Should Canada invest money in space exploration projects such as manned moon missions?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Should Canada invest money in space exploration projects such as manned moon missions?
79 answers:
2007-09-10 08:47:49 UTC
In my opinion, space shouldn't be country-by-country... Space should be explored by Mankind. Canada (Like the US, Russia, China, etc.) should be part of a multi-national space team, working together. We've seen the benefits of research & development from the space program; Canada (and, any other country, for that matter), should share in the development and cost - and share in the benefits of new technologies.

In my humble opinion.
2007-09-10 12:36:05 UTC
In all honestly, we shouldn't be shooting for the moon. I am saying this not because I don't want to see a Canadian flag on the moon for 10,000 years but we currently have more precious issues here in Canada to spend the money on first. These issues include having to correct the ailing health care system, improving the IT infrastructure, and work on diversifying the economy so we don't have to rely on just our natural resources.

Now that being said, I do like the idea of a Canadian funded space agency but another question to ask is if the moon is worth the money to shoot for? In the 60's and 70's it was just a big race between the superpowers but right now there is nothing really that we can't learn from our telescopes and even probes that we could send to the moon.
mario v
2007-09-10 12:33:47 UTC
We can't even take care of ourselves yet .

That is like a pair of 12 years old becoming parents when they can not even take care of themselves.

You have seen the results when 12 years old have kids.

No, the answer its no for moon missions.

but we could help in different ways.
2007-09-10 12:30:37 UTC
Our public funds could be better spent down here on the earth. It would be better to invest more in post-secondary education to make it more affordable and accessible to ensure our future. We already support the space program with things such as the arm on the shuttle. I think it would be okay to work more extensively in conjunction with the U.S. space program, but why do we need our own? It's more cost-effective for both parties if we contribute to one mutual goal.
2007-09-10 08:54:49 UTC
Canada isn't really a big enough country to go building a space program like that of the United States; it is also less suited for orbital launches due to being farther north of the Equator than the United States is. I think right at this point it would be too expensive for Canada to build a space program, they should concentrate more on improving their economy and government before they start thinking about their own manned launches. However, in the meantime there's nothing to say that they couldn't work side-by-side with other nations' space programs, like NASA and ESA, and provide some amount of funding, technological expertise and skilled labor to help speed things along.
Joe G
2007-09-10 13:08:49 UTC
Yes , Canada should invest in space exploration . With all the extra revenue we have from oil exports , we certainly can afford it.We also need to build ourselves "Arctic aircraft carriers " that can have maybe 20 fighters and 20 helicopters.

To protect our Northern territory .

tata for now
2007-09-10 12:34:47 UTC
Canada can't afford to invest in anything, its more important that we quit selling of our steel, mineral and natural resource companies to the USA. If more Canucks drove Canadian built cars we would all be better off.
Henry A
2007-09-10 12:33:49 UTC
yes in deed, no one can stop the future, and we have to be part of it.

Bill S
2007-09-10 12:32:39 UTC
Yes, Canada should be a part of space exploration.

Understanding our universe is equally important as understanding Earth.

Funding space exploration surely can't be any more wasteful than some of the meaningless spending we have become aware of.

The spin-off of technology and potential employment opportunities will be beneficial to all Canadians.
2007-09-10 08:43:21 UTC
Canada's budget is very tight when it comes to space exploration. We don't have the population (like the US) to support a space program. All the support we can offer now is pretty much the best we can do.
2007-09-10 12:58:29 UTC
The answer to this is a big YES. However, I'm afraid that the majority of Canadians would not accept such use of public funds and that's a shame. People will see such spending as useless and frivolous. But in the next 10 years, many nations will enter a new space race in which the United States, Russia and China will be the major players. Why not include Canada as a partner to the US in this race? Why shouldn't we have our space heroes as those other nations will have (or already have)? Our astronauts are well trained and are as competent as their American partners. Will we choose the easy way and say no or accept the challenge and send a Canadian to the Moon and maybe Mars eventually? Why shouldn't we be allowed to have such dreams like those other nations? Are we that poor and unimaginative? I hope not.
2007-09-10 13:11:57 UTC
To agree with a few others. It's obvious that Canada should not waste effort on an independent mission to the moon or anywhere else. Space exploration should be a joint venture with costs and technologies shared by many nations. Canada should be a healthy participant in any internationally developed space exploration project. Any direct financial benefit from space exploration is at least centuries away, but I believe the science is important for the human race.
2007-09-10 12:51:56 UTC
At this stage in civilization it seems silly to "race" for mars, or race to put more men on the moon. Money would better be spent strengthening and improving already strong space programs, or even better merging the major space programs, and coming up with some standards on how shuttles etc are built, and have all the great minds from all the space faring countries work towards one goal instead of individual goals.

