What do you know about aliens?
2009-02-21 08:33:59 UTC
First of all, I don't care if you believe in them or not.

Secondly, I don't want you writing about experiences you might have had with them.

Thirdly, I don't want anything about you or anybody else in your answer. e.g. I/my friend was adopted....)

Because this is not the answer I'm looking for.

But you can write is something an average person knows.

An average person knows that they are green, from Mars, they fly UFO/flying saucers and they abduct people.

What else do average people know that I've NOT listed?
25 answers:
2009-02-21 09:23:08 UTC
In popular culture, they are small gray humanoids (about 4 ft tall) with a slit for a mouth, a very large head, and large black eyes. They are not from Mars or anywhere within the Solar System. The little green men from Mars stereotype has long ago been discarded. They come in craft that vary in their form, most popularly a disc shape. Other common shapes reported are boomerang and triangle shapes. They can communicate telepathically. They abduct people, take samples, and give them implants. There is much speculation on a breeding program, supposedly implanting women, then abducting them again and removing the fetuses to be raised by them. Their craft are said to travel at impossible speeds (at least to humans), hover, shoot straight up, to make abrupt reverses, zigzags, and change direction without turning.
2009-02-23 08:11:10 UTC
As for what they have conditioned us to call "aliens", they are actually called "watchers" or "sons of God".

Ancient antediluvian depictions before their imprisonment [2 Peter 2:4 / Jude 6]:

After Phil Schnieder and the boys dug them up [Amos 9:2]:

You can read more about them in Genesis 6 and the books of Enoch, Jasher, and Jubilees. They do plan on pretending to be "aliens" soon as told of in

2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

All this just in time for 2012. Billions will buy it. Will you?

2016-12-24 22:36:24 UTC
Nonsense. in case you think of that existence became presented to Earth from another region, or seeded with the help of "aliens," then all you have finished is to go the factor of commencing place of existence to a pair different region. you nonetheless ought to describe the of a obtainable existence sort. If we are saying "It ought to have exceeded off someplace else", then we get rid of incentive to inspect, hit upon and test to discover a mechanism for commencing place right here, on our very own planet. that's ineffective. technology seeks information, solutions, information in accordance with data and data supported theories. to assert that aliens did it, or that a "god" did it, is an answer the promotes and prolongs lack of information.
2009-02-21 10:40:13 UTC
Meh, I'm not an average person, so I think that the aliens are more likely to be bacteria or other primitive life forms that feed on methane, nitrogen, sulfur and many other chemicals present on other planets and moons.
2009-02-21 14:29:05 UTC
First on the subject of UFO's you have to understand the the mainstream media is controlled by the government therefore you will not see any significant proof by the mainstream media that aliens exist.

The mainstream media made sure this would not get out

(Disclosure project)
2009-02-21 13:46:23 UTC
I am one.

I cannot stand anal probing, although I did fall in love with a petrol pump when I first came to Earth, introducing a member in ones ear is considered very naughty on my planet.

I know plenty about aliens, and am looking on YA to learn more of Earthlings.
2009-02-21 08:39:19 UTC
Anal Probing is big on their list - apparently, they love it.

Some are NOT green, some are grey, they all have big eyes and travel in space ships the shape of smokeless ashtrays.

They like to mutilate cattle.

They also like to tag people so they can find them again, rather like we do with sheep and stuff.

They are always associated with "lights in the sky".

They use the suspected user of all the toilet rolls on the red dwarf ship.
Jack It Up Fat Chicks Cant Jump
2009-02-21 09:41:50 UTC
if they speak broken language, and eat dog, and take over our stores in america, then there you go. there are too many here, be worried. they are all around you. they dont come on flying saucers, they swim across the gulf of mexico, and come by boat, and blow our planes up. and then they take over our country, and take the white mans dollar. is that enough information?
2009-02-21 09:14:08 UTC
they come from a place in the universe we don't know where

you have power outages when they're near your home

they leave huge circles in corn fields

they write and speak a different language (no language in the world)
2009-02-23 08:52:38 UTC
Oh yes those aliens from mexico they are the ones you must worry about. You eat one of their bad tacos and you will be up all night and not because your too scared to sleep. ;)
2009-02-21 08:40:23 UTC
no one knows... alien life probably does exist somewhere in the universe... too much space for just our one little planet to be the only one with life. may not be walking talking little green men out there, but surely there is a world somewhere with ocean life, plant, or some kind of animals walking around...
2009-02-21 10:30:52 UTC
I think at one time there was because, God created the world so he probably created one a long time ago and it was destroyed. SO then he made Earth!
2009-02-21 13:48:50 UTC
There is a family of them over the way from me.
The Rahz
2009-02-21 08:51:03 UTC
we do not look like aliens all we know is that they could be as little as bacteria or as big as a planet
Kyle M
2009-02-21 08:50:22 UTC
They are not green, or from mars. They are dark skinned and from Mexico!
David D
2009-02-21 08:51:07 UTC
The whole question of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe comes down to two questions:

1. How difficult is it for life to come into existence out of non-life.

2. How unique is the Earth's environment and its environmental history in the universe and how necessary was that environmental history to the development of intelligent life (man).

