i am having panic attacks cause of 2012 end of the world?
cassidy bff♥
2012-07-07 08:59:34 UTC
Im fourteen and at school today my history teaching was telling us about the mayans (cultures e.g. then she said the mayan calender ends this year in december which means the world is going to end. she said she thinks it will end because gravity is getting higher and if it gets to a certain level we will float and not be able to breathe, she said there is lots of signs like huge solar storms which send major radiation which is causing cancer, and she said at around 11:59, 21st december the moon will disappear leading to earth tilting off its axis or somethin. i had a panic attack i couldnt breathe and i got dizzy cuz i want earth to not end pls im so scared im only 14 and want to have a future ;(

is this true?
Eighteen answers:
2012-07-07 09:19:57 UTC
Ignore the people calling you a *troll*. If they weren't in your class they can't prove your teacher didn't say that so they have no right to call you a *troll*.

2012 doomsday is a hoax trust me. They predicted it many many times. And they will keep predicting it. I used to be scared of doomsday as well but I realized there is no Scientific evidence for it to end. Solar Flares are not dangerous. Earths magnetic field protects us. The Moon can't suddenly disappear, that is just impossible. I don't know what shes talking about with gravity, and breathing. Gravity has nothing to do with you inhaling oxygen. The mayans weren't even around in 220 BC, they first were established in 1800 BC. So they couldn't of known about 2012 doomsday back in 220 BC.

As for your panic attack i'm sorry you had one but your teacher is just a idiot for causing you to have one and she needs to be reported to the school board. Get your parents to tell the principle. Next time you feel like your going to have a panic attack, do some deep breathing exercises. Breathe in count to 5, breathe out. Talk to your school counselor if you suffer from more anxiety.

Good Luck
2012-07-07 10:00:56 UTC
I'm sure you are not a troll -- I visited Norway a few years ago and learned trolls have long tails with a ball of fur at the end.

There is a real problem with teachers who practice outside their area of competence. If you can do it without getting lots of school problems, you might share some of the following with her.

None of the proposed "end of world" scenarios have any scientific basis.

As to the Maya, it wasn't until 20 years ago or so that we had begun to read their inscriptions, let alone understand their calendar system well. There were larger cities in Mexico and central America than there were in Europe at the time not long before Columbus arrived. And, things weren't all sweetness and harmony -- there were wars, rumors of wars, human sacrifices, slavery and all the rest 1000 years ago, or 500 years before Columbus.

Don't misunderstand the idea of "translating" a calendar. Did our calendar tell us the world was going to end at the end of the year 2000? No, it was the end of a year, a decade, a century and a millennium, but not the end of the world. December 31, 2000 was the end of all those cycles, and January 1, 2001 was the beginning of a new year, decade, century and millennium.

The same thing was the case with the Maya calendar, which was based on a cycle, in turn based on a count of 20 (I guess the Maya didn't wear closed toe shoes, because they did their math "base-20" where we do ours "base-10").

Anyway, December 21 is the end of a Tun (a Maya year-like interval made of 20 "months" of 18 days, plus some 5 or 6 extra days like our leap day, to keep the calendar in sync with the astronomy. It is also the end of a Katun (a 20 year cycle) and a Baktun (a 400 year cycle of 20 Katun). This whole Baktun cycle lasts 144000 days. So it is the end of a Tun, Katun, and Baktun (the 13th Baktun). The next day starts a new Tun, Katun and Baktun (the 14th Baktun starts) and a new 144000 day cycle starts counting again, just as they had calculated 13 times in the past.

The Maya did not predict the end of the world -- any more than Pope Gregory did when he developed our current calendar. The Maya "year" is called a "tun", and 20 of these is called a "katun". 20 katun is called a "baktun", about 4000 years, and on December 21, 2012, the 13th baktun will end, and on December 22, the 14th baktun will begin. This is just like December 31, 2000, the end of the 20th century and second millenium, and January 1, 2001, the beginning of the 21st century and third millenium. (I guess the Maya didn't wear closed-toe shoes, as they counted by 20s instead of 10s.)

