2009-03-07 22:44:37 UTC
1. What is the fabric of space? Regarding gravity, General Relativity is the theory that mass creates a dent in the fabric of space proportional to the amount of mass. What is being dented? I also wonder about electromagnetic waves and what the medium the waves are acting in (again the fabric of space according to current research). I asked 2 physicists and one cosmologist. None had a real answer other than it fits the math.
2. If General Relativity is correct then gravity is the distortion of the fabric of space. How does that correlate with the search for gravitons and Grand Unification Theories? The same physicists and cosmologist did not have any answers.
3. If they would find gravitons would that negate the General Relativity Theory? If so is there another theory that could take its place and still allow for gravitons? One of the physicists postulated that parts of M Theory may be able to satisfy General Relativity and gravitons, however my research cannot find any real correlation (not that I am totally understanding of M Theory). The cosmologist says that General relativity can coexist with gravitons but it will take some modification regarding explanations currently used.