A personal thanks? Why I am blushing!
Anyway, as for this question, it is kind of hard to answer what would happen if you were sucked into a black hole. The truth is we don't really know. In black holes, everything is completely different to normal space, and we simply cannot figure it out properly.
I have heard 2 theories of what happens. One is that...nothing happens. You go in and stay there forever (or perhaps come out in a different part of the universe, or even more creepy - a different universe altogether!). Another is that you get completely spaghettified as the gravitational difference between your feet and your head gets strong enough to completely rip you apart. Then the shear forces take apart every atom of your body.
The interesting thing is, BOTH of these different out comes are described by the same theory. This means that the universe see's you ripped to shreds, but you feel absolutely nothing! How weird is that? I told you black holes don't make sense.
One more thing I should say is that when you are on the edge of the black hole, time will stop for you. You will not notice a change, but you will suddenly see the universe go by really fast, and anyone looking at you from far away would see you "frozen" in time....
Hope this gave you something to think about - black holes are definately one of the most exotic and fascinating parts of the universe.