Planetary alignments and galactic alignments? No special planetary alignment occurs this year. Every year at the time of the Winter Solstice, the same alignment occurs, and nothing has happened. Back in December, 2004, there was an alignment such that in the early morning, Mercury was near the Eastern horizon, Venus was a bit above that, then Mars, Jupiter and Saturn each higher than the previous across the zodiac. With all these planets on the same side of the Earth-Sun line, nothing happened.

The 11 year solar activity cycle is expected to peak sometime around mid-2013. This cycle has been going on (probably) forever, and sunspots were first observed by Galileo in the 1500s. This solar maximum is not expected to be as big as those back in the late 1950s and the one in the late 1960s.

There are no known comets or asteroids or other objects expected to impact the Earth in the future, but astronomers continue to search, observe and calculate orbits to monitor any objects which are likely to collide with Earth.

Same kind of discussion applies about any other "reason" for it.

Given all the above, I recommend the following:

1. Don't run up your credit cards and other debts expecting that you won't have to pay them back after December 2012.

2. Don't skimp on your studies because you thought that by the end of 2012 it won't matter!

3. Remember that "I read on the internet that the world was going to end, so I didn't buy any Christmas presents" will sound really lame on Christmas morning.

4. This list could continue indefinitely...
John W
2012-07-07 09:29:24 UTC
The idiots who claimed the Mayan texts said that did so before Mayan hieroglyphics were decoded so they didn't even know how to read Mayan texts. The Conquistadors burned all Mayan texts except four so it's not like there's much to read. Now that the Mayan hieroglyphics have been decoded, we know that the texts we have never said the world will end.

The solar flares happen every 11 years and the Earth's magnetic fields protect us from it. The magnetic field is weakening but that's over the next 1,000 to 10,000 years and then it'll get stronger again, this happens roughly every 200,000 years. Even if a big solar storm happened, all that will happen is that the power companies will have some work to do, even if it takes years to replace some transformers, the rest of the grid will still work.

Gravity isn't getting higher. The Moon isn't going to disappear.

Sounds like your teacher should be put in a loony bin, write your school board about your teacher. Better yet, bet your teacher $1,000 that she's wrong, you will win the bet and even if you don't, you won't have to pay.
Witty Chiranjit
2012-07-07 09:33:20 UTC
U ain't a troll dear bt ur teacher is! How do u expect a history teacher to teach astronomy, physics etc? I think she had a terrible fight with her husband dat day! U'r just 14 & most of ur classmates are of same age! Its time to have fun so don't worry abt future. Live every day like its da last day! Earth ain't gonna end this year. Even ur teacher's next 5 million generation would breathe in this air. & Wat's up wid this mayan calendar? U really wanna knw? Well, its totally false. Here is a simple logic. We have leap years but mayan calendar didn't have any! Ur teacher might knw dat! So if we delete all the extra days frm all past februarys, U'll see that 21st december already arrived many years ago according to Mayan calendar! So da earth shld have been already destroyed but nothing really happened. We are here, & we will be until the sun turns into a white dwarf. Well leave dat, next time u see ur teacher, just ask her abt da leap year issue & tell me wat she answers! All the best! Don't worry, be all smiles, have fun! :)
2016-02-24 01:48:16 UTC
That is so odd because I've been feeling that way a lot too. It bugs me so much that I break into a cold sweat--what I do in order to make myself feel better is realize that, although it scares me out of my wits, death is, at some point, inevitable and until then I just have to live every day to the fullest and hope for the best. It's not the most conclusive of answers but it eases my mind for the time being. Just take a deep breath and calm down. If you need to speak with somebody there are always people to talk to whether it be a psychiatrist, pastoral counselor or just a very close and trustworthy friend or family member. Keep your chin up! =]
The Mind Of Clive Jones
2012-07-07 10:04:59 UTC
Is this true? No I dont believe this is true. Teachers generally have to pass some sort of basic tests to become a teacher. I dont believe you. In any event, none of what your teacher (read: YOU) have claimed is true. The Mayan calendar DOES NOT END in December. The Mayans DID NOT PREDICT ANYTHING. And Even if they had SO WHAT? We Know a lot more than they did.

