To answer your question about the black holes, let's change the point of view.
As mass increases, so does wave density. I am referring to the total electromagnetic field density of any particular location. Gravity is the result of the square of the Wave-Amplitude. Squares are always positive. That is why gravity always attracts. It is a distortion of the EM field toward the area of higher wave density. It is often described in a 2D space as a 'downward dip' in the 'fabric of space-time.' But in reality, the field is 3D and the EM field is all in 3D.
Light is a member of the identified aspects of the electromagnetic field. Mathematically, the speed of light is affected by the wave density of high mass stars to the point where at a certain high mass, the speed relative to the center of wave density is zero, or negative. At that point the part of the electromagnetic spectrum we identify as a photon can not move fast enough away from the center of field density to escape. This point is called the event horizon.
The electromagnetic field through which photon wave centers travel is moving toward the center of wave density faster than the photon is traveling away from the center of wave density along the lines of force in the EM field. Therefore we can never see it.
Usually a black hole is described as a point of infinite mass. This description could easily be wrong. The laws of the conservation of motion and energy still apply.
The weak nuclear forces depend on Space and Motion which are more fundamental forces. At high densities such as are found in collapsed stars, new forms of matter may exist, which means that the center of a black hole could be inhabited by an object, and that all matter was not annihilated when a black hole - an event horizon - is formed.
The black hole is rotating at fantastic speeds as it accumulates the angular momentum of the objects it absorbs. This rotation may produce disk or doughnut shaped objects at the center of the black hole. These are probably the lenses that are the cause of galactic jets.
Remember, the black hole itself extends from the center of wave density to the event horizon. Visualize Saturn becoming a black hole at its surface. The planet would disappear. The rings would still be in orbit around the center of mass - which could no longer be seen.
:-D Thanks for the interesting questions. Sorry I don't have time to discuss the infinite universe.