how did they say the world was gona end in 2000?
2009-02-16 14:29:49 UTC
what was upose to happen? i was a kid then but if you were an adult then, how did they say the world was going to end?
im just curious because of these stories about planet x and the mayan calendar
Seventeen answers:
Mercury 2010
2009-02-16 15:23:01 UTC
seems people are GREATLY mistaken on this issue.

it was a VERY REAL problem. but we actually took action and fixed the issue.(like ol' Gnomon there) it wasn't a rumor, poor reporting or hype. it was real.

remember though, the end of the world claim IS hype, but it being a real computer bug that would cause tremendous problems in society WHERE real.

computer clock systems and BIOS-es did not accomidate for the time stamp of a full year. meaning instead of using 1986.... for the year, computers only used 86.

when the clocks cycled back for 00 (meaning 2000) people where concerned that the computers might assume it was 1900, or 19100 which it basically would.

this means, some computer programs might glitch as it tried to communicate with other networks, programs, or databases, about its time, their time, and the time needed to organize data.

not only was this a problem with BIOS but also a problem with programs since they only used the system time of the bios.

the fix ---------- write updates and patches that would flash/upgrade the bios or update the programs themselves.

it wasn't a problem because most world governments ran updates on their systems and many private companies and corporations took the same action.

THANKS Gnomon!!!

problems that might have happened where power outages, lost goods, poor logistics, interrupted food supply and delivery, mis-organized electronic communications other infrastructure breakdowns, lost credit transactions, disturbances in traffic, financial market hiccup, (loosing BILLIONS of dollars for investors), and basically mass chaos.

the only problems that did happen, where a few credit companies didn't upgrade and many credit transactions were misplaced.

this dropped their value and stock temporarily, but they regained their standings as the re-organized their DB of transactions and recovered the transactions..... they where at the bottom of the list, lost in the year 1900.


In Ishikawa, Japan, radiation-monitoring equipment failed at midnight, but officials said there was no risk to the public.[10]

In Onagawa, Japan, an alarm sounded at a nuclear power plant at two minutes after midnight.[10]

In Japan, at two minutes past midnight, Osaka Media Port, a telecommunications carrier, found errors in the date management part of the company's network. The problem was fixed by 2:43 a.m. and no services were disrupted.[11]

In Japan, NTT Mobile Communications Network (NTT DoCoMo), Japan's largest cellular operator, reported on January 1, 2000, that some models of mobile telephones were deleting new messages received, rather than the older messages, as the memory filled up.[11]

In Australia, bus-ticket-validation machines in two states failed to operate.[12]

In the United States, 150 slot machines at race tracks in Delaware stopped working.[12]

In the United States, the U.S. Naval Observatory, which runs the master clock that keeps the country's official time, had a Y2K glitch on its Web site. Due to a programming problem, the site reported that the date was Jan. 1, "19100."[13]

In France, the national weather forecasting service, Meteo France, said a Y2K bug made the date on a webpage show a map with Saturday's weather forecast as "01/01/19100"

again. this wasn't a bunch of nutcases, and we only recovered because people took it seriously and acted with updates.

2012 is nothing like this. 2012 IS created by a bunch of nutcases

there IS another predicted problem with time and how computers deal with it happening again in 2038 and other years
2009-02-16 19:17:48 UTC
The year 2000 was not thought to be when the world itself would end by catastrophe, it was a computer programming concern.

Computers use numbers for everything, and on at midnight on 12/31/1999 all the dates would change to January 1, 2000.

Computers, especially banking and government programming, was never set up to understand a 4-digit year - all years were assumed to be 19xx (1955, 1986, 1992, etc). So the theory was all the computers would assume the date was really January 1, 1900 and that would destroy the banks, governments, businesses, the military, etc.

It was called Y2K - Y for Year, 2K for 2000).

Y2K was a legitimate (though incorrect) theory based on sound mathematics.

Planet X doesn't exist, so it can't do any harm.

The Mayan Long Count calendar simply ends (when our calendar ends we just start up a new one).
2009-02-16 16:08:04 UTC
As some have pointed out, the Y2K problem was one that needed fixing but only the doomsday nuts, who require very little provocation, predicted anything like the end of the world.

This web site has about a hundred predictions various people and groups made about the end of the world in 2000.

Funny thing is, most of the doomsayers chose the beginning of 2000 because they thought it was the beginning of the new millennium. The millennium, (and century), did not begin until Jan.1, 2001. There were hardly any predictions for that New Year. A little ignorance goes a long way, especially when it is fueled by the mass media.
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2009-02-16 14:44:25 UTC
computers from the 80's to 90's had a bug that the dates only went to 1999. So everyone thought all of the computers on earth would shut down or go crazy. This was called the Y2K problem. Y stands for year 2 is for 2 and K stands for thousand. So computer makers made and upgrade for all computers. this updated the computers. 2000 came and went and nothing happened. And we all lived happy ever after. Thank you.
2009-02-16 15:25:34 UTC
Nobody thought the world was going to end.

