I know about this and I can tell you for sure who was behind it.
Thanks to revelations made by the researcher John Bentley in his blog, we now know that a secret, highly-trained team has been studying Frondar for some time.
You won't have seen this on TV or in the press. It is currently only available to a small group of individuals with access to Bentley's blog. And he wants to keep this a secret, probably for military reasons. I, however, feel that the human race has a right to know what is going on. This is a revolutionary discovery and will affect us all.
And only a few days ago, the team made contact with the highly intelligent Frondarian race.
Many fascinating discoveries have been made about this race; for instance, they are half plant, half human, and have a remarkable ability to communicate with other species. They have also sent many messages to Earth,including the so-called "wow" signal.
As I said, I want to spread this information throughout the world. And for this reason I am pasting the link to Bentley's blog below. Please take a look, and then tell as many people as possible.
You also have the option of following the blog by e-mail or RSS feed.
We really should make sure the world knows about this.