD BLESS AMERICA.. Yes God is alien to us because he stated that he will return here to earth in his time not ours, but remember his words are nothing but truth.

Final statement we are asked why have we never made contact with aliens? If you have ever went out of America or have run into someone from another country here in America then you have contacted an alien.
2014-11-22 11:07:50 UTC
my vagina
2014-11-22 09:38:29 UTC
Who says we didn't? Perhaps many of us, as individuals, have not, though big orgs such as NASA may have done so and kept it a secret from us. Also, the way aliens communicate vastly differs from the way we do, so it is highly possible that we made contact with them without us knowing it, or they contacted us without us knowing.
2014-11-22 06:10:29 UTC
It's probably because the nearest extraterrestrial civilizations would be too far way to travel to the earth; and because nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.
2014-11-22 03:05:50 UTC
It could simply be that these possible aliens are waiting for the human to race to grow up sufficiently to be able to accept friendly contact.
2014-11-22 01:57:33 UTC
Hi distance is the great void between the possibility of other intelligent life, or it would be if we where intelligent enough to get to hear or see them.
2014-11-25 01:24:51 UTC
The universe is constantly expanding - Earth scientists haven't found any galaxies that have sentient alien life in them yet.
2014-11-24 09:28:14 UTC
we didn't even find all species in the earth. We have a lot of mysteries to solve, such as death. What's then point of seeing alien who is totally different from us and especially when we can't even communicate with them? It only creates more problems. So it is as good as now, and no need to worry about their existence.
2014-11-24 08:09:19 UTC
we are not on that level of technology.
2014-11-24 07:08:42 UTC
Maybe they just don't feel like talking to us ?
The Inquisitor
2014-11-24 06:44:31 UTC
1stly the UK establishment is soo corrupt and hoping that the bets (which UK bands will take the U.S. by storm?) it's made will bear fruit that in the case of one UK male singer it's paying NASA a fortune to put in fake transition images in order to fool the U.S. public that the investment in him of roughly $200m was excellent value for money but the truth actually is that animals with spines and of warm blood are less likely to be the dominant spiecies, our closest rival is an invertibrate called the spider and is arguably at least as successful as our own yet through British establishment popularism you'll be pleased to learn that Maoists thanks to a Red headed trollop from Endemol and a couple of thick Radio 2 DJs are poised to send humanity regressing via their negative art, deceipt(s) and negative freedom so that it to becomes an invertibrate spiecies and will therefore be owned by the Morlocks (an alien race portrayed in the movie Independence Day which merely takes what it wants to feed its own spicies survival via a good use of spend from governments in the fields of science (particle physics, astrophysics, cosmology (aren't they the same?)) to back mining and oil sectors ambitions (note no photon torpedoes were used in the 1st movie) so to surmise it's really up to us to go our own way and lose the albatross of bickering and of establishment pride which is based on the philosophy of, "I like me, does anyone else like me, who really, really likes me, hands up." (yep the establishment when needed resorts to gun play with impunity to the detriment of inclusive intelligent secure progress).
2014-11-23 19:35:00 UTC
Aliens haven't made contact with us because they aren't advanced enough. We will be the ones who make contact with another form of life. We are the aliens. BOOM!
2014-11-23 17:58:04 UTC
Aliens have always been here, so why do we look in space?
2014-11-23 16:53:34 UTC
How do you know we haven't. The bible says that we should be kind to strangers because we don't know when they are angels in disguise. Why not aliens, too. Hey, think about it, in your lifetimes you could have encountered an alien or an angel without knowing it! Now your not gonna get to sleep tonight thinking about when you could have met one or the other. The mysterious stranger that happened to be there when you need help or a guy in a café who was just VERY interested in talking to you.

**sleep well**;-)
2014-11-23 14:18:57 UTC
This world is under quarantine due to our involvement in the Lucifer rebellion. This blockage has been in effect for almost 250,000 years. My guess is that it will soon end and we will be in contact with some of the many inhabited worlds in this universe.
2014-11-23 11:51:52 UTC
I'm sure we have. Do you really think Area 51 was classified for all those decades for nothing?
2014-11-23 11:19:16 UTC
im a alien.
2014-11-23 04:31:36 UTC
We are in contact with them every day but they have changed form to fit right in but they can change features and fly off.
2014-11-23 03:10:22 UTC
2014-11-22 22:31:27 UTC
Too far away. Period.
2014-11-22 20:37:31 UTC
They are following the Prime Directive. We are too primitive yet to be contacted. And we will stay that way until we invent a warp drive or equivalent.
2014-11-22 19:28:01 UTC
Aliens are misnomer.None proved scientifically it exists.It is an imaginary.Even if they exist we do not have nor created a communication medium to interact with. like infinity and indeterminate.
2014-11-22 19:26:47 UTC
What makes you think we never have?
2014-11-22 18:12:49 UTC
in a nutshell, we are just reaching a type 1 civilization, they are a type 6 civilization, and as lower life forms, we are not worth communicating with as of yet. A type 6 civilization, creates life, galaxies and organisms such as our selves.

Have a nice day
2014-11-22 14:23:13 UTC
Why on earth would a culture from another planet want to contact a f^cked up race like us humans?
2014-11-22 05:41:03 UTC
Why did Richard Dawkins find it so hard to finally concede to Ben Stein that he would believe aliens put us on this earth before he would believe God did? Richard Dawkins, the man who proudly exclaims he's a religious nonbeliever.

It's because the probability of life is so utterly remote that Richard Dawkins literally had to use the argument that it was "bound to happen."

Perhaps you don't quite understand the utter remoteness that requires a "bound to happen" argument regarding the origin of life.

Understand the basis of the argument, "bound to happen."

That if the universe big bangs, expands, contracts, comes together only to big bang again, and continues to do this over and over for, as far as we can tell, indefinitely, then no matter how remote the probability, the spontaneous emergence of life that survived to sentience was bound to happen, and it would be bound to happen again. That's the sort of remote probability that requires a "bound to happen" concept as the basis of it's argument.

I think that most don't quite think it through enough to comprehend why Dawkins had to use that sort of argument.

Now, of course, that's assuming you believe that the spontaneous development of life is actually possible, and that you believe in the evolution of it into sentience as the reason life exists as it does today.

If, however, you believe God created life, that leads to a whole other discussion as to why we haven't seen alien life yet that sort of moves into the realm of interpreting scripture and trying to guess if God would have made other sentient life in the universe other than ourselves. It would be impossible to come up with a real answer because unless the scriptures specify why, all ideas would never be able to be more than a guess at the mind of God.

