My dad believes the world will end in 2012 and its really annoying?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
My dad believes the world will end in 2012 and its really annoying?
Fifteen answers:
2012-08-14 08:50:22 UTC
Unfortunately, there's not much you can do. Since there's no evidence at all to support the end of the world claims, he did not come to his conclusion based on evidence or logic, so no amount of either will convince him he's wrong. Like any other conspiracy theory, the more you tell him he's wrong, the more convinced he will be that he's right. This one, unlike others, will play itself out in a few months, but what they typically do when the world doesn't end is just move the date up a few years and start over.
2012-08-14 10:17:16 UTC
Then, approach him this way... "Dad, since you won't be needing the car after 12/21, can I have it? Sign here..." "Dad, what's your PIN number on your atm card? I know you won't be needing any money for Christmas, so...."
Satan Claws
2012-08-14 09:24:12 UTC
My dad believes the world will end in 2012

How did you dealt with your dad believing the world ended in 2011 -- the four times it did? Just a few reminders:

- March 2011: the world was destroyed by the Supermoon, exactly as predicted.

- May 2011: Harold Camping made calculations, which he base on the Bible, to assure us that the world would end on May 22nd, with the punishment of the wicked and salvation of the believers. Exactly as predicted.

- September 2011: comet Elenin crashed into the Earth and destroyed it, exactly as predicted.

- October 2011: Harold Camping made calculations, which he base on the Bible, to assure us that the world would end on October 22nd, exactly as predicted.

If you were able to deal with your dad believing in those, and all the previous times the world ended, such as:

- May 2003: Planet X collided with the Earth, destroyed it, and the inhabitants of Planet X enslaved the people of Earth to dig gold from the Earth. I'm not sure which one happened first, or if it happened at the same time. Anyway, it was predicted so it's true.

- 2008: the LHC accelerator at CERN was turned on, and immediately created the black hole which destroyed the Earth, exactly as predicted by the people who suspected of the scientists running the accelerator.

my dad did research

I'm sorry to say this about your father, but he should have paid more attention at his science classes when he attended school. Then he wouldn't be a victim of people who prey on his ignorance.

"well im not sure..i dont think anyone will be around"

Exactly as in December 25th, 2011. Remember that the world had been destroyed four times that year. It may have been destroyed more times during 2011, nowadays it's hard to keep up.

if i mention anything thats going to be happening in 2013 like concerts he will say ''i wont be here so i dont care''

I'm sorry to tell you, but in 2013 you're going to have to go through all of what you're going through right now, because your dad has likely already read about "teh solah flaire" which will destroy the Earth in 2013, exactly as predicted.

I don't know what phenomena will destroy the Earth in 2014, 2015 and the following years, but I suspect you'll have to deal with those too. At this point, I'm not sure your father will remember the accuracy of past predictions, which were dead on if you recall.

i have one sister who is 12 and is scared about it

At this point, your father is to blame. He should be a source of information and assurance, not a focus of ignorance and fear. Read this to your sister, and afterwards show it to your father:

sometimes he says ''when the big one hits''

If you pay attention, on average there are one, two, maybe three "big ones" hitting somewhere in the world each year. There was a big earthquake today, in Japan. There are SEVERAL earthquakes happening EVERY DAY, somewhere around the world, and it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH 2012: You never hear about those ones because they don't affect the 2% of the surface of Earth occupied by continental USA.

What should i do?

1) Learn science. Pay attention to your science classes at school. Ask your teachers. Come to this forum and ask specific questions (preferably one per thread, or separate questions by subject, to keep it organized). Strive to understand the subject instead of relying on what others tell you "just because they assured me it's true".

2) If you suspect your father is likely to do some crazy stuff like selling your house and so on, try to keep valuables under your control. You may need to recover some of your finances in 2013 when your father realized his ignorance caught up to him.

3) Going back to item 1, answer the questions of your sister. Don't discard them. Answer one by one instead of letting her pile up all at one, which would be more difficult for you to answer all of them. For each question she has, go to and look at the subjects listed on the left side of the site. Read it with her, let her interrupt to ask questions. If you find things you don't understand there, come to this forum and post a question; remember to include the reference from which you were reading (copy+paste the link so we can read the original material and advise you). We'll give links for additional material as necessary.
Lucas C
2012-08-14 08:57:58 UTC
Believing the 2012 nonsense is not strictly a Christian trait. In fact, a true Bible-believing Christian would recall that nobody knows the exact time of the world's end except for God. Perhaps you can remind him of that? But do so politely, of course. I believe the relevant verse is Mark 13:32.

The Mayan calendar does not predict the end of the world. The Maya used several calendars, one of which was a Long Count calendar divided into cycles called b'ak'tuns. A b'ak'tun is 144,000 days long, or just about 394 years. We are nearing the end of the 13th b'ak'tun since the date the Maya believed the world started.

But that's the thing...the Mayan calendar is measuring from a MYTHOLOGICAL starting point. Furthermore, there's no significant evidence to suggest that the Maya thought anything bad would happen at the end of the 13th b'ak'tun (or at the end of any other b'ak'tun, for that matter). I'm not sure where your Dad is getting his information, but it sounds like he's only visiting websites that confirm what he already believes It's sort of like the calendar rolling over from 1999 to 2000. I'm sure they had a huge party planned, but that's about it.

I don't see how somebody can be Christian AND adhere to Mayan prophecies. I'm not a Christian myself, but I seem to remember from my church-going days that you were supposed to be cautious of prophecies from other religions.

