2010-03-21 19:18:59 UTC
what might hyperspace look like if seen by a human?
If in our known universe, the darkness is represented by the color black, and brightness is represented by the rest of the color of spectrum, then what might the hyperspace, the "space" that is outside of our universe look like? Would it look brown, pink, yellow, or what? I fear that it might not even be logical, nothing outside of our known universe might be logical to us. Another question is, why is our space black? Why is it black far between any stars or any light sources, what gives the darkness the color black? And so before our universe was formed, was there another color, because there was nothing, but nothing also might have color and either way, hyperspace already exited before our universe was formed and hyperspace could be within something else and so on and on. And by the way, it is being thought of that hyperspace might not even have time, so here's a tough question, if a living human being would have entered into an environment which does not have time, what would the environment look like around that human? Would he be able to do everything he might have been able to do in an environment which has time? And what might a universe which has no time look like and might it support life?
Do you think you can answer some of those questions?