Is the world goin to end at 2012?
2010-04-18 15:00:52 UTC
I firkin up if the world is going to end
Twenty answers:
2010-04-21 21:54:16 UTC
No, it isn't. By the way, what the heck is "firkin up?" Only crackpots and charlatans who didn’t take enough science in school, are predicting disaster in 2012. The 2012 doomsday scenarios are nothing but wild speculation by the scientifically challenged. The world isn’t going to end in 2012. The claims that scientists are predicting doomsday in 2012 are lies. Don't worry about it. It is just people making money off books, advertising, "survival kits", and whatever else they can dream up to sell.

There were no ancient prophecies concerning 2012 until 2003.

The whole thing started out with unqualified people (Jose Arguelles and Zecharia Sitchen) misinterpreting the Mayan calendar (it doesn’t end, it merely recycles) and ancient Sumerian writings about the planet Jupiter. Then a woman named Nancy Lieder, who thinks she hears messages from aliens in her head claimed that “Planet X” would return in 2003. When that imaginary planet (unsurprisingly) failed to appear on schedule, she decided to hijack Sitchen's imaginary planet for her alien fantasies. She changed her doomsday to 2012 to agree with Arguelles unique interpretation (unique in this case meaning that no actual Mayanist scholar agrees with it) of the Mayan calendar. It has been all downhill from there. People keep tacking on new fantasies, none of which have a shred of scientific validity.

They make up new scenarios of doom faster than scientists can debunk them, and they actually claim that scientists are saying these things. No scientist is claiming any doomsday scenario for 2012. Also, all the claims of prophecies for 2012 are false. No one predicted it before this bunch of scam artists started it to make money. They just throw in some scientific sounding terms, slam them together into a mishmash of meaningless prattle and figure if they can't dazzle you with brilliance, they will baffle you with bullsh!t. Don't be fooled by that.

Unfortunately, the History Channel, which used to be a reputable information source, gave up their credibility for better ratings and jumped on the 2012 bandwagon. Too many kids believe everything they see on the internet and are unable to discern a reputable scientific website from a crackpot one.

This whole pile of garbage just keeps growing. Don't worry about it. It is just people making money off books, advertising, "survival kits", and whatever else they can dream up to sell.

Here is a really good website that covers all the various claims about 2012 and about the charlatans who are promoting it. Go to it and read about the things that have you concerned. They give sources for their information and they aren't selling anything. The others are NASA Senior Scientist Dr. David Morrison, Dr. Donald Yeomans of JPL Near Earth Object Program, and Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Director of the Hayden Planetarium, all saying that the 2012 tripe is false.
2010-04-18 15:39:47 UTC
No. Why would it? What would cause it? How would it happen? The whole idea is pretty silly when you stop and think about it.

"2012" is a hoax designed to scare children and adults who know nothing about science. There is no science behind it, and no scientists believe in it.

The world has existed for over four billion years. Is it reasonable to expect that it will come to an end in less than three years? And all because of a Mayan calendar? Use some common sense.

The most interesting astronomical events in 2012 will be an annular eclipse of the Sun on 2012 May 20, a total eclipse of the Sun on 2012 Nov 13, and a transit of the planet Venus across the face of the Sun on 2012 Jun 06.

Scientists don't expect anything out of the ordinary to happen in the year 2012, or specifically on the date December 21, except for the solstice, which happens every year.

None of the "predicted" happenings for 2012 hold up under close scrutiny. "Planet X" and "Nibiru" simply don't exist. The Mayan calendar ends a cycle, but there were no predictions of the end of the world. The Sun doesn't line up with the galactic centre; it's 6 degrees off. No asteroids or comets are actually predicted to hit Earth.

All of this stuff was put together by crackpots in order to promote their books and TV shows, and shamelessly promoted by the History Channel. Don't take any of it seriously!

The best way is to _inform yourself_ about 2012 by reading factual sites about it, rather than sites that are trying to sell you something. Here are a few:

Or, if you want a video, here's David Morrison of NASA:
Criminal Minds is the best!
2010-04-18 17:02:26 UTC
I have seen this question so many times before. It will NOT end. That's what I think. There is no evidence that it will end. The Mayan long count calendar ends on that date, so people think that that means the end of the world. That might mean that the calendar cycle stops and it will start a new cycle. Sound familiar?(AKA our 365 year calendar cycle). That doesn't mean that the world will end 12/31, it means it's the end of a cycle or the beginning of a new one. That's what the Mayans probably did. I think 2012 is a giant hoax all hyped up by the media and scientists. I wonder what people will think when 12/22/12 comes. Probably they will then say they have new 'evidence' that the world will end AGAIN in like April 26 2034 or something like that.

