2012 Big Bang Question.?
Nick Maka
2010-07-11 05:10:55 UTC
Hey, im just wondering if this 2012 big bang thing is real.. Is the world really going to just blow up? My kids are only young and they are scared.. Im not sure what to do. Please help. What are they actually going to do in 2012, please explain it.
Nineteen answers:
2010-07-11 09:05:22 UTC
The 2012 doomsday prediction is just a complete 100% HOAX! Why?

The 2012 hoax is FANTASY, and SUPERSTITION not SCIENCE!

Do you really believe that the 30,000+ amateur astronomers just in the USA!!, and the hundreds of professional astronomers, would have just MISSED seeing Planet X! No where on the internet can you find the sky coordinates for this fake planet..

No Near Earth Objects are on a collision course with Earth right now for 2012, and a magnetic pole shift takes thousands of years to occur. The rotational AXIS of the Earth has NEVER shifted 90 degrees in the 4.5 billion year history of Earth.

Also, the Earth and the sun line-up on the center of the Milky Way Galaxy EVERY YEAR on December 21st! We are actually about 6 degrees away from the galactic plane, and moving further AWAY! Further, the planets NEVER actually align in a straight line; their tilted orbits prevent this.

So please forget about this 2012 nonsense. It's just junk science gone wild on the internet!

Watch this famous astronomer Neil deGrasse Tyson as he makes fun of the 2012 hoax.

Read NASA's 2012 debunking web site and see what REAL scientists say about 2012.

As for the Mayans, they believed that the Earth was flat and had 4 corners. They also believed the sky was held up by 5 trees each a different color, and the Earth was resting on the back of a gigantic crocodile floating on a huge pond of water lilies! and of course, they worshiped the SUN god! Their calendar was about as accurate as the ancient Chinese, Romans, Greeks, and Arabs. All of them used for farming and religious ceremony.

Good grief! Just "new age" hocus pocus! and junk science gone wild on the internet.
Criminal Minds is the best!
2010-07-11 06:59:13 UTC
There is no evidence that the world will end on the 21st of December in 2012. look at this article from NASA:ā€¦

Here is some info that will set some things straight......

Earthquakes happen all the time, in fact, there are 18 major earthquakes (magnitude 7.0-7.9) and one great earthquake (magnitude 8.0 or greater) per year.(got that from wikipedia) It doesn't mean that the Earth is falling apart.

We are at risk of asteroid impacts on a daily basis, but NASA tracks this stuff, so if one was coming, we would have known about it for a while, and probably have a plan.

There is no polar shift going to happen that day. These types of things take tens of thousands of years to happen, and one isn't happening right now.

Solar flares will peak around May 2013. Even if a large solar flare happened and reached earth, it won't wipe out the entire life on the planet. It will cause technology glitches, though, and make communication tough.

Don't believe about the Planet X collision thing, if a planet were to collide with Earth, NASA would know a lot ahead of time before, and there is no such thing!

It will NOT end. That's what I think. There is no evidence that it will end. The Mayan calendar ends on that date, so people think that that means the end of the world. That might mean that the calendar cycle stops and it will start a new cycle. Sound familiar?(AKA our 365 year calendar cycle). That doesn't mean that the world will end 12/31, it means it's the end of a cycle or the beginning of a new one. That's what the Mayans probably did. I think 2012 is a giant hoax all hyped up by the media and scientists. I wonder what people will think when 12/22/12 comes. Remember what happened in 2000? People got scared that all the electrical appliances and computers would fail and we would be without them and that would be the end of the world. What happened, NOTHING!!! Probably they will then say they have new 'evidence' that the world will end AGAIN in like April 26 2034 or something like that.(hey! i just predicted the NEW end of the world day!!!!)

All in all, DON'T believe in all this 2012 crap. Even if it DID happen, it would not happen in the way Hollywood makes it look like it will. They do that for great visuals and to please the audience. The world WILL end, though, in about 5 billion when our sun goes into the next stage of it's life cycle, and it will become so big, it will take over the space of Mercury, Venus, and Earth. But that's WAY far ahead to worry about. Not unless you live to be 5 billion years old! :-)
Graham P
2010-07-11 10:56:38 UTC
Blow up.