The sad part is that I don't know how to help you help him. It sounds like he's very impressionable. Maybe when December 21 comes and goes without incident, he'll see the error of his ways and wisen up a bit. I'm really sorry that you have to wait 4 more months for that to happen. I hope he comes around before then and gets you something nice for Christmas.

I hope that helps. Good luck!
2012-08-14 08:55:07 UTC
Introduce your father to the concept that NASA is not the only organisation capable of examining the sky and detecting asteroids.
2012-08-14 09:08:01 UTC

God loves the world so much he is going to smite it.

Tell your dad to get a life.

Probably just forget it and say something sarcastic on Jan 1, 2013.
John W
2012-08-14 12:56:44 UTC
Bet him a hundred bucks and get it in writing.

Of course, he could just be kidding and stringing you along.
Search first before you ask it
2012-08-14 09:07:26 UTC
Tell him not to bother buying xmas presents and that you won't bother buying presents either.

Meanwhile in secret buy all the presents for everyone else that you would normally buy.

When Dec 25 comes around and he asks why you didn't give him a present tell him he was so sure the world would end there was no point in doing so.

Maybe he'll get the point then. Sorry I don't have advice for the meantime.
2012-08-14 08:58:07 UTC
if the mayan calendar is strongest proof to support that idea, you could try explaining to him that mayans never said there will be end of the world, their calendar just says that last of their cycles will end, and since its moving in circle 1st cycle will start again.
2012-08-14 08:51:29 UTC
Sounds like he is yanking your chain. If you want to call his bluff, just ask him if he is prepared to sign over all of his assets and property to you effective December 22, 2012 since he believes the world will end and it won't matter. Ask how you can get the house and cars in your name. Tell him to put up or shut up.
2012-08-14 09:04:16 UTC
Sadly, there really are a few people that are this...deluded.

Unfortunately, there isn't a tremendous lot you can do. If you father is acting even a bit irrational, or starts talking about ''leaving the earth'' or any other terminology that might indicate he could cause harm to himself or the rest of your family, you should strongly consider staying with other relatives that are more solidly 'grounded' until this phony crisis passes.

And as a pre-warning - even *after* the so-called end-of-the-world prediction date has passed, this sort of personality tends to come up with bizarre explanations - and immediately searches out (and finds) **another** day of apocalypse.

If you feel it might be worth discussing or trying for a logical debate - ask him a few of these questions:

(1) as a Christian, why are you paying so much attention to a so-called *Mayan* prediction?

(2) Which asteroid? Who is saying that Asteroid (xxxxxx) is hitting the Earth on such-and-such a date? What is the credentials of the person saying this? Allow me to rebutt these by presenting the statements of actual scientists and astronomers (yyyyyy & wwwww & .....) who have already repeatedly stated that no such asteroid is on a collision course with Earth. (If its Apophis - the odds are roughly 4 chances in one million of it hitting - - in 2036. (Not even close to ''certainty'' - and not even close to 2012))

(3) Ask how many movies he has based his life on. Ask him if he is scared to go to New York City now because the Avengers trashed the place so badly in their battle with Loki, et al. Ask him if he has based his life on the assumption that a small robot will save a hyper-polluted Earth and the space-liner passengers that will have waited several generations for this to happen. Or if he has ever tried to float a house with a bunch of helium balloons.

(4) Ask him if he would be willing to *look for himself*. If such an asteroid (or planet or whatever) is going to crash into the Earth this year - it needs to be awful darn close to us already, astronomically speaking. Closer than Mars. Closer than Venus. Tell him that *you* are able to point out some of the ''regular'' planets in the sky (get up in the morning before 5:00am and look East for the two brightest ''stars'' - - Venus and Jupiter have been putting on a very nice display) He should be able to locate such a close planetoid. His *sources* should be able to locate it and describe how *he* could find it. You could request that he purchase a telescope (at least 6 inches - preferably a Dob-mount reflector) for the two of you. If we're all going to die, then spending a few dollars (nearly useless and valueless) on a telescope to see the impending doom coming - would be no great waste. All he has to do is show the 'doom-asteroid' to you.
2016-08-02 17:50:59 UTC
I'm sorry to claim you're a absolutely traditional thirteen year historical child. Take a deep breathe and chill out. GOD is actual and he puts us via trails for a reason. He makes us strong and he wouldn't put something on us that we real could not naked. I wish I could inform you things get less complicated as we grow old however they don't we simply learn learn how to care for it better. Don't be afraid of the sector ending. No physique will ever know when or if it will end. Humans have expected the top of the world on the grounds that time started out and so far as i do know we're all still right here. Put that thought out of your intellect all together. Being petrified of death is understandable as good. I satisfactory advice i can provide you with in that division is to live everyday like it's your last and go away nothing to regret.Say what you imply and do what you dream due to the fact that we by no means know when our time is completed. Cheer up sweetie life is not all unhealthy.
Pocket Protecktor
2012-08-14 09:02:50 UTC
Then explain to him that he should empty out his bank account and give it to you since he's not gonna need it after the end of the world, right?

He won't do it, which proves he really doesn't believe it deep inside. Deep inside he just might be a rational man, but I doubt it, I'm very sorry, we don't pick our parents.
Tom S
2012-08-14 11:48:00 UTC
Want to shut him up? Ask him to write you a check for $10,000. and put the date of Jan 1, 2013 on it. So, if he is wrong you get ten grand next January.
2012-08-14 09:34:40 UTC
Tell ur dad to wake up from dream & start believing in scientifically proven things & not in myths.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.