good website for the proof that apollo 11 was a fake?
2009-02-19 06:26:12 UTC
for my science coursework, im doing the question of "did man really walk on the moon in 1969". does anyone have a good website that gives all the evidence that it was all a fake?

thanks alot in advance
Twenty answers:
2009-02-19 07:12:19 UTC
It was not faked, so there will be never a good website to prove opposite.

How do I know for sure? Let's start simple: The amount of evidence for it and the lack of evidence against it. There is simply no evidence that Apollo 11 was faked and Apollo 1-10 or Apollo 12-17 not. We are talking about six successful landings on the moon, not just one.

For more accurate analysis, I study spaceflight technology. I know the math behind how rockets work and I can read the technical reports of NASA and validate their truth. I can look at their data (for example Apollo by the numbers) and calculate if such trajectories are possible with the claimed technology.

Just look at the vast number of technical reports. We are talking about Gigabytes of Data.

How can we know for sure? If the historic report of six manned landings on the moon fits all available evidence, inside and outside NASA, this theory has to be considered historic truth.

Among the fist countries to congratulate NASA for their successful first landing had been their cold war rivals, the USSR. Depending on which hoax proponent you ask, the USSR either had been so technologically advanced, that the USA had to fake the landing for beating it to the moon and technologically so inferior compared to the USA and Generation Youtube today, that they believed NASA. Both at the same time.

Also, the German Observatory of Bochum owns magnetic tapes with the transmissions of the Apollo 11 landing, recorded in 1969.

So, you have moon rocks, which had been gathered by human astronauts (Even today, a rover would not be able to gather so much material in such a short time, and also look for geological important material). You have magnetic tapes of the radio transmissions from the moon, together with information about antenna pointing and velocity changes of the target. You have flown spacecraft in museums all over the USA.

NASA can back their claims up with evidence - the hoax proponents have nothing. They just take NASA photos and then shout "Look at this, this must have been filmed in a studio, this can't have been filmed on the moon." Without any further explanation, what makes them experts on what to expect in space. And often these people can't say, which physical phenomena is responsible for what you see.

Take for example the famous claim "Only multiple light sources can explain that the shadows you see on the moon go into different directions". This claim is especially funny, because you can observe both directions of the claim on Earth. You can see how trees in a park throw shadows, which go into different directions, though the only light source is the sun (The hoax people forget, that shadows are only the projection of the shadow volume on the scene, for example on the terrain). And you can watch sport events, where multiple light sources are used and which produce shadows going into different directions - but then, you have multiple shadows per object.

Does this make sense? Can you really expect to have different laws of physics on the moon than on Earth? Sure not.

The hoax proponents lack knowledge even about the most basic laws of physics - and they want you, to become even more stupid, so you buy their books and DVDs. Without asking questions or complaining about the bad science.


You have a very strange definition of evidence.

For example: You expect a crater below the LM. Can you tell us more about why you have such a expectation? What makes you sure, that the LM would produce a visible crater? Do you have scientific evidence to back this hypothesis up? Did you experimentally simulate the landing of a LM on lunar dust? Did you use computer models? Or at least calculated the pressure of the exhaust on the lunar dust?

Let us ask the Soviets. Hey comrades, did your lunar probes blow a crater below them during landing?

Strange. No crater.

Maybe you are wrong and real scientists are right? Maybe your expectations not been tested against reality? What about your other expectations?

Science does not give a damn, what you believe. Science is about what you really know. Remember this in your coursework.

PS: Bill Kaysing had never a clue about physics and he showed this lack of knowledge every time he can. He is the only person in the USA, who came from university with an Bachelor of Arts (Of English studies), and got hired as senior technical writer from day one - according to his own account.

His number of 0.0017% is nothing else but his own opinion, he was never able to show calculations or point to such technical reports. Especially since he must have seen such reports before the development of the spacecraft even started - he quit Rocketdyne already in 1963, 6 years before Apollo 11.
Jason T
2009-02-20 01:01:17 UTC
>>does anyone have a good website that gives all the evidence that it was all a fake?<<

There is no such website. All the so-called 'evidence' is a load of rubbish that can be dismantled by anyone with elementary science education.

>>how do you know for sure though?<<

Because I've seen more of the Apollo evidence than I'd bet you even know exists, including ALL the film and video from each flight. I also have been studying the space programs of the 1960s as a hobby for about a decade now.

