Did the United States ever really land on the moon?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Did the United States ever really land on the moon?
Nineteen answers:
David D
2009-08-27 21:34:39 UTC
It is amazing to me how fantastic theories abound. Bigfoot, Nessi, the Loch Ness Monster, UFOs and alien encounters, denying the Holocaust, denying global warming and denying the moon landing.

The first three are harmless. Yet, the rest are some of the most profound events in human existence. To deny them is to remove their importance from human history.

Denying the Holocaust is to guarantee a repeat possibly on a much, much larger scale. Denying global warming is to guarantee almost unimaginable havoc and suffering in the not too distance future.

It is up to each person to use their intelligence and whatever proficiency to reason they have developed in order to decide issues for themselves. Each person has been given a potential to reason but just as being given a potential to play the piano does not automatically give that person the proficiency to play the, too, the proficiency to reason must be developed. That is why some people are swayed by irrational arguments such as Bigfoot and 2012.

Denying the moon landing is to remove the heroism and engineering skill of a generation of space pioneers. Consider this: If they faked the first landing why fake five more landings? And each was more complex than the one before...

Why haven’t we gone back? Money and purpose. We learned what we wanted to learn. The cost of repeated visits was and is too high.

Why are we considering returning? Only one reason which is- as a jumping off point to go to Mars. Will we do it? Of course we will. The only question is- when? Will we colonize Mars? Of course we will. The only question is- when?

Will people in the future deny it happened - sure they will.

It is easy to deny human achievement. Usually the “first” at something accomplishes the feat with what seems like impossibly inadequate tools. That is why Ripley's Believe It Or Not is so popular..

I listened to the transmissions to and from the moon (as everybody did who had a TV) and there was a delay of about three seconds - just what it should be. Astronauts are even tempered. The astronauts were chosen to be people who weren't excitable but cool and deliberate.

I worked for a company that made a fire extinguisher for the LM (lunar module). Those things were tested to death. The stack of testing paperwork was about 6 feet high. And, yet, the actual units that went to the moon weren't tested at all. That is so they wouldn't be tested too much and be near failure.

It is amazing what a simple computer CAN DO. And it is amazing how bogged down and slow the super computer you have on your desk IS TODAY. You can buy a talking toy today that has more power than did the computers that guided us to the moon. The Van Allen radiation belts were known and provided for.

I hope people realize when this generation goes to Mars - and it will - that 30 or 40 years later people will deny it ever happened.

I hope this generation remembers their denial of the moon landing... then, when the next generation denies the Mars landing, they can be outraged and saddened, too. What goes around, comes around…
2009-08-27 21:24:40 UTC
Research shows you haven't taken a basic physics class, because most people who took college physics could have plotted that course successfully. We landed on the Moon 6 times between 1969 and 1972. There is copious evidence to support this and all arguments against it show a lack of understanding of basic physics and astronomy.
2009-08-27 21:23:56 UTC
Did you know that the computer that was on board Apollo looked like a calculator today?

-Therefore, it did its job and the lunar landings were real.
Jason T
2009-08-28 01:28:45 UTC
>>Research shows that the technology back in the 1950's and 1960's did not have the capability to effectively navigate an entire spaceship from the earth all the way to the moon.<<

What absolute rubbish. Not only had there been about twenty unmanned probes passing, orbiting and landing in the Moon by the time Apollo 11 touched down (look up the Luna, Ranger and Surveyor series of probes), but there had also been a few as far as Mars and Venus. The calculations needed for that navigation are achievable with pen and paper, and simple physics does most of the driving.

In an era where we had 747s, concorde, the SR-71, ICBMs, nuclear submarines, hydrogen bombs, satellites, supersonic bombers etc., what is so much more difficult about flying to the Moon?

The entire 'moon landing', by the way, comprised about fifteen unmanned launches, two manned Earth orbital flights, two lunar orbit only flights, six landings and one lunar flyby. Or, to put it another way, there was more than one landing! If your research doesn't even include that basic element we can safely discount your suspicions as unfounded.
2009-08-27 21:49:47 UTC
I have no idea what "research" you seem to think says this. In my 20 years as an engineer I have yet to run across any of my colleagues who doubts the authenticity of the Moon landings or the technology used to accomplish it. In fact, I haven't run across an engineer who doesn't think the hoax theories are complete rubbish.

So let's talk navigation. The guidance and navigation system built for Apollo was well documented. The Charles Stark Draper laboratory at MIT can even provide you with the original computer program source code for the Apollo guidance computer. The design of the computer itself is well documented in books by such noted authors as Eldon Hall.

A friend of mine has even written a software emulator for the AGC that runs on a PC and can run the original MIT source code. I know of at least one person who has built a hardware replica of the AGC. And the original AGC hardware design went on to become the flight control computer for at least one fighter jet in the 1970s.

