ok people, you wanted the question and I will ask?
2009-03-07 22:44:37 UTC
I am not an intellectual snob, I do respect many of the YA answerers, and I am quite capable of putting questions into words people can understand. I was looking for answers to questions above what I have seen here but since I got all the negative feedback I will ask.

1. What is the fabric of space? Regarding gravity, General Relativity is the theory that mass creates a dent in the fabric of space proportional to the amount of mass. What is being dented? I also wonder about electromagnetic waves and what the medium the waves are acting in (again the fabric of space according to current research). I asked 2 physicists and one cosmologist. None had a real answer other than it fits the math.
2. If General Relativity is correct then gravity is the distortion of the fabric of space. How does that correlate with the search for gravitons and Grand Unification Theories? The same physicists and cosmologist did not have any answers.
3. If they would find gravitons would that negate the General Relativity Theory? If so is there another theory that could take its place and still allow for gravitons? One of the physicists postulated that parts of M Theory may be able to satisfy General Relativity and gravitons, however my research cannot find any real correlation (not that I am totally understanding of M Theory). The cosmologist says that General relativity can coexist with gravitons but it will take some modification regarding explanations currently used.
Five answers:
Mercury 2010
2009-03-07 22:49:41 UTC
cool. let me read and think and research.

1. sorry but this is a truly unanswered question. technically.

It's been seen as more of a philosophical question since there really isn't anything there to measure.

just as no one is able to explain what gravity "really" is.

a "dent" or warp in space time is the closet we've gotten, and I don't find it sufficient (as nor do you, or anyone else)

I'd assume electromagnetism myself.but the dent idea seems to make more sense because we can't find any traces of interactions besides "falling"

I have faith, CERN (the researching of the structure of quantum particles) will help us focus on what's observable for A first time...... both the make up of space itself and what causes gravity. expect results around 2011-2013

2 + 3. M theory........... its a mess. so much lack of evidence. so much resistance. and soooooo detailed. I've understood the basics and a little more, but I've never really analyzed it from an angle where It could prove or disprove general relativity. I'd say it would take me a good two weeks or research to confidently say, "welllllllll......... it might be that"

again. CERN.

when's your project due? you've caught my attention and I'll check into it. I'll let you know what I find.

(see. I agree your statement in your previous question is correct........ lets see what other answers will show)
2009-03-08 00:32:11 UTC
Up until around 1900 when Einstein (& friends) began formulating the Theory of Relativity, everyone thought there was something called the "aether" which would have been the medium light travels through, and as you say, the fabric of spacetime. It was the many attempts to measure which way the "aether wind" was blowing that led physicists to the conclusion that there was no aether and to the development of Relativity.

The Standard Model requires the quantization of everything. Every type of force and all matter in the Standard Model has a wave function but also a related quantum particle. But no one has been able to find a quantum gravity particle. The Higgs boson is also missing. That's why quantum physicists haven't been able to come up with a Theory of Everything (well, mostly).

Relativity states that matter bends spacetime, and has been proven in many tests. No one has been able to explain what spacetime is exactly, but the theory works, both on paper and in practice. If the graviton is found, it will help complete the Standard Model, and may eventually do away with relativity, but until a more accurate method of prediction can be found involving gravitons, Relativity will prevail. It may also end up being a wave/particle duality thing, similar to light, in which case both theories will remain useful.
2009-03-08 08:03:28 UTC
1. the fabric of spacetime is just that, the fabric of spacetime. it is a 3 dimensional surface (4 with time) that can be bent into a 5th spatial dimension like a bowling ball on a trampoline. as for what it actually is, no on here or anywhere else can answer that just yet.

2, 3. at first it would seem the two theories are at odds with each other, but i dont think they are mutually exclusive. generally this is the point of so called "theories of everything" (not grand unified theories, they dont deal with gravity). they try to make general relativity compatible with quantum mechanics, or in other words make the bending of spacetime compatible with the idea of carrier particles like the graviton. until more research is done on the part of the scientists we cant really give you an answer. the possibilities are endless. maybe spacetime doesnt exist, maybe gravitons dont exist, maybe they both exist. but then that opens up the question of how they exist together. it could be that gravitons make up the fabric of spacetime, and the bending of spacetime pulls the particles away from eachother creating a spring like effect that pulls bodies together. usually when talking of gravitons they are assumed to be arranged in such a spring like structure.
2009-03-07 22:57:37 UTC
there is no fabric there is no dent,,all the gravitational fields play on each other and shift small things around till they hit larger things and move large things around till they blow up and all the small things start all over again getting moved around by gravity,,, no fabric,,also your physicists are wrong ,,where i come from ,,well we wont go into that they are just wrong ,,no fabric and no dent
2016-04-03 04:02:55 UTC
Ask her if she would like to go see a movie or go out sometime just to hang out. And if she says yes and you have a good time together then ask her on a date. Good Luck

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