This should not be that difficult. You do have to do some preliminary set up of the telescope before the GoTo features will work properly. The set up required is:
> The base needs to be leveled.
> The Time, Date, and scope's location on the Earth needs to be entered into the scope's computer.
> Depending on the alignment method used the scope needs to be pointed at one, two, or three bright stars for it to figure out the orientation of the celestial grid overhead. Some of these methods require the user identifying the bright stars while others the scope can handle without user intervention.
Once the scope is aligned it should be able to find any bright star or planet, above the horizon, by entering the objects name or celestial coordinates.
The set up details should be described in your telescope's user manual and are simple to use if you read and follow them step at a time. If you do not have a user manual you can download one from Bushnell at .
You should also start with the lowest power eyepiece in you kit to find and center the object in your field of view. Once you get there you can replace the low power EP with higher power ones to get more detailed views.