ok to begin with.
..the articles about 2012 started out not recently as people may have realized ..but as early as 1998....i only
stumbled across it while researching alien and ufo stuff while llooking up to spend kill some time u know..and that was
when i came across this date 21 december 2012...12.21.2012 0r 21.12.2012...interesting to look at ain't it?..
anyways..so it took my fancy and i may have spent say nearly 100 + man hours researching this subject videos articles
books..but nowhere i have found a mention of the fact that the earth will blow up..that would be fanciful. But will
something happen in 2012?..that's an entirely different question and a debatable one..
now to people who say nothing is gonna happen i wud ask the same question i wud the peopl who say something wud
happen how do they know?...
i will tell u what u can search for where u can serach for..what u find and what you choose to believe is your
0) google "ufo activity, tarai, nepal, 2012"
!)the earth has been around for millions probably bilions of years but why then have we a history only of 5000 years?..
2) whats about the DUMBS(deep underground marine bases), with their own transport, nuclear power,food systems ?
3) why do ancient cave paintings , hindu vedas, and other sacred texts talk about space travel, visitors from
heaven,?who gave them the technology?
4)somewhere i read that history repeats itself every 5000 years why?..
5)Ask yourself..we have a history of 5000 years but the development we have today was achieved in about 150-200
years ..what explains the gap?
6) where on earth did adam and eve come from?..GOD?..where did GOD(whoever he/she might be...whichever form
they may conform to come from?)
7)when we talk about the moon why do we never talk about the dark side of the moon?..
8) what happened to mars?
9)google pole shift, and its regularity. photon belt.
10)there's one webbot program that was designed to predict stock market stats..but went out predict even events like
9/11...among others..that predicts 2012 as date to watch out for..nothing specific though.
11) google mackenna's (the name may not be correct) timewave zero.
12)google what happened to the scientists who were researching alien activity?
13)keep googling and you will find out how many different civilizations have been talking aboutthis date...not that earth
will blow up..but something will happen..
happy surfing.