A light year is a unit of length, just as is an inch, a mile or a meter. But it is a very large unit. It is the distance that light would travel in one year.
⺠When you see something, the light from that object travels from it to your eyes. It takes a certain amount of time to make the trip.
~ If the object is in your back yard then light would make the trip in far less than a second; so short a period of time that you may consider it instantaneous.
~ Jupiter is so far away that it takes light about 45 minutes to travel all the way to Earth and reach your eyes. As you look at Jupiter in the night sky, you would see what it looked like 45 minutes ago when the light first left it.
~ If you are looking at a galaxy that is 1000 light years away (with a telescope) then the light from that galaxy would have been traveling to Earth for 1000 years to reach your eyes. You would see that galaxy as it was when the light left there 1000 years ago.
Light travels at exactly 299,792,458 meters per second (about 186,282.397 miles per second), so:
1 light year equals about 9,460,730,472,600 kilometers.
1 light year equals about 5,878,625,373,200 miles.
(The speed of light is exact but an Earth year varies.)
~ The International Committee for Weights and Measures has set the "official" SI (International System of Units) length for the light year to exactly 9,460,730,472,580.8 kilometers.
For comparison:
~ Earth is 0.000015812 light years from the sun.
~ One of the fastest objects people have ever sent into space, the Voyager I space probe, is presently leaving the solar system at 17.1 kilometers per second. At that speed it would take 17,532 years to travel one light year of distance.
~ The closest star to our sun is Proxima Centauri at 4.2 light years away.
~ Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is around 100,000 light years in diameter.
(As Jupiter and Earth move in their orbits, they are sometimes closer and sometimes farther apart. At their closest, light takes 36 minutes to make the trip; at their farthest, a little over 52 minutes.)
How can the speed of light be measured exactly?
In 1983, the meter was redefined in the International System of Units as the distance traveled by light in 1⁄299,792,458 of a second. As a result, the numerical value of the speed of light in meters per second is now fixed exactly by the definition of the meter.