1) For all practical means, inter galactic space has no matter. You will find trace amounts of hydrogen, but it is mostly void of any matter
2) The Big Bang is a theory. Its predictions have been thoroughly tested and observed in the cosmos, such as the redshifting of galaxies and the cosmic microwave background radiation. So far nothing that the big bang has predicted has been found to be incorrect. The actual big bang need not be replicated. We use this explanation because it is the one that best fits the observable data.
If what you mean by one of the flaws of the big bang is that something came from nothing, save yourself the trouble of pointing it out, because the big bang does not say that. It never said anything of the sort. All it says is that at one point in the past, EVERYTHING in the universe was compressed into an incredibly small, incredibly dense spot. How creationists take the big bang theory that clearly states EVERYTHING and interpret it to mean NOTHING is completely beyond me.
3) Antimatter is a sort of mirror image of matter. An ordinary matter atom is made of a proton with a positive charge, neutrons with neutral charge, and electrons with a negative charge. Antimatter atoms are made of antiprotons in the nucleus with negative charge, antielectrons around the nucleus with a positive charge (also called positrons), and antineutrons with neutral electric charge.
The difference between a neutron and an anti neutron is that a regular neutron is made of one up quark and 2 down quarks. An anti neutron is made of an up antiquark and 2 down antiquarks.
We make antimatter everyday in atom smashers like the one in CERN or Fermi Lab. Streams of positrons have also been detected emanating from lightning storms. At present, it is very difficult to use antimatter for anything because it is so difficult to store.
4) Are you asking about the source of life, or evolution? These are two separate disciplines in science. The origins of life is called biogenesis. The study of how life-forms diversify AFTER biogenesis is evolution.
Let me start by addressing evolution first:
What's important is that you understand what the theory of evolution actually says, and not what you think it says. This is a similar problem to what I mentioned previously about the big bang saying something came from nothing. It doesn't say that and it never did.
There is an astounding amount of evidence for evolution. Fossil evidence as well as DNA and genetic evidence. We have actually observed it occur in nature and in the lab.
The most famous example of it are ring species. You can do a quick google search for the different ring species that have been observed in nature all over the world. You can also watch this short video that gives a quick explanation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pb6Z6NVmLt8
As far as biogenesis goes, we really don't know. We have some ideas, but nothing has been proven as much and as solidly as evolution has or the big bang.
What you must understand is that biogenesis studies the genesis of life in general, and not just the genesis of life on this planet. What I mean is that if we can find a way to create life, it might not be the same way that it happened here on earth, but its still biogenesis. Of course this hasn't happened to a satisfiable degree yet.
The closest we have come are experiments like the Miller-Urey experiments. These show that organic building blocks of life, known as amino acids, can form naturally. The experiment doesn't show that this is what happened on earth billions of years ago, but it shows that synthesizing inorganic matter into living material is possible. All that is needed is an amino acid that replicates itself (RNA or DNA or even prions)