>>There were no stars in the sky because of the Sun.<<
The reason the Sun stops stars from showing up is because it illuminates everything else brightly, so to photograph the sunlit surface you need very short exposures. Stars don't show up in very short exposures.
>>Show me ANY picture of moon landing with the Sun in the sky.<<
There's one of about 30 from Apollo 12.
And there's a rather well known one from Apollo 14. Thrity seconds it took me to find those. Still need more?
>>It was actually night... If the Sun was the sky wouldn't be black.<<
You didn't pay attention in school, did you? The sky here is blue during the day because the air scatters the sunlight. There is no air on the Moon, and therefore no light scattering, hence a black sky. Do you think it is always night in space, since the sky is always black out there?
>>2) Televisions were not even that common in 1969<<
You have some figures to back that up? In the UK alone in 1969 over 18 million homes had televisions. With an average family of four, that's over 70 million people watching just here in the UK. And the UK isn't that big really...
>>3) How can they reach the moon if the rocket is going in ONE direction and Moon is rotating the Earth at the same time?<<
Ah, you don't know how it was done therefore it is impossible? What arrogance. So can we assume you think ALL space probes are fake? Are the Mars probes fake? Voyager? Pioneer? Galileo? Cassini?
>>the Moon's orbital speed is 1,023 miles per second!!<<
I suggest you recheck your sources. You've inflated the Moon's speed by a factor of 1,000. Look at the decimal point...
>>4) if you look at the videos of the Astronauts jumping, you can clearly see that they are jumping just as high as anyone would on Earth.<<
How high can you jump in a spacesuit with a pack on your back? More to the point, if that suit and pack were the only thing keeping you alive, WOULD you jump around like a loon? There are plenty of other examples of the low gravity. And at the end of the Apollo 11 moonwalk Neil Armstrong jumps to about the fifth rung of the ladder.
>>5) Why did Neil Armstrong, a very religious fellow, refuse to swear on the Bible that he in fact landed on the Moon.<<
Because he knows who the man asking him to swear is. Bart Sibrel makes a living calling the astronauts liars. He asked ALL the men who walked on the Moon to swear they did so. Three of them actually did. Sibrel just accuses them of commiting the blasphemy of lying in the face of God. He is not interested in truth, he is interested in getting publicity, even if he has to denigrate those people who have achieved more than he ever cold to do so. He is a fraud and a liar, and i know that from personal contact with him.
>>6) In 1969 computer chips had not been invented.<<
Yes they had.
>>In 2002 a top of the range computer requires at least 64 Mb of memory to run a simulated Moon landing.<<
Now consider what you DON'T need to use memory for on a real landing that you do for a simulated one. No memory needs to be devoted to simulating the gravity because the gravity is really there. no memory needs to be devoted to simulating the effects of firing the egnines because those effects really do take place. You don't have to simulate a nice picture for the person doing the landing because there is an actual moon out there. How much computer memory is required to run an arcade game simualting a car race? And how much computing power is needed for a real car to run? Do you see how flawed the comparison between the requirements of a simulated landing and a real one is?
>>The alleged computer on board Apollo 11 had 32k of memory. That's the equivalent of a simple calculator.<<
And that's all it needed. it also had two men on board who could fly the craft, and it had a bunch of people back on Earth using those big computers that take up whole rooms to do the really complex calculations to provide the data it needed. It didn't fly the whole craft on its own, and was more than capable fo doing the job.
>>I'm sorry guys but we're NOT that technologically advanced.<<
What wonderful technological arrogance. Do you know we had mach 3 capable jets, probes to Mars, nuclear bombs, ICBMs, and Boeing 747s and Concorde in 1969. What's so hard about landing on the Moon that made all that capability inadequate?
>>It was just a set up to impress the Soviets<<
A feat achieved just as well by a real landing.
>>JUST tell us how the Apollo 11 had 32k of memory!<<
Would you even understand it if he did? What are your qualifications to judge the capability of 1960s computer technology anyway?
Apollo was real. People worked damn hard to achieve something amazing. Deal with it.