2013-05-03 23:19:37 UTC
Please, since English is my second language I hope you can disregard any spelling errors.
I do not have a mathematical talent, at all. I do have a creative and logical mind though.
I have thought about the "string theory" or "M-theory" a lot and got this thought. Do any of you have any thoughts about this? It is only thoughts and probably a wild guess scientificly but here goes:
Mass creates a gravitational pull, and as the mass becomes greater and/or more dense, the gravitational pull gets stronger. It then pulls smaller portions of mass towards it and/or depending on speed and trajectory of portion pulls it into an orbit.
Now if we start from the atom and scale up we see protons, neutrons and electrons (not having included antimatter or other..) and another step and we see quarks..and so on until we find the strings that are the final step.
Now for my thoughts.
The strings are folds in space-time that vibrate and thus (in a yet unknown way) creates matter... thus we are all vibrations of nothing. The folds might create the gravitational pull with the folding itself... like a piece of cloth that you pinch and make a small fold... anything on it will move towards the fold. And the more mass, the more strings and folds... the more gravitational pull.
Since I have not studied this in any way (meaning: learned mathematical fomulas and rules about the area in astrophysics that it concerns) I hope you read this as written by the layman that I am. And yes I do know there are more advanced ways to describe what I wrote... but i did not want to write for hours :D