how to create anti gravity?
2006-01-24 01:07:53 UTC
how to create anti gravity?
Four answers:
Professor Beatz
2006-01-24 04:16:22 UTC
There is no known anti-gravity, only gravity. It is a monopolar force. Even anti-matter has regular gravity rather than anti-gravity.

To itsgow_reloaded: free-fall/weightlessness is not the same as anti-gravity. One would expect antigravity to repel mass, as it would be the opposite (not merely the absence) of gravity. It would require that there be positive curvature of space-time.
2006-01-24 07:00:44 UTC
Its may not be possible to create "Anti-gravity", but we sure can simulate it in lot of ways.

For instance, astronauts need to be familiarized with an anit-gravity enivronment before they leave. So they are trained underwater where buoyant forces cancel against the gravitational forces.

Do you know something interesting about the dead sea? You can't help 'not floating' on the surface because of its salinity levels. Which means that we could vary the salinity level in your swimming pool to such an extent that gravity and buoyancy completely cancel themselves, and lo.. you got what you wanted!
2006-01-24 04:23:41 UTC
Well first off, no one knows if this is even possible. Over the years many claims for antigravity devices have been made (for example, look at some on the web site Unfortunately, none of these claims have ever been shown to hold water or been accepted by the wider scientific community.

There have been hints in recent years that not only are distant stars and galaxies receding from us, but some are receding at accelerating rates, which would seem to imply some antigravitational force possibly, but no one really understands this very well.
2006-01-24 05:16:21 UTC
as you know, everything has small objects it is just so little its not notice.Did u know that when u drop a ball, not only is the ball attracked to earth, but the earth is aslo moving tword the ball.u cant feel it cuz the movement is so little.

My personal theroy is that gravity is simply a magnetic, like north and noth repels each other, we would have to find something that repels gravity.possibly its like east/wast rather then north/south.therefor creating antigravity would mean finding the oppssite of gravity(because it appears that to like poles attract with gravity)which leads us back to how would we get my best idea to find antigravity is to play around with magnets.Im sure its possible.someday.

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