Maybe something like all countries who want to receive benefits/be part of the space program should pay a percentage of the Gross National Product towards the program which is run much like the UN where all countries have a say.

This should be a goal of Mankind.
2007-09-10 16:55:37 UTC
Space is the one topic that should have nothing to do with politics. I believe it should be a goal with funding and governed by all eligible members of the U.N. Each country can contribute based on GDP or proportional population. If financing is impossible then there are other ways to contribute...resources, man power, education etc. Space should be a goal of mankind as a whole.

If we apply 70-80 percent of the resources which are currently used for WAR by members of the U.N. we could rapidly accomplish humanities space ambitions and more then likely virtually wipe out disease, poverty etc. Many new jobs would be created and this could be a singular goal of the planet.

As it stands now all space ambitions are regulated and achieved for one of two reasons. 1) political gain or 2) financial gain. This is a shame. Global Co-operation and the betterment of mankind should be reason enough for such an endeavour.

I firmly believe that Space will be the likely route of global improvement in the distant future. This will more then likely take place long after I am gone...perhaps my grandchildren's, grandchildren will see what i missed out on.

Jobs, education, co-operation, compasion and a willingness to make concessions will surely result by a Global goal of space exploration.
Andrew M
2007-09-10 13:33:08 UTC
Very simple. There is a substance called Helium-3. It's a kind of isotope used in Nuclear Fission. It is EXTREMELY rare on earth, but is quite plentiful on the moon.

The advantage of this substance is that it has absolutely no radioactive byproducts or waste. It is completely safe. It is extremely efficient, and only a single shuttle loaded with it would be enough to power the entire United States for a year!

But, on earth, it is rare and expensive. Current nuclear power plants can process Helium 3 without danger of radioactive waste.

It's really quite the energy source of the future. Imagine if a Canadian agency could get their hands on it! The good it would do for the environment on earth! Electricity would be cheaper and cleaner, and it would perhaps make an excess of energy reservoirs, making fossil fuels a thing of the past.

Also, keep in mind that the biggest and most advanced mining corporations in the world are Canadian.

I don't think Canada should do it alone, but a joint venture with the United States and the EU would be highly profitable.
2007-09-10 19:41:42 UTC
We must open our minds as well as our wallets (the government of course). We humans are explorers by nature and must come together as a planet to explore the unknown. Space truly is the final frontier. Sure, there is much on our planet that should be attended to, but we must not ignore what lies ahead of us. The distant future lies in outer space and it would be very short sighted of us as a people, if we turned our backs on this opportunity. It will always remain the distant future if we do nothing to get there. These are but small steps that the human race should take to bring the distant future closer to the present.

It would be a very costly venture to get to the moon as a country. But the human race has already been there. Several countries should pool their resources and head to Mars. It is the next logical course of action. In doing so, what can we discover in the process? A new propulsion system? A new type of metal? If we can dream it, we can do it.

I put this challenge out to those who can make a difference in such a venture. To quote JBS Haldane, "I suspect that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of, or can be dreamed of." Lets all dream this dream and make it a reality. You know who you are that can make a difference and bring the distant future closer to the present.
Colin Barnard
2007-09-10 13:56:21 UTC
Expanding the human presense in the Solar System is the single most important activity for any government on the planet. It may not seem like that, given that the payoff is very much in the future. For Canada not to be a part of that would be incredibly short-sighted. If Canada can invest in the Constellation Programme and get a few seats on the Orion spacecraft to the Moon, fantastic.
Eugene Zappier
2007-09-10 18:24:55 UTC
No, only limited resources should be spent on the space program as there are many projects such as increased healthcare and education funding, as well as support for first nations communities and combating poverty, both at home and abroad. The NASA program in the US outstrips the CSA in terms of wasted funds. NASA funding could easily aid the sub-standard social situation that exists in the US today, and the world at large. Space programs are important, but they come at the cost of social betterment across the globe which is little but a crime against humanity.
Jason M
2007-09-10 19:04:28 UTC
yes. One person had answered that we do not have the population. good news is that population has absolutley nothing to do with space exploration! For all those who think we dont have the money, think again, Canada is is easily one of the richest countries to have ever existed. we have insane amounts of natural resources, and have a strong dollar. We waste large amounts of our money, and most of our homegrown talent. As many know, we ahve a brain drain problem here in Canada. The majority of our intellectual, and skiled citizens move south because of better wages. Perhaps if Canada gave more incentive for people to stay here then there would more of a reason for young, up and coming people to invest here, and provide reason for those already here to remain. Space exploration is extremely important to the future of humanity, an early start in this field will only proove benificial for Canada, not to mention the rest of the world. I personally would love to see Canada get off its *** and do something worthwhile for once. we have much to offer, and yet we squander it on thing such as protecting the artic from Russians.
Admiral Jimmy Kirk
2007-09-10 19:28:39 UTC
YES. Canada should use its vast natural resource filled budget to properly explore space. I am also a fan of the Avro Arrow, however this plane would now be obsolete and the Afgan Airforce could blow it out of the sky LOL. We need to assist the Soviets..ok Russians or even the USA in exploration in space as a full partner, not just a supplier of robot arms that are over 28 years old! The HMCS Martin, should be the name of our first Moon vessel, with the garbage pods to be named Harper and Manning!