But it is a fact that a lot of computer programs were going to stop working and we had to do a lot of work to fix them before the big day. I personally worked for 18 months fixing computer programs before the year 2000 arrived.
2009-02-16 15:48:50 UTC
Q1: It wasn't "going to end". There was great uncertainty as to the effect of the Y2K problem, as the interplay of present-day systems is very complex and it's hard to model the effects of a single problem with, say, one power station, let alone a number of affected systems sharing similar hardware.

Much work was done behind the scenes to analyze and modify code. You won't remember, but there was a spike in the demand for COBOL programmers in the mid-90s.

On the broader issue of nK panics, please read;

and, from the incomparable Randi;

We can confidently but 2012 in this last list as an utterly bonkers prediction that is bound to be proven false.
Flying Car
2009-02-16 16:05:53 UTC
In 2000 they said that computers would have major problems and crash but it all was fixed with a simple patch. And even if there was no patch the only thing that would be wrong would be the date. There is no truth about planet x.
2014-07-26 23:02:29 UTC

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2009-02-16 14:35:41 UTC
all i can remember it there being a big thing over if the computers could cope with the 2000 year. Nothing like the worlds going to end though!
2009-02-16 14:42:32 UTC
it was the usual combination of sloppy media reporting and a few fraudsters trying to stir up trouble. nobody ever actually *said* what was going to happen.

there were very real issues in many computer systems, but they were fixed in time and the clocks rolled over without incident. this then lead to a public perception that it was much ado about nothing, which was anything but the case.

i spent the evening of 31 december 1999 babysitting satellites.
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2009-02-16 14:34:27 UTC
The fact is no-one knows when the world will end.
2009-02-16 14:39:41 UTC
airplanes were gonna crash, nuclear power plants would go critical, it was all pretty pathetic...

but at the bottom of it all was a real fear... the Y2K bug was real... as it turned out, it was real insignificant, but at least it was real.

the 2012 stuff never made it as far as "reality".

It is all delusional.
2009-02-17 08:37:46 UTC
Winter solstice 2012 is just the revealing of the 'antichrist' or the 'man of perdition' at the mid-point of what Christians call the 7 year Tribulation (just subtract 1260 days to get the start and add 1260 days to get the end). Satanists and many pagan cultures from every corner of the world all throughout history have celebrated this like the Sumerians, Babylonians, Cherokee, Hopi, Chinese I-Ching (confirmed by Terence McKenna), Mayans (Pacal Votan; Chilam Balam of Tizimin, Mani, Chumayel; Jaguar Prophet), Egyptians, Celts, etc. This evil event is called "the abomination that causes desolation" that will be set up in the Jewish Temple's Holy of Holies when the antichrist is imbued with the spirit of satan himself. When will Jesus come? Only God Himself knows exactly, but very soon in "the twinkling of an eye" and like "a thief in the night". If you believe or not, that is up to you; either way it still comes.

Things to look for to PROVE it to yourself soon:

>Fall of America as an economic power and other ways. The buying up and consolidation of powerful banks and corporations by the government in a pretend "bail out" power grab to kill the U.S. dollar and bring in a one world currency.

Crash of other American banks and the nation's financial underpinning: Operation Sitting Duck

>The Big One: Revelation 18. America goes down on the list of fabled societies nobody believes in any more like Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria, Hyperborea, etc..

>Martial law. (Google some of Bush's executive orders concerning it- Nightmarish!)

>The fallen 'alien' agenda: Implementation of Project Bluebeam (be ready to hear more and more 'alien talk' & watch your local skies for the show!)

Just in time for 2012! After decades of conditioning, billions will fall for it. Will you?

(2 Thessalonians 2:9-12)


>Revelation 13:16-18 Trying to make people first accept the REAL ID card (to get you in the system) and then right after forcibly implanting people with these RFID microchips- the coming 'answer' to the world economic crisis:

>The start of the North American Union and true globalization..

>Push to attack Iran which will start WW3-the atomic war to end all wars. (If you think China, Russia, and the Muslim world would just sit back, you are a mistaken fool!). Escalation of the Georgian/Russian; Israeli/Palestinian; & Indian/Pakistani conflicts.

>Final push to one world government: The New World Order- The 4th Reich! (The brutal final empire foreseen by the prophet Daniel and John the Revelator)

>Rise of a miraculous and awe inspiring world leader later to turn world dictator.

>Push to one world religion where there are "many ways to God".

>Toleration of everything but Jews and Christians.

>Temporary and unheard of "peace in the middle east".


>More world wide food shortages and famines.

>More earth quakes. More fires. Strange and severe weather.

>Major spiritual awakenings.

>Rise of Islamic fanaticism.

>Rise in wickedness and corruption.

>Take a few minutes to listen to what this young child uncovered:


Christians look forward to this as it means they will soon join their Saviour & Redeemer in the Millennial Kingdom of the next Age and their Heavenly Father later as "Children of Light". If you try to equate 2012 with Y2K or some other date that cried wolf, then you will be making the worst mistake of your lifetime. Research all these things FOR YOURSELF!
2009-02-16 15:49:05 UTC
We may be coming across a very parallel situation in 2038...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.