2012........The end of the world maybe....?
2009-11-12 08:13:39 UTC
What do you people think about this....I am hearing a lot of people and organisations talking about this......Can someone explain to me something about why do they think 2012 will be the end of the world......
Sixteen answers:
2009-11-12 08:22:12 UTC
If you're hearing a lot of people talking about it, what you need is our handy 15-part translation guide for interpreting what the crackpots say about 2012. Print it out and keep it handy when visiting woo-woo websites or watching the History Channel.

1) Statement: "Scientists say..."

Translation: "No scientists say. We've made it up, which is why we don't specify which scientists."

2) St: "NASA has confirmed..."

Tr: "NASA has not confirmed..." See 1) above.

3) St: "Planet X/Nibiru is only visible from the South Pole."

Tr: "We assume you're too stupid to realise that anything visible from the South Pole is also visible from Australia, South America, Southern Africa..."

4) St: "Planet X/Nibiru was discovered by the IRAS satellite in 1983."

Tr: "The object seen by IRAS was eventually confirmed to be a distant galaxy, but we've ignored all later reports because they disprove our claim."

5) St: "There will be a rare alignment between the Sun and the galaxy."

Tr: "There will be no alignment between the Sun and the galaxy which doesn't take place every single year."

6) St: "There is a blank area on Google Sky which hides Planet X/Nibiru."

Tr: "If you look at this area of the sky with your own eyes, you will see no sign of this object, but we don't like to mention that."

7) St: "Many ancient predictions point to this date."

Tr: " No ancient predictions point to this date. They've all been made up in the last few years."

8) St: "The Earth's poles will reverse in 2012."

Tr: "We don't really understand the difference between rotational poles and magnetic poles. If we'd studied geophysics we'd realise that a magnetic pole shift takes thousands of years and a rotational pole shift is a physical impossibility."

9) St: "The Earth will be destroyed by a solar flare."

Tr: "We haven't studied solar physics either. If we had, we'd understand that solar flares are no threat to life on Earth."

10) St: "The planets will align."

Tr: "We hope no-one will try running some software which simulates the positions of the planets because they'll find out we're lying again."

11) St: "Join our forum and share information about 2012. Anyone posting debunking messages will be banned."

Tr: "We don't want anyone spoiling our world of delusion and fantasy with real scientific facts."

12) St: "The surface of the Sun will be disrupted by a 'barycentric sleeve'."

Tr: "We'd like to blind you with science, but we don't know anything about it so we'll just invent some meaningless claptrap in the hope you'll fall for it."

13) St: "No-one knows what will happen in 2012."

Tr: "We do know what will happen in 2012 - absolutely nothing."

14) St: "Earthquakes, tsunamis, fire, flood, millions will die...."

Tr: "We like to appear knowledgeable and important and we don't particularly care if we terrify kids and cause people to commit suicide."

15) St: Support our advertisers and buy our books/videos/survival kits.."

Tr: "We know our predictions are garbage, but we'd like to rake in as much of your cash as we can in order to fund our comfortable retirement in 2013."

All the above statements have been lifted from genuine crackpot websites.
2009-11-15 05:33:39 UTC
That's the big thing the misinterpretation of the Mayan calendar cycle. The event at 11:11 Greenwich Mean Time on 12-21-2012 occurs once every 25,900 years. Many ancient civilizations knew this but we did not learn of it until relatively recently. Misinformation is the culprit.
2009-11-12 16:25:08 UTC
Nobody with a shred of intelligence believes anything about this. December 20, 2012 is the end of a cycle of the Mayan calendar, but even the Mayans don't believe it means the end of the world. Another cycle begins the next day:

"Misinterpretation of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar is the basis for a New Age belief that a cataclysm will take place on December 21, 2012. December 20, 2012 is simply the last day of the 13th b'ak'tun, which began September 18, 1618 (1,728,000 days from the beginning of the calendar).

