My dad believes the world will end in 2012
How did you dealt with your dad believing the world ended in 2011 -- the four times it did? Just a few reminders:
- March 2011: the world was destroyed by the Supermoon, exactly as predicted.
- May 2011: Harold Camping made calculations, which he base on the Bible, to assure us that the world would end on May 22nd, with the punishment of the wicked and salvation of the believers. Exactly as predicted.
- September 2011: comet Elenin crashed into the Earth and destroyed it, exactly as predicted.
- October 2011: Harold Camping made calculations, which he base on the Bible, to assure us that the world would end on October 22nd, exactly as predicted.
If you were able to deal with your dad believing in those, and all the previous times the world ended, such as:
- May 2003: Planet X collided with the Earth, destroyed it, and the inhabitants of Planet X enslaved the people of Earth to dig gold from the Earth. I'm not sure which one happened first, or if it happened at the same time. Anyway, it was predicted so it's true.
- 2008: the LHC accelerator at CERN was turned on, and immediately created the black hole which destroyed the Earth, exactly as predicted by the people who suspected of the scientists running the accelerator.
my dad did research
I'm sorry to say this about your father, but he should have paid more attention at his science classes when he attended school. Then he wouldn't be a victim of people who prey on his ignorance.
"well im not sure..i dont think anyone will be around"
Exactly as in December 25th, 2011. Remember that the world had been destroyed four times that year. It may have been destroyed more times during 2011, nowadays it's hard to keep up.
if i mention anything thats going to be happening in 2013 like concerts he will say ''i wont be here so i dont care''
I'm sorry to tell you, but in 2013 you're going to have to go through all of what you're going through right now, because your dad has likely already read about "teh solah flaire" which will destroy the Earth in 2013, exactly as predicted.
I don't know what phenomena will destroy the Earth in 2014, 2015 and the following years, but I suspect you'll have to deal with those too. At this point, I'm not sure your father will remember the accuracy of past predictions, which were dead on if you recall.
i have one sister who is 12 and is scared about it
At this point, your father is to blame. He should be a source of information and assurance, not a focus of ignorance and fear. Read this to your sister, and afterwards show it to your father:
sometimes he says ''when the big one hits''
If you pay attention, on average there are one, two, maybe three "big ones" hitting somewhere in the world each year. There was a big earthquake today, in Japan. There are SEVERAL earthquakes happening EVERY DAY, somewhere around the world, and it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH 2012: You never hear about those ones because they don't affect the 2% of the surface of Earth occupied by continental USA.
What should i do?
1) Learn science. Pay attention to your science classes at school. Ask your teachers. Come to this forum and ask specific questions (preferably one per thread, or separate questions by subject, to keep it organized). Strive to understand the subject instead of relying on what others tell you "just because they assured me it's true".
2) If you suspect your father is likely to do some crazy stuff like selling your house and so on, try to keep valuables under your control. You may need to recover some of your finances in 2013 when your father realized his ignorance caught up to him.
3) Going back to item 1, answer the questions of your sister. Don't discard them. Answer one by one instead of letting her pile up all at one, which would be more difficult for you to answer all of them. For each question she has, go to and look at the subjects listed on the left side of the site. Read it with her, let her interrupt to ask questions. If you find things you don't understand there, come to this forum and post a question; remember to include the reference from which you were reading (copy+paste the link so we can read the original material and advise you). We'll give links for additional material as necessary.