There is an expected increase of solar flares in the next few years and the Yellowstone supervolcano could go at any time in the next millenium, and there is large extinction sized meteor that is on course to hit earth but we have technology to steer it away if needed. The solar flares may cause havoc with technology with silicon chips but like the Y2K scare it could fizzle.

When I was young nuclear war was the big scare. Things can happen any time 2012 is nothing special.
2010-07-11 07:19:35 UTC
You are mixing together two separate hoaxes.

(A hoax is a lie, told by people who know it is a lie, for the purpose of fooling other people).

The Big 2012 Hoax was created during the summer of 2003 by the same charlatans who had made money from their previous hoax: Planet-X (we all died on May 13, 2003).

The "Big Bang" doomsday comes from disgruntled scientists who seek to stop funding of the particle accelerator known as the Large Hadron Collider. In order to do that, they invented a bunch of lies about the dangers of the LHC, including the possibility that we would all die when the device would create a black hole in a re-creation of the Big Bang.

Both stories are fake (they are hoaxes) and were completely separate (the LHC was originally scheduled to begin operation a few years ago).

Of course, with the approach of 2012, some people could not avoid putting the two of them together, in order to have more fun, scaring people.
2010-07-11 05:34:29 UTC
The 2012 end of the world craze is no different from any other (there is usually 1-2 per decade) end of world craze: it is fabricated from inaccurate or incomplete information from people who enjoy stirring up sensations.

If you google or search Yahoo for info on this topic you'll find conflicting reactionary theories including a major shift in the poles, solar flares, a rogue planet, etc.

The only theory with any credibility is the shift in the magnetic poles. This happens periodically, but it does not mean the end of the world or life as we know it.

None of these theories have any validity, but a LOT of people are getting wealthy by their inconsiderate terrorizing of uninformed people.
Urahara Kisuke
2010-07-11 16:18:26 UTC
2012 is as real as the 2000 new world ending thing, which suffice to say it did NOT happen. Don't believe in that mumbo jumbo, not only is there no scientific evidence behind it but it was created by a civilization (Mayans among others) that should've taken their own advice instead of disappearing. Don't worry about it, the universe isn't ending for billions of years to come.
2010-07-11 05:18:05 UTC
The world cannot just "blow up", that is violating the laws of physics. An object does not just "blow up" for no reason.

There are so many theories about the world ending in 2012. The most unbelievable part is people actually fall for them.

More people should take up basic physics and astronomy as a hobby, then they wouldn't be worries about all these 2012 theories.
2010-07-13 04:07:05 UTC
The "Big Bang" is the biggest myth in science, it never happened, 2012 is equally , but not more, stupid.

1000s of scientists, real ones, wrote to the New Scientist recently in an attempt to dispel the ridiculous "Big Bang "myth, see below.
Katherine W
2010-07-11 05:29:55 UTC
No need to worry just about now. It`s only 2010 so if anything happens in 2012 at least we have 2 strong years of combating it. My question to you is, do you believe in a big bang theory? and if so, what are your thoughts? All we can do is have theory`s, the only points we can prove is through experience. So why worry about what the galaxy has in store for us in the future. Live every day to your best and be proud to be here in the now, because it may never exist again.
2010-07-11 05:16:15 UTC
"2012" is a hoax designed to scare children and adults who know nothing about science. There is no science behind it, and no scientists believe in it.

The world has existed for over four billion years. Is it reasonable to expect that it will come to an end in less than three years? And all because of a Mayan calendar? Use some common sense.

The most interesting astronomical events in 2012 will be an annular eclipse of the Sun on 2012 May 20, a total eclipse of the Sun on 2012 Nov 13, and a transit of the planet Venus across the face of the Sun on 2012 Jun 06.

Scientists don't expect anything out of the ordinary to happen in the year 2012, or specifically on the date December 21, except for the solstice, which happens every year.

None of the "predicted" happenings for 2012 hold up under close scrutiny. "Planet X" and "Nibiru" simply don't exist. The Mayan calendar ends a cycle, but there were no predictions of the end of the world. The Sun doesn't line up with the galactic centre; it's 6 degrees off. No asteroids or comets are actually predicted to hit Earth.

