From your own point of view, it would take the same amount of time to count to 5 yes, however someone viewing from the outside would see you take a much greater time. One thing to note however, is that it is physically impossible for anything with mass to travel at the speed of light because at this speed space collapses to a single point. This brings me to the next point. At singularities (points with unimaginably high matter or energy densities) such as the big bang or black holes, time slows to a stop, and the laws of physics as we know them break down. So to ask about the time before the big bang is meaningless since, time was created in the big bang (or if there was time before the big bang, it was essentially erased at the big bang moment). There was nothing outside the singularity at this point. Not even empty space, because that actually is a thing. There was literally nothing. Don't worry, no one can really wrap there brains around it well, and its impossible to picture, but that is the theory.
Now for the last question it is a little bit hard to answer, because we do not know how (or if) the universe will end. The possibilities are that the universe will settle to a steady state (incredibly unlikely), that the universe will continue to expand infinitely, to the point where the expansion could possibly even overcome the weak and strong nuclear forces ripping apart all matter, and the third option is that gravity eventually slows the expansion to a stop, and brings everything back towards each other in what is called the "big crunch". If the universe expands forever, all matter will be destroyed, and the universe will essentially become cold and lifeless, utterly chaotic, however time will continue to exist forever and ever without end. However if it comes back together into a big crunch, it will create another singularity, similar to that of the big bang, and space, time, and the laws of physics will break down, and cease to exist, removing all traces of our universe. There would be no space, and no time. These terms would again become meaningless.
Hope I helped!