>>there is noblast crater where Apollo 11 landed.<<

Nor should there be. Machines with much greater thrust, such as the Harrier aircraft, do not carve craters under them when they land or take off. What there is, however, is evidence that the lunar soil has been disturbed by a rocket engine.

>>there are no stars, despite the deep clarity of space.<<

Nor should there be. The lunar surface is in daylight, so the cameras are set up to expose the film accordingly (i.e. for a fraction of a second). Stars require several seconds of exposure to show up on film, as any photographer will tell you. Try that and the sunlit lunar surface will simply be an overexposed blob. Can you find ANY images taken in space of sunlit objects that also include stars? The shuttle? The ISS? Even the Voyager pictures of the planets don't have stars in. Are they all fake too?

>>the flag is waving, even though there is no air in space.<<

No, it really isn't. Watch the VIDEO and FILM. The flag waves ONLY when being moved by an astronaut. The rest of the time it remains TOTALLY static, which is next to impossible in anything but a vacuum,

>>also, in the sixties, the government said "if you cant make it, fake it".<<

Really? Says who?

>>also, an astronaut that worked for nasa and was on one of the previous aopollos says that the evidence is there to show it could have been done in a studio.<<

Bull. If that's the case, which astronaut and which mission was he on? I'm betting you have no idea, and if that's the case I strongly advise you not to include that in a piece of coursework. Un-named sources are useless, and should get you marked down by any competent teacher.

>>Bill Kaysing, that guy on the video on Youtube that was on the documentary in february 2001, said "the chances of getting back to earth from the moon alive was 0.0017%".<<

Bill kaysing worked for Rocketdyne, the comapny that built a number of the engines used on the Saturn V and Apollo spacecraft, but he worked for them in the same way that the guy who cleans the Oval Office works for the US government. He was not an engineer, had nothing to do with the development of any rockets, and left the company in 1963, more then four years before the first Saturn V flew. The probability assessment he refers to was carried out beforehe left the company, at a time when they were having trouble with the engines. Four years of hard work later they had the problem solved, and the probability went up accordingly. In the years before the Wright brothers, the probability of flying across the Atlantic was zero. In the years just after their first powered flight the probability was marginal, though at least the principle was demonstrated. In recent years the probability has become a certainty because the development process has made safe transatlantic flight possible. The same applies to Apollo.

The Apollo lunar missions were some of the most heavily documented events in human history. They simply could NOT have been faked to the degree of detail that is present in the record.
2016-04-09 08:10:43 UTC
What am I supposed to say. People can claim a lot when they are bored and/or intoxicated. But the TV images are not the only moving picture from the moon, you can also find the whole 16mm material filmed from inside the lunar lander in digital form in the Internet, which has much higher quality. Remember: A theory has to include all, and really all evidence into the explanation. Not just those bits of evidence, which support the weird logic. Just logical argumentations without comparison with experimental results is no science, but lazy. PS: William, all famous moon hoax proponents are citizens of the USA. And except one, not dead yet. You don't need to be from a backwater country, to be a media troll...
Innocent Victim
2009-02-19 09:43:11 UTC
You're doing it wrong. In science, one does not start from a conclusion, then find supporting evidence. Science is done by looking at all of the evidence, and only then drawing a conclusion from it.

If your science teacher is the least bit qualified to teach science (unlike most of them), then you will receive a failing grade if you make the claim that evidence supports the moon landing hoax story. If one looks at ALL of the available evidence, then it is obvious that the landings were not faked. There will always be websites that claim the contrary, because there will always be unscrupulous, greedy people willing to sell their BS to an uneducated and gullible public. Religion is the best example; moon hoaxes are merely the most recent.
2009-02-19 06:56:25 UTC
change your topic to "Santa Claus is real" or "God is a fake" you will have an easier, much easier time.

the Apollo landings are historical. It would be like trying to prove the Super Bowl didn't happen, even when hundreds of thousands witnessed it.

worst is the motivation.

try reading "The Great Time Machine Hoax" by Keith Laumer. It's a book about a man that inherits a super-computer and cannot figure out how to use it to make any money, so he asks the computer to "fake" a time machine that accurately shows the sights, smells, textures and context of ancient history, for himself and his customers.

the computer figures it's easier to just do the damn thing for real than to have to figure out how to fake a smell and a touch in a simulator, doesn't tell the man even when the guy is facing a 40 ft tall Tyrannosaur.