Go Canada in Space !!
2007-09-10 16:45:31 UTC
As with everything else in Canada, it comes down to money. God knows we have the resources and the skilled personal to pull off such a feat. As for actually doing it on our own, no. I think that such a mission, or any other endevour, should be an international venture. With all the money that has been spent on wars and weapons by all countries and militants over the past 40 years, would have put and end to poverty, and we could have been on Mars by now.
Roy L
2007-09-10 12:49:30 UTC
Canada has less to gain from space exploration than most other countries because we already have a huge and largely unexplored space of our own: the North. We also have no military motive to go to the moon. Our tax dollars are better spent developing our own frontier.

Canada should contribute to space exploration, but mainly by developing technologies that will also be useful here on earth, and especially in the North: design of self-sustaining settlements for hostile environments; robotics and artificial intelligence; dealing with the psychological challenges of small groups in long-term isolation; telepresence and remotely controlled equipment; minimal-labor mining and manufacturing systems; etc.
2007-09-10 13:12:25 UTC
Yes we should invest the money. The Moon is the fist logical step and Canada should be a leader in this venture to secure our future a global leaders. The moon can offer many things from scientific advancement to political and financial gains. Resources are up for grabs in this new frontier and we should pave the way. Let the Americans focus on Mars. It is not feasible yet. Let's take one small step at a time and usher in a new era for mankind.
2007-09-10 12:31:57 UTC
I don't think Canada should invest so much as a penny on manned moon missions. It is a complete waste of money... really... what is there to be discovered? These funds would be put to better use in public school systems or health care... ugh, I'm just at a lack of words... it's just such an absurd idea.
2007-09-10 10:39:03 UTC
My personal opinion is that the free nations of the earth should unite in one single space program.

The 'space race' between nations is pointless when they yield the same results.

Money is better spent if combined together for one project.

I also think that we should go farther than the moon. We have been there already. We should try to seek out the knowledge that we can gain from more distant targets. I would love to see more projects like the ISS and even better orbital imaging telescopes than Hubble and Spitzer. We have only begun to learn about our own galaxy and the universe.
2007-09-10 19:20:01 UTC
Until EVERY Canadian has adequate housing, food, water, health care, etc., Space Agency projects are definitely a misuse of public funds. Space exploration is a frill we cannot afford and should not afford. Environmental concerns here on earth should also be a grave consideration in light of current research. I can't imagine that in my lifetime I may see polar bears come close to extinction.
2007-09-10 13:33:09 UTC
We can explore space more cost effectively with robotic missions. Even putting humans in near earth orbit is a huge waste of resources. Humans need way too much protection and support to survive in the vacuum of space.

Canadian companies excel at robotics and satellite technology. For the price of putting one group of people on the moon, we could cover the entire surface with hundreds of probes.

Until we learn to take better care of our own planet, we shouldn't go polluting other planets with the garbage a peopled mission to mars would cause.

Leave the human conquest of other planets to science fiction where it belongs. Just because we can do something, doesn't mean we should.

