what technology developed for or by NASA is now use by the rest of society?
2006-11-18 12:42:57 UTC
Where can i find a website that gives me information on how it was used by NASA and how it has been change for the public use.
Fourteen answers:
Otis F
2006-11-18 13:12:15 UTC
The list is much too long to post here. Check out the links below.
2006-11-18 20:40:43 UTC
Internet, it was developed for NASA and the military. Now it is used by every one who likes it.
2006-11-18 12:55:41 UTC
Man, what around us isn't? Let's see: Tang, the astronauts drink. Power tools, silly putty, many lubricants. Microwaveable foods. Freeze drying. Water recycling and de-salination.
2006-11-18 12:45:47 UTC
I beelieve that Memory Foam for beds and chairs was made for astronaughts. Now it is publically available.
2006-11-18 13:12:04 UTC
The zipper from the space suit. It is used by scuba divers on their drysuits.
2006-11-18 13:26:44 UTC
2006-11-18 14:07:06 UTC
Linking the



When friends and

family call from

other parts of the

country or overseas,

they sound

as if they are right

around the corner.

The scope, clarity,

and reliability of

our long-distance

telephone system

is the result of



developed by

NASA over a 30-

year period.

Vital Signs for

Critical Moments

The monitoring

systems used in

intensive care

units and heart


wards were developed

from the

systems used to

monitor astronauts

during the

first space missions

in the early

1960s. A single

nurse can now

monitor several

patients in critical

care situations.



recovering from

heart attacks and

other serious illnesses

or injuries

owe their lives to

this technology, a

direct result of

NASA’s space


practical benefits today

Food Safety for Astronauts Sets

the Standard

The Food and Drug Administration and

the U.S. Department of Agriculture credit

NASA with developing the comprehensive

food safety system, referred to as Hazard

Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)

that the nation uses today. This system,

originally developed for astronauts,

includes principles for preventative food

safety such as minimum cooking temperatures

to kill bacteria and methods of

dealing with food safety hazards. HACCP

has become the accepted safety standard

for the food industry worldwide.

Rewards from Space


S.O.S. to Space Provides Global

Rescue Capability

NASA’s research in developing and

demonstrating space-based beacon locators

was used to create an international,

satellite-based search and rescue system

that has helped save almost 13,000 lives

worldwide (as of January 2002). The system

automatically detects and locates

transmissions from emergency beacons

carried by ships, aircraft or individuals.

The system then alerts appropriate rescue

authorities. A total of 30 nations participate

in the system, which operates 24 hours a

day year-round.

Planes, Trains, and Guitars

The NASA Structural Analysis program,

better known as NASTRAN, is a computer

that saves time and money by using a

computerized design process to identify

the strengths and deficiencies of a product

before it is manufactured. NASTRAN

was originally developed by NASA for

human space flight and aeronautics.

Private-sector versions of this software

are now used to design everything from

chemical plants, refineries and trains to

next-generation fighter aircraft, cars,

acoustic speakers, electric guitars and

skyscrapers. The software generates

over $1 billion of revenue annually and

affects hundreds of billions of dollars

worth of consumer products.

Commander Sergei

Zalyotin looks at a plant

growth experiment in

the Zvezda Service

Module on the ISS. In

optimizing plant growth

facilities for flight,

NASA has achieved

record crop yields.

Getting the

Groove on

Airport and

Highway Safety

NASA researchers

determined that

cutting thin

grooves across

concrete runways

reduces the risk of

hydroplaning. The

grooves, which

create channels

for excess water

to drain, have

been shown to

improve aircraft

tire friction performance

in wet


by 200 to 300 percent.

As a result,

hundreds of commercial


around the world

have had their

runways grooved.

This technique is

now used nationwide

on highway

curves and overpasses;


walkways, ramps

and steps; and

food processing

plants and cattle

holding pens. The

use of grooves on

highways has contributed

to an 85

percent reduction

in highway accidents.

