You have enough proofs in form of videos, do you?
Let me tell you something. I have in my DVD collection the ENTIRE film and TV record from all six landings and the five other manned flights, as well as film of the unmanned tests, amounting to a few days worth of motion picture footage. There are thousands of photographs, and I've seen most of them. There are film progress reports on the development and flights leading to the landings. There are documents written at the time that I have read. There are books written since by the men who worked on the program that I have read. I have spoken to some of the astronauts and ground controllers. I have seen some of the actual flight hardware that was built. I have handled lunar rock samples. I have studied this whole subject for the last seven years. I'll bet you've seen a few short videos and been taken in by the total lack of basic scientific understanding displayed in them, just as several of the answerers here have.
A waving flag? It has a rod sewn across the top to hold it out precisely because in a vacuum it WON'T wave. And why would NASA be so STUPID as to have a huge breeze blowing on a set they were trying to fake a vacuum in?
Odd shadows? Just use your own eyes and look around at the many examples of non-paralel shadows cast by the sun you'll see every single day. It's called perspective and uneven ground.
No blast crater or scroch marks under the LM? Should there be? has anyone gone out and calculated the force of the LM engine at touchdown? I have, and it shouldn't blast a crater in the surface. If you look at the photos (the high-res ones, not crappy JPEGs, you can see evidence of marks in the dust caused by a blowing descent engine.
No stars? Elementary photography. The lunar surface was in sunlight, thousands of times brighter than any star. You cannot capture them both on film together.
Radiation? I've never seen a conspiracy theory that shows any understanding of radiation. The belief that feet of lead would be needed to protect the astronauts is laughable to anyone with any real knowledge of radiation. Professor van Allen himself, the man for whom the radiation belts surrounding Earth were named, said that they posed no barrier to manned space flight.
400,000 people worked on Apollo at its peak. Not one of them has come forward and said it was faked. Not one qualified physicist, engineer or photographic analyst has found anything wrong with Apollo. Not one geologist has claimed the lunar samples from Apollo are anything other than moon rocks brought back from the surface. Your videos had better explain all that and come up with a coherent alternative that better fits the vast amounts of available evidence, or they are worth jack.