Spend the money on true space science and not tourist trips.
clint m
2007-09-10 13:01:58 UTC
Using current There is nothing I find more moronic than straping ourselves onto what essentially is a giant bomb and attempting to break earths' atmosphere. I say first we take care of the problems we have down here; such as, developing a power source not based on the polluting expansion technology(ie: rocket fuel), or solving the crystal meth problem that plagues our young and old alike, or looking for a sollution to homelessness. There are alternatives to these things and answers, if we search hard enough. Let's take care of this planet before we contemplate exploring the far reaches of space shall we?
Charles Z
2007-09-10 13:45:58 UTC
Canadarm is not enough. I think Canada should take part in international space program and be an active member. Investing more in Canada Space Agency projects could bring more jobs and innovation to Canada. But launch man to moon alone, I don't think so.
2007-09-10 13:09:11 UTC
Just Canada? What about Whole Rich Countries, they got much money, Canada can be part of this programs, I m fan of Star Trek, I see whole of this show, this show is all people from many countries to work together as Federation Starfleet, this would be nice if many countries form the new agency like Federation, they can work it out and make the biggest and biggest to explorer out there. Gene Roddenberry, his dream make us to see something difference and half of it come true, like the Celluder phone, PDA, Computers and more that Gene never see this before in 1950s so today we got it, so one thing is missing, is Starship! not this Shuttle! only 7 crews, Starship 500 to 1500 crews to work there, I m sure everyones on this planets would like to work for Starfleet, not NASA! :D I hope it come when I m still Alive to see Starship in the future.

in Star Trek has quote all time we know...

"Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations — to boldly go where no man has gone before."

Live long and prosper,

Iron Mack
2007-09-10 13:01:16 UTC
Another trip to the moon would be a waste of time and money, if the firs mon landing was real, wich people still doubt it showed that there is nothing else to explore up there. We have better things to spend money on, like to develope mor efficient and sustaineble energy sources and contain global warming, improve quality of life. Canada's quality of life is going down, we should strive to get it back on track. Why to worry about the moon when we are destroying our home, the earth.
2007-09-10 12:40:08 UTC

Can there be any doubt of it? Canada is a country of explorers and innovators - Always have been. Canada is a world leader in many areas and the United States' closest ally. We have played an integral role in the development of space technology for many years, not the least of which is our contribution of personnel and tech in the development of the International Space Station. Yeah we should go - we NEED to go. It is a part of our destiny as a people.
2007-09-10 12:30:39 UTC
This would be an amazing move for the Canadian space program. Canada needs something to put us at the fore front once again. Canadians need something they can see our contry making moves towards something we can be proud of... the lost 'Aero' program was one of these things that made Canadians proud. This could be one again, it would be nice to see us working on mining in space to see what is on that rock and others rocks in our Solar system. The human move to space is so extreemly nessasary in present day it's unbeleivable how little action this does actually get.

Once last mention, is that I, personally was hoping more for reduction in emmitions in Canada, and that we would make some monumental marks on polution, and this move, seems we will be going the other way, the ammount of fuel needed to move something to space is enourmous, and will be a strong concern towards polition, which doesn't seem to be a world concern anyways.
2007-09-10 12:33:11 UTC
I think Canada should collaborate with the US, European Union, Russia etc and pull its weight proportionately for a country with a relatively small population.

We need to invest in both science/engineering and social programs or risk being left behind in both areas.

Space exploration, incidentally, costs a tiny fraction of the money spent on the military. Project Apollo did not bankrupt the US, as another poster suggested; it cost about 1% of their GNP. Far more money was squandered in Vietnam.
2007-09-10 14:36:12 UTC
Anyone suggesting any nation-state shouldn't invest in space travel is a fool. The only guarntee for survival of any culture/people is to find new space beacuse at some point Sol will die and no one can change that. Waiting is never a good plan act now or face certin doom, don't forget globle warming.
2007-09-10 12:45:47 UTC

In a long term planning scenario, we will eventually have to leave this planet. Over-population, over use of resources and the search for future habitat will dictate that space exploration is not only inevitable but necessary. Any investment now in a space program will only help to enhance our standing in future developments. If we lag now, we may find ourselves left behind in the future.
2007-09-10 12:31:41 UTC

I think Canada should invest in space, because it is the future.I know Canada is not a great country like US or Russia, not enough population but we do have good and advanced technology. If it is possible to work with others countries like we are doing now for I.S.S, it is better.

Canada has to be a great space technology country.