This could be

NASA’s most successful


in terms of lives

saved and injuries

and accidents


New “Fields”

and Better Yields

for Agriculture


researchers working

on methods to

grow plants in

space have produced


crops on

Earth using hydroponics,

a technique

that uses

intense lighting

and high levels of

carbon dioxide to

grow crops in

water. The

researchers produced

a laboratory

wheat crop that

yielded five times

more grain than a

typical field-grown

crop. Several

growers and large

corporations are

using NASA’s

techniques to

increase potato



NASA hits

Space-Observation Keeps Hurricanes

in Clear View

NASA and the National Oceanic and

Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are

now able to monitor weather patterns

from space to enhance hurricane track,

landfall and intensity forecasts.

Measurements from NASA’s Tropical

Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and

Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) Earthobserving

satellites help to improve predictions

about hurricanes and other tropical

systems as they move from the open

ocean toward coastal regions. Improved

hurricane forecasting reduces property

damage and saves lives by giving local

residents and municipalities advanced

warning to prepare and evacuate as

needed prior to a hurricane’s landfall.

This view of Hurricane

Isabel was taken in the

fall of 2003 by one of

the Expedition 7

crewmembers onboard

the International Space

Station (ISS).

Big Functions in a Small Package

Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are extremely small devices and sensors (comparable to

the size of a human hair). MEMS applications are directly traceable to the miniature accelerometers

NASA developed in the 1970s to measure changes in speed of small objects or activity levels of

people or animals during human space flight. MEMS technology is used now in consumer products

to trigger automobile airbags, regulate pacemakers and even keep washers and dryers balanced.

MEMS-based products have grown into a $3 billion per year industry. The original NASA-sponsored

work on an MEMS accelerometer is referenced in 83 patents; the earliest reference was made in

1975 and the latest in 2003.

Rewards from Space


NASA Technique

Benefits Animal


NASA developed

the hind limb suspension


to simulate the

effects of weightlessness

on astronauts’


Variations of this

technique have

been used for

almost 25 years

by animal

researchers to

study bone,

muscle and


atrophy. The technique

is the model

of choice for


medical experts

and researchers


Wildfire Management

Wildfires are a continual concern for communities in the

western United States. In the summer of 2000, for

instance, wildfires consumed 8.4 million acres in this

region. NASA has worked with the U.S. Forest Service to

develop a rapid-response capability for wildfires based on

data broadcasts from NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites.

These broadcasts provide daily images of fire patterns

nationwide, helping federal, state and local governments

manage wildfires more effectively.

Breast Cancer


Breast biopsies


are essential

for the detection

and treatment

of breast

cancer. As a

result of technology


through the

Hubble Space

Telescope program,


can be performed

with a needle

instead of a

scalpel. The needle

biopsies benefit

patients by

leaving only a

small mark rather

than a large scar

and by costing


less—an average

of $850 compared

to $3,500

for a traditional


Attached to the “robot

arm,” the Hubble Space

Telescope is unberthed

and lifted up into the

sunlight during the telescope’s

second servicing


other recent applications


NASA hits


This powerful hand-held rescue tool can quickly cut through cars or other enclosures to

free persons involved in an accident or other dangerous situation. Lifeshears were used

by rescue workers searching for survivors at the Oklahoma City Federal building in

1995 and the World Trade Center in 2001. The tool, which was developed through the

joint efforts of the Hi-Shear Technology Corporation, firefighters and NASA, uses the

same power source used to separate solid rocket boosters from Space Shuttles.

Lifeshears are lighter, cheaper and easier to use than traditional rescue equipment.

Rewards from Space


Age of the


In February 2003,

NASA released

the results of a

one-year observation

of the cosmos

by the Wilkinson


Anisotropy Probe

(WMAP) Explorer


The results

showed the afterglow

or cosmic

microwave background

of the universe


years after the Big

Bang. Surprisingly,

the data revealed

that the first generation

of stars in

the universe ignited

only 200 million

years after the

Big Bang, much

earlier than many

scientists had

expected. Using

the WMAP portrait,

scientists have

estimated that the

universe is 13.7

billion years old,

with a remarkably

small 1 percent

margin of error.