Personally, I don't believe that aliens exist because I do believe life was created and I don't see why aliens would be necessary, and if they were, I don't see why they would not be mentioned by God.
2014-11-24 22:44:20 UTC
aliens thought we weren't smart enough to talk to, we worship ppl like kim kardasian, how smart can we be??
2014-11-24 17:34:41 UTC
Maybe because Nicki Monaj released the Anaconda music video
2014-11-24 15:57:37 UTC
because aliens think we are too dumb and we think aliens are too dumb???
2014-11-23 18:10:01 UTC
To Pwn all the other people! Why haven't any of you thought of the fact that we may be the most advanced civilization in the universe and be the first to conquer other worlds with life?:)
2014-11-23 17:00:52 UTC
They are probably waiting for us to become more advanced both physically and mentally. Think about it, we are just now getting over racism, we have wars, fights over politics, gay marriage, abortion, and religion, we even go as far as to lock our boarders from people sneaking in our countries illegally. Imagine how we'd be towards them now just for not believing what we believe, wanting to live with us or not looking like us, etc? How can we accept them, if we can't even accept our own species now?
2014-11-23 14:19:10 UTC
The simplest answer and explanation is that there are no aliens to make contact with. What evidence do we have that there are any aliens? Just there sheer size of the universe? Maybe the miracle of humanity is that we are the only intelligent life in the universe. We need to stop looking to the stars and look here on earth and make the best of this planet and ourselves. Just accept it; There Are No Aliens.
2014-11-23 10:29:11 UTC
I farter
2014-11-23 02:53:58 UTC
Who's to say we haven't and the government is hiding it from us? This is a sensitive topic. You can't just release it to the public. There would be sheer chaos. The other answer is aliens have probably been monitoring us and have decided we are too stupid to do any harm, so they ignore us.. Another answer could be there is no aliens. We just don't know...
2014-11-23 02:46:25 UTC
Because we are the most intelligent beings in the universe, especially the baby boomers.
2014-11-22 23:44:38 UTC
Probably because they don't exist.

But even though that explanation is perfectly consistent with all the available data, it is probably a little outside the grasp of those who are thoroughly imbibed with the dogma that "space boogers must exist".

You only need to think outside the square to see the blindingly obvious.


2014-11-22 23:32:02 UTC
What aliens?

Unicellular or multicellular?

Hermaphrodites or not?
2014-11-22 21:28:53 UTC
well maybe nun of them are exploring our part of the universe cause if you take a look at our part there are very few plants in our solar system that would serve as any use to do anything with other words there lifeless apart from earth . .i have read an article somewhere i don't remember exactly how it went but i do know that they mention that the signal that they give off into space when there waiting for a reply from any form of intelligence life ... compare that signal they said would be like a single pixel on a screen to the size of the universe ... so one i would say maybe they have no interest in our solar system and two our way of trying to make contact is so tinny it would go unnoticed very very easily .
2014-11-22 19:18:37 UTC
Hardly anyone goes into space except for the few aboard the ISS. Same reason why we don't know what is beyond about 90% of our oceans. There isn't a lot of exploration, so it remains a mystery.
2014-11-22 18:55:57 UTC
Because we're so dumb that they don't wanna communicate with us
2014-11-22 18:19:40 UTC
Wut? Uh... Well the chances of human like inteligence is really low. Aliens might be.. Like.. A bacteria. In a galazy 6 other galazys to the left or something. Or a plant.
2014-11-22 16:46:24 UTC
We have. Thousands of years ago.
2014-11-22 14:44:29 UTC
I heard about a theory for this and I think that it is quite strong. It may be because to aliens, we are unintelligent life forms and just like you wouldn't take a second glance at a worm on the pavement, aliens probably wouldn't take a second glance at Earth so if aliens did find Earth, they probably wouldn't make the effort to visit it.
2014-11-22 04:28:26 UTC
I think aliens were and are here. After they built the pyramids they morphed into cats. Could be wrong but it helps explain some of the weird things they do.
2014-11-22 02:20:23 UTC
Because the Drake Equation clearly states "We started from the bottom now we are here."
2014-11-22 00:56:58 UTC
It doesn't mean there are not any, so probably just distance. If you look at the bible it talks about our relationship with God but that does not mean there is not life elsewhere, just because we do not know of it.
2014-11-25 05:45:32 UTC
We have met aliens. There is a giant government conspiracy that hides them away from the general public due to their fear of the breakdown of all social order. It is generally seen inside the inner circle that if they release information of contact with other alien species that all religion would be proven wrong and our world would succumb to chaos and anarchy.

Just ask any Scientologist," they will tell you how contact with aliens has resulted in mankind.
2014-11-24 21:34:43 UTC
I would think even if our radios signals did connect. They wouldn't understand what we are sending.
2014-11-24 19:28:33 UTC
"We?" Who's "we?" And how do you know that no one has made contacts with those beings? Your question doesn't make sense - I should say that it's very presumptuous. "Andrew" wrote, "Because they don't exist." How does he know that? He doesn't. Nor do you know whether or not certain people have met them. That "we" comment is, as i said, very presumptuous ...
2014-11-24 05:32:26 UTC
Because they live on different planet.
Philip B
2014-11-24 02:02:58 UTC
Life has existed on Earth for an estimated 3.8 billion years and in that time countless species have evolved and subsequent died out or been wiped out for one reason or another. Dinosaurs for example were once the dominant life form on Earth and lasted for at least 100 million years. At no point during their reign on Earth though did the dinosaurs ever develop intelligence that enabled them to build spacecraft or even telescopes.

Only one species though has ever evolved intelligence such that it could look up and ask questions about the Universe beyond. Only within the last decade has that intelligence developed so it has enabled us to build spacecraft and travel beyond the confines of our own planet.

Because of the sheer distances and numbers of other stars out there, any other intelligent life that does exist out there will almost certainly be experiencing the same difficulties in find us as we have finding them. The human race has only existed for around 200,000 years and so any 'aliens' in neighbouring galaxies who have developed amazingly advanced telescopes to zoom in on Earth would not even see humans because to them we haven't evolved yet.

So we restrict the search to our Galaxy alone and this narrows down the potential list of target stars that might harbour life bearing planets to maybe a billion or less. Finding the life is one problem, making meaningful contact is another issue entirely.
2014-11-23 15:51:01 UTC
We have made contact with aliens in the sense that we are surrounded by insects and they've been here longer than we have too.

Some in the scientific community already believe that life on Earth arrived on meteors hitting the surface of the planet,.

in other words, if you want to seen an alien just look into the mirror.

London UK
2014-11-23 15:24:07 UTC
Because we are awaiting them! Ya never know who could be an alien #AdamSandler
2014-11-23 14:16:32 UTC
because they don't exist
2014-11-23 08:14:50 UTC
dude... some people believe they HAVE.
2014-11-22 21:22:59 UTC
The reason aliens have not made contact with us is because they are smart enough to stay away from us. Humans do nothing but screw everything they come in contact with up. It is human nature to destroy itself. Any intelligent species would steer clear of humans.
2014-11-22 21:00:01 UTC
We have, by the pleutainians (not sure how you say it). But they only contact the government and certain people. Search it up.
2014-11-22 18:58:28 UTC
Even presidents have let it slip that Area 51 holds something that the American public is not ready for yet.
2014-11-22 15:37:59 UTC
If they've got any sense, it's cause they're avoiding us like the plague.
2014-11-22 15:33:01 UTC
It's for the same reason we have never contacted god: THEY DON'T EXIST!
2014-11-22 13:30:24 UTC
Not sure. Maybe they are out there
2014-11-22 10:41:21 UTC
Maybe life was too common in the universe so they don't really care about us. Maybe they're actually looking for intelligence.
2014-11-22 08:26:35 UTC
Although life is virtually certain to exist on millions of planets, on most it would be very simple, such as bacteria, which took 2 billion years to evolve into multicellular animals on Earth, owing to "Snowball Earth" as the triggering event, a phenomenon unlikely to be repeated often, and then it would have to be on a planet like ours, in the extremely unusual Earth / moon dyad, with a metalliferous type G or K star located in a relatively safe location in a spiral galaxy, well away from the hazards of its galactic centre.

It would also require an oxygen atmosphere to generate sufficient energy for animal life to be viable on the surface, (and an ozone layer to stop UVC rays) otherwise it would be more like plants, slime and slowly moving worms in the seas and rivers.

