Why hasnt human set foot on planets. or worked on other planets?
2013-11-12 17:25:03 UTC
why isnt humans exploring planets on foot. whats the real reason for these certain people to live on mars the ones that won aye one way ticket to mars. i know they want to start populating mars. im really into these things i just dont hear anything about it anywhere cose i think it cose its new zealand where im from not interesting stuff here
Ten answers:
2013-11-12 17:29:39 UTC
The real reason?

Illiteracy and the inability to communicate properly.

(and an extensive host of illogical, gullible and math-illiterate chumps)

Feel free to work on the problem at your end...
2013-11-12 18:30:18 UTC
sew thay dont no howew porpr nglishh 2 uz n nu zelund ?


Is there a particular reason you don't capitalize or use punctuation? If you want to get good answers, don't make it hard to read. This isn't a text message, it's an Internet discussion forum. You agreed to write clearly and legibly when you joined the site. So, it's "isn't" not "isnt" (and that word should be "aren't" anyway), "what's" not "whats" "because" not "cose", "don't" not "dont", and especially "I'm" not "im". Maybe you think you're being cool and trendy by writing this way, but actually it's just annoying. I don't care if you're on a smartphone--either wait to get in front of a keyboard, or don't post at all.


It's also not unreasonable to wonder if such a question might have been asked before. The Search Answers tool will show you those, though annoyingly Yahoo seems to have disabled the Advanced button so we apparently no longer can limit a search to a selected forum. What people there will tell you is that manned Mars missions are horribly expensive and dangerous



The real reason the Mars One people applied is so they can claim later in life that they applied for the Mars One program before it was revealed to be a publicity scam and not a genuine effort to reach the Red Planet.


<[I] know they want to start populating [Mars].> Actually, in the highly unlikely event they ever get there, they are going to be dying young on Mars, not populating the planet.



That Kid
2013-11-12 22:20:08 UTC
In all seriousness, we simply had no need to. The US had won the moon race and Russia did not challenge a Mars race. We have the technology to go to Mars right now, but it is just too expensive with the current economy. Arguably the only country that can go to Mars without severe economic repercussions is China. You must understand that during the Apollo missions, Russia and the US were butting heads at everything, from petrol to space. When it became evident that Russia was not going to go to the moon, the threat of space was eliminated. One may say that if Russia were to go a step further during the cold war and set up a base on the moon or install a missile system into orbit, there would be a national space defence agency today. But there isn't as there is no need today, unless you want to do it purely for education. It would be great to have a Mars race, that would put some national pride back into culture.
2013-11-13 06:05:04 UTC
1. Human beings do not know how to build a spacecraft that can transport living creatures to Mars and back to Earth. We need something that is nearly 100% reliable with the capability to make any necessary repairs in transit. Some people say it's a question of money but we just don't know how.

2. And even if we could build a ship with 100% reliability there is the problem of what happens when the astronauts arrive on Mars after 9 months of weightlessness. Here on Earth there are medical facilities to help the astronauts re-adapt to Earth's gravity after long-duration missions. There are no hospitals on Mars.
2013-11-12 20:22:01 UTC
We don't have the technology to send humans into space beyond the moon.

we are working on it. Maybe in 10 or 20 years we will send a human to Mars.

You can not live on Mars. There is no Oxygen or water.

The same with the other planets.

It takes NINE months to get to Mars. So you have to be able to survive the trip first.
Gary B
2013-11-13 07:15:31 UTC
(1) Technology

It has been just in the last 10 years that the possibility of developing the needed technology is beginning to emerge. Before this, the technology has not even been available in dreams!

(2) Selfishness

Such an undertaking would be INCREDIBLY expensive, and not ONE country could afford it. With ALL countries want to be the first, the countries have been hesitant to try to do this alone, and too selfish to work WITH other countries to get the job done

(3) Money

No one country has enough money to handle this project. With the Untied States economy is such trouble, the European economy much worse, the Russian economy almost non-existeant, and the wordl economy in genreal about to crash, there simply is not enough money to do this

(4) Money

(5) Money

(6) Money

(7) Money

(8) $$$$$$
John W
2013-11-12 18:39:46 UTC
Because it's expensive, at least to start. It would cost more than your weight in gold to get you just into low Earth orbit. We've addressed this problem with public funding which was driven by the cold war. Before space will fund itself, we would have to develop communities in space to provide a workforce, a manufacturing infrastructure and most importantly, a market. America may have started by selling pelts logs and corn to Europe but by being a market itself. To establish such a market in space, entire towns must be built there in O'Neill Cylinders, Bernal Sphere's and Stanford Torus's, all at expenses greater than an equal mass in gold. It's possible to use material in space from asteroids, comets and moons so it is possible but the expense is still great and there's no longer a political motivation for public funds.
spot a
2013-11-12 19:19:19 UTC
Gravity of earth which makes launching large objects out of our gravity well extremely expensive and lack of air on Mars and danger of the high radiation there, and lack of billions of dollars to pay for the construction of launch vehicles, and no way at the moment to land a vehicle containing 2 men and food, air and shelter on Mars and no way to launch a vehicle from Mars to bring them back. Mars gravity is a lot more than moon gravity

You should report nasty answers. Why do people bother to answer, if they don't want to answer the question asked? Are they so desperate for two points?
2013-11-12 17:28:25 UTC
Lack of technology. We don't know how to cope with the environments of other planets and we don't know how it'll affect our body. We might show up and our head might explode because of certain factors. There's just too many factors to take into account before we can safely send a person there and more importantly, bring them back.
2013-11-12 17:46:39 UTC
The main reason is the lack of education of the general public.

Poor spelling, bad grammar, and no science education have stopped the development of space travel.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.