*i don't know if all my information and facts about the Mayan is all politically correct or not, but that's what I've heard, and I think it makes sense.
2010-04-18 15:05:56 UTC
No idea what "firkin up" means - a firkin is an old English unit of volume (equal to about 40 liters).

And no, the world is not going to end in (or at) 2012. Why would any rational person think that:

- because of a fictitious planet that can't hit us?

- because of a comet that isn't there?

- because of pole shifts that take thousands of years to happen?

- because of alignments of the sun and the galactic plane that happens every December?

- because of planetary alignments that can’t ever happen?

- because of an ancient calendar moving from the current cycle to a new one?

- because a bunch of nutjobs that were wrong about the world ending in 2003, but still have survival kits and books and tinfoil hats to sell to the gullible?

It’s a hoax that started in 2003 – I am surprised that some people still don’t get that.
2016-10-31 10:39:43 UTC
ok, I could say something. a million) The Mayan's calendar does not end in 2012 by way of fact they discovered the top of the worldwide. it quite is using the fact Mayans have been calculating the calendar in therms of an AGE. The Mayan's age final 2300 years, and in accordance to them it leads to 2012 because it quite is the date the place Earth and the sunlight would be in a at once line with the middle of our galaxy - the Milky way. regrettably the have improper that date, because it occurred on the top of 1999 as some astronomers declare. 2) The Aquarius is merely yet another sign we are able to enter into, like we do in each and every 2150 years. according to threat by way of fact whilst the sunlight began to upward push being the Pisces sign (fairly much 2150 years in the past) the full Christian adventure stared, now some people back tend to have faith that once sunlight enters Aquarius something important will take place this time? yet certainly the Aquarius image skill peace, so i does not be demanding approximately that ;) there is not any could google any stupid web pages, so please supply up.
2010-04-19 20:45:53 UTC
The world will not end in 2012 because, according to The Bible, It will end in 2011.

Yes "We Can Know" if you read 1Cor2:9-16 where "things" is the true Gospel.

The references provided prove from The Bible how and when the end will come. Don't be nervous. God's children who are reading his word properly will not fear the end. The world will end exactly how God declares in His Word The Holy Bible.

That isn't something most people do not want to hear but it is absolutely true and you can learn how it will all happen for yourself.

Beginning on 5/21/2011 a world wide earthquake will shake the very graves open. That begins a 5 month period of torment where God's power and authority will be undeniably on display. At the end of that time the entire universe will burn up and a new universe will be created.

The beginning of the end of time starts on 5/21/2011. Read it for yourself

P.S. There is nothing to fear for those who Truly love God.

May God bless you
2010-04-18 17:00:57 UTC
The 2012 hoax is FANTASY, and SUPERSTITION not SCIENCE!

Do you really believe that the 30,000+ amateur astronomers just in the USA!!, and the hundreds of professional astronomers, would have just MISSED seeing Planet X! No where on the internet can you find the sky coordinates for this fake planet..

No Near Earth Objects are on a collision course with Earth right now for 2012, and a magnetic pole shift takes thousands of years to occur. The rotational AXIS of the Earth has NEVER shifted 90 degrees!

Also, the Earth and the sun line-up on the center of the Milky Way Galaxy EVERY YEAR on December 21st! We are actually about 6 degrees away from the center and moving further AWAY! Further, the planets NEVER actually align in a straight line; their tilted orbits prevent this.

So please forget about this 2012 nonsense. It's just junk science gone wild on the internet!

Watch this famous astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson as he makes fun of the 2012 hoax.

Read NASA's 2012 debunking web site and see what REAL scientists say about 2012.

As for the Mayans, they believed that the Earth was flat and had 4 corners. They also believed the sky was held up by 5 trees each a different color, and the Earth was resting on the back of a gigantic crocodile floating on a huge pond of water lilies! and of course, they worshiped the SUN god! Their calendar was about as accurate as the ancient Chinese, Romans, Greeks, and Arabs. All of them used for farming and religious ceremony.

