The only reason that stars look small is that we are very far away from them. The closest star system is a triple star system, Alpha Centauri, and proxima Centauri is 4.23 light years away (not thousands of light years). The brightest star in the sky, Sirius A, is 8.6 light years away.The only reason the sun looks so big and bright to us is because we are close to it, only a little more than 8 light minutes away.
Astronomy is endlessly fascinating. I don't want to overwhelm you right at the beginning, but downloading Stellarium would be a good start, then go outside on a clear night and see if you can see Orion or the Big Dipper, although right now the Big Dipper may be pretty close to the horizon like is for me right now. ( I just checked Stellarium) and using Google or another search engine can open up your mind to a life-time hobby. Making the clock run forward or backward fast can be pretty exhilarating, complete with coordinate systems. You are God of your own local virtual universe on Stellarium, and Celestia lets you go anywhere you want in the universe. Let your natural curiosity take over and take it at your own pace Maybe you can pull a fast one on your boyfriend with something he doesn't know in a couple of weeks, or you can learn together.
I know it can be humiliating to realize that you are dumb, but you really aren't dumb. You are just ignorant, and your boyfriend made you aware of it. Being ignorant is not a sin. What IS a sin, now that you aware of your ignorance, is maintaining that ignorance because of a lack of curiosity. The next time you see or talk to your boy friend, thank him for making you aware of your ignorance, and then suggest that you learn together, then maybe show him Stellarium. Run the cursor over the bottom left corner to bring up the pop-up menus. You can change the default observing location from Paris, France to a location near you with a point and click world map, and make that location the default. I'm going to post the link to one of the Naval Observatory web pages where you can find out what your latitude and longitude is.
Good luck and welcome to a wonderful life time hobby that really can open up your mind, along with science fiction. I used to hate math, and now I find it fascinating, all because of a love of astronomy, science in general, and science fiction. I would be alive today without science, because I've been a type 1 diabetic for more than 54 years. Just don't put me in a timed math test, because my brain will freeze at some point in the test and I'll start to panic. I've had math testing anxiety for not quite a life time as well.
Google is wonderful. It's so much easier to use than it was even five years ago, and I've been using Google since 1004 or 1995. Don't be afraid of using help buttons. The only way to really learn soft-ware is to play with it.