Why is it we haven't openly seen aliens yet?
2011-04-17 03:52:25 UTC
Actually this is for the believers of extraterrestrial life.

Some of you believe life exist out there and we have already been visited by aliens from another world.

Yet, all these information is hidden from us by some ultra high level government agency, As such, not many people here know about them or believe in them.

However, if extraterrestrial lives do exist, why is it we haven't seen them yet? Why is it they don't appear openly in the sky or land in a city and make themselves known.

For that matter, why is it these "aliens' have not attacked yet, nor try to colonize this planet yet?

If NASA has the means to easily sent people and ships to other worlds, I'm sure they would try to colonize these places by now.
Ten answers:
2011-04-17 04:08:16 UTC
Because if they do exist they live very very far away from us. Im 99.9% sure there are aliens out there. But mars is the closest planet to earth, and even in terms of our own solar system is very close to us. Yet even getting an unmanned probe to land there was mind bogglingly difficult. NASA does NOT have means to EASILY send men to other worlds! The farthest we've gone is the moon. Even if we were to send a ship to a far planet in our own solar system, again, relatively minuscule cosmological distances, the people on the ship would probably be dead of old age before they even reached the place. The fact is that if life is out there its probably in a distant galaxy. Which would take more years to get to than years have actually existed since the big bang. We have not been visited by aliens, and we probably never will. Sorry.
Hank Scorpio
2011-04-17 11:31:05 UTC
They're hanging out with the easter bunny.

Being serious...(for a moment)...I would assume we haven't "seen" aliens because they are not aliens by true form. They're interdimensional. Meaning: they have the ability to travel between dimensions so they're not always visible.

If you look at all the evidence (especially the craft filmed during the day) there really is no denying the fact that these craft are not military test craft (they don't fly them during the day) and they're not natural phenomenon. know...absence of fixed evidence is not evidence of absence.

If you spend enough time watching the skies you will probably see something you don't understand; not necessarily an "alien" but not necessarily explainable. I think a good bit of the skepticism is from people who live in places with a lot of light pollution; can't see into the sky can't see things above a certain altitude. The closest I've come to a sentient craft is probably 50 feet overhead. I saw a sphere probe at around 25 feet at 8am. Say what you want, I'm no hillbilly, I live on the outskirts of a major city.

Where I live...people sleep with the lights on.

You can either believe the people who say "I've never seen it so it must not exist" or you can listen to the people who have.
Bob B
2011-04-17 11:31:03 UTC
Let's see:

It is quite possible that life of some form exists somewhere else in the universe, probably on several planets. On some of those planets, intelligent life may have arisen (although probably only in a tiny fraction of them- many planets probably never get past the animal stage, and there's nothing that says intelligence has to appear).

That said, chances are extremely high that it's taking place far, far away from Earth. If the lightspeed limit holds, that's going to effectively preclude any sort of contact unless they're very close to Earth. Even if it doesn't, the chances of aliens randomly visiting our solar system amongst the billions of others out there are remote.

As such, even if it's statistically likely that life has evolved elsewhere, that doesn't mean it's going to visit Earth any time soon.

As for attacks by aliens though- why would they? Even for a civilisation far more advanced than ours, invading another planet from several light-years away would be a hugely expensive undertaking. And the Earth doesn't have any resources that they couldn't have got far more easily in plenty of other locations. If you can go into space, why not just mine asteroids, rather than planets whose inhabitants might fire nuclear missiles at you?
2011-04-17 11:51:39 UTC
We have not seen aliens is because none have visited us, not whilst we (the human race) have been looking for them. I believe that there is extraterrestrial life (possibly as close as Mars), but being "abundant" well that is questionable. Whether intelligent life has evolved elsewhere in the universe has not yet been proven, and may never be proven. The distances that other life will have to travel is "mind blowing". It would take us years to get to the nearest star (other than Sol) even travelling at light speed which is 186,000 miles a second. I am not all sure that aliens would want to visit us anyway, with all the problems that we have.
2011-04-17 11:16:00 UTC
Many people such as myself believe in extraterrestrial life. But that doesnt mean they have come to Earth. Perhaps they have no interest in us. Perhaps they know we are war mongers and haters and full of fear and ideologies that their arrival could start wars. Perhaps they are enlightened enough to stay away, as we arent ready as a people. Perhaps they simply dont even know about Earth yet - just because they are aliens doesnt make them omniscient. Perhaps they are stuck on their own little world wondering if any life exists elsewhere, too. Perhaps they arent even sentient yet. Who knows? There are a whole slew of reasons why aliens havent come here.