I'm not even going to bother debunking the rest, no one would believe all that, no one. Not even the biggest nutter or the stupidest person. You have just thrown together as much baloney as you can as a joke.
2012-07-07 09:08:14 UTC
Sadly your teacher needs to retake science, and you need to be smarter then that and do some research. The Mayan calender will just recycle like ours does at the end of every year. There is nothing crazy going on right now in the solar system and as far as I know we already had our nice solar flare for the year. Gravity does not just go away like that and it doesn't take gravity to breath, it takes oxygen. Finally the years do not add up. In fact according to newer studies the Mayan calender they did not run off a Geggorian calender like we do, so in fact their supposed date already has happened, and are we dead yet??? Last I checked I wasn't. Please calm down and enjoy your life. You have a better chance of getting hit by a car today or catching west nile before we die from 2012.

Edit-Btw to other posters, my History teacher also said the same thing to me many years ago. I ended up laughing at him saying that he really needed to provide more creditable sources then a tape from the History Channel.
2012-07-07 09:04:32 UTC
It's okay. Who told the Mayans that the world was going to end? Their gods. How did the gods communicate with the living? Through crazy old people. SCIENCE shows that the world will ends 200 million years in the future. Not even then, that's when they think the next mass extinction will happen. You have nothing to worry about :)
Irv S
2012-07-07 09:08:16 UTC
I doubt any teacher would feed you such a pack of rubbish.

* The Mayans didn't expect the world to end.

They thought the date foretold a political disaster.

(Turned out they were wrong by about 512 years.)

* Gravity is NOT "getting higher".

* Idiots have been shouting that the world is going to end, for about as long

as we've been arround. (It makes them feel important. - They're not.)
2012-07-07 09:01:52 UTC
Its not true. Its the end of their calendar. It starts again, just like ours does after December ... also we have established that the REAL end of the world will be in 6 million years, long after we have died out. This will be due to the collision of two galaxy's - andromeda and the milky way.
2012-07-07 09:02:06 UTC
Ong. You and my cousin take a chill.pill. Relax. We can die anywhere & anytime. Not necessary the end of the world. If you think the world is coming to the end. Better enjoy you last days before 2012.
2012-07-07 09:08:39 UTC
Don t believe it. The world will not end on this date. Besides, even if it did, we couldn t/can t do a darn thing to stop/prevent it. Go and enjoy life and don t worry yourself silly over this silly nonsense.
2012-07-07 09:04:45 UTC
I can't believe your history teacher would say something like that. None of it is true. Is it a public school? Does the PTA and school board know about this? How can she keep her job telling false tales like that to young students?
2012-07-07 09:11:39 UTC
So basically, what you're saying, is that when presented with a premise with no actual evidence to support it, that you swallow it enthusiastically.

Right. Okay. Watch this. It's a rundown of some of the more prominent doomsdays you survived last year. Each makes as much sense as what your friend proposes. Each proponent voices their claims with conviction. None of them, naturally, were right.
Simply Monstrous
2012-07-07 09:02:23 UTC
Are your panic attacks helping???

Worry is interest on a debt you don't have yet.

There will be NO end of the world in 2012.
2012-07-07 09:00:36 UTC
relax, its a crock of poop

the world was supposed to end on January 1st, 2000 and a bunch of other times, all were BS
2012-07-07 09:01:49 UTC
lol its not true. even the smartest person on the world cannot predict the last day on earth
2012-07-07 09:26:40 UTC
Your teacher is a COMPLETE MORON.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.