The unusual way that the Earth and moon formed, by the shallow angled collision of a Mars sized object with the proto-Earth is also vitally important, for multiple reasons.

It increased the rate of rotation of the Earth, and both iron cores were largely retained, creating the magnetoferrodynamics that power our strong magnetic field, protecting us from mass solar ejections of ionised plasma.

The mostly molten rock that was thrown out by that impact initially formed a ring around Earth, slowly accreting gravitationally until the moon formed.

The moon then played an important part, via the process of "atmospheric skimming". The composition of Venus' atmosphere is 96% CO2, 3.5% Nitrogen. The atmospheric pressure of Venus, which has no moon, is around 90 times greater than ours is now, but they would have been comparable in the early stages. Much of the Earth's carbon dioxide is now largely sequestered in carbonate rocks, like limestone (Venus has no plate tectonics, therefore no carbonate / silicate cycle). The blast, and heat generated by that collision enabled the mostly lighter molecules of the remaining atmosphere to attain altitudes sufficient to be blown away by the solar wind, and it has continued to a lesser extent (because the moon was much closer, then) for billions of years since, despite replenishment of volatiles in cometary bombardments.

The molecules in gases move at high speeds in "Brownian motion", with many collisions, some few of which, if the angles are right, propel them to higher altitudes, to a point where the moon's gravitational attraction enables even higher altitudes to be attained, to where they can be carried away by the solar wind. Photosynthesis by cyanobacteria generated oxygen from the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which was a "reducing" one, in chemical terms, not the oxidising one it is now, and it was that slowly increasing proportion that enabled the evolution of oxygen based respiration, with the much greater amounts of energy available for animal life.

The largest flying pterosaur, the four winged Quetzalcoatlus, weighed at least the same as a man, and possibly up to 200 kilograms / 440 lbs, or even 250 kgms. The atmosphere could not support anything larger. Imagine the size that a flying raptor could evolve to on a planet with an atmosphere 20 times denser than ours, or 50 times. Large birds of prey could have attacked adult proto-hominids, which were only around a metre in height.

When you consider that there have been several mass extinctions on this planet, and if it wasn't for the KT boundary event, the dinosaurs could still be the dominant animals, so it's easy to imagine that most planets would not have evolved in the same way that ours did, and that humanoid life forms are extremely rare.

Highly intelligent beings may well be considerably less than a hundred parsecs away, but either not technologically oriented, as were most of Earth's civilisations, such as the ancient Egyptians, Babylonians, Romans, Aztecs, Incas, Mayans, etc., (more likely) or they are only now evolving such a technologically based civilisation.

I estimate the probability of such a situation to be exceedingly low; considerably less than 1 in 100,000,000,000. It would surprise, and delight me if there were/are/will be more than several ones of at least our level of technology, in the Milky Way galaxy. The likelihood that, by the time we receive, and reply, (it may be assumed that some attempts will be made) they no longer exist, is high, and that we both continue to exist, and maintain high technology to receive their reply, is much higher, and increases in direct proportion to their distance from us.
2014-11-22 07:20:10 UTC
The answer to this can be found at the very beginning of the movie Star Wars:

"A long time ago, in a galaxy far away..."

What you have to remember here, is that space isn't just unimaginable distances between stars and galaxies, but it's time as well. Huge, vast amounts of time which are so numerically enormous, it's hard to wrap your mind around it.

The perhaps sad truth is that it is highly unlikely that we will ever find or encounter intelligent life - but this doesn't mean it hasn't existed. Our species has been around as we are now, for less than 250,000 years - a mere instant when considering the vast long corridors of time we exist within.

Our own solar system has been around for 4.5 billion years and for all we know, intelligent life may have developed on Mars before it's atmosphere was stripped away by the solar winds or on Venus before it's catastrophic volcanic eruptions made it the hell hole it now is.

Two billion years ago there may have been intelligent life on our neighbors, but it is now long gone. See how that works? It's not just that 'nearby' stars are actually so far away we could only visit on ships designed to sustain multiple generations of crew members, but that time is perhaps even more cruel.

Civilizations may have existed or may exist in the future.

But that we will find advanced intelligent life as our own contemporaries - highly unlikely.

Perhaps the best evidence for this is the fact that Earth is a rare oasis - and no one has come to visit us yet - at least not in a truly verifiable way.
2014-11-22 06:25:25 UTC
b/c they are of superior intelligence.....and avoid "us"......that's why
2014-11-21 20:29:07 UTC
I believe there are other inhabited worlds up there. But I can well understand their reluctance to make contact with us. They want to stay well away from a fractured world, where rebellion, disease and conflict are rife.

See what Gary Bates says about the increasing numbers of alien encounters and abductions around the world:
2014-11-25 02:56:03 UTC
Well. .. it may be possible that we have made a contact and the government is hiding it from us. !!
2014-11-24 22:58:16 UTC
We've had contacts with aliens, but unfortunately they saw what kind of a race are we - the human race, and they gave up hope of communicating reasonably with us. We're beyond fixing, my friend.
2014-11-24 17:57:49 UTC
If you are walking alongside a road and you see an anthill, do you go to the ants and say "hello ants, I am a human!"
2014-11-24 13:13:57 UTC
because Aliens are smarter than us and we are such a mess, who would want to be our buddy?
2014-11-24 05:18:09 UTC
There can be many reasons.

1) Perhaps the aliens may not be intelligent than us. If it is so then how could they contact us? We love to believe that aliens are intelligent and developed than us but sometimes that may not be the truth.

2) Because of the speed of the light. That's the barrier we still can't break. Still we haven't found something faster than the light. So if these alien planets are far away from earth it would be almost impossible to make contact with them without breaking the speed of light.

3) Perhaps we may have made contact with them. Just like what happened in X-Files we...I mean not the civilians....may have made contact with them. But perhaps government may be hiding it. There can be fair and unfair reasons for that. Just imagine what would happen if government told that they have found aliens for real.

4) They may have come here but may be we don't even know. There are good proofs for that. How could ancient humans did marvelous things like Nascar lines, Stonehendge? Ancient Aliens on History channel and Erich Von Daniken proves that.

5) Or may be they don't even know that we exist.
Derek J
2014-11-23 14:49:31 UTC
Distance is the ultimate factor. I think the other people hit the nail on the head.
sandy d
2014-11-23 10:32:06 UTC
Wow are you ever misinformed, in fact we had the capability in the 1950s to levitate and run our own vehicles with very little, if any, energy consumption!!! But the powers that be said "if you put it up we will shoot it down", those words came from the then director of General Motors!!! That would put many big businesses into bankruptcy such as oil and electric who sell free energy!!! And levitation and free fuel was used only by aliens who came here to watch us!!!
2014-11-23 10:20:53 UTC
i think they exist but they or us do not have the tech to do anything.
Mick W
2014-11-23 02:28:55 UTC
until two intelligence's are on about the same intellectual level, communication would be pointless due to this, observations would be made by the more advanced intelligence of the primitive one from a discrete distance, and it is clearly established if they cam travel light years to say earth, they are somewhat in advance of the intellectual level of those on earth.

as an example of earths primitive intellectual culture, which is based on obedience to folk law and traditions handed down from the dark ages, it was only in the 1860 that a particularly powerful religious organisation gave permission for it to be acknowledged that the earth was round, not flat!!!!
2014-11-22 22:03:32 UTC
There could be many reasons.

They may already have contacted us 70 millions years ago during the age of the dinosaurs. They might have observed a savage planet and gave up on us. And then moved on to other worlds where intelligent life might exist.