Shedding New Light on Cancer Treatment

New lighting technology originally developed by NASA for plant

growth experiments in space is improving the treatment of brain

and skin tumors and other medical problems such as wounds.

Doctors at the Medical College of Wisconsin are using the technology

to improve a chemotherapy technique called photodynamic

therapy. This technique uses focused light to activate

medicines that kill cancerous tumors. In the past, photodynamic

therapy has used a laser light source; the new light source is

more efficient, versatile, accurate and less costly. NASA and

medical practitioners also are investigating the use of this technique

to accelerate the healing of wounds both in space and on

the ground.

Inspiration and Innovation—A NASA Story

At NASA, extraordinary goals inspire exceptional minds. As a

boy in Pakistan, Dr. Rafat Ansari was first inspired to pursue scientific

research when he saw astronauts walk on the moon. This

inspiration eventually led Dr. Ansari to become a researcher at

NASA, where his work with fluid physics has produced an unexpected

and valuable medical care innovation.

Dr. Ansari was conducting experiments to study the effects of

space on colloidal systems (small particles suspended in liquids)

when he realized that his work could relate to cataracts, the

degenerative eye condition affecting his father. Dr. Ansari concluded

that the NASA instrument being developed as part of his

colloids experiment might be able to detect cataracts—possibly

earlier than ever before. This research device is now planned to

be used to assess the effectiveness of new, non-surgical therapies

for early stages of cataract development. The instrument is

also being adapted as a pain-free way to try to identify other eye

diseases, diabetes and possibly even Alzheimer’s. Dr. Ansari’s

discovery has important applications for NASA, since astronauts

face the risk of developing cataracts as a side effect from radiation

exposure during long-duration space flights.

Dr. Ansari and an ophthalmologist

perform a

clinical test using a Dynamic

Light Scattering

Device that determines

molecular interactions

that occur in the human


A first-generation ethylene scrubber, which

used the same technology as the Anthraxkilling

device, removed ethylene inside the


continuing benefits


NASA hits


Evidence for

Dark Energy

In 2001, NASA

announced that

the Hubble Space

Telescope had

detected a burst

of light from an

exploding star at

an unprecedented

distance from

Earth. According

to scientists, this

stellar explosion

strengthens the

case for the existence

of a mysterious

form of “dark

energy” pervading

the universe.

The concept of

dark energy,

which is believed

to push galaxies

away from each

other at continually


speeds, was first

proposed and

then discarded by

Albert Einstein

early in the 20th

century. The

recent Hubble discovery


the startling idea

that the expansion

of the universe is

“speeding up.”

The discovery

provides the first

observational evidence

that gravity

began slowing

down the expansion

of the universe

after the Big

Bang, and only

later did dark

energy surpass

gravity and begin

accelerating the

expansion of the


Rewards from Space


Nobel Prizes

Black Holes—Riccardo Giacconi received the 2002 Nobel Prize

in physics for “pioneering contributions to astrophysics” which

have led to the discovery of cosmic X-ray sources. Giacconi discovered

the first X-ray stars and the X-ray background in the

1960s. With funding from NASA, he also has detected sources

of X-rays that most astronomers now believe contain black

holes. His continued research with the Chandra X-ray

Observatory has led to the discovery that the universe is teeming

with black holes, with a super massive black hole existing at

the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.

Atom Lasers—The 2001 Nobel Prize for physics was awarded

to three scientists, including a Massachusetts Institute of Technology

physicist whose NASA-funded research uses ultra-cold

atoms that form a new type of matter. The Royal Swedish

Academy of Sciences said Dr. Wolfgang Ketterle and two other

scientists caused atoms to “sing in unison.” Through their

research, atomic particles were induced to have the same energy

and to oscillate together in a controlled fashion. Laser light has

these qualities, but researchers have struggled for decades to

make matter behave this way. The breakthrough research has

potential uses for extremely precise measurements. The discoveries

may lead to microscopic computers and ultra-precise gyroscopes

that could dramatically improve aircraft guidance and spacecraft


NASA Develops


Curricula with



NASA and


Education, the

world’s largest

educational publisher,


reached an agreement

to develop

new science curricula

for 100 million


and middle school

students. The new

curricula will be

designed to

increase student

interest in science,



mathematics and

space exploration.