It is so important
2016-05-21 07:08:29 UTC
First: you are wrong, USA had moon missions until 1972, they didn't stop after 1969. Basically, they stopped because of how much it costs to land on the moon. After 6 missions, they weren't coming back with anything new from the moon, so NASA decided no further missions were necessary. Also, the moon landings were more about politics back then anyways, competing with the USSR.
Gary G
2007-09-10 13:25:49 UTC
I think this will be good for Canada. It will create jobs and increase our profile in the aerospace industry. We already play an intricate part in the space shuttle missions, why not the moon as well. Eventually some type of base/mining/launching stations will be built on the moon. We should be part of it.
Rob G
2007-09-10 13:18:46 UTC
I definately don't think that Canada should invest money in manned moon missions. There are a lot of homeless people on the planet not to mention a lot in Canada. It would be a waste of money.
2007-09-10 12:55:04 UTC
Canadians are the kind of people that if we set our minds on doing it, we could and we would do it. Yes it is expensive and difficult to get to moon (and back) but it is possible. Put a group of creative Canadians to the task and they will come up with a unconventional but workable answer.

I think that we Canadians should challenge ourselves to get to the moon. Maybe we need to partner up with someone like Australia (another creative and exceptional group of people) a country with a similar background and culture to get the job done. But I have the utmost confidence that Canadians are up to the task.
2007-09-10 12:41:04 UTC
No. I think we're far better off putting funds for research into the exploration of our oceans and Canada is in a great location for that. I'm sure once we've "mastered" all there is to know about the oceans we can take what we've learned from that exploration and apply it to space exploration.
Antoine D
2007-09-10 13:17:11 UTC

Canada should invest more money in education and public health and public health education.

We have a horrible school system with overworked, underpaid and under-appreciated teachers, overcrowded classrooms and a weak and ineffective curriculum.

Our children are in desperate need of education.

As well we have an unhealthy and obese population that needs more public health education about nutrition.

The population also needs to be educated about their social and environmental responsibilities.

The moon is just a rock and it serves absolutely NO purpose to pollute our planet further to send rockets to the moon. It is human arrogance pure and simple.

It is a sign of the stupidity of our species that we are obsessed with going to Mars and the Moon while we are not even concerned with the survival of our own planet, our own ecosystems and our own people.
L.D. S
2007-09-10 13:30:29 UTC
Why don't we feed and house the poor. Figure out how to save peoples lives possibly invest in a cure for cancer.

I just can't figure out why we don't spend on things that we can fix instead of trying to check out the moon someone has already done that. Space exploration? Why not fix our problems on this planet instead of looking for another planet to wreck???
2007-09-10 12:55:00 UTC
No, I don't think Canada should invest money in space exploration - Try housing and feeding the homeless if you don't know where to put your money, Canada - shame on you - get out of the war too - you have no business being there......
Galen W
2007-09-10 12:33:45 UTC
NO. Space exploration has realized VERY few benefits for society as a whole, is incredibly wasteful of money and resources, and is mostly a propaganda tool of military fetishists. Besides, we, as a species, no longer posess the technological hardware to attempt a moon shot, and the last manned moon program nearly bankrupted the American economy.
2007-09-10 14:33:44 UTC

Canada should invest in lunar missions. The moon is the stepping stone to the rest of the solar system. If we want to explore other areas of the solar system, we must get to know what we have in our own back yard first.
Alan Z
2007-09-10 16:58:27 UTC
Now, no. Later, possibly. We should pay off our debts first, and put money into education, health, environment, research - in otherwords, our future. It is better to partner with others for the moon. This would make Canada a respected leader.
Steve M
2007-09-10 13:06:23 UTC
This is the first time I've felt compelled to post... but, I think our money should be spent on Earth. Specifically deep sea research. I'm way more interested in the unknown depths of the ocean, and we know less about it than the moon.
2007-09-10 12:54:19 UTC
Yes, definitely. Canada should hotly invest money in sending all canucks to the moon. That would create positive environment: better life on earth, more freedom, and of course much more employment opportunities eventually ....I hope
2007-09-10 14:35:49 UTC
We do not benefit from manned moon or space missions.

Robots can perform all the tasks of gathering data and acquiring samples. They don't need to rest, they don't need to eat, they don't need to breath and are unaffected by cosmic radiation. They can outperform humans at 1/10th the cost of manned missions so where's the benefit of using humans other than out of sheer ego?
2007-09-10 10:23:13 UTC
Yes, I think we should invest in space exploration. I also think that we should bring back the Arrow and, no matter what, do not let any government, especially our own, scrap it again. I know in my gut that the U.S.A. had something to do with it and, I for one, would rather pull our leader out than to let anyone get their pockets lined from a president so the U.S.A. can stick to their ole addage of 'we've got to be the best' and, the one I loathe the most, 'we're gonna win'.
Luke T
2007-09-10 14:43:40 UTC
I think that investing money within the universe other than our own globe is pointless. Sure within years we can be living there and countries can be making money, but how long will it take to make a profit off of this? Space is pointless and not worth putting money into.
ghyslain s
2007-09-10 14:09:39 UTC
Unfortunately it is a national vanity project, much like my hometown of Orangeville Ontario and it's vanity median on its main street.