The distance between stars is enormous. We have to describe these distance with a light years. So, the distances may restrict moving between stars.

In our local group of stars there may not be any intelligent beings. Thus, our radio signals would not have registered on worlds that have intelligent life because they are farther away.

There might be a certain requirement that we have not achieved for us to qualify for contact by aliens.

Maybe, we are being monitored right now and we are not aware of it. And we just have not reached the level of maturity that is required to be considered an intelligent species worthy of contact.

Maybe they are so advanced compared to us that it violates the prime directive. Or we are just not that interesting because we have such low intelligence.
2014-11-22 17:14:44 UTC
If you want to hide the truth, leave it where everyone can see.
Q The First Timelord
2014-11-22 16:05:56 UTC
What makes you think you're on this planet alone?

Silly humans.
2014-11-22 08:24:09 UTC
Yes we have for many thousands of centuries.
2014-11-22 07:26:39 UTC
Look at me, I AM an alien! :| See my long ears? Those are my antennas. I AM SHREK!!! STEPHANIESHREK4EVER!!!!!!!!! Smell my farts little gremlins :3
2014-11-22 06:40:52 UTC
Aliens are already among us - Bernard Hopkins "The Alien"
Jake No Chat
2014-11-22 03:58:25 UTC
Perhaps some have. Some people have made claims to have been contacted. Perhaps aliens came to earth before humans evolved. Those things are possible. And if it has not happened yet, I would say that it is just a matter of space and time (great distances). And it is also possible that it will happen in the future. It is hard to imagine that there is not other intelligent life out there, and that such contact is inevitable.
2014-11-21 23:02:32 UTC
Space is.. ya know... spacious. Even if there were a billion space-faring races zipping around the universe, statistically it would take millions upon millions of years for one to happen across Earth. There's also the possibility that highly sophisticated space traveling aliens are rare to the point where they might as well not even exist. Most of the aliens might just be trapped on their worlds like we are.
Steve Oneill
2014-11-21 17:47:17 UTC
Maybe aliens have been with us all along? There are countless stories from ancient times all the way to the present of strange lights in the sky. Beings who have even made contact with humans.

Even the Bible has an account of a close encounter: Ezekiel Chapter 1:Verse-1-28. ! What about Cropcircles? No they are not just a hoax. They even were seen in the middle ages. Some suggest that it would be unlikely that anyone would visit us because of the great distances of space. Science fiction often often becomes science fact. Warp drives that moves a craft in sub-space:getting around the the light speed issue. We tell time by the rotation of our planet and our orbit around the sun. By all accounts we are still a baby species. For 10.00 years we used candles to light our way and used animals to get around ! Our modern systems
good track record when it comes to meeting other cultures.

This could be why aliens choose not to make close contact with us. Suggested viewing: The Day The Earth Stood Still.. Both the 1951 and the 2008 versions.
Francis F
2014-11-21 16:55:02 UTC
We have already made contact with aliens or extra-terrestrials. In more recent times, Governments such as the U.S. government has done business with them. President Dwight Eisenhower in 1954 met with aliens at Holloman's Base at least three times. During these meetings, he signed treaties with them for advanced technology in exchange for the abduction of humans for genetic experiments. In the space of one year, over 700,000 persons were reported missing and the government did nothing about it

These aliens live in subterranean bases such as Area 51 and 52 in Nevada and the Dulce Base in New Mexico. Los Almos is another place where aliens are situated. In these underground bases, they carry on experiments like human cloning, creating man-aliens hybrids and man-animal hybrids. Many humans work for them.

There are also aliens bases on the moon and humans living there since the 1960's. When Neil Armstrong in 1961 and the other astronaut's went there they saw alien bases but were not allowed to publicize these things. Now these aliens are not seen because they live on the dark side of the moon and it does not rotate.

There are also alien bases on Mars. The moon and Mars are teeming with life. The Aliens do not want you to know because their duties are nefarious. President Kennedy was shot in 1963, when he tried to reveal highly classified documents through the Freedom of Information Act.

Many ancient civilizations had contact with aliens. For your information read: "The Book of Enoch," "The Book of Jubilees" and "The Book of the Giants."
Tim M
2014-11-21 16:23:37 UTC
Surely this is probably one of the greatest questions one could ask. Just where is the ( intelligent ) life that may just exist beyond this planet ? Next to the question "Does god exist ?" , "Where are the aliens ?" is right up there.

For one, it has never actually been proven that aliens and or extraterretrrials exist but there is a great amount of compelling evidence that supports that they do or have visited. There is as well a good amount of personal witness accounts and personal encounters with these "visitors" from outer space that as well does support this strange phenomenon but though it is supporting, is not conclusive as it has not been shared by the majority of the population.

The bottom line is, the jurry is still out on whether they exist or not but that does not mean one way or another that they do or do not exist. So I guess you could say, stay tuned, the best is yet to come ?
2014-11-24 05:11:37 UTC
If we contact aliens, there could be many problems to follow. I mean if they haven't contacted us, they may not want to be contacted.
2014-11-23 20:17:50 UTC
Maybe because they don't exist. This is the most logical explanation.
2014-11-23 20:13:46 UTC
Because they only exist in your head (if not in your head, check under your bed)
2014-11-23 15:13:08 UTC
What makes you think we haven' you really think the world governments would let the average person know that there is life outside our atmosphere. The powers that be owe their hold on this world based on religious dogma, it doesn't matter which one. For them, they all serve the same purpose, keeping people under control and out of their business. The system would fall completely apart, if beings that do not fit scriptures made themselves known, to the average person.
2014-11-23 14:47:36 UTC
Because none of the cell phone companies will include intergalactic minutes with thier plans.
2014-11-23 13:40:59 UTC
because they are not real
2014-11-23 12:51:42 UTC
We have and right now we are under intense scrutiny and watchcare from the Celestials. The reason we have no contact with the other inhabited worlds is because our planet is in "quarantine". Our world is riddled in sin and rebellion and sickness. Our communications have been "cut" until our world has cleaned up its act and deemed ready to be hooked back up into the Universal grapevine. Now there are "Aliens" who live on other "Earths" and Celestials such as "Midwayers", Angels and a multitude of other beings. We do not receive "Aliens" because our worlds are too far apart to travel to and it is for our safety so that none may interfere with each others worlds. The time is coming closer to changes and the world as we know it today is going to become something else. Right now we are not worthy to have that privilege to be in contact with the other "Earths" in our particular system. Our planet is numbered 606. To date there are altogether 619 inhabited worlds in our particular Universe System, so yes that makes us one of the youngest in our group. There are many other Universes which contain their own group of inhabited planets. I could go on and on about this but there is too much, so I recommend reading " The URANTIA Book" which will give you all the details. This info has been with us for almost 100 yrs. "URANTIA" is the official name recorded in the Universal records of this world. I kid you not.....:) Heaps of people know about this, the rest of the world needs to catch up.

