i have no idea what research u are talking about ,the United states really landed on the moon when Apollo 11 lifted up to the moon july 16th @ 9:32am.
i,m gonna give u a detailed explaination of how the moon landing took place:
1)lift off to moon july 16th 1969 @9:32am
2)apollo 11 enters earth orbit ,118 miles above the earth,july 16th @9:43am
3)third stage engine reignites to send apollo 11 to the moon july 16, @12:16pm
4)command module columbia separate from lunar odule (eagle) and third stage july 16 @12:49pm
5)columbia turns around and link up with eagles july 16 @12:57 pm
6)columbia and eagle separate from third stage ,july 16 1:49pm
7)120,000 miles from the earth-about halfway to the moon ,july 17 ,@10:33am
8)lunar gravitational pull begins ,214,400 miles from the earth,july 18,@11:11pm
9)apollo 11 enters lunar orbit 245,000 miles from the earth, july 19@1:21pm
10)eagles separates from columbia and begins descen from 50,000 feet july 20,1:45 pm(columbia stays in lunar orbit)
11)Eagles lands on the moon july 20@4:17pm
12)Armstrong opens eagles hatch july 20@10:56pm
13)amstrong sets foot on the moon july 20@10;56pm
14)aldrin steps onto lunar surface ,july 20,@11:14pm
15)Astronauts return to eagles; hatch is closed july21,@1:11am
16)eagles ascent stage lifts off the moon ,july 21,@1:54pm
17)eagles ducked with columbia ,july 21@5:35pm
18)columbia jettisons eagles ,july 21,@7:41pm
19)Apollo11 -leaves moon orbit and starts 235,000 miles trip back to earth ,july 22@ 12:55am
20)course correction ,july 22@4:01pm
21)command module separates from the ervice module july 24,@12:20pm
22)Apollo11 enters the earth's atmosphere 400,000 feet above the earth surface july 24,@12:35pm
23) splashdown in the pacific ocean july24,@12:50pm.
so if the moon landing might have been done as a hoax to scare the soviet union ,how come so much details to the extent of them having a mission;
mission;perform a manned lunar landing and return
total time of mission ;195 hrs 18mins
Time spent by eagles on the moon ;21hrs 31mins
Time spents by astronuts ,outside eagles 2hrs,32mins
Total miles travelled: more than 757,000miles
i would have given u a picture on every step they took from earth to moom and mooon back to earth but i don't know how to go about that,