I am saying this for the last time, the world will NOT end in 2012, silly. People think that the world will end on the 24th of December at Midnight because:
> The ancient Mayan calender ends then.
> The planets will allign, causing earthquakes and tsunamis and disasters.
> There will be an economic crisis and everything crashes, including computers, cars, video games, machines, etc.
> A comet will hit Earth.
> Global Warming will take its biggest impact.
The part about the ancient Mayan calender ending is true.
By the way, the time and date in which the world will end (midnight, 24th December) just came about from the fact that at that time it's offcially Christmas.
Btw, the world is always ending. We are killing off wildlife and polluting our atmosphere and oceans, and we are just worrying about what will happen if we go to far, all the while we are continuing to do it. There is only one Earth. When that's gone, what will be left? What will become of Humans and their endless will to survive?
Just something to think about :)