The first question addresses whether, given the right environment, would it be likely that life would start up anywhere? We suspect that the answer to that question is: Very Likely. The reason is that the more we look around the universe the more precursors to life we find. The more we look around the Earth the more we find evidence that life on the Earth happened very soon after the Earth was created (geologically speaking). The question of life elsewhere in our solar system is probably the most important question that all of our space exploration is aimed at answering. We have not found any slam-dunk evidence for life elsewhere but we continue to find places where it could have developed and we continue to look.

The second question addresses the nurturing of primitive life into complex organisms. On Earth (our only example of life we currently have) it took over 3.5 billion years to come up with man; three and a half billion years where the environment on the Earth was relatively stable. For about 3 billion of those years life was mostly single celled. During this immense time period the environment on Earth was favorable to the continued development of life even in the face of a drastically changing solar environment. Is it likely that such a planet would exist elsewhere in the universe? The numbers of stars are staggering so it might seem a virtual certainty that there are “Earth-like Planets” elsewhere in the universe. Consider this: the Earth has developed life and as far as we currently know Mars and Venus have not. They are Earth-like planets - very similar planets to the Earth. The answer must be more complicated than just “Earth-like planets.”

Another thing to consider: our sun, Sol, has over the last 4 billion years increased its output by about 25% due to normal stellar evolution. That is an enormous change in output and without some compensating factor the Earth, over that time period, would have gone from an ice ball to a barren Venus like planet. It didn't- but we don't know what the factor or factors were that maintained such a constant environment. It is highly unlikely that another “Earth-Like Planet” would have a continuously nurturing environment over a multi-billion year span.

Now consider the likelihood of the Earth receiving visits from aliens. The chances of alien life forms visiting us come down to three additional questions. One addresses the spatial problem and one the temporal problem. The third addresses actual travel possibilities.

1. If a technologically sophisticated life form did develop elsewhere in the universe would it be likely that they would be contemporaneous with man when he is also technologically sophisticated.

2. Is it likely that a technologically sophisticated life form could develop near enough to us so that they could reasonably visit the Earth?

3. Does there really exist a “new physics” that would allow travel over immense distances in reasonable times?

When alien extraterrestrial life is considered what we usually referred to is: technologically sophisticated life. We aren’t usually talking about bacteria or worms or even Homo Erectus visiting the Earth. Humans have been technologically sophisticated for only about 100 years with radio communications and rockets. Our first satellite to orbit another body was only 42 years ago. That is 100 years out of a total history for the Solar System of 4,500,000,000 years and of 13,500,000,000 years for the universe. The chances of a second life form becoming technologically sophisticated and also overlapping in time with man- also being technologically sophisticated seem vanishing small. Alien civilizations may have come into being, developed and become extinct hundreds of millions of years before or after Earth’s man became technologically sophisticated.

The problem of travel is also daunting. With all of our present sophistication we do not have the ability to travel to even the nearest star. The development of super-sophisticated intelligent extraterrestrial life capable of traveling to nearby stars would first require a nurturing environment existing for billions of years and then the development of science and technology far beyond ours. Put all together- that in itself is very, very, very unlikely. For intelligent life to happen a second time NEAR enough to our star, Sol, so travel would be possible is vanishingly unlikely. In talking about alien visitors to Earth there is an implied uncovering of a ‘new physics’ that would allow what our present physics does not allow- travel over large distances in reasonable time frames. It may be that that physics does not exist. If you indulge in new physics then you are opening yourself up to creating a fantasy world that may not exist in reality

Man presently might have the technology and ability to send a man to Neptune. At the speed of 50,000 miles per hour we would need to provide life support to the astronauts for several years. It would take 6.4 years at 50,000 mph to go to Neptune – one way. Now consider the NEAREST star. At a speed of 1,000,000 miles per hour it would take 2,885 years just to get there AND that is only to the nearest star!

Unless there really is a new physics unknown to man there is essentially no way for aliens to visit the Earth. If you accept physics as we know it- then there are too few nearby stars for there to be a high probability for the development of technologically sophisticated life forms.

Consider this: if the sun were about the size of a golf ball, 1 inch in diameter, the closest approach between Earth and Mars would be about four and a half feet and the orbit of Neptune would be 300 feet away. At that scale the NEAREST star would be 461 MILES away.
2009-02-21 08:47:09 UTC
They look down on earth laughing at how we make mash potatoes saying we should use smash....
2009-02-21 08:41:06 UTC
that a freakin ton of them come from mexico and need to stay in their own country!! LOL.....
2009-02-21 08:37:11 UTC
I think theres too many in our country.
Mike N
2009-02-21 14:57:12 UTC
They have pointy ears.
2009-02-21 08:43:18 UTC
They like to 'phone home.
2009-02-21 08:42:38 UTC
I dont know they must be scary
2009-02-21 08:50:32 UTC
2009-02-22 10:37:56 UTC
absolutely nothing.
2009-02-21 08:36:59 UTC
they have ray guns, and want to see our leader

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.