A set of papers written by the CSD lab at MIT on three-axis proportional-differential flight control has become a standard reference, and all that work was done for Apollo.

Roger Bate and his co-authors seemed to have no problem in 1972 giving the astrodynamic particulars of the patched-conic design technique for translunar transfer orbits. Those techniques are based on astrodynamical principles that date to celestial mechanics texts published in 1910, so they certainly were around in 1960. The calculations are well within the capacity of the CDC 6600 supercomputer that was used in 1969 to compute the numerical portion of the patched-conic approach.

And Hamish Lindsay seemed to have no problem dredging up ground controllers using standard orbital mechanics observation techniques to track an object heading toward the Moon.

So it seems the experts strongly disagree with your notion that "research" proves navigating to the Moon was impossible. "Research" in fact shows that the problem was reasonably well understood. Perhaps you mean "research" conducted by conspiracy theorists, none of whom has any training in engineering or physics. They can't seem to figure out how to do it, so they assume no one else could.

Fool the Soviets? Hah, good luck. The Soviets had their own tracking systems and even intercepted Apollo television broadcasts. Besides the United States, the Soviet Union was the only country that would have been capable of carrying out such a mission, and hence the only country that could have known whether the U.S. was faking it or not.

Regarding the supposedly fake Moon rock, this was not a sample brought back by any Apollo astronaut. It was a rock that some people believed was a Moon rock, but has no connection to any of NASA's Apollo samples. It has only now lately (and fairly easily) been proven not to be one of the Apollo samples but an ordinary piece of petrified wood.
2009-08-27 21:42:48 UTC
What research by who?

Navigating to the Moon is not a particularly difficult problem, it doesn't require anything more complicated than a calculator, and they had fine calculators then. In fact they had computers, so what, basically, are you talking about? Do you know ANYTHING about space travel or the space program?

Then why didn't the Soviet Union expose the hoax? Do you understand that the Soviet Union had every surveillance method they could tracking the USA effort, and almost certainly had informants and spies inside NASA ... and had the strongest motive in history to expose the hoax ... yet they were somehow fooled too? You think the Russians were that STUPID? Really? Try playing Chess with one someday.

The Moon landings were one of the most well documented events in history, every contention the hoax theorists have made has been logical drivel.
2009-08-27 21:39:14 UTC
There is scientific evidence that the U.S did land on the Moon.

There is no evidence that this was made to scare the Soviet Union.
dude I
2009-08-27 21:29:30 UTC
No this is not a hoax, do your research and find out it did not happen in the 50's or 60's. I remember the event very well and the through conversations on TV with the men who did land on the moon, Yes it happened. Who are you to think this was a hoax when you obviously have not studied the facts!

I suspect the educational system of the last few years of which you are a product lacks science education.
2009-08-28 06:01:03 UTC
> Research shows that the technology back in the 1950's and 1960's did not have the capability to effectively navigate an entire spaceship from the earth all the way to the moon.

What research is that? I was doing undergraduate studies in mathematics and physics at that time, and we certainly _did_ have the capability. What's surprising is how little progress we've made since then.

The six Apollo Moon landings are among the best documented events in human history: thousands of pictures, hours of video, nearly half a ton of Moon rocks, and millions of eye witnesses, including myself. There is not a single scientist in the world who doubts that they took place. To deny them is to discredit the magnificent achievement of the team which went to the Moon, and to reveal abysmal scientific ignorance.

The proofs of the Moon landings have been documented in detail on web sites like these:

If further proof is needed, NASA recently released images from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter showing 5 of the 6 Apollo landers, still on the surface of the Moon:
2009-08-27 21:48:06 UTC
The SIX manned moon landings weren't faked. 400,000 people were involved in making the Apollo 11 moon landing happen. The Apollo Moon landings were among the most completely documented and observed events in history. The conspiracy "theories" that claim otherwise are a bunch of nonsense without even a single compelling piece of evidence. Most of the questions raised are based on ignorance of basic physics and optics.

Video special effects were in their infancy in the late 60's so that faking a landing on the Moon would probably have been more difficult than actually going there, and it seems highly unlikely that the hundreds or even thousands of people who would have had to be involved in such a conspiracy would have kept it a secret for so long. Ultimately you'll have to decide for yourself if the marginal evidence offered to show this was all a hoax is compelling enough to overturn the overwhelming evidence that it actually occurred, but make sure you check the facts carefully, you need to be a little skeptical of the skeptics, too. For more detailed debunking of this ill-conceived notion, see sources.

