2014-05-26 00:44:08 UTC
Just curious, here.
I've got Saturn conjunct Uranus squaring both my Ascendant and Moon (also conjunct) by birth.
Obviously, difficult aspects to have. But after many changes, I have found my own answers, my own life of joy, great spiritual awareness.
And now I have Pluto coming to conjunct my Sun. I'm not sure if this aspect will be more of a challenge than the aspects I already have. I know it will be hard. I know Pluto has a different nature.
My hard Saturn aspects are very challenging. I just experienced Pluto conjunct Neptune in the 4th house with Saturn conjunct Pluto in the 2nd and Uranus square Neptune in the 4th.. Very very difficult time. Had to literally move across the country and leave everything and everyone. But I found my way through. And things are starting to get so much better.
Just curious... Pluto will be 2.5 degrees from exact conjunction over my sun and square to my jupiter march of 2016. I would consider myself ready, I suppose. I want the power this transit has to offer. I suppose I've been set up to just be ready to handle the conjunction. Luckily, Saturn conjunct Uranus has helped me to cultivate endless discipline, control, awareness. Do the more experienced astrologers think I should expect anything noticeable?