How does nitrogen oxide effect the creating of the Earth's magnetic field? The reason why I'm saying how the core fails is because although it's the magnetic field that becomes less effective in propelling harmful rays from the Sun, it's the core that causes the magnetic field. So even though the magnetic field is what fails, the failure is somewhere between the core and the process of creating the magnetic field. That's why I referred the core as would've failed. It did not fully process the formation of the magnetic field. The magnetic field was not fully there because the core did not fully created it. And I'm asking, how? Because it sounds like saying when water spilled over a radio, rather than the radio not fully working, power failed in lines that had not even reached the house yet. The failure is somewhere beyond the radio. Well obviously water spilled over a radio could not effect power reaching the house from telephone poles. Now in this case in my question, I'm asking, how can nitrogen oxide cause the magnetic field to fail when the magnetic field is created by the Earth's core? The effect by the nitrogen oxide goes beyond just the air. It makes the magnetic field fail even though that effection is somewhere between the process of the Earth's core creating magnetism and the process of magnetism propelling harmful rays.