When I was young, we had many sci-fi television and cartoon shows. I remember believing with all my heart that by the year 2000 we would have Moon bases. I believed that buildings, homes, and vehicles would be ultra high tech and streamlined.
Then year after year went by and the only thing that changed were the technical graphics of movies. Electric vehicles were taken away from anyone who had a lease and they were ordered destroyed by the government.
When the Space Shuttle came along, we were promised three to four launchings PER MONTH. Suddenly, that number dropped to three or four per year.
I am now almost 50 and the world has not changed that much since the 1960's except for the obvious computer age.
My car still gets a guzzling 18 miles to a gallon of gasoline.
I still wear jeans and a shirt. And the only difference is that there is a dying trend to wear your pants down to your penis so girls can see the color of your underwear.
I eat the same foods and they still get cooked on an updated stove. Water comes out of the tap and I drink it out of a glass.
I know what it is like to imagine and dream when you are young. But allow yourself the option that perhaps these things will not come to pass in a decade or even in your lifetime. This way, you will not feel disappointed when the future knocks at your door and it looks much like today.
2010 is at our doorstep. As a child, this year was almost unfathomable when we imagined the world we would be living in. None of these dreams have come to pass. And I truly believe that the years 2020 and 2030 will be no different. In the real world, progress and technology never keep pace with your dreams or wishes. Should I be alive in 2040, I assure you that we will still be cooking on modern stoves, eating from plates, using spoons and forks, eating the same foods, and lving in the same homes. Highways, parks, trees, flowers, grass, insects, animals, and rivers and streams will be the same. You may have a computer to program the heat setting of your home or vacuum dust particles from the air. But you will not have Rosie the robot to answer your doorbell or clean your dirty clothes or sweep the floor for you. You will not be flying around in a Jetson mobile. And it is extremely unlikely that cybernetics will have any other function than for medical purposes.
Sorry to be the one to tell you. I like to dream of the future as much as anyone. But don't have high hopes that your world will look much different than it looks today. It will only lead to disappointment.
The more that things change, the more they stay the same.