All of this stuff was put together by crackpots in order to promote their books and TV shows, and shamelessly promoted by the History Channel. Don't take any of it seriously!

The best way is to _inform yourself_ about 2012 by reading factual sites about it, rather than sites that are trying to sell you something. Here are a few:

Or, if you want a video, here's David Morrison of NASA:
2010-07-11 06:43:44 UTC
ok to begin with.



..the articles about 2012 started out not recently as people may have realized ..but as early as 1998....i only

stumbled across it while researching alien and ufo stuff while llooking up to spend kill some time u know..and that was

when i came across this date 21 december 2012...12.21.2012 0r 21.12.2012...interesting to look at ain't it?.. it took my fancy and i may have spent say nearly 100 + man hours researching this subject videos articles

books..but nowhere i have found a mention of the fact that the earth will blow up..that would be fanciful. But will

something happen in 2012?..that's an entirely different question and a debatable one..

now to people who say nothing is gonna happen i wud ask the same question i wud the peopl who say something wud

happen how do they know?...

i will tell u what u can search for where u can serach for..what u find and what you choose to believe is your


0) google "ufo activity, tarai, nepal, 2012"

!)the earth has been around for millions probably bilions of years but why then have we a history only of 5000 years?..

2) whats about the DUMBS(deep underground marine bases), with their own transport, nuclear power,food systems ?

3) why do ancient cave paintings , hindu vedas, and other sacred texts talk about space travel, visitors from

heaven,?who gave them the technology?

4)somewhere i read that history repeats itself every 5000 years why?..

5)Ask yourself..we have a history of 5000 years but the development we have today was achieved in about 150-200

years ..what explains the gap?

6) where on earth did adam and eve come from?..GOD?..where did GOD(whoever he/she might be...whichever form

they may conform to come from?)

7)when we talk about the moon why do we never talk about the dark side of the moon?..

8) what happened to mars?

9)google pole shift, and its regularity. photon belt.

10)there's one webbot program that was designed to predict stock market stats..but went out predict even events like

9/11...among others..that predicts 2012 as date to watch out for..nothing specific though.

11) google mackenna's (the name may not be correct) timewave zero.

12)google what happened to the scientists who were researching alien activity?

13)keep googling and you will find out how many different civilizations have been talking aboutthis date...not that earth

will blow up..but something will happen..

happy surfing.

The eagle
2010-07-11 05:20:38 UTC
Nobody really knows for sure. It could just be a mass phobia, fearing the future, using 2012 as something to worry about. Then again, it could be the cusp of a chaotic bi-modal system. Or, perhaps the Mayans simply ran out of space on the tablets, or got tired of projecting long strings of calculation into the future. Maybe one of their predictions failed the test of actuality, and predicting fell into disfavor. It could be that in 2012 the global crust will change orientation vs. the core. Lots of different theories, and not much supportive, definitive evidence. Tell your kids it just something fun to talk about, and that's why people talk about it.
2010-07-11 05:16:28 UTC
The concern this stupid silly superstitious piece of nonsense has caused to people is appalling. Please do not believe a word of it and reassure your kids that it's just another in the endless stream of apocalyptic predictions that are churned out by scaremongers looking to become notorious or make a buck. Mostly the latter, I suspect.
2010-07-11 05:36:08 UTC
Nothing to worry about. 2012 was made up to sell books and videos.
2010-07-11 13:13:40 UTC
Listen to this great podcast:
2010-07-11 05:38:55 UTC

nothing is going to freaking happen! I am beyond sick of this idiotic question.

They said the world would end in 2006.... and did it? NOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Geez....stop believing everything you hear.
M Al-Qadasi
2010-07-11 05:22:38 UTC
Believe me Nick there won't be anything. It ain't you the first person to ask; there is another person who asked this question in Yahoo answers and there were some responses. Check it here (

I, personally, have my proofs. Relax.
2010-07-11 08:20:30 UTC
enjoy life like every day is the last
Buba 2 - Il ritorno
2010-07-11 05:13:46 UTC
In 2012 the sun will send on our planet a myriad of gamma rays which will make the earth core boil. So by few days we will die. Easy.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.