2010-12-05 07:52:22 UTC
Relativistic mass equals initial mass divided by square root of 1 minus squared speed divided by squared speed of light
If speed equals the speed of light, the equation becomes
Relativistic mass equals the initial mass divided by square root of 1 minus the squared speed of light divided by itself.
It equals the initial mass divided by square root of 1 minus 1
square root of 1 minus 1 is zero
relativistic mass of an object travelling at the speed of light becomes its initial mass divided by zero
1 or any other number divided by a number approaching zero 0,0000000000001
equals a number approaching infinity 10000000000000
therefore, theoretically, division by zero equal infinity
Division by zero results logically from the above operation, but is undefined in algebra
However, Einstein's time dilation, mass dilation equations
involve division by zero for objects travelling at the speed of light
1 or any other finite number divided by 0 = infinity
logically results
0 multiplied by infinity equals 1 or any other number you want
0 multiplied by infinity has no definition in mathematics as it can equal anything, but it has in religion
To create one or more apples from nothing, God used infinite power to instantly add an infinite amount of zero apples
0 apples + 0 apples + ... + zero apples = one or more apples
By default, an infinite amount of zero apples equals zero apples. That is why an infinite amount of non-existent apples doesn't just suddenly pop up into existence without an intervention
Under the influence of infinite power, however, the result changes