As already stated, in imaging it is the mount that becomes the single most important part of your set-up.
"I can get very good images with a mediocre Telescope on a good Mount, but the opposite is definitely not true"
Having said that, I have been using the EQ-5 mount (AKA Orion Sky view Pro, it is sold under many labels) for imaging for years and have no problem getting 10 minute exposures.
The key is a good Polar Drift alignment and a well - calibrated guiding setup. As with any mount, Periodic Error Correction Training (PEC) is very important.Just make sure you save it when you shut down your mount.
The load limits of any mount when used for imaging is always less than the stated load limit which is for visual use.
The SVP mount will handle the Mak-Cass with no problem, but you're stretching it with the 8" Newtonian.
The simple truth is that, when it comes to imaging, there is no such thing as a mount that is too big.
So you get the biggest and best that you can afford.
Since in my 45+ years of Astronomy I have never had any money to speak of, cost was always a prime consideration.
With that in mind, what are your choices??
For Newtonians and Telescopes of comparable weight, The Orion Sirius mount will handle an 8" scope beautifully. The Orion Atlas (AKA Eq-6) will handle a 10" Newtonian or equivalent. ( This is the setup I am using right now.
Anything larger than this and you are getting into very expensive Territory, such as Astrophysics mounts or the Bisque mounts which start in the $10,000.- and up (way up ) region.
The current crop of the EQ mounts sold by Orion, Skywatcher and others are the full equivalent in performance of the Vixen and Losmandy Mounts. very solidly built. but not as pretty as some of the others, they represent by far the biggest bang for the buck.
Don't get me wrong, I go green with envy when I look at my Friend's Astrophysics 900 goto mount, it is a thing of beauty. But since I don't have $20 grand to spare, I'll use my Atlas, even if i may have to work a little harder.
By the way, exposures of 5 to 8 minutes or so is all you can expect from any portable mount. It is a different story with a permanent Installation. Our 12" Meade at the club is so accurately aligned, it will do that UNGUIDED.
I hope this helps a little.