2013-01-25 22:20:00 UTC
I will give you that the vacuum of space (really space-time) has energy and thus can spontaneously create then annihilate virtual particles. However, if before the big bang there WAS NO space-time, then how could virtual particles have come in and out of existence??
Furthermore, even the idea of quantum fluctuations explaining the Big Bang seems unreasonable. Ok, an electron and anti-electron spawn and then annihilate. First, this cannot happen without an initial amount of energy and second--they would always have to annihilate. I have yet to hear a satisfactory explanation on why there could be an asymmetry that might cause them NOT to annihilate such that they could cause the Big Bang. Even further, an electron and anti-electron possess virtually NO energy whatsoever (despite what anti-matter idiots act like exists), so how could such an asymmetric fluctuation give rise to all of the energy in the universe?