Also this Book also explains HOW we came to be in this position and ALL the other mystery questions we have about God, Science, Life after death etc. etc. etc. and ties everything together.
2014-11-23 10:36:04 UTC
There is over 100+ movies just on that subject alone. YES we have had some kind of contact and yes there is other forms of life no doubt
2014-11-23 09:09:56 UTC
Because aliens don't want to visit a race that practically says 'Hey i'm humanity and welcome to jackass."
2014-11-23 07:28:54 UTC
well...we did receive some signals in the 90's....Rest,The news didn't tell us much...
2014-11-23 07:23:39 UTC
Russel Go
2014-11-23 00:41:00 UTC
They aren't real
2014-11-22 22:27:36 UTC
Perhaps because the little green men do not exist. Get your head out of the cloads man
2014-11-22 20:38:52 UTC
border patrol might had been contacted with aliens.
2014-11-22 18:45:00 UTC
Hashtag government cover ups.
2014-11-22 12:58:30 UTC
Because they don't exist. Like that Jesus Christ character. It's a fairytale world people love. They love a good mystery. That does include aliens.
2014-11-22 06:50:13 UTC
We actually have made contact with aliens. The thing is, this will not be reported in the media. The general public is here to be suppressed and made to think that things are excellent and improving in this country. If the government admitted right now that there has been contact with aliens, people would panic. People may even riot or kill to get more guns and ammo, who knows what could happen. But aliens are here, they will make their presence before we destroy the planet in the Earths next great war, the last war with civilization being the way we know it. If you do your own research you can find many legitimate UFO videos and credible sources talking about similar alien types. Like the Greys.
2014-11-22 06:39:25 UTC
We don't have the technology with which we would travel to and/or communicate with sentient beings on distant planets. Such beings which have such technology may not want to communicate with us until we gain it because they may interfere with their development. This is all my speculation, though.
2014-11-21 21:37:23 UTC
Demons from the lower astral plane, are pretending to be aliens
2014-11-21 18:52:02 UTC
We don't yet have the technology - we only just discovered the vague principle of instantaneous communication, through the research associated with the various versions of string theory - there are a dozen dimensions needed to explain the world we live in, but we can only directly experience three of them.

They are not looking for communications limited by the speed of light, like radio waves. We have not learned to use the comms they use, yet.
2014-11-24 17:45:31 UTC
You will never make contacts with aliens, Aliens are named aliens for that reason. Furthermore, they don't like you (human)....and if they make contact, you are probably doing something wrong, because they are the higher lifeform. Let your mind wander a little bit, more.
2014-11-24 07:25:24 UTC
You all assume the aliens are as thick as **** as humans: that if they find Earth they will want to loot it just like the morally retarded Spanish conquistadors; that humans are on the verge of finding aliens even though the probability of humans being the most advanced kids on the block is ******* minuscule and therefore, instead, 'aliens' already know that humans are here. Thirdly, the very term 'aliens' is borne from the ******* cave-manlike territorial mentality of child-like beings where "this is my piece of land and that is yours - and don't ******* dare step on my land you foreigner/alien prick!" Instead - in an infinite space over infinite time all beings are one family. There are the older members who watch on as the younger members kick **** out of one another through multitude trials of self-interested behaviour - until ultimately they destroy themselves - or almost - and thus actually evolve beyond their "that's just not human nature (to be kind/cooperative)" retardation - and on that day wisdom will be born i.e. the young beings learn that the ONLY way is to love one another as Jesus told them them. Jesus also knew that humans needed more that words to change - hence 2000 years of brother against brother. Make no mistake, Jesus did not come to bring peace - he brings war - he brings a sword - he puts brother against brother (the Book of Mathew) i.e. he is a teacher. The destruction of evil in the World is as inevitable as the sinking of the Titanic - it is mathematically untenable to keep on ******* one another over and over. Someone will win the monopoly game one day and the other players will revolt or something. The ONLY eternal way is the path of love, joy and happiness for all sentient beings. Acting as one body - as in the prayer of St. Francis - going to where there is suffering and pain as a body does, and healing it. THEN, perhaps, you'll meet other members of your larger family. They may look a little different from you and be a bit older. But you will not call them aliens. You fuckwits ;)
2014-11-24 02:29:22 UTC
Such barriers to rapid travel between the stars can be overcome, and then the best explanation for our isolation is that we are evidently, by our endless wars and even nuclear weapons, *still* far too aggressive species to safely allow into the advanced technology they have. We are isolated for everyone else's protection! If this is the case, perhaps we could eventually evolve to be less aggressive and warlike, and join in the galactic a few centuries.
2014-11-23 19:36:56 UTC
What do you think I am???
2014-11-23 18:28:14 UTC
WE HAVE made contact--1948 in New Mexico, Area 51. The government admitted THEN DENIED it.
2014-11-23 15:03:51 UTC
A human being has no possiblity of communicating with an ant--we can never make ants understand our thoughts or our society. Nor can the ant ever communicate with us. Moreover, no one is particularly interested in trying to "speak" with ants--they have been deemed "not intelligent".

In the same exact way, there may be intelligences out there in the universe so far beyond our own, that they are completely unable, or unwilling to even attempt meaningful communication with us.
2014-11-23 08:48:54 UTC
If we knew why, we would have made contact.
2014-11-23 06:53:39 UTC
Dare we even admit to the likelihood that this infinitesimal life support system we call Earth is actually the very first seedbed of life itself? Though the annual budget for life seeking probes exceeds 13 billion dollars all we come up with is a paltry comet without any life support potential whatsoever, least of all a bucket of water!

Why don't we rather use all our genius to explore the real tangible messengers of life contained within dna? Unlike the head of the human genome project,Dr. Francis Collins are we afraid that all our educational material regarding Ambiogenesis is phoney and contrived merely to avert scientific enquiry to a blind alley like space probes to limitless domains of conjecture?
2014-11-23 06:16:22 UTC
They might be a silent watcher of our earth , and they doesn't want to contact us because they doesn't want to disturb our natural life by sudden interaction .
2014-11-23 05:58:36 UTC
It's not that we haven't, they've never contacted US. Our technology is nothing to theirs, and if they wanted to contact us they would have. Obviously, they're peaceful, and take one look at our planet - would you contact such a brutally violent race?
2014-11-22 22:01:14 UTC
...Já pensei nisso... Seria legal (se eles não levassem fama de sequestrador) Bom eu mesmo, creio que o sumiço do avião Malasia (O avião some do nada no ar) isso tem algo haver.. mais quem sou eu hem?
2014-11-22 20:43:11 UTC
, any species can conquer the physical laws of the Universe and magically show up on our doorstep in their alien versions of a BMW 5-series, with a Planet Earth or Bust bumper sticker slapped on the bumper. Physical Laws are just that; Constant, Everywhere and Unforgiving. We really should reserve ourselves to believing that they will bump into the same hurdles we have,
2014-11-22 16:53:44 UTC
dspite what you see on cable, I think it highly unlikely aliens have ever visited Earth. Too far. And if they did have a means of galactic exploration, why Earth. I would have to see an alien alive, then die in front of me and witness the autopsy first hand and up close before I would say aliens may visited earth. If Industrial Light and Magic wanted you to see and alien or a spaceship, there's no doubt they the could. What we see on TV is simply that TV.
2014-11-22 14:56:48 UTC
I do everyday at work. Some even speak English.
2014-11-22 12:42:29 UTC
Simple really.

The truth is out there.

Or maybe down here, we may not have originated on Earth.

The Universe is ruled by the same physics.

Search for life? Search for water! Search the Drake Equation.

They have to be out there, maybe they are just like us.
2014-11-22 11:12:15 UTC
2014-11-22 08:58:10 UTC
Hi l have contact with alien for long time ago and still now for 44 years and l have been take by ET. That all l'm say, because people very hard to understand.
2014-11-22 07:30:42 UTC
maybe we will in the future
Grinning Football plinny younger
2014-11-22 03:42:18 UTC
Perhaps the aliens don't broadcast their location, because they've heard some people think they're demons, or they haven't got that technology they might be more interested in finding out about their own planet.

