Whole-Earth implications. Smaller, less gravity, no magnetic field.
Geological implications. Rocks would be different, more "felsic" in geological terms. There might be no distinct continental and oceanic crust, and that would mean no deep oceans. Possibly a geology more like Venus, where the entire surface gets replaced every few hundred million years in an episode of massive vulcanism.
Biological implications. Hemoglobin wouldn't work, lots of other biological molecules would have to be changed for alternatives.
Ancient historical implications. No iron weaponry. In Europe bronze became somewhat expensive, and the invention of iron smelting enabled much cheaper weapons and tools. Without that history would have taken a very different path.
Recent historical implications. The Industrial Revolution would be very different. Perhaps it would have happened in Asia or America, where ores of other metals were more available in contrast to Europe where they had been depleted. Perhaps it would have happened later, after developments in chemistry and electricity made the use of metals like aluminium economical.
Really, Earth as we know it could not exist.