Good grief! Just "new age" hocus pocus! and junk science gone wild on the internet.
2010-04-18 15:55:17 UTC
No. People are only saying that only because it is the end of the Mayan calendar. But if the world ended every time a calender ended and restarted, we would have apocalypses every year.
2010-04-18 15:03:17 UTC
If one more person asks if the world is going to end in 2012 I am personally going to ensure that their world ends in 2010.
2010-04-18 15:21:26 UTC
What you need is our handy 15-part translation guide for interpreting what the crackpots say about 2012. Print it out and keep it handy when visiting woo-woo websites or watching the History Channel.

1) Statement: "Scientists say..."

Translation: "No scientists say. We've made it up, which is why we don't specify which scientists."

2) St: "NASA has confirmed..."

Tr: "NASA has not confirmed..." See 1) above.

3) St: "Planet X/Nibiru is only visible from the South Pole."

Tr: "We assume you're too stupid to realise that anything visible from the South Pole is also visible from Australia, South America, Southern Africa..."

4) St: "Planet X/Nibiru was discovered by the IRAS satellite in 1983."

Tr: "The object seen by IRAS was eventually confirmed to be a distant galaxy, but we've ignored all later reports because they disprove our claim."

5) St: "There will be a rare alignment between the Sun and the galaxy."

Tr: "There will be no alignment between the Sun and the galaxy which doesn't take place every single year."

6) St: "There is a blank area on Google Sky which hides Planet X/Nibiru."

Tr: "If you look at this area of the sky with your own eyes, you will see no sign of this object, but we don't like to mention that."

7) St: "Many ancient predictions point to this date."

Tr: " No ancient predictions point to this date. They've all been made up in the last few years."

8) St: "The Earth's poles will reverse in 2012."

Tr: "We don't really understand the difference between rotational poles and magnetic poles. If we'd studied geophysics we'd realise that a magnetic pole shift takes thousands of years and a rotational pole shift is a physical impossibility."

9) St: "The Earth will be destroyed by a solar flare."

Tr: "We haven't studied solar physics either. If we had, we'd understand that solar flares are no threat to life on Earth."

10) St: "The planets will align."

Tr: "We hope no-one will try running some software which simulates the positions of the planets because they'll find out we're lying again."

11) St: "Join our forum and share information about 2012. Anyone posting debunking messages will be banned."

Tr: "We don't want anyone spoiling our world of delusion and fantasy with real scientific facts."

12) St: "The surface of the Sun will be disrupted by a 'barycentric sleeve'."

Tr: "We'd like to blind you with science, but we don't know anything about it so we'll just invent some meaningless claptrap in the hope you'll fall for it."

13) St: "No-one knows what will happen in 2012."

Tr: "We do know what will happen in 2012 - absolutely nothing."

14) St: "Earthquakes, tsunamis, fire, flood, millions will die...."

Tr: "We like to appear knowledgeable and important and we don't particularly care if we terrify kids and cause people to commit suicide."

15) St: Support our advertisers and buy our books/videos/survival kits.."

Tr: "We know our predictions are garbage, but we'd like to rake in as much of your cash as we can in order to fund our comfortable retirement in 2013."

All the above statements have been lifted from genuine crackpot websites.
2010-04-18 15:03:12 UTC
It is believed so by the Mayan calendar. Well it's not very true, just because it's the end of the Mayan calendar doesn't mean the world will end, well we'll see when the time come ....
2010-04-18 15:08:50 UTC
certainly not, some old, smelly, lonely guy living in his mothers basement decided he was going to make everyone freak out, so he made that up, and anyway when the people who made the first calender, they messed it up by 4 years so, "2012" was supposed to already happen
2010-04-18 15:06:18 UTC

Only in Mayan Calenders
2010-04-18 15:15:23 UTC
I guess you won't be firkin up then.

Just as well, it ruins your eyesight.
2010-04-18 20:47:41 UTC
the 2012 date is based on prophacies and pseudo-science
2010-04-18 15:09:15 UTC
It is very possible.Look at these videos some might find them disturbing and by the looks of it it looks really possible the the government has to do alot with it.Also please don't say its NOT if you didn't see them.
2010-04-18 15:02:36 UTC
no thats just the end of the miyans calendar ( srry cant spell)
2010-04-18 15:02:41 UTC

but i hope so cuz i wanna slack off school. and if we die together then that's not so bad.
2010-04-18 15:25:08 UTC
no, it will not end
2010-04-18 15:02:34 UTC
no stop watching crappy dooms day movies

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.