Maybe life is common, but intelligent life is rare, it's hard to say we can only know what it took to make us intelligent it might take more than a planet, a whole galaxy might be needed and not right next to each other. It might be we are the only intelligent life forms out there.
2014-11-21 16:40:29 UTC
Could it be that alien civilizations are communicating with each other with a technology more advanced than radio, one that isn't limited to transmission at the speed of light? Scientists are talking about quantum entanglement, which is the effect one object has on another, regardless of distance - in theory, particles that are galaxies apart.
2014-11-25 03:15:07 UTC
because there is no alien idiot
2014-11-24 19:20:04 UTC
I think that human kind don't want to just because no one knows if an alien exists or not. The FBI keeps it a secret. Recently, the FBI has released a document about the Roswell incident, but silent and secretly. If we do, many things would happen. Of these events, i know none of...and maybe this can happen:

1. Aliens will attack us.

2. Aliens will invade us.

3. More people will be abducted


But these events may happen IF we send them a horrible contact.

If it is a good one, they might visit us. Or they will friend us.

But ALWAYS remember one thing.

There are good alines and bad aliens.

So, humans may not know if the aliens are good, so we don't dare contact them.

And the distance of a habitable planet is very distant. It may be of distance. If we meet face to face to an alien, it may some how not be a good time to even say hi to them. You are in awe, and then, maybe you are kidnapped. So this may be the reason why. I tried my best. So, tis is my answer. Hope that it helps.
2014-11-24 16:48:46 UTC
We have. Pleiadians, Sirians, Acustrians, Andromedians, Reptilians, Grey. They are just so advanced that they like to stay hidden and our level of consciousness is not advanced enough for them to interfere with the messed up human race
2014-11-24 09:25:14 UTC
Aliens by definition is a creature from outer space. In our Milky Way galaxy there is no known planet, other than Earth where intelligent life could have a chance to evolve. They just don't have the necessary ingredients and conditions required for life to evolve. There are 100 billion galaxies in our observable universe and I believe that there aliens that have evolved, some of them might be like humans. So why havent we made contact with aliens? Distance. They're just too war away from Earth. Our nearest galaxy is 2.5 million light years from Earth. That means that if you traveled at the speed of light it would take you 2.5 milion years to reach our nearest galaxy. As we all know, nothing can travel faster than light, not even radio waves, so trying to communicate with life on other distant worlds won't work.
2014-11-23 19:29:55 UTC
I hate when people say we cannot travel faster than the speed of light. This may be our thinking now, however, we may just not know about the technology that will allow us some day to travel faster than the speed of light. Just think about it...100 years ago we were still riding horse and buggies. In the 1960's, we made it to the moon..and we think we cannot travel faster than light?? Anyhow, maybe intelligent life that has reached the level to produce radio signals is rare. Also, maybe they are producing signals we do not about it or not looking for, maybe not radio. Maybe they are far ahead of us and radio is no longer used.. there are many reasons. Maybe we do not have the technology yet to detect THEM.
2014-11-23 17:24:41 UTC
We have. Most of them work at McDonalds or Taco Bell disguised as Mexicans.
2014-11-23 15:29:09 UTC
The answer is because most of them are interdimentional, living out of phase with our normal reality. Because we're fairly unevolved, we think aliens have to travel billions of miles in a tin-can for us to see them, when in reality there's interdimentional beings everywhere and they interact with our reality on higher dimentional planes.
2014-11-23 13:42:28 UTC
The longer you think about Aliens the weirder it seems. Out there, there will be some type of "people" living like us. For all we know, they could be thinking the exact same thing was we're thinking. Wondering if there is any life besides them, but they have no idea that we're out here.

Planets are weird.
2014-11-23 13:40:18 UTC
1) We don t know that there are any aliens to make contact with.

2) If there are any, we don t know that they want to talk to us.

3) Or they might not know we exist.

4) Or they might be too far away, and not able to reach us
2014-11-23 12:35:58 UTC
2014-11-23 00:07:05 UTC
The distance light can travel in a unit of time through a given substance. Light travels through a vacuum at about 186,000 miles, or 300,000 kilometers, per second. ( See E = mc 2

1 light-year is ˜ 5.878625 trillion miles

when one year is 365.25 days.

One parsec is approximately 3.26 light-years

one kiloparsec (kpc) is 1000 parsecs (3262 light-years)

one megaparsec (Mpc) is one million parsecs.

One gigaparsec (Gpc) is one billion parsecs

this is a hubble-image over 10.7 billion light years away from earth.

not only are the great distances impossible to fathom, there might be many danger in a voyage like giant waves, or rapids through rocks; space-people would not be the challenge.

in religion, such a vast spatical and temporal distance relates to the depth of life of a person like in shakyamuni's buddhism. it is a metaphor of our life and self-image.
2014-11-22 21:28:40 UTC
The bible tells us who the aliens are, and their motive. Read the book of genesis.
2014-11-22 20:34:49 UTC
Well I think the main reason is...they don't exist
2014-11-22 14:03:02 UTC
George Patton
2014-11-22 11:14:18 UTC
Because even the closest star system to Earth is over 20 TRILLION miles away. The chances of any alien species ever making contact with one another, anywhere in the universe, is very near 0. Plus a quick glance at the history of life on Earth proves that life is not some sort of cosmic race to developing space ships and radio communications. Humans have been on this planet for over 2 million years, and our species for over 200,000. Yet we've only been putting things in space for a couple of decades. In fact we spent about 190,000 years living in caves and hunting with stone tipped spears..... And that's ignoring the 10's of millions of years that dinosaurs walked the Earth and never developed any more intelligence than the average dog. It's quite likely that even if intelligent aliens are out there they might be living in caves like we did for millennia. Even if they have been around longer than us. So how would we ever know they're out there, or vice versa? And of course there's still the fact that even if they're very into space exploration they still wouldn't be able to reach or contact us and likely wouldn't even know we exist.
2014-11-21 23:50:36 UTC
Because there are no aliens. There are, however, people who have made careers by writing and explaining as convincingly as possible the existence of aliens. They explain a lot, and fail every time to prove anything. New age baloney. The term "government coverup" is what they rely on most to escape having to produce positiive evidence of what they assert to be the gospel truth. They are all first class liars - never to be believed.
2014-11-21 21:45:52 UTC
Aliens are in our mind. We made them as makes a prisoner unreal friend not to scense himselfe lonely. This is a our nature.
Christian in Jesus
2014-11-21 21:43:08 UTC
We have had contact. The incident is so horrific that no one wants to believe it. Consider the McPherson Family's recorded video. This family is scattered, missing to this day.
2014-11-21 19:31:55 UTC
We earthlings probably don't have the technology, or maybe there is no one else out there..and we are alone .. scary eh?
2014-11-21 17:03:59 UTC
We have been coming and going for a long time now. It is not our fault you are not able to see us. Maybe someday you will be able to and we will be able to actually be out in the open about our presence here. Until then indirectly we come to you as if we are one just like you. And if you try to press us on it all your going to get are weird stares as nobody is going to believe you. So just accept that we are here and have been here for a long time. Or don't. Either way who would know the difference?
D'jango's Woman
2014-11-21 11:28:46 UTC
The government treats the populace like we do not know what has landed on this earth..and who may be walking it now...notice how writers always show the gov't trying to 'handle it' by hiding it from folks like we would be to infantile to handle that type of news..also I think it is a violation of our human rights as global citizens.
Steel Rain
2014-11-22 02:58:13 UTC
No living thing has ever been found that does not exist on this planet. The cosmological constant which is the minimum to produce life as we know it explains why no living thing has been found in our universe. The cosmological constant which is approximately 10^120 is a ratio that is so large, one in a trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion that the conditions for life in the cosmos are basically nonexistent except for the miracle which is our earth.
2014-11-22 03:49:38 UTC
No disrespect or sarcasm intended. But many many people have reported over time the appearance of angels or demons. It would be fool hardy to write these reports as

a figment of someone's imagination.