New LRO images show 5 of 6 Apollo landing sites, including footprints of Apollo 14 crew.
2009-08-27 21:27:31 UTC
NO ITS ALL A CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously though, of course they landed on the moon. And even if they didn't land on it in Apollo 11, they returned five or six times throughout the next decade or so (I'm not quite sure of the exact figures). And why would you have to research an event that occurred only forty years ago? Most of the participants in those NASA space missions are still alive. Also, it makes sense that research couldn't show that technology, because the technology for that program was kept a secret (they didn't want the Soviet Union to obtain that technology, of course).
2016-10-18 02:08:02 UTC
a million) The flag isn't "blowing interior the wind." The moon has gravity like the earth, and together because it extremely is not very sturdy, it extremely is sturdy sufficient to distort the form of the flag. 2) i don't understand what a blast author is so i will't answer this one. 3) i don't see a + 4) it extremely is talked approximately as earthshine. countless the image voltaic is pondered from the earth's floor to the moon. in case you bypass exterior on a clean evening and look on the moon by using a telescope (you're able to do it such as your bare eye besides the undeniable fact that it extremely is much less stressful with a telescope or binoculars) you will see that the "dark" portion of the moon is definitely slightly lighter than the encompassing sky. you are able to truly see the finished define of the moon, and it extremely is as a results of image voltaic pondered off of the earth. 5) It sounds like a wilderness because of the fact there is no liquid water on the moon. 6) once you walk exterior interior the direction of the day, are you able to make certain any stars? No. The pictures have been taken during the day on the moon. the only reason the sky seems black is because of the fact the moon has no atmosphere. 7) Spacecraft expenses billions of greenbacks, so if the government needed to kill them and make it appear as if an twist of destiny, they could have purely staged a motor vehicle crash or something.
2009-08-27 21:54:37 UTC
No, the United States has always been right here on Earth. It would be impossible to levitate the United States and land it on the moon.

There may have been a ship that landed on the moon. There's lots of evidence. Maybe the government is lying. I don't know. I've never been to the moon myself so I can't really tell you.

If you really gotta know, go to the moon and find out.
jola cares
2009-08-28 00:29:27 UTC
i have no idea what research u are talking about ,the United states really landed on the moon when Apollo 11 lifted up to the moon july 16th @ 9:32am.

i,m gonna give u a detailed explaination of how the moon landing took place:

1)lift off to moon july 16th 1969 @9:32am

2)apollo 11 enters earth orbit ,118 miles above the earth,july 16th @9:43am

3)third stage engine reignites to send apollo 11 to the moon july 16, @12:16pm

4)command module columbia separate from lunar odule (eagle) and third stage july 16 @12:49pm

5)columbia turns around and link up with eagles july 16 @12:57 pm

6)columbia and eagle separate from third stage ,july 16 1:49pm

7)120,000 miles from the earth-about halfway to the moon ,july 17 ,@10:33am

8)lunar gravitational pull begins ,214,400 miles from the earth,july 18,@11:11pm

9)apollo 11 enters lunar orbit 245,000 miles from the earth, july 19@1:21pm

10)eagles separates from columbia and begins descen from 50,000 feet july 20,1:45 pm(columbia stays in lunar orbit)

11)Eagles lands on the moon july 20@4:17pm

12)Armstrong opens eagles hatch july 20@10:56pm

13)amstrong sets foot on the moon july 20@10;56pm

14)aldrin steps onto lunar surface ,july 20,@11:14pm

15)Astronauts return to eagles; hatch is closed july21,@1:11am

16)eagles ascent stage lifts off the moon ,july 21,@1:54pm

17)eagles ducked with columbia ,july 21@5:35pm

18)columbia jettisons eagles ,july 21,@7:41pm

19)Apollo11 -leaves moon orbit and starts 235,000 miles trip back to earth ,july 22@ 12:55am

20)course correction ,july 22@4:01pm

21)command module separates from the ervice module july 24,@12:20pm

22)Apollo11 enters the earth's atmosphere 400,000 feet above the earth surface july 24,@12:35pm

23) splashdown in the pacific ocean july24,@12:50pm.

so if the moon landing might have been done as a hoax to scare the soviet union ,how come so much details to the extent of them having a mission;

mission;perform a manned lunar landing and return

total time of mission ;195 hrs 18mins

Time spent by eagles on the moon ;21hrs 31mins

Time spents by astronuts ,outside eagles 2hrs,32mins

Total miles travelled: more than 757,000miles

i would have given u a picture on every step they took from earth to moom and mooon back to earth but i don't know how to go about that,

2009-08-28 08:28:03 UTC
The moon landings had to be real. If they weren't, the Russians would certainly come up with numerous evidences.
2009-08-31 05:53:50 UTC
Moon is made of Cheese. Not rock.
2009-08-27 21:26:44 UTC

if you look on the news lately there saying that theres more evidence being found every day.(not literty)

aparently recent studies show that the supposed moon rock that Niel Armstrong brought was made of wood.

so it couldn't be possibly from the moon...
2009-08-27 21:27:34 UTC
yes looks like real.
2009-08-27 21:21:37 UTC
Quite possible, an amazing military strategy if so. Phsycological warfare at its absolute best.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.