Alien conspiracy theorists are retarded. What more is there to say? The government couldnt hide aliens from the skys when they cant even balance their own ledger book.

Conspiracy theories enjoy making themselves feel more important. They want to believe there is more to life than their YA and porno sites and video games. They want to believe they are important people, that they matter. Imagine a government conspiracy comprised of hundreds of people and costing billions of dollars... just to fool lil' ol' you. How important you must feel now, if you can convince yourself of that. Every one of those people are waiting for their movie-land adventure, when either a rogue faction or an alien visitor will confirm their beliefs and take them away from their boring, pathetic lives. They think that if they dig deep enough into other conspiracy theories they will "stumble" into the truth and the men in black will come knocking, either to welcome you in or to shut you down. It makes them feel more important than they are, like they are worth all that effort and investment.

Coincidentally, thats why mystics exist too. "Magic" gives someone "power" when they feel weak. It gives them "justice" (even though it doesnt work) for all the injustice they arrogantly think they have endured. Pagans are always people who think they are victims somehow of a shallow, cruel world.

If you want a conspiracy, if any one is valid, then start with something a little more worldly and a lot more verifiable. Life the war for oil, or why innovation that could save the planet gets bought out by big industry with ulterior motives, or look into how politicians become the corporate dog. Or look into whether or not Obama is even an American and how a nobody Muslim from a foreign land is leading us into the greatest depression we have seen since the early 20th century.
2011-04-17 13:39:30 UTC
The universe is like the earth in the 14th century. It was at this time that man embarked on exploring the world. He didn't expect to see fellow members on far-away lands, but that's how it turned out. Its the same thing with the universe. It is so vast and big, that's it difficult for our brains to comprehend it. Certainly, life exists outside earth. But, it might not be in abundance. Life is rare; intelligent life even rarer. If intelligent life does exist, there is a good possibility that they might be so far away that light from the Sun itself takes several million years to reach them.

To be honest with you, I don't really believe in all these UFO sightings. For one, they happen in only one small part of the world. Secondly, in this day and age, I don't think we are under surveillance without even knowing about it.
2011-04-17 13:21:42 UTC
There are a number of reasons. They may be too far away, and, as Einstein proved, nothing can travel faster than the speed of light (186,282 miles per second). They also may be non-sentient, which means that they are like most animals on Earth. And if they are sentient, and even have faster than light spaceships, they may be an extraterrestrial empire, too busy killing races nearer to them. It could only be a matter of time before friendly aliens arrive though.
2011-04-17 12:40:53 UTC
On statistical grounds, I believe in extraterrestrial life. It's extremely unlikely that in our huge universe life only occurs on one tiny planet. Because of that huge universe, the stars are very far apart, so that interstellar travel may be practically impossible. So the chances of extraterrestrials visiting the Earth is virtually zero, as are our chances of visiting other planets. Hell, in 50 years of space travel, we've only made it as far as our Moon! Space travel has proven too expensive and too dangerous for our species to achieve anything beyond baby steps.
Midnite Rambler
2011-04-17 11:30:00 UTC
Accepting the mathematical probability that such life exists doesn't mean that they'll just drop by for coffee. It's a big universe.
a Real Truthseeker
2011-04-17 11:39:14 UTC
They don't exist, that's why.

ETs are the fairies of the 20th and 21st centuries. In the 19th Century, many people seriously beleived that faires, elves, leprachauns etc existed.

Modern belief in alien life is similar. Underlyng it all is a spiritual battle - Satan will use any means to deceive people - including encouraging belief in fairies and aliens.

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