Sandra Noble, executive director of the Mesoamerican research organization FAMSI, notes that "for the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle". However, she considers the portrayal of December 2012 as a doomsday or cosmic-shift event to be "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in."
kevin m
2009-11-12 16:26:45 UTC
Don't believe a word of it. People that know half of something and then shoot their mouths off create more trouble than anything else. The Mayan Calendar ends on this day, meaning no other entries can be found relating to dates past this. Half witted people say ya but all the planets will line up on that day!!! Holy Crap Batman!!! what the half witts don't realize is that the planets align themselves EVERY year on Dec 21 and we are still here,,,lol.

Here is a website with everything you could possible find on the subject, you will be an expert when your done!! Happy Reading.
2009-11-12 16:20:49 UTC
there isn't no such thing called planet ninbiru or whatever it's called

it is all related to the doomsday prediction of year 2012

It's all a hoax and these websites try to sell you ebooks and such and state you ought to know that the world will end on is these same websites that tells you about planet ninburu or whatever it's called lol (the secret planet that has a weird eliptical orbit that will come into our zone in 2012 and knock earth out of it axis) combined with the centre of the galaxy, the sun and the earth coming into perfect alignment and the excess gravity will also tip earth of it axis and it will be the end of the easrth we know it...that's excatly wat these websites will tell you.

turns out if you go to december 21 and look at a star's true...the centre of the galaxy, the earth and the sun will come into perfect alignment but what these hoax websites do not tell you is happens everyear LOL!!!!!! the earth and the sun aligns with the centre of the galaxy every december 21....they left that out completly so it's a fun work of fiction earth will be here after 2012
2009-11-12 19:07:18 UTC
Basically the world is believed to end on December 21st 2012, and it most likely will, BUT there is hope. Keanu Reeves is gonna announce to the world that he is Jesus and save us all.
2009-11-12 16:25:06 UTC
Because they are a bunch of idiots that believe everything they hear. And organizations??? You probably mean SOMEONE you know that works in an organization and not the organization itself, since that would make me be quite doubtful of that organization's ability to deliver and provide me with any service it they are so stupid to believe hear-say fairy tales.


You want to know what I think? Well, I'll tell you, just like I told the previous 2012 people that asked this same question thinking that it's a unique and cool question.......'s a bunch of bullocks.
2009-11-12 16:34:31 UTC
Organizations? You mean the one owned by Sony studios! The people who made the movie 2012!

2012 is complete nonsense. Here watch and read what the NASA scientists think about the 2012 hoax.
2009-11-12 18:10:33 UTC
nothing as with every end of the world prediction. all of this due the mayan calender ending.

they obviously didnt think that by 2012 people would be using the calendar . They most probably realized that we would have a new format for date and time and that theirs would be unnecessary by now. Why make something that will not be used its a waste of time. Hence the reason they stopped making it.

please visit
2009-11-14 01:34:00 UTC
Es baloney.

My birthday is 9 days later, and I am making it to my birthday god dammit! >.<
2009-11-12 16:22:16 UTC
no, its not definite

They reckon the world will end in around the year 3745 as radiation will fall on the earth and all oxygen will have depleted

i cant see much of a 2012 world ending, but it makes for an ok film so lets see
2009-11-12 16:20:56 UTC
This is from the movie "2012", and has absolutely no scientific basis. Go ahead and plan for 2013.
E.C.R =éast coast rapper=
2009-11-12 16:37:44 UTC
2009-11-13 03:16:35 UTC
It's a hoax.

You been punk'd.
2009-11-12 16:28:20 UTC

If the people making money of this hoax are too uneducated, inept, and gullible about the fact that every one of their claims has been "prophesied" in the past, with no event (mostly because the laws of physics can't be broken to make a fictional story come true)... then why would it be real this time around?
2009-11-12 16:20:48 UTC
It won't its just a silly conspiracy disigned to try and scare people

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.