I Cr 13:8a, Love never fails !
2015-05-21 15:45:16 UTC
Well assuming there's someone (or something😥) out there, it would be quite a distance. (The furthest message from earth is... Uhhh... One of Hitlers speeches. The radio waves on it are very power full, and will take another million years or so to reach the next closest star.)

We might not even understand it was from another civilization. Radio waves can come from other places to.
2014-11-22 11:57:50 UTC
Physics is a *****. You can manipulate the fabric of space and travel lightyears in less time. But the energy needed to do it is on the order of magnitude of what humanity can generate or harness. To suggest other alien civilizations can do the same with what energy source.
2014-11-22 15:15:08 UTC
The aliens are under orders not to reveal their existence. The order is from God, and the aliens most obey this order, because the aliens are actually fallen angels or demons.

But we have made contact with aliens, just not the Hollywood type of contact like in the movie 'Close Encounters'. Many people have been abducted by aliens, and that is contact. Aliens create crop circles, and that is contact. A good example of alien contact using crop circles is the Face Crop Circle from 2002.

10 reasons why aliens are actually fallen angels/demons

The Face Crop Circle;_ylt=Atx5__r2i9HoI9yqJsKkGgKbvZx4?p=crop+circle+the+face&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=hp-avast&type=odc179&fp=1

search: aliens are actually fallen angels;_ylt=Atx5__r2i9HoI9yqJsKkGgKbvZx4?p=aliens+are+actually+fallen+angels&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=hp-avast&type=odc179&fp=1
2014-11-21 19:20:43 UTC
I have a question about your question.

If aliens really are secretly watching us, then shouldn't they turn their lights off?

Cuz we can see them. : )

Have you considered that NASA is creating UFO's? Abducting people and blowing up cows? Is it possible they need to generate public interest to keep billions of tax dollars flowing, instead of that money being used for silly little earthly ventures like helping the homeless, the orphans, etc.... ?

Follow the money trail to the evil.
2014-11-25 23:45:28 UTC
The question is, why have aliens not made contact with US? But to ask this of a space faring race obviously eons ahead of us is like asking why are we not consulting with mice on our stock portfolios?
2014-11-21 21:06:59 UTC
There could be two reasons (assuming aliens exist). Either humans actually are the smartest race ever, or there are so many alien planets out there that passing aliens discard us as "just another average civilization".
César Daniel
2014-11-21 19:51:32 UTC
Perhaps because there are billions of billions of planets in the whole universe. If the universe is really infinite, we would have to agree that aliens do exist, in fact, we can even say that form of life exist everywhere around the universe and it is infinite. But if we come to say that there is a limited number of planets, galaxies and stars, hence there are billions of billions of this, we can come to a conclusion of that forms of life do exist somewhere in the universe and there's a limited number with planets with form of life.

Either way, there are external forms of life on this universe. Which we call aliens.

Now to get a conclusion of why we haven't made contacts with aliens we have to consider the distance between each planet and galaxy. Yes of course, there is a form of life or what we like to call "aliens" but that form of life may not be as smart enough nor have evolved to travel throught the space. Even us that we are smart enough to travel throught the space, we can only afford to get a relatively small object out of our solar system.

So in order to answer the question, we have to consider that the distance between different forms of life is just too long that it's impossible to achieve to come to other planets with life without breaking the laws of physics, or traveling fast enough to get to a planet with life. At this point the distance between a planet with life and another are so long, and our "spaceships" are as fast enough to like get the whole universe's life dead at the time when we get outside our galaxy with that speed [the milkyway].

So even if there is a smarter "alien" than the human and it's planet distance is way too long, they would have to break the rules of physics to get to our planet and interact with us. Perhaps some day we can find a way to travel throught space and actually break the rules of physics but at our current state of science progression, that is just impossible.

The answer is as simple as the rules of physics denying our interaction. Even traveling at the speed of light it would take 45,507,836,600 (fourthy-five billion) years to reach the andromeda galaxy at the speed of light which is the fastest we can travel without burning ourselves. We can only survive 1,000,000,000 (one billion) years more on this planet, which is when our oceans and water will start to disapear.
2014-11-23 03:50:51 UTC
Because it will take millions of years for our radio signals to reach a planet that might have life on it and capable of communication.

They just will not be aware we exist without tecnology like in the film the war of the worlds...

Anyway be carefull what you wish for...
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2014-11-21 11:46:18 UTC
If we were so advanced, that we could travel between stars. Imagine how primitive, and low on the food chain, Humans would appear as they are now.

Bonus Question; Why have there been more UFO sightings than GOD sightings?
Billy Butthead
2014-11-22 07:52:31 UTC
Add your answer Technological civilizations like ours are short lived likely less then 400 years we have gone through about 100 years of our lifetime. If the closest tech civ like ours was 100 light years away we could expect to hear from them in about 100 years from now.
2014-11-22 16:43:50 UTC
There isn't a single shred of evidence that there is an alien race and furthermore no reason to suppose one exists. It is only your cynicism which makes you reject the singularity of human life.
Louie O
2014-11-21 15:02:44 UTC
They are waiting for humans to evolve past the religious stage. Every time in the past they showed up humans think they are a divine intervention, so they are waiting for humans to be able to accept them as fellow members of the universe instead of gods.
Harley Drive
2014-11-21 15:36:53 UTC
regardless of what you read NO planets outside our solar system have been discovered only variations in starlight that have been interpreted as planets circling a star, we can't see stars only their light and we certainly can't see or detect planets , there is unlikely to be any life round large or bright stars as their radiation would fry any life form , there would not be any life round small or dim stars as there would be no warmth or gravity to hold planets in orbit, planets that don't spin are unlikely to have life they would bake on one side and freeze on the other, giant planets would have gravity that would crush living things , planets without water or oxygen would not support life, planets without silicon deposits couldn't make electronic equipment or generate solar energy, planets without oil or uranium couldn't generate energy, planets with high lead or arsenic deposits would have depleted brain damaged life , planets without selenium , iodine, iron, calcium , magnesium and many other minerals and elements could not produce animal life as we know it so it may be that the odds against life on any planet are about the same as the number of stars/planets in the universe
2014-11-21 10:30:37 UTC
Assuming there are indeed aliens capable of sending/receiving signals, the sheer time and distances involved makes contact incredibly unlikely. From memory I share the words of the late Douglas Adams (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy): “Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.”

Of course our search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) might be fruitless even if we use our best science. After all we could be being bombarded by signals right now and not be aware of it because we have not discovered how to detect it.

In any case who is to say they'd want to communicate with us even if they could!?
2014-11-21 11:27:19 UTC
What makes you think we haven't??? My Gramps always told us stories about the aliens in Roswell NM back sometimes around 1950-1960. Not being born back then, I cannot verify his account!
2014-11-26 07:54:44 UTC
most people are at the bottom of the ladder and only a few are at the top. Our society as a whole are greedy, murderous, liars with hidden agendas that involve stepping on the person next to them to get what they want. If you were a multi-dimensional being of a higher education and understanding, does that sound like someone you care to associate with?
Luis P
2014-11-25 09:23:50 UTC
Simply. Aliens don't exist.

