I don't quite understand the Casimir Effect, but I thought the concept of Hawking Radiation was quite simple. According to Quantum Field Theory, ordinary space is filled with 'vacuum fluctuations' in electromagnetic fields, which consist of pairs of photons being produced at one event and recombining at another. Such pairs violate conservation of energy, but if they last less than t = (h-bar)/(Energy produced), they violate no physical laws. So while the law of conservation of energy on a large scale works, it is constantly being violated on small scales. This happens just outside of the event horizon of a black hole too. So imagine a pair of photons is produced there, and one of them falls into the black hole before it annihilates with its pair. The left over one can now freely propagate through space, but the energy it carries violates the laws of physics. Since the black hole absorbed the other "virtual photon," it must pay for its partner's energy my losing some of its own. And as we all know, energy is the same as mass. Therefore, this is how black holes lose mass. If the black hole is losing more mass to this radiation than it gains from swallownig gas, dust, planets, etc., then it will eventually evaporate. Turns out that the time it takes for this to happen is proportional to the mass of the black hole (M) cubed, M^3. So bigger black holes would take longer than the current age of the universe to evaporate, while microblackholes may take a few million years. Does that help explain Hawking Radiation a bit better?
EDIT: There really is no simple or intuitive way to explain why it loses mass. Its in the mathematics of it all. I guess that extra particle has energy that should not exist, and the black hole loses energy/mass in order to balance out the Universe. But why doesn't the fallen photon add to the mass of the black hole? I don't know.
EDIT: In response to 'Harry' below, I was referring to energy conservation. This is a 'virtual photon' that is created, but energy still must be conserved if it exists for a time longer than what I mentioned. The photon is not conserved, its energy is.