Content will be

supplemented by

data from NASA’s

latest discoveries

and technologies.

NASA’s contributions

to curriculum

development continue

to increase.

For example, in

the year 2000,

over one-third of

astronomy textbook

material was

based on discoveries


through NASA’s

space science


First Complete Recording of a Solar Eruption

In 1997, for the first time, instruments on board the NASA WIND

and the European SOHO spacecraft captured the full duration of

an interplanetary weather event that carried a blast of high-energy

particles from the sun to Earth. The particles from the blast, known

as a coronal mass ejection, took four days to reach Earth. The blast

pumped vast amounts of energy into the Earth’s environment,

triggering auroral displays and disrupting radio communications.

This was the first solar eruption recorded from start to finish.

The sun has profound effects throughout the solar system, on

each planet and the space between them. To explain these

effects, we need to understand both the inherent characteristics

of the sun and how its emissions interact with the rest of the

solar system. On Earth these emissions can have short-term

effects, such as interference with satellite communications, as

well as possible long-term implications, such as changes to the

Earth’s climate.

An X-ray image of black hole candidate

XTE J1118+480.

One of the largest solar

flares ever recorded

occurred at 4:51 p.m.

EDT, on Monday, April 2,

2001, as observed by the

Solar and Heliospheric

Observatory (SOHO)


space shuttle columbia’s legacy


NASA hits

The heart of the Bioreactor Demonstration

System (BDMS) is the rotating wall vessel,

shown here without its support equipment.

During the mission, astronauts studied the

interaction of prostate cancer cells and bone

cells by using a BDMS to form large samples

for research.

Keeping Cells in Suspense

On the Space Shuttle Columbia’s final mission, astronauts

helped scientists study how prostate cancer cells and bone cells

group together or self-assemble. The goal was to learn how the

cells interact in the early stages of cancer when the disease

begins to spread. Columbia’s astronauts used a device invented

by NASA called a bioreactor. The bioreactor helps researchers

turn cell cultures into functional tissue that can be used for

experiments, transplants and drug development. Without a

bioreactor, cells fall to the bottom of a Petri dish and grow as a

sheet one cell layer thick—thinner than a human hair. In NASA’s

space bioreactor, the cells stay suspended and form the kind of

large samples researchers need. During the Columbia mission,

the cell “assembly” grew to the size of a roll of pennies, which is

much larger than anything researchers have seen before. The

Columbia experiment was so successful that NASA plans to fly

similar, longer-term experiments on the International Space


NASA’s bioreactor has yielded 25 patents and more than 20

licenses. Over 6,000 bioreactor units are now in hundreds of

universities, medical centers and government research agencies

such as the National Institutes of Health, the Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention and the Navy.

Rewards from Space


Cleaner Cars

Space flight

research is changing

our understanding

of how

and why things

burn, a scientific

area scientists

thought was relatively

well established


ago. A hydrogen

experiment on

board Columbia’s

final mission

produced the

weakest flames

ever created—100

times weaker than

a birthday candle.

This research

could lead to


cars in the future

by helping scientists

improve the

burning of hydrogen

and other

fuels in engines

and furnaces.

Two corporations,

Pratt and Whitney

and General

Electric, have

already used

space flight combustion


to improve their

jet engines.

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration

NASA Public Affairs Office

Washington, DC 20546


Susan M
2006-11-18 12:47:11 UTC
Tang orange drink powder, velcro
2006-11-18 12:44:42 UTC
memory foam. dont know website
2006-11-18 12:45:37 UTC
memory foam
2006-11-18 14:23:09 UTC
memory foam.
2006-11-18 12:50:54 UTC
Teflon, Tyvek, and my favorite...ASTROGLIDE!
2006-11-18 12:44:21 UTC
super glue/crazy glue...i think.
2006-11-18 12:51:00 UTC
Tang, it's tasty mmmmmmmmmmmm..........

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.