Or if they do, they are too far to make any pratical 'contact'
2014-11-21 14:09:26 UTC
I believe there are other life forms out in space somewhere but I do doubt their intelligence as the human race was incredibly lucky to come about and become as it did.
2014-11-21 12:43:46 UTC
I would first like to put this in perspective with this quote from the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy...

Think of the universe as a land mass of desert. Place 2 ants at random points and see how long it takes them to find each other.
2014-11-23 04:43:04 UTC
the gov. doesn't want them to release (warning: not recommended if you don't want the cia thinking you're a trouble maker). If you don't believe this and think we are alone, you're ignorant or in denial, you should probably properly educate yourself. I do admit there are crazies out there spreading lies, but there is good information to be found if you do choose to find it. Ignorance is bliss
2014-11-23 23:34:20 UTC
The likelihood of such life being able to construct a mechanism to cross such a vast distance is also astronomically low. It would have to have advanced to a certain stage and have the relevant resources to do so.
2014-11-23 10:34:51 UTC
Aliens know better than to contact a species where the majority still believes in religion and most of its people still are against "real" progress.
2014-11-21 15:47:23 UTC
Because Goid did not make other living breath on any planet but earth. That'ls why .
2014-11-21 13:16:39 UTC
Probably because we are really nothing special. I mean, we do have intelligence...but we rarely use it. If anything we are being treated as if we humans went to a zoo and looked at all the animals.
2014-11-25 08:31:57 UTC
We have made contact with aliens but the government "for the People and by the People" has rather insultingly kept it from the People.
2014-11-25 21:38:53 UTC
I have been observing you humans for over a century now,with leaders like hitler,hussein and abbott,theres no way I am going to try to contact you earthlings,we are still trying to understand aussie rules!!!
2014-11-22 05:16:03 UTC
Maybe we don't put out enough of an alien friendly vibe in our movies, songs, stories, etc.?

Maybe they're not these bizarre, ugly, out-to-take-over-our-world, big headed, creepy eyed creatures they're depicted to be, but they feel too pre-judged by us to feel welcome enough to stop in and say "Hi, we're not here to destroy your planet. We just wanna know what else is out there, and we happened to think of the spaceship first."
2014-11-23 18:37:36 UTC
We have made contact with them. There is about 10 million illegal aliens in this country now and more coming in every day.
2014-11-21 10:30:18 UTC
I think it's possible that an alien civilization have made contact with us already, but we are not yet advanced enough to recognize it
2014-11-25 13:45:31 UTC
Actually NASA Has detected a signal in 2010 i think that lasted for 72 seconds and was called the "WOW" signal.
2014-11-22 21:14:38 UTC
This is the awakening period of the expect higher network connections and very soon we will make definite contact with the greys!
2014-11-27 22:49:50 UTC
Cause Aliens are right here and they don't want you wasting your time looking for them, when they are right amongst the human beings. : )
2014-11-21 23:36:39 UTC
Because the Cucumbers are not ready to defend the Tomatoes.
2014-11-21 22:35:37 UTC
We haven't made contact with aliens because they simply don't exist.
2014-11-21 15:37:07 UTC
We haven't made contact with aliens because they simply don't exist.
2015-10-16 22:35:35 UTC
Further, we have an extremely narrow standard for defining both life and we'd likely dismiss any new lifeform if it was encountered.
2014-11-28 02:13:21 UTC
You would need to travel faster than light to make it feasible and to do that you would need a minimum power capacity of a star, more like several.
2014-11-21 19:08:20 UTC
Because the Cucumbers are not ready to defend the Tomatoes.
2014-11-26 15:51:20 UTC
They don't want to make contact with us
2014-11-22 02:34:25 UTC
If you were an alien, would you want to waste your time with this backwater place called earth?
Vinegar Taster
2014-11-22 12:59:39 UTC
They're just too far away. And radio signals fade into nothing in time.
2014-11-27 11:43:49 UTC
obviously because aliens don`t want contact with us, who can blame them we`re

annoying af.
2015-07-27 09:40:08 UTC
IF they exist, they're probably planets away from us, can't fly and don't have our technology, or maybe they're just too shy for us.
Fast 1991Turbo Syclone
2014-11-23 11:05:44 UTC
I did...Rihanna, Oprah, Jan Brewer and Marc Anthony..!
2014-11-21 22:38:27 UTC
Hot dogs. Hot dogs repel all aliens
2014-11-25 16:42:10 UTC
obviously because aliens don't want contact with us, who can blame them we're annoying af
2014-11-25 08:51:50 UTC
aliens dont exist
2014-11-22 19:55:51 UTC
Because we are not old/close enough for any alien civilizations to have noticed us yet.
2014-11-26 16:35:06 UTC
No such thing as aliens, however, here are such things as spirits. Big difference.
2014-11-23 21:30:39 UTC
I know why; the government. That's who we blame
2014-11-23 07:22:31 UTC
According to Stephen Hawkins " We are not alone in this universe"
2014-11-21 16:08:06 UTC
We are here. Do you really think that you evolved without intelligence guiding.
2014-11-25 17:17:27 UTC
Because they don't exist
2014-11-21 10:15:57 UTC
If we made contact with aliens, religious lunatics would call them demons and try to slaughter them.
2014-11-21 12:09:47 UTC
Who says we haven't?
2014-11-21 18:21:14 UTC
We're not advanced enough to find them or they are advanced enough to conceal from us.
2014-11-23 19:46:21 UTC
Hard to reach
2014-11-22 08:26:22 UTC
I think we have but the government is hiding information from us.
2014-11-25 10:47:47 UTC
They either don't exist , or are to stupid to know its someone else
2014-11-22 09:40:39 UTC
Because there are no such things as aliens!!!! Unless u are?
2014-11-23 16:51:50 UTC
Why ask me? Ask them, the aliens!
Barbara Doll to you
2014-11-25 02:16:03 UTC
I wouldn't be too sure about that.
2014-11-22 21:16:55 UTC
cuz they don't exist in the world.
We left and returned!
2014-11-21 12:34:11 UTC
We did, and we prefer to call them illegal immigrants.
2014-11-26 02:30:36 UTC
too busy dealing with shrek
2014-11-21 12:39:34 UTC
There is no such thing as aliens.
2014-11-21 16:33:11 UTC
Perhaps they do not want to deal with us
2014-12-19 09:03:55 UTC
2014-12-17 03:08:47 UTC
2014-11-28 23:59:13 UTC
2014-12-15 00:03:16 UTC
2014-11-25 22:04:54 UTC
2014-11-22 16:47:02 UTC
cause they don't exist
2014-11-23 07:05:44 UTC
because aliens are not real
2014-11-21 11:16:50 UTC
Why do you think we haven't? /:)
2014-11-21 23:13:52 UTC
2014-11-22 04:31:45 UTC
i dont know about it
2014-11-22 18:52:16 UTC
Why do we have to?
2014-11-23 06:22:25 UTC
Maybe we have.
Someone who cares
2014-11-21 15:14:20 UTC
We have.
Frances Carodine
2014-11-22 08:33:41 UTC
we are not ready
2014-11-21 23:00:40 UTC
there isnt any
2014-11-23 19:28:00 UTC
2014-12-17 22:16:46 UTC
2014-12-17 11:38:26 UTC
2014-11-22 01:17:43 UTC
haha idk

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.