It's a great read... Laumer was brilliant before his stroke.
Tom S
2009-02-19 09:52:12 UTC
Web-sites which purport that the moon landing were faked would not be "good" websites as they would have misinformation and misconceptions. In other words there is no real evidence that it was faked because it was not. You have been duped. There is a link to a good website on the subject with many other links.
Taliban Dan
2009-02-19 07:01:44 UTC
Your 2nd detail, "How do you know". You don't need to look any further than world politics. The political climate in the 60's was pretty intense between the US and Russia, which by the way would have wasted no time in exposing a hoax that you propose.If you're looking for proof positive, there's a laser reflector left behind by a space crew, any university in the world will pipe you info on it's exact position and distance.
2009-02-20 06:01:56 UTC
If you took some time for some research (even something as basic as reading the existing topics here on Yahoo) you would have stumbled across the explanations for your "evidence" (which isn't even worth the wear of your keyboard).

If you were actually interested in the Truth, you could even try photographing stars, but obviously it is much easier to parrot this nonsense.
2009-02-19 09:23:25 UTC
Apart from all the common sense and scientific arguments eloquently described above, think about this:

A bunch of space geeks and macho astronauts were given a huge budget to go to the moon. Why on earth wouldn't they have gone? Wouldn't you?

Websites? I like this one best.
2009-02-19 06:38:19 UTC
No website exist apollo 11 landing was real because there is proof on the moon that we have landed there. and the flag never waved.

Edit What the heck is wrong with people the moon landing was real never fake. The flag pole is bent the star is there. they are proof on the moon go to the moon to see yourself get the point the moon land is real the government did not fake it you're stupid by taking this false fiction
2009-02-19 06:50:49 UTC
The analysts of the flight to the moon scientifically analyzed the evidence which indicated the difficulty of the evidence.Concluding that Gamma radiation in solar wind would have harmed the Astronaut. It was not actually understood how they would have been protected.

However the astronauts all indicated that they set foot on the moon. Based on History they did assert that they where there.

Scientists,based on experiment use the scientific method to prove a theory.All theory are scientifically valid till reality proves it otherwise.

This indicates that science is also based on beliefs. And the belief system is the Basis for a Theory.

And what are the basis for judging which beliefs are right or wrong.

At one Time it was believed that the Earth was" Flat ".Today, at present Scientists believe that the "Universe is Flat".


Ref; the Ralph Rene web site.
2009-02-19 10:05:44 UTC
Feel free to do it for your own amusement, but doing it for your science coursework is a bad idea. It's like doing a science coursework that presents the "evidence" for creation of the Universe by God.
2009-02-19 08:58:38 UTC
There are societies are saying that humans have never stepped on the moon, and the earth is flat.

Example: The earth is flat society.

The say that it was a set up and when we proved them wrong they would just say," I'm not talking to you".
2009-02-19 07:53:55 UTC
there IS no 'evidence' that any part of it was fake.... there's a lot of bull ship out there by folks who are trying to make themselves look big, smart and important, but no evidence exists...

those of us who were alive and witnessed it first hand are really tired of you young ones who come in here with your "It was FAKE" crap.... it was NOT faked in any way.... you think those who died faked it, too?... don't be an asp....

all those folks worked very hard to do what we did... for anyone to think it didn't happen, is a slap in their faces... smarten up, kid....
Sandy ♥ - semi retired :)
2009-02-19 08:42:38 UTC
Mythbuster already busted all the myths about the landing was fake. Watch below. The landing was not fake. We did land on the moon :)
2009-02-19 08:38:03 UTC
the only "evidence" is a demonstration of scintific illiteracy and gross stupidity. the "facts" you cite, like the stars, merely confirm that you don't have a ******* clue. please get one before you embarrass yourself further.

this is a matter of historical fact. it is not subject to debate. shame on you, and shame on your school for wasting your time on this garbage!
2009-02-19 06:30:36 UTC
I doubt you'll find a site that gives good evidence it was fake, because it most certainly happened.
2009-02-20 18:57:32 UTC

(A funny thing happened on the way to the moon)

(Moon hoax)

(feather and hammer)



(Law suit)




(Slow motion)
ㄅρïЯïτυαl ㄕαЯαḋïģṃ ㄅhïƒτ
2009-02-20 07:27:19 UTC
2009-02-19 06:50:14 UTC
This one definitely proves it was faked.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.