I know Japan and China are into a space race of their own. We need not partake in that kind of tomfoolery.

Our resources are limited. This project will require long term commitment over many majority and minority governments. It will make Afghanistan look like a one night stand.
2007-09-10 13:24:03 UTC
Yes, I think it should. Canada is getting so much tax from it's citizens and most of it's money is going to waste. There are a lot of bright and intellegent minds throughout Canada who would be suitable for this program. Besides maybe more people would go here instead of NASA (braindrain)!
Talib R
2007-09-10 13:19:56 UTC

By all means...

As soon as there is no more self desired homelessness

and no more waits for medical attention.....without private medical attention being an option.

What is the use or sense of it for that matter, in having a man on the moon when we can't be real men here on earth.

Thank you,

Talib Ray
2007-09-10 13:10:07 UTC
NO! I have always thought that we spend far too much money in outer space. The money should be spent here on Earth. To protect our planet, to develope our lands , and to help people on this earth. We also need to do more research about what is deep in our planet, and water.
2007-09-10 13:05:31 UTC
What a waste-- let's try to solve our problems here on earth first (like global warming), through social and political change rather than techno space fantasies. Listen to Gil Scott-Heron's "Whitey's On The Moon" if you don't get what I mean.
2007-09-10 13:02:42 UTC
No. Let's deal with and invest in cleaning up the environment and eliminating poverty and homelessness in our own country before we start to put our money in space exploration!
kevin r
2007-09-10 19:09:09 UTC
We need to help the poor and the underprivileged instead of going to the moon. If we can't take care of the earth and have respect for humanity as our major priority we will crash and burn in a dystopia.
2007-09-10 12:45:30 UTC
I think it is very important that Canadians be at the for front of Space explorations!!! We need to star exploring our solar system and behond
2007-09-10 12:33:25 UTC
Let's throw good money away on a trip to the moon? Come on ! If we have that much extra money to toss around ...use it on things that need to be fixed on earth , like education, poverty, social issues that are being faced, medical research..etc. Don 't need to send someone to the moon to prove that the man on the moon doesn't exist!
2007-09-10 13:10:18 UTC
Our public funds could be better spent down here on the earth.
2007-09-10 13:20:48 UTC
To be part of a consortium to land on the moon would be exciting for sure and it is my belief this proposed manned moon landing will be the first by whatever nationality that pursues it.(This should solicit response :-) )
2007-09-10 13:02:11 UTC
2007-09-10 14:56:34 UTC
No, Canada shouldn't think about going to the moon. We don't have the resources to go there, this country isn't suitable for it like the U.S.
2007-09-12 10:54:10 UTC
We are doing the right thing now, spending on trying to make the world a better place.
omg what next on nov 1 well see
2007-09-10 12:52:57 UTC
yes: we need to think of the future invest now collect later in hi tc , also kids today will see the investment pay off for them .
khalil k
2007-09-10 12:46:31 UTC
Well , I would say we must be of part it.. like we are in other international peace and security mission around the world specially like in Afghanistan.
rob ruttan
2007-09-10 16:59:30 UTC
No. Health care is underfunded and half the bloody world goes to bed hungry.
2007-09-10 14:50:11 UTC


The Canadian government takes enough of our money and wastes it not taking care of Canadians.

Then again, I would be in favour if they promised to send Brian Mulroney and not bring him back!!!!

Scum of the earth!!!!
2007-09-10 13:04:47 UTC
No. Waste of money and time. Better spend it on research for alternative fuel.
2007-09-10 12:53:15 UTC
Yes, jointly with the U.S.A. Another step into the future that is inevitable.
2007-09-10 13:23:04 UTC
Absolutely not - let's solve the homeless situation and poverty first - let's get our priorities right for a change.

Ralph Nutter
Troy B
2007-09-13 11:53:48 UTC
Do Canadians have a problem with NASA?
2007-09-10 13:23:03 UTC
I think yes. Canada should get some honour in spaceflight.
2007-09-10 13:20:13 UTC
Absolutely, I mean since nobody's been there least not for real.
2007-09-10 13:31:01 UTC
why not? as long as they bring me back a t